Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (21 page)

Read Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Online

Authors: Sandy Smyth

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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He pulled her to him and held onto her with arms of steel for long, long minutes. Suddenly, he stiffened, and pulled back enough to look into her eyes. “You said, ‘Lay it on me, big boy’?
Is that what you said? Lay it on me, big boy?” he asked incredulously.

She looked up at him, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Yup. I did. That’s what I said.”

He started with a chuckle, then let it all out. He laughed so hard that the deputy and office staff quickly crowded into the doorway to see what was so funny. Ben ignored their audience and pulled Carolanne into his arms and kissed her. When he finally pulled his mouth away from hers, there were loud cheers and applause before they hurried back to their desks.

When they were alone, Ben rested his forehead against Carolanne’s. “Do you think we can finish this later tonight, or do we want to put on another public display in here? I’m up for either one.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, the bridge of her nose, and to her chin. “I don’t dare kiss your lips again, or it will definitely be public display.”

Carolanne smiled at him and said, “Tonight. Don’t forget, six o’clock. And pizza’s fine with me.”

“I thought you said to be at your place at seven o’clock tonight.”

“I did, but I changed my mind. I want you just as soon as I can get you. I was afraid that five or five thirty might be a little too early for you.”

“Hell, I’d go with you right now if I didn’t have to make a stop back at the Martins’ place. I want to pass along the information Trent provided, and I also have to talk to John and Mike about security plans.”

“I’m driving out there, too. Connor wanted me to work tonight, but he’s going to have to find someone else because I’ve got very important plans for tonight.”

“Is that right? Important plans, huh?”

“You bet.”

“You could ride out to the Martins’ with me. Of course, there would be a few stops I’d have to make on the way. You know, we lawmen have to check out places hidden from the road, make sure they’re safe for people needing some privacy.”

“Tonight, five thirty, my place. Don’t forget.” She winked and left his office quickly.

He chuckled briefly and then realized exactly what she had said. Five thirty! God, she was a real piece of work. Incredibly sexy, funny, smart, gorgeous, and she was going to be his. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure of it.

He grabbed his hat and keys and started out of the door when the intercom came on again. “Sheriff, it’s a call from Los Angeles for you, a Mr. Ian Davies.”

Ben quickly turned around and leaned over his desk for the phone. “Ian, this is Ben. Any more news?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact there is more news. I just finished talking to Trent, and he said he’d just spoken with you, but hadn’t been able to reach Tom or Mike or John. I haven’t been able to contact them either. Maybe you can relay this new information. We’ve found Rosemary Samuels, although her married name is Langston. Once the police officers we sent to her home were able to assure her that I was not working for Samuels, and would never reveal her location to him, she agreed to talk to me. Once she started to talk, she didn’t stop for over an hour.”

“Thank God. Then he didn’t kill her.”

“No, not his stepdaughter, but she believes that he killed her mother, Rosemarie-Janine Samuels. She said he always called her mother Rosie, and although she was only eleven years old at the time, she was aware that he controlled her mother with fear and even with his fists. Their life became a living hell. According to Rosemary, her mother had made arrangements for the two of them to leave Samuels, to escape his obsessive and abusive behavior. But something went wrong and he found out about her plans. Rosemary was in bed but remembers hearing a terrible fight. Samuels was screaming and shouting obscenities, and she could hear the familiar sounds of fists hitting flesh. She says she heard a loud thud and Samuels crying out to Rosie, begging and crying for her not to leave him.”

“Son of a bitch,” exclaimed Ben. “That sounds like a familiar story. One I’ve heard too many times.”

“You and me, both,” said Ian. “The next morning the daughter was told that her mother had left to visit some friends in Seattle and that they were going to meet her there in a week or so. She said she knew her mother was dead because her mother would never, ever have left her with Samuels. And, also, she said that after Samuels had loaded the van with their things, he left her in the van and walked into the nearby woods just a few feet. She could see him from the van and watched him kneel down and place his hands on a mound of freshly dug soil and bow his head. Rosemary knew then that that was where he had buried her mother.”

“Christ, the poor kid had to have been terrified out of her mind.”

“Oh, she was, but do you know what that terrified little girl did? On the way to Seattle, when she had a few moments of privacy, she wrote down on a scrap of paper the address of that house, along with a tiny child’s map of a square house and the woods close by with an
showing the approximate location of her mother’s grave. She folded it into a small square and hid it in a large flowered locket that had belonged to her mother. We have a team at that address now, searching that location for the body.”

“Oh, my God! It’s almost unbelievable that a child, a terrified child at that, would think and act so logically.”

“Not so unbelievable, Ben. She said she did it so that someday, in the future, she could go back and visit her mother’s grave to say good-bye. She’s still afraid that he’ll find her and is willing to do anything to put him in jail for the rest of his miserable life. She drew a map for the police officers showing the location of the cabin in your area that we’ve been looking for. I’m sending a fax to you right now. We know you’ve got limited men available so we’ve got a team en route to the cabin, as long as you have no problems with that. If you have any problems with it tell me now. I can still call them off.”

“No, Ian, I welcome the help. Just give them my cell number and have them let me know when they’ll be here. This sick fuck is extremely dangerous.” Ben paused for a second. “Was he—was he abusing her, too?”

“No, she claims he never physically touched her. Apparently, they left Seattle because she had made too many friends among her classmates and teachers in the four years they lived there. Teachers were beginning to question why she wasn’t allowed to join her classmates on field trips or attend school social functions. So he pulled her out of school and took her back to the mountains. Rosemary said that experience taught her that she had to keep any friendships, female or male, secret. Especially male friends. During her senior year she fell in love with a young man in her class, and she was terrified that Samuels would find out. She explained to her boyfriend what had happened in the past and convinced him to keep their relationship secret, even from their friends. It wasn’t until a few days before her high school graduation ceremony that she became absolutely terrified. All of a sudden, Samuels started calling her Rosie and looking at her ‘funny,’ she said.”

“Oh, shit,” Ben said. “Oh, shit, no.”

“You said it! Rosemary said it was a few days before the graduation ceremony when he tried hugging her, calling her his Rosie. She said she doubled over, crossing her arms in front of her stomach and told him she had just started her period and was cramping. She ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and stuck her fingers down her throat. She knew he could hear her heaving and vomiting and hoped that he would leave her alone for at least a few days. The following day at school she and her boyfriend made plans to escape at their graduation ceremony the next night. As soon as they received their diplomas they walked off the stage and slipped through the milling crowds to her boyfriend’s car. They managed to escape before Samuels even knew they were gone. They got married and moved to the east coast where they each got a job and started college part-time. They’re doing fine now and expect a baby soon.”

“Damned gutsy kids. Did she have any idea why Samuels would have targeted Tom Martins?”

“She didn’t even know who Tom Martins was. But she finally remembered an odd occurrence. It was just seeing three guys in a convertible when she and Samuels were returning from shopping. There were several girls gathered around the car talking to the men. It was the week before her graduation, and she had weightier things on her mind than a car full of ‘older men.’ Samuels had gone into a rage about ‘rich’ young punks like Martins and his friends who thought they could buy anything and any one, especially young girls. He’d warned her against even talking to them.”

“That’s it? Christ, Ian, that’s no reason for his attack on Tom.”

“I think she unwittingly stoked the fires of his rage when she replied that she wasn’t interested in those guys because they were way, way too old for her. She said Samuels got very quiet, his face became red, and the veins stood out on his forehead and his neck. He never said another word to her until they got home. But she remembered that for the next few days he’d mumble about rich young punks and how he’d make
pay. How he’d never let Martins steal her away from him. But that was all she could remember.”

“It sounds as if he was on the edge of full-blown madness, doesn’t it, Ian? It could be that when she disappeared he lost his sanity completely. He didn’t even know she had a boyfriend, so, in his madness, that meant Martins was the logical scapegoat.”

“It fits, Ben. Better than any other explanation we’ve been able to come up with. Listen, get the word to Tom and Mike and John. I’ve got my phone lines lighting up. I’ll let you know when we have more info.”

Ben looked at the dead receiver in his hand for a brief moment before hanging it up. He tried calling Mike’s and John’s cell phones and the landline for the house with no results. Now he was getting concerned. Ben took the map to the cabin from the fax machine and grabbed his hat, checked to make sure his cell phone was charged, and headed for his cruiser.

Chapter 16


The four of them quickly entered the bedroom and securely locked the door. Kate was still on Tom’s lap in the wheelchair, his erect cock still inside her and her arms around his neck.

“Come on, Katie girl, it’s time for you to get your spanking. Tom wants to watch you take it, Katie. He really wants to watch you get your pussy spanked. Come on.”

Kate tightened her arms around Tom’s neck and mumbled, “Just give me a couple of minutes here.” She wiggled her bottom, and Tom moaned loudly.

Tom squeezed her, pulling her chest firmly against his, which elevated her ass slightly as she leaned into him.

“She’s being very bad, Mike,” Tom said roughly. “I think she needs to have her ass paddled as well as her clit.” His cock stiffened and seemed to expand as he spoke.

Kate looked at him in shock. “Tom!”

“Spank her ass, Mike, while she’s impaled on my dick. Do it.”

Mike’s hand came down sharply on one of Kate’s buttocks, pushing her down on Tom’s cock. Tom lifted her partly off of his cock, and as John’s hand came down sharply on her other cheek, Tom thrust up into her wet pussy. Finally, Tom’s arms banded around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. “Spread your pussy lips, babe. They’re going to spank that ass, and I’m going to feel every clench of your body as you take it. That’s it. Yes. Grind that clit into me while they give you the erotic spanking you want, Kate. Now! Spank her ass, now.”

Mike and John arranged themselves on each side of the wheelchair, one hand squeezing a tit while the other hand landed sharp blows on her ass. They worked in tandem, Mike’s hand landing sharply on one cheek while John stroked the blushing flesh of her other cheek, and then John’s hand would impact her ass smartly while Mike soothed her other reddened cheek.

“Look, look how pretty and pink her ass is getting. How beautiful! Tell us you love being spanked, Katie. Tell us how much you love being our bad girl.” Mike moved to the front of the wheelchair and began licking and kissing one reddened ass cheek as she ground herself against Tom. “We didn’t really hurt you, did we, Katie?” he asked between kisses and long licks of her abused flesh.

“N–no, you didn’t hurt me. I mean, it did sting, but—”

John joined Mike, licking and kissing her other ass cheek.

“Good grief,” John said hoarsely, “her juices are dripping down onto Tom’s balls. You really loved it, didn’t you, Kate? Your body can’t lie to us. Oh, baby, we’re going to have a great time making love to you. But, first, Mike gets to spank your pussy. And you know how much you loved having your pussy spanked. Remember how you came? How you lifted your hips and reached for each stroke of my hand, each stinging slap between your legs? And now you want Mike to spank that pussy for you, don’t you, Kate. Tell him. Tell him you’re ready for your pussy to be spanked.”

“Mike, please.” Kate shuddered in pleasure at John’s words. “Mike, I want you to spank my pussy, I need you to spank my pussy. I need to come, now!” Kate tried to continue rubbing her cunt against Tom, but Mike and John lifted her off of his cock and took her over to the bed.

After stripping her, they pulled her butt down to the foot of the bed and put a pillow beneath her, and spread her legs.

“John, you hold one leg, and Tom, you hold her other leg. Don’t let go. Keep her open, wide open for me. It’s time, Katie, time for your spanking.” He took her hands and placed them between her legs. “Spread those pussy lips for me, Katie. Hold them wide open so that we can all watch you take it. Oh, yes, just like that. Just like that. It pushes your clit up and out when you do that. You have to watch, sweetheart, and lift up to meet each stroke, just like you did with John. Remember?”

Once again, her juices flowed from her pussy, almost in a stream. Mike rubbed his hand up and down her wet slit until his hand was coated with her slick liquid. Then he looked deeply into her eyes and smiled. His hand descended quickly in a stinging blow. Kate groaned and writhed on the bed.

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