Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

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Authors: Sandy Smyth

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Oh, my God, of course,” Tom said with a laugh.

“You son of a bitch, you really got me with that one,” said John. “Oh, I’ll get you for that. You’ll pay, Mike, oh, how you’ll pay.”

“Looking forward to it,” Mike murmured, grinning widely.

“Kate! You never told me about that fantasy. Why not?” asked Tom.

“Well, I started to tell you about this old movie, a comedy from the sixties or seventies, where this couple was under the covers in bed with the sound of a vacuum obviously under the covers with them. Well, at least I assume it was the hose that was under the covers with them. I can’t even remember the name of the movie, but the implied sexual use of the vacuum’s suction invaded my dreams for quite a while. But let’s face it. It’s one of those fantasies that is
over-the-top. Erotic as hell to think about, but questionable as to comfort. Then you were injured in the car crash. All of a sudden everything changed in our lives and that fantasy was pushed to the back of my mind.

Tom nodded. “Yes, we have both missed a lot in the last two and a half years. It’s time we made up some of that loss. I think I’ll have Mike go online and order five or six different brands of vacuum cleaners, or maybe I should say clit-finders. You’ll let us test them on you to find the one you like best, won’t you, Kate? We’ll be very careful with you, sweetheart, and if you don’t like it, well, then we’ll have just about the cleanest place in the state with a vacuum on each floor of each wing of the house.”

“Tom”—Kate laughed—“five or six vacuum cleaners? You do tend to go overboard, don’t you? It’s called letting your fantasy take on a life of its own.”

“Can’t help it, love. Mike created such a fantastic mental image of you hooked up to that machine that I don’t think it will ever leave me. It’s burned into my brain like a fiery brand.”

“Tom,” said John, hotly looking at Kate. “I can see where three machines might be useful for Kate. Two vacuums, one for each of her tits, and another vacuum to suck on her clit. Now doesn’t that make one hell of a visual statement?”

“Yessssss. What a perfect picture! Yes, yes, yes.” Tom drew in a gasping breath. “Mike, stop jacking off and get on the phone and order our vacuums, now. Next day delivery.”

Kate looked at John with a glimmer of heat. “Just be careful what you ask for, John. You know those machines can be turned into ‘cock-finders,’ too.”

Everyone, even John, laughed.

Tom quickly said, “I’m not kidding. I want those machines as soon as possible.”

“Well, Tom, if you can wait another ten minutes until we get home, I can probably have two or three delivered this afternoon.”

“That—that will be great.” Tom looked slightly embarrassed.

“Guys, guys, I’m coming! Oh, Mike, that fantasy was hot. Soooo hot. You can spank my pussy when we get home, if you want.” Kate’s fingers flew across her clit, and she suddenly stiffened and shrieked out loud as cum oozed from her slit and dripped down to her anus. She looked around at the incredible sight of her three men, who were now pumping their cocks almost violently, their faces contorted as their climaxes neared.

The sound of moans and groans surrounded her as her musketeers came, one after the other. The scent of sex was almost overpowering until Tom lowered one of the windows and the fresh, cool mountain air swept through the area. The men quickly cleaned themselves and adjusted their trousers, and Mike picked up a napkin and began gently wiping Kate’s cum from her pussy. The rough road had made that exercise interesting and arousing in the extreme.

Kate tried to put her panties back on as they approached the house, but John confiscated them and put them in his pocket. Kate had a very strong feeling that, at some time in the near future, she would open her lingerie drawer and find it empty. She was sure of it.

Things were escalating rapidly between the four of them, and Kate was looking forward to the next chapter and to their next sexual encounter. She looked at Tom and smiled contentedly. He nodded his head, and his eyes became pools of intense heat as his gaze rested on each of them in turn. Whatever he saw apparently pleased him enormously, and he settled back in his chair with a deep, satisfied sigh.

A few minutes later the limo pulled into the garage. Just before they exited the limo, Kate turned to Mike. “Tell me, Mike, got any weekly appointments open?”

“Any time, any place, Katie.” They were still chuckling as they entered the large entrance hall of the mansion. John and Mike nodded at Trey Andrews as he appeared at the top of the stairs and to Ryan Underwood as he stood in the hallway leading to the pool room. Ryan approached Mike and John.

“The water channel to the outside has been sealed. The men left just half an hour ago. They installed a heavy steel panel inside the plastic one and bolted it to the channel walls. We verified their identities before letting them in and checked their photo I.D.’s against the picture you left to make sure the perp hadn’t managed to slip in using someone else’s name.

“Good work, Ry. That takes a load off our minds. If you and Trey haven’t eaten lunch yet, go ahead now. We’ll discuss the afternoon and evening schedules when you’ve eaten,” said John.

“Well, uh, Connor set up Trey and me for the afternoon shift and said he and either Carolanne or Mark would cover this evening, subject, of course, to your approval. He didn’t know if you’d need any of us overnight, but told us to keep it open just in case.”

“That’s great.” John said. “Keep the schedule Connor set up. As for needing you overnight, I think we’ll need you for at least tonight. Right, Mike?”

“Yes, definitely tonight, and tomorrow is a possibility, too.”

“Oh, great. Do you think it would be all right if we—”

“Yeah, Ry, I’m sure it will be okay for you guys to use the pool tonight. But just make sure that the blinds and blackout curtains are completely drawn. That means during the day and at night, too. Until this guy is caught, we don’t want to let him know who is where. We need to keep him guessing as much as we can.”

“Right, boss, got it.” Ryan turned and walked back down the hallway to the pool room, but they could hear him on his cell phone talking to Trey about lunch and using the pool tonight.

His last fading comment, “if I could afford it, I’d be willing to pay
to let me work here,” caused another round of smiles.

“I’m glad they can find some enjoyment in this mess,” said Tom seriously. “I’m not kidding. They all know that this guy is dangerous and that they might be in danger themselves, but they are still staying. That means a lot to me.”

“Tom, I don’t think it’s going to be long before we hear something definitive about this guy. I’m sure that Internet exposure is already bringing in calls from all over. Something should be happening soon.” John led the way into the library, closing the door firmly. He had stowed a large, hard-sided suitcase there before they left this morning for the hospital.

“In fact, we’re so sure that things are going to start heating up here that Mike and I have decided you both should be armed, at least for the next few days. Tom, I know you’re familiar with firearms so you shouldn’t have any problems refreshing and familiarizing yourself with this Beretta. Kate, we’ve got a small derringer for you. It’s already loaded and has the safety on. You can carry it in your jacket pocket. Basically, all you need to do is flip the safety here, and cock it this way, then pull the trigger. Mike and I will set up a practice range and teach you how to use it.”

“Katie, John and I would normally never, ever, arm a client. It’s just not smart. But, in this case, we know both of you. We know you’re level-headed. And, damn it, John and I have a strong gut feeling that you both should be armed. This guy is certifiably crazy.”

“That’s fine. Just let me know whenever someone is available. But right now I need a shower and a change of clothes. After that, I think lunch is a priority.”

“If you need any assistance, someone to wash your back, or anything else, just let me know,” John said with an exaggerated leer.

“I’ll certainly keep that offer in mind for the next time, John.”

“Don’t forget, Kate, we already missed one chance to assist you with your bathing, remember? Everything seemed to go to hell in a hand basket that day. But don’t think Mike and I have forgotten all of the ways we had planned to assist you as you bathed that day. We had really looked forward to soaping your beautiful body with our hands, rubbing and squeezing, dipping our fingers into each crease and crevice we could find. We were going to make sure you were clean, inside and out. We even had a large number of rubber and gel toys to help us with our task. And that’s only a small part of what we’d planned for you, the pulsating shower head being another part. Then, of course, your husband came up with his treasure chest.”

“Stop! Damn, you’re getting me all hot and bothered. Again. Don’t tell me any more of your plans, at least until later tonight. Then you can show me.”

“Did you forget, Katie? You promised that when we got home you’d let me spank your pussy. I’m going to hold you to that, Katie. And I want John and Tom to watch and help, too. So let’s get to the elevator and get upstairs. You’re going to take your spanking now, Katie. Let’s go.”

“You did promise, Kate,” said Tom as he took her hand and guided his wheelchair to the elevator.

Mike smiled as they waited for the elevator doors to open and said, “This has a strong element of déjà vu. Didn’t we just do this a few days ago? I’ll take the stairs, again, since I don’t think the elevator will take all of us as well as the wheelchair. First, I’ll make sure that Trey and Ryan are downstairs having lunch.” He looked at John with a crooked smile. “Prep her for me John. Get her ready. You should have plenty of time before the elevator gets upstairs.”

John’s face was drawn tight with desire and lust. He nodded to Mike as they entered the elevator.

It was a very tight squeeze. John stood behind Kate and pulled her skirt up to her waist. His fingers slid down between her legs and began rubbing her pussy in a circular motion while Tom began stroking and probing her naked ass.

“Damnation, Tom, she’s soakin’. She’s so fucking hot that her cum is sliding down her legs. Oh, baby, you are so ready, so excited that I bet you’re going to come before we even get to the bedroom. And then you’re going to come again when we get you there, and that’s a promise.”

As the elevator finally shuddered to a stop on the second floor and the door opened, John quickly pushed the “close door” button and then the button for the third floor. He lifted the arm panels from the wheelchair while rasping, “Tom, get your cock out, and hurry. Kate, take him. Face him and impale yourself on his meat. Now!”

Kate slid down on Tom’s erect cock with a groan, her knees on either side of Tom’s hips. She took Tom’s face between her hands and kissed him wildly as her cunt rotated on his shaft. Just then the elevator doors opened on the third floor. As Tom’s fingers gripped her hips firmly, she looked up questioningly at John, who had just pressed the button for the second floor. John turned to them, his thick, straining cock jutting out of his pants. With one swift movement, he had his dick pushing between their lips, his hands on their heads, pushing them toward each other and his rampant cock.

“Suck on me, both of you at the same time. Suck my meat. Use your tongues. Do it,” he rasped as the elevator began making its slow descent down to the second floor. “Ahhhh, yesss. Eat me! Suck and lick my cock, don’t stop.”

Kate and Tom began licking and sucking as John pumped his dick between their lips. When John pulled his cock back far enough, their lips met and they kissed deeply, their tongues entwined, until John thrust forward again and they frantically pleasured him with their mouths. Tom reached up, his fingers probing and pushing, following the rear seam of John’s trousers to his tightly puckered ass while Kate reached between John’s legs and lightly stroked his balls as they used their tongues, lips, and teeth on his thrusting dick.

“Unbelievably good. Yess! Keep sucking, keep licking, keep touching me. And keep fucking each other, yes! Oh, that’s so good, so good. I can’t stop watching both of you sucking and licking my penis while screwing each other. Fantastic. One of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. The only thing missing is Mike. If he were here, I’d have him—” John’s hoarse voice grated roughly as he swallowed a deep groan.

“You’d have me do what?” asked Mike from the open elevator door.

At the sound of Mike’s voice, John’s cock flexed strongly. “Mike! Look at them, Mike. Look at them sucking and licking my dick and, oh yes! Scraping my meat with their teeth.”

“What would you have me do to you, John?” Mike asked softly.

John’s head fell back and his eyes closed in an agony of ecstasy. “I’d have you on your knees behind me, licking and sucking my balls and fucking my ass with one of our favorite vibrating dildos.”

“Well, until we get to the bedroom and some privacy, you’re going to have to wait. Let’s go or the team will be back from lunch before we make it to the bedroom,” said Mike firmly.

“No. Mike, I’m almost there. Just let me come first. Watch them take every drop. Come on, Mike, just a few seconds longer.”

Mike reached out with his thumb and forefinger and pinched the area just below the head of John’s cock and stopped him from coming.

John grimaced wryly at Mike. “Spoilsport!” He started to carefully return his still swollen cock to his pants, but was stopped by Mike.

“Sorry, John. Leave it out. Katie’s fantasy was to see you fully dressed, with your penny loafers on, but your cock sticking out of your pants, remember? Though, I have to admit that it’s one helluva sexy look. I can see why Katie would love it. I love it myself.”

Mike looked heatedly at John, his attention centered on the growing erection displayed so prominently. Finally, he pulled the wheelchair out of the elevator and turned down the corridor to Tom’s bedroom, his face a mask of urgent need and desire. “Let’s just hope we don’t run into any of our crews on our way to the bedroom. I don’t think either Katie or Tom would appreciate putting on a show for them. Would you, Katie?” Mike reached forward and gently squeezed one of Kate’s breasts as she continued to grind herself down on Tom’s cock.

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