Read Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) Online

Authors: Terry Towers,Stella Noir

Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance)
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Reaching over me, Kyle grabbed the pillow behind my head and hoisted my bottom up, placing the pillow under my backside, propping me up. He then leaned over me and bit at my neck, just under my chin. I moaned, clawing at his shoulders, attempting to pull him down to me.


“I want you,” I gasped as he placed the head of his dick at my entrance and began to run it back and forth along my slit. Each time his dick reached my entrance, I attempted to impale myself but he refused to allow it to happen, which only added to my anguish.


“I know, and the more you beg the longer you’ll have to wait.” With a hand on either side of my head, he propped himself up, staring down at me. And ohmygod! His cock, it was still teasing, he was such a cruel man.


“Huh?” I frowned as I stared up at him. “That doesn’t seem fair.”


He grinned and shrugged. “We play by my rules, babe.” He reached over me and grabbed a condom from the night side table, I hadn’t even noticed him pulling them out of his pocket.


“Dictator,” I grumbled with a hint of a smile on my face.


“Always.” There was a little something gleaming in his eyes – something that both excited and alarmed me, like he was used to getting his way no matter what. I ignored the feelings of alarm and indulged in the excitement. In truth, the little bit of alarm only added to the excitement.


Straightening up, giving me a full view of his beautiful body and dick, he positioned my legs over his shoulders and lined his cock up with my entrance. Quickly, he ripped open the foil packet and unrolled the condom over his length. Then he paused, it seemed like an eternity of waiting and then, with on forceful thrust he plunged himself deep within me.


The sudden burst of energy and the feel of him stretching me made me close my eyes and scream out with pleasure. Oh god, god, god! He felt so damned good. He gave another thrust, filling me balls deep.


“Fuck baby, you’re nice and tight,” he groaned.


My heart rate quickened, and I gasped as he pulled out and drove into me again. Raising my hands over my head, I gripped the rungs of the headboard and opened my eyes. The angle was perfect for me to watch as he pulled out, his dick covered in my cream, and then slam back in.


In and out, watching him claim me over and over was a hypnotic sight. It was one of the few positions that allowed me watch when I was getting fucked, and I loved it!


“Talk to me, tell me how much you love me fucking you, Rebecca,” he growled, fixing his stare onto me and sending a tremor down my spine.


“Of god, I love it. Love so much!” My body moved with each of his powerful thrusts, my breasts jiggling from the motion. I wanted to touch him, craved it, but the pleasure was too intense. All I could do was hold tight to the headboard and enjoy the ride.


I was coming close, reaching the pinnacle of pleasure at an alarming rate. Closing my eyes, I tensed up, a knot forming in my stomach. Just when I thought I couldn’t hold on another second, the pleasure stopped and he pulled out fully.


My eyes sprang opened and I stared up at him, confused.


“Flip over.” It wasn’t a request but an order.


Releasing the head board, I flipped to my stomach. Once on my stomach, Kyle grabbed my hips and pulled me up onto my hands and knees. He didn’t wait. Spreading my ass cheeks, he slammed into me, sending me falling forward.


“Fucking, beautiful ass.” He gave my ass a quick slap, and I yelped as my ass cheek burned, but his dick, oh god, it felt so damned good and overrode the pain. Or worked with it, hard to say.


Placing my elbows on the mattress, I let my forehead fall forward and moaned. “Yes, yes, yes!” I began uttering the words over and over as the pleasure became too intense.


His grip on my hips tightened, and his thrusts became frenzied, his balls slapping against my pussy making soft wet slapping noises with each thrust. I was reaching the summit again, my body once more tensing, and the pleasure becoming so intense
I didn’t think I could handle another thrust.


And just like that it was over. My body trembled, and I cried out as I went toppling over the edge of my desire and fell into the abyss of satisfaction as my pussy clenched around Kyle’s shaft.


Suddenly, the dorm room door opened, and I heard a gasp.
Oh shit.


“Oh crap. I’m so sorry,” I heard Vanessa say.


Shit. shit, shit. I didn’t expect Vanessa to be home so late, but then again I hadn’t anticipated this to be happening either.


But the sudden intrusion didn’t seem to faze Kyle in the least. He continued thrusting, once more, twice, and with a loud grunt, he thrust a final time and slammed into me so hard I was moved across the mattress a couple of inches.


“Fuck, yeah baby. You have an amazing pussy.”


I heard the door close and breathed a sigh of relief. I may not be shy about walking practically naked in front of my roommate, but having her see me being fucked was an entirely different story.




Chapter 7


Kyle slowly pulled out of me and released my hips. Panting hard, I slumped face down, spread-eagle on the bed. Damn that was good, totally worth the year-long drought. I shifted over to my side and watched as he got up from the bed and pulled the used condom off his still erect dick.


A smile spread across my lips as I wanted him walk across the room, his dick bobbing with each step. His ass was nice and round, easily the best ass I’ve seen on a man. “That’s pretty impressive.”


He disappeared into the bathroom and then returned, minus the condom. “What’s impressive?”


Nodding towards his erection, I said, “How you’re still hard.” To make it even more appealing, his balls were completely shaved and the hair in that general area neatly trimmed. I loved when a guy took pride in having a clean area down there.


He grinned. “Yeah.”


He made his way back to the bed, and I flopped over to my back as he straddled my waist, his glistening dick just inches from my lips. Lifting my head, I took the head of his dick into my mouth and sucked him in. He groaned and thrust his hips, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth.


I knew I should be stopping this and kicking him out, but at the same time, his dick was in my mouth, and the soft groans and grunts he was making spurred me on. I loved giving a guy head. It put me in the position of power where I controlled what he felt when he came. For those few minutes, the man was at my mercy.


Grabbing his balls in one hand, I began to gently massage them as I took him in completely until the head of his dick slammed against the back of my throat. I lowered my head to the pillow, and he followed me. Using my free hand, I began stroking him at the base of his shaft, my hands and mouth working in unison, milking him for his cream.


Somewhere along the line, there was a shift in power, and I went from sucking him to him fucking my mouth, and I liked it. Over and over, the head of his shaft slammed against my throat. With him in control, I slipped a hand down the length of my body and to my pussy. Spreading my pussy lips, I began stroking my clit.


The fire between my legs, which had died down to a simmer due to my orgasm, flared up once more, and the need to come hit me again. I began stroking my clit harder, alternating between stroking my clit and dipping two fingers into my wet core.


Kyle increased the pace he was fucking my mouth, his dick beginning to pulsate. I moaned softly, the tension within Kyle affecting me and causing me to hit my breaking point. Just when I thought I couldn’t take another moment of my fingers blissful torment, Kyle thrust into my mouth and groaned a low, feral sound as he unleashed in my mouth. I swallowed quickly, attempting to keep up with the speed of his seed. But I couldn’t keep up, because I was hitting my own breaking point. And then I was there. I bucked against my hand as my pussy tightened and then released, a gush of my juices greeting my probing digits.


As Kyle removed his dick, which wasn’t standing at attention quite so proudly as before, a drip of cum touched my cheek.
I swiped at with my index fingers and licked off.


“You are incredible,” Kyle said, stretching out beside me and brushing his lips across mine.


“Thank you.” I ran a fingertip over his powerful shoulder. “You’re not so bad yourself.”


“I’ve been told.” He leaned over and captured my nipple into his mouth and nipped.


I groaned, grasping his head and pulling him closer.


“I think I need to work at making you jealous more often.”


He pulled back, and I saw a flash of something in his eyes. Whatever it was it sent a chill through me and not the sexy, erotic type of chill I usually experienced when around him.


What did you do?
I thought, but then quickly dismissed it, because the look I thought I saw in his eyes was no longer there, and he grinned.


“After what just happened is that what you really want? I’m not the kind of guy that plays games.” He ran an index finger along my jawline and then traced my lower lip.


“No.” I shook my head.


His smile returned. “I should go. Your roommate will be back soon.”


“Yeah,” I said nodding. I was swooning like a schoolgirl. I was never like this so why I was like this now was beyond me. It was actually rather annoying. It was a display of weakness, but I couldn’t help it.


Getting up, Kyle quickly put on his clothing as I lay on the bed naked, watching him. “So I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”


I was expecting him to lean down and give me a goodbye kiss, but he didn’t. Instead, he gave me a wink as he muttered a quick goodbye. A minute later, he was disappearing through the door and closing it behind him.


I groaned out load, draping my arm over my eyes as I rolled over onto my back. Knowing Vanessa would be waiting somewhere in the building, I grabbed my mobile phone from the night-side table and tapped onto Vanessa’s name and typed her a message.


Rebecca: You can come home now.


It took a moment before I got a response.


Vanessa: Holy shit! Kyle’s got an awesome body! Like, ohmygod! And that ass.


I laughed. No doubt Vanessa was eating her heart out.


Vanessa: So, how come he was over?


Rolling my eyes, I typed back: Just come home, I’ll answer a couple of questions when you do.


Putting the phone back down on night stand, I got up and put my t-shirt and panties back on before Vanessa arrived home. She’d seen enough of my nakedness for one day. By the time I finished getting dressed, Vanessa was coming through the door, all smiles.


“So, tell me all about it!”


I flopped back down onto my bed, fluffing my pillow behind my head and crossing one leg over the other. “There’s not much to tell.” I grinned, giving her a nonchalant shrug. I couldn’t give it all up straight away, had to make her suffer a little bit.


“Oh my god! You’re not going to make me beg for the info are you?” Vanessa kicked off her heels and threw her purse on her desk.


“I was planning on making you beg a little bit.”


“It’s past 11. You have to tell me otherwise neither one of us is going to get any sleep and we have a quiz tomorrow, remember?”


I frowned. “It totally slipped my mind.” Shit, she was right. My frown deepened. How in the hell had I forgotten about it? Either way, it didn’t matter. I knew the information inside and out. I was confident I’d ace it.


Vanessa laughed as she went to her dresser and grabbed a pair of boxer shorts and camisole – her normal bedtime attire. “Yeah, getting fucked like there’s no tomorrow can do that to you.”


“It was pretty damned good.” That was an understatement.


She disappeared into the bathroom and a minute later reappeared. “So, come on, spill so I can go to bed.”


“What about your date? How’d it go?”


“It was okay.” By the way she shrugged and answered in a dismissive voice,
it was apparent that her relationship with Jacob – whatever his last name was – was about to run its course. Hopping onto the bed, she sat cross-legged and waited for me to give her the dirty details.


“There’s not much to tell to be honest. He saw Eric asking me out on a date this morning and got all alpha. No doubt, he was scared some guy was attempting to mark what he feels is his territory and came over.”


She rolled her eyes at me. “Wow Rebecca, you are such a romantic. You know that?”


I shrugged. “It’s not so much being a romantic as knowing the score. He’s one of those guys who likes to keep women on a string until they know they have to seal the deal. He was stress relief. He came over, we fucked, and it was really good, and now, he’s gone. I may or may not see him again.”


She frowned. “Again, you’re such a romantic.”


Despite my words, there was a little something within me that wanted to let my common sense and reason go and fall into the fantasy of him, and what could be, but common sense dictated it wouldn’t amount to much of anything. Kyle wasn’t the settling type. You could tell that right away, and I was hardly the girl to tame him. Not that I was interested in playing Suzie housewife anyhow.


I stared at Vanessa a minute, and I felt a twang of envy for her. She had the ability to fall blindly in love and fly high on that feeling. That was until reality came crashing down, and she got dumped.


For the millionth time throughout my life, I asked myself what was wrong with me. I had some ideas and none were all that promising.


“When are you seeing him next? You did make another date, right?”


I scrunched my nose up at her. “No. He said he’d see me tomorrow in class.”


She frowned. She was taking pity on me. That pissed me off. I didn’t need her pity. “It’s cool. I wanted to be fucked. He fucked me, and it was incredible. Mission accomplished.”


“I guess…”


Okay, now, I was full blown annoyed. I got what I wanted from him. I didn’t need some sort of relationship from a guy that was way too cocky for his own good. I didn’t need anything like that. Never did, never would.


A part of me screamed out,
I hated that part of me.

BOOK: Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance)
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