Read Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) Online

Authors: Terry Towers,Stella Noir

Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance)
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“What did you have?”


“Chicken parm.” My dress dropped to my feet, and I stepped out of it. I wasn’t shy about my body, so I didn’t have any issues with Vanessa seeing me in only panties. She had been somewhat uncomfortable with my exhibitionist attitude at first, but now it didn’t even faze her. Grabbing an oversized t-shirt from my dresser drawer, I pulled it over my head.


“And? Then what?” Vanessa groaned out load. “Why does everything have to be like pulling teeth with you?”


I grinned. A genuine smile. “Because it’s so much fun tormenting you.”


“You can be really cruel sometimes.”


My grin widened, and I decided to give her what she wanted. “After supper we went to his place - ”


“ – And”


“And then things got a little heated.”


“Ohhhh.” Her green eyes shone with excitement, and she squirmed on her bed. “How was he?”


“Dunno. He went down on me and then brought me home.”


“So you turned him down, kinda making him work for it?”


“Nope. I wanted him to fuck my brains out, and he said maybe on the next date.” I grabbed the text book he’d given to me, flopped down onto my back on my little single sized bed across the room from Vanessa’s and opened the book to where I’d left off.


She crinkled her nose up at me. “Maybe he was trying to a gentleman?”


I snorted. “No, that wasn’t it at all.”


She shrugged. “Then what’s your take? You always have a theory.”


“He’s playing the game. That’s all.”


“So what are you going to do?”


I looked over at her and smiled. “Play it better.”


Chapter 6


I was pissed. All weekend and not a single call from him. Sure, it was a game he was playing, but it was pissing me off. And it further pissed me off that I was pissed off. Period. When Vanessa asked me, I would simply smile, but in reality I was seething. Entering my first class on Monday, my eyes went immediately to the spot that Kyle had claimed – more or less – over the past week. He was there.


As we sat down, he turned, caught my gaze, smiled and gave a half wave. I returned him smile, waved back, and then shifted my focus back to Vanessa, who was chattering on about something, though I didn’t know what. I’d tuned her out quite some time ago.


“Hey, Rebecca, right?” Before I could get back on track with Vanessa, a male voice spoke to me. I looked to the left to see a nice looking man with light-brown hair worn slightly shaggy, in a bit of a surfer style, and forest green eyes standing over me. Once he knew he had my attention, he sat in the vacant seat next to me.


“Yes, it’s Rebecca.” He extended his hand to me, and I accepted it, giving it a brief shake. I waited for him to give me a reason for coming over, he didn’t. “So, what’s up?”


“Hi, I’m Adam. Well,” he ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He was nervous. I knew what was coming next. “I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to ask you out, and none has really come up, so I figured fuck it. Would you like to maybe go have coffee, catch a show…” His voice trailed off.


I was tempted to say no. As pissed as I was over Kyle not pursuing me over the weekend, the truth was I still wanted him. Feeling as if I was being watched, I took a glance out of the corner of my eyes to see Kyle was indeed watching. He was attempting not to, but you could tell he was. His expression was a blank canvas. I couldn’t tell if he was angry, happy, indifferent. Not a damned clue. Though the fact he was watching said more than enough.


I gave Adam a bright smile. “I’d love that,” I said, speaking louder than necessary knowing Kyle would hear. I thought I saw a flicker in Kyle’s expression, but just as quickly, he turned away.


It took Adam a moment to respond before he smiled and nodded. Perhaps he was shocked I said yes, though in his defense, I knew I gave a fuck-off vibe, so he had brass balls to just approach me. Pulling out his phone, he pressed a few buttons. “In that case, can I get your number, and I’ll text ya.” I spewed off my number, and he inputted it. As I finished saying the number, the professor entered the room. “Okay, got it. Talk to you later.”


Vanessa gave me a nudge with her elbow, and when I looked over at her, she winked. “He’s cute,” she whispered.


Looking over at Adam, I shrugged. “I guess.”


~*~ TT ~*~


Adam didn’t text. Not that it was any big deal, but it was still annoying. Two men in the span of a few days blowing me off, seriously? Why in the name of God would he ask for my number and not text or call? Especially considering how hard it seemed to be for him to approach me. But someone did text later that night as I was sitting at my desk, pounding out an essay on my laptop, and it was the someone that had my attention already. Kyle.


Kyle: Hey baby, sorry about being MIA over the past few days. Been busy.


I looked down at the text and caught my lower lip between my teeth trying to decide how I was going to play this.


Rebecca: No worries, I’ve been swamped with studying anyhow.


Kyle: I’ve been thinking about you. A lot. I want to see you.


Rebecca: Tell me when and where and
I’ll be available. I don’t appreciate being taken out and then blown off.


Kyle: Are you playing hard to get?


I laughed at him calling me out.


Rebecca: Are you?


There was a pause that lasted so long I thought perhaps he wasn’t going to respond, so I was stuffing my phone back into my purse when it beeped. Bringing it back to eye level, I looked down at the screen.


Kyle: Of course I am, just like you.


I laughed a little louder and harder this time. Vanessa was out and on a date so I didn’t have to worry about dealing with questions from her over what was so funny.


Rebecca: Don’t know what you’re talking about.


Kyle: Sure you don’t. So when can I see you?


Rebecca: Depends. Are you texting me because you saw Adam asking me out earlier, or because you really want to see me?


Kyle: Both.


I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I sat considering my response when there was a knock on my door. With a sigh, I stood and walked over. Looking down at my watch I saw it was 10:23PM, kinda late to be knocking on my door when I had a 7am class. I wasn’t the typical party all night college student.


I was wearing my typical nighttime attire, an oversized t-shirt, which fell halfway down my thighs. Pulling open the door, I was about to give the person on the other side a piece of my mind, until I looked up and into the brilliant blue eyes of Kyle.


“Kyle? What are you doing here?” Adrenaline shot through me and heat began to form between my legs. As angry as I was about Friday night, the fact remained, I still wanted him. I wanted him worse than any other man I’d ever come across. Maybe I just needed to fuck him and get him out of my system.


“I wanted to see you.” He flashed me a smile, displaying a row of perfect teeth and a couple of sexy as hell dimples.


Crossing my arms over my chest, I leaned my shoulder against the door jamb and tried to play it cool. “You could have chosen a better time. It’s a little on the late side and - ” I turned to motion toward my desk to emphasize that I had work to do, but Kyle stopped me. Stepping up to me, Kyle pulled me into his arms, dipped his head, and captured my lips with his own.


I melted, my lips giving way to his and kissing him back with all the need I’d been feeling within me unleashing. I moaned, my lips parting, inviting him in. He accepted the invitation, pushing me backwards into the room. Once we cleared the doorway, he pulled away long enough to slam the door shut behind us.


“Don’t think I’m going to fuck you just because you stopped by.”


He grinned. “Wouldn’t dream of insulting you like that.”


Despite my words, I trembled as he pulled me tight to him, grabbed my thighs, and hoisted me up and onto his hips, walking with me to the center of the room. He didn’t ask me which bed was mine but guessed the one on the right, and he was correct.


Throwing me down onto the bed, he stood over me, and the look he was giving me, one of pure feral hunger, sent shivers through me. No other man could make me tremble just from a look. But he could.


Bending my knees, my t-shirt creeping up my thighs to display my pink satin panties, I spread my legs. “Are you here to just lick me dry, or are you planning on actually fucking me tonight?”


His jaw clenched, and he grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head. His body was insane. Much better than I anticipated, his chest was thick and powerful and free of chest-hair, and as my gaze lowered, I came to a perfect 8 pack and then lower to a thin string of hair that led down under the waistband of his jeans, which rode low on his hips.


“I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk right for a week, lady.”


My knees swayed back and forth, directing his gaze from mine to between my legs. “What if you lost your chance Friday night? What then?”


Smiling, Kyle stepped to the bed and placed a knee between my legs. Bending over me, his lips grazed the side of my neck and I shivered. My hands fisted the blankets under me, forcing myself not to grab onto him. I had to make myself exercise restraint – at least for a few more minutes.


“Did I? Would you prefer I go?”


I wanted to teach him a lesson, but I also wanted this. The drought between my legs had been going on for way too long. He pulled up and looked down at me. Damn him and his gorgeous eyes. “Stay,” I gasped as he lowered his hips to mine and ground his hard dick against me.


“Good.” Kyle slid from the bed and stood before me, his patented cocky grin on his face. Sitting up, I grabbed his belt and pulled him between my legs.


I swiftly undid his belt and jeans. Hooking my fingers into the belt loop of his jeans, I yanked them down, displaying his beautiful dick standing strong and proud just inches from my nose. “Mmm. Commando.”


“Always commando baby.”


Sliding my hands up his body, I leaned forward and licked the tip of his shaft. His body tensed for a split second, the muscles under my fingers tightening. My tongue lashed out a second time, and I licked the underside of his shaft. He moaned softly.


I was about to take his dick into my mouth when he stepped back and grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it up and over my head. He tossed it onto the floor on top of his shirt.


When I attempted to pull him to me, he refused me. Grabbing my thighs, he lifted me up and tossed me back onto the bed. “I want in you, that can come later.”


“Ohh. Okay.” What man refused a blow job? I only planned on returning the favor. I was confused but delighted. He didn’t come off as a giver, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe he wanted his partners to feel pleasure over him?


Placing his hand on my shoulder, he pushed me backwards so I was flat on the bed. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my panties and pulled them down, tossing them to the floor with the growing pile of clothing.


Phew, at least he didn’t shred them this time
, I thought with a grin. Victoria Secret panties were not cheap.


“What?” He started to advance on me and stopped, his brow creasing.


Catching my lower lip between my teeth, I shook my head. “Not a thing.” Grabbing his hand, I pulled him down onto me. There was way too much chit chat. I’d been thinking and wondering about the way he would feel between my legs since our first date. Now, I was finally going to know.


He complied, settling down between my legs. As he lowered himself, the head of his dick brushed against my mound, and I moaned. Bucking my hips up, I attempted to entice him to hurry it up so I could feel what he had to offer.


“Awful anxious baby,” he said, our eyes locking.


I hated to be this needy. I was used to being the one in control, but there was something about him I couldn’t resist and needed more than just about anything else in the world – at least at this moment.

BOOK: Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance)
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