Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

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Authors: Sandy Smyth

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Kate returned the pressure on Tom’s hand as her mind retreated from the hustle and bustle going on around them to thoughts of what should have been happening tonight. It was apparent that the four of them would not be visiting the attic “pleasure palace” this evening. Regret washed over her, as well as a slight feeling of unreality. Even a week ago she could not have imagined the depth of love and desire she felt today for John and Mike.

Kate couldn’t deny that she had always found them attractive and sexy, but if there had been any physical attraction or sexual desire on her part for Mike or John, she had managed to bury it beneath the overwhelming love she felt for Tom. Even when their relationship had become strained, when she felt Tom had shut her out, she stubbornly held on to the hope that things would improve between them.

She took a deep, shuddering breath as her body began reacting to her sexual thoughts. She remembered some of the more outrageous fantasies she had concocted and verbalized in front of John and Mike and Tom this past week. Fantasies she didn’t even know she had in her head. But some of those fantasies she now wanted to act out. And John’s words kept replaying in her mind. “If you’re a good girl we’ll let you play voyeur again, and again. And if you’re
a good girl, we’ll have to think of something else, won’t we?”

Oh, God. That did it. Kate could feel the gush of liquid into her panties as her clit began throbbing. She shifted in her chair uncomfortably.

“Kate, are you all right?” Tom asked in concern.

Kate’s face was flushed as she nodded. “I’m fine, Tom, really.”

Tom looked intently at her face before his eyes lowered and he saw her erect nipples pushing against the thin T-shirt she was wearing. He looked back into her eyes with a smile on his face.

“You’re horny, aren’t you, babe? I know what it is. Even though you came twice earlier today, we haven’t had a chance to do your ‘therapy’ yet, have we? Maybe we should go back to our room and take care of your little problem. Yes?”

“Tom! Not here.” Kate crossed her arms over her breasts to hide her erect nipples.

“Too late, babe. Guess who else saw those perky nipples from almost across the room? He’s on his way.”

Kate looked up quickly and saw John striding toward their table with Mike not far behind. She buried her face in her hands and groaned softly.

“I think our Kate needs our help, Mike,” said John in a voice tight and strained. “Why don’t you advise Ben and Carolanne that Kate and Tom need to rest for a little while away from all the commotion and that we’re going to make sure that she and Tom are safely settled in before we return. Come on up to the room as quickly as you can.”

Kate looked up and saw hot desire on Mike’s face as he looked first at her, then at Tom. He nodded and walked quickly back to Ben and Carolanne.

“Come on Kate,” said John roughly, his eyes pools of need and desire. “Put your sweater over your shoulders and let’s go. You, too, Tom. We’ve all waited long enough.”

The ride up the elevator was slow torture. Kate’s panties were soaked now, and she could see Tom’s erection tenting his trousers. John’s cock was nearly splitting his jeans, and the bulge increased as she watched it with hungry eyes.

Mike was waiting for them at the door to the room. The stairs had been a lot quicker than the elevator. Once they all entered the room, Mike locked the door and began stripping. John’s hands were removing Kate’s clothing with as much speed as possible, considering the fact that he couldn’t seem to stop running his hands over each inch of flesh he uncovered. John stripped off his shoes and socks and his pants and briefs, leaving only his shirt on as he lifted Kate into his arms, his cock nudging her pussy. Kate’s legs wrapped around John’s hips as she ground her mound against his thick cock and her mouth ravaged his.

Finally, John pulled away from Kate and held her at a distance.

“No! John, no. Please don’t stop. I need you to fuck me now.”

“Oh, baby, how I love to hear you beg me to fuck you. It makes me so hot! I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk straight. But, right now, turn around and watch something spectacular. Watch Mike and Tom. You’ll want to see this,” John said as he pulled her legs from around his waist and set her on her feet. He backed up and sat down on the straight-backed chair behind him, took his shirt off and settled Kate onto his lap, her back to his chest. He positioned her legs on either side of his, splaying her cunt wide open. One hand went to her breast, pinching and twisting the nipple lightly as his other hand slid between her legs, his fingers plucking and tugging at her swollen clit. Kate groaned in pleasure at his touch.

Kate saw Mike standing naked beside Tom’s wheelchair. Tom was fondling Mike’s thick cock with one hand and his ass with the other, while Mike bent over and unzipped Tom’s pants and gently freed Tom’s straining penis, stroking it and squeezing it. Tom’s face showed his incredible pleasure at Mike’s touch.

“Tommy,” Mike crooned. “It’s time, Tommy.” Mike removed his hands from Tom’s cock and stroked Tom’s face, his thumbs rubbing against Tom’s lips. “Take me in, Tommy. Take me into your mouth. Let me fuck your mouth and watch my cock disappear over and over again down your throat. Suck my dick, Tommy. Just like you used to. Just like I remember. It’s been so long. Suck me now, Tommy.”

Tom grabbed Mike’s hips and pulled him violently toward his waiting mouth. His cheeks hollowed inward as he sucked Mike’s penis into his mouth with desperate need. As Mike pulled back, Tom fought to keep sucking his cock. And when Mike surged forward, burying three quarters of his cock in Tom’s mouth and throat, Tom wrapped his arms around Mike’s hips, holding him firmly in place while he sucked frantically.

“Tommy, no! I can’t stop. Tommy, I can’t stop. Ah, God.” Mike grabbed Tom’s head, holding it steady, as his hips began an involuntary pumping action, pistoning his cock in and out of Tom’s mouth. His body stiffened and his face contorted into an expression of agonized pleasure as his cum jetted out in spurt after spurt and filled Tom’s mouth. Finally spent, Mike pulled out of Tom’s mouth and leaned down and covered Tom’s lips with his own in a soft and gentle kiss before falling to his knees in front of Tom and taking his throbbing erection into his mouth and sucking him.

The look on Tom’s face brought Kate to the edge of tears.

“It’s almost like a homecoming,” John said in Kate’s ear, his hands stilling on her breast and her mound.

“What do you mean?” Kate asked. Her breathing became faster as her eyes devoured the sight of Mike on his knees, sucking her husband’s cock. Her heart swelled with an unnamed emotion at the sight of the intense pleasure on Tom’s face as he stroked Mike’s head with slightly shaking hands. Tom’s eyes never left Mike’s mouth as it greedily sucked his cock.

“They were both in the orphanage for a year or more before I was put there. They had developed a bond together, looking out for each other against some of the bigger boys, and even looking after some of the smaller children. It was not an easy time for any of us. We were older and remembered our lives before the orphanage. Some memories were okay, and other memories were incredibly awful.

“When I got there, they let me in. They took me in and made me a part of that intimate bond. We became family to each other, the right kind of family. Though our machismo at the time wouldn’t allow us to verbalize it, we loved each other. It was five or six years down the road before sex became a part of our relationship. It seemed a natural progression to the emotional connection we had to each other, to the love we felt for each other.” John kissed the lobe of her ear, biting it gently.

“We have had many discussions on why not one of the three of us was ever interested in another man sexually. Women, yes, but not men…except for each other. We adore female bodies, their wonderful breasts”—his hand tightened on her breast, squeezing, stroking, and pinching her nipple—“the infinitely mysterious wonder of their beautiful cunts, and the flowering perfection of their clits.” The fingers of his other hand dipped firmly into her drenched slit, finding her swollen clit and pinching and rubbing it between his fingers. Kate moaned and pushed her hips toward his hand.

John’s voice roughened with emotion as he continued whispering in her ear. “I have absolutely no regrets about our relationship, the sex, or any other part. I would do it all over again and count myself blessed. You, Kate, are another blessing for the three of us. After your frantic scurrying down the hallway from the pool room that night, we feared your reaction, your rejection. Yet you never expressed horror, distaste, or condemnation at seeing Mike and me making love. You accepted us without qualification. And we love you for that, and for just being you.” Kate started to shift and turn around, but he held her tightly.

“No, keep your eyes on your husband and the way Mike is sucking his cock and making him come, making love to him. Look at the expression on his face, and on Mike’s face. That’s love. And when they look at us, it’s the same thing.”

“Oh, John. You’re right. It’s not just lust or desire or even just fabulous sex. It’s love, with a little bit of everything else thrown in the mix to keep us all happy.” She watched Tom’s face as his orgasm erupted in Mike’s mouth. The pleasure and love on Tom’s face as he stroked Mike’s hair and bent down to place a kiss on his mouth was almost painful to see.

Mike stood up, wiping his mouth. He looked down at Tom and smiled. “You taste just as good as I remember, Tom.” Mike looked at John and Kate, his eyes shining with happiness.

“I’m going next door and getting a very quick shower and change of clothes. We’ve got our teams and the sheriff downstairs waiting for us. I’ll stall them for half an hour, forty-five minutes max. Then I expect you downstairs, John. And you, Katie, naked, with your legs spread wide open like that, are a treat I don’t intend to rush. I want to spend a lot of time, a
of time, playing with that body. Damn, but we’re all going to have one hell of a lot of fun as soon as we get this asshole taken care of and out of our lives.”

“Hey, Mike,” called John. “You could give our Kate a kiss good-bye, couldn’t you? It’s rude to just rush away.” He chuckled as Mike turned and gave him the raised eyebrow.

“For Katie, I’ll make time for a good-bye kiss.” Mike walked to the chair where John was holding Kate. He bent over and pressed his hands over her breasts, her nipples in the palm of his hands, as he squeezed and palpated her abundant flesh. His mouth covered hers warmly, his tongue sliding inside her mouth. Kate moaned in pleasure and fiercely returned his kiss. She could taste Tom’s cum on Mike’s lips.

Mike suddenly dropped to his knees, and his thumbs opened her pussy as his mouth covered her swollen, exposed clit in the most intimate of kisses. His talented tongue jabbed and licked as he drew her clit into his mouth and began sucking. Kate cried out and lifted her hips to his mouth, her body thrumming with erotic need and desire. She could see Tom watching, his eyes alive with love and excitement as he encouraged Mike and John.

“Mike,” called Tom. “Suck hard. She goes wild when you suck her tits or her clit really hard. Suck her harder. Do it, Mike, suck that clit harder. John, squeeze her tits. Pinch and pull on those straining nipples.”

Kate wailed as Mike’s mouth began a rhythmic pattern of a long, hard suck and release followed by a long lick over her clit while John’s fingers pulled and squeezed her breasts. “Don’t stop, Mike. Oh, God, please don’t stop.” She thrust her hips and her pussy up into Mike’s face as her body exploded in a violent orgasm. He continued sucking strongly on her clit through her orgasm, reached up, putting his hands just below where John was tugging on her erect nipples, squeezed her breasts hard and stood up. “Really nice,” he said, wiping his face again as he walked to the connecting door.

As Mike walked out of the room after collecting his clothes, Kate said, “If that’s the way he says good-bye, I can’t wait to find out how he says hello.” He threw back his head and laughed out loud before shutting the door behind him.

Kate tried to slide off of John’s lap, but he held her tightly to him, spreading his legs a bit wider, which also spread Kate’s legs wider and allowed his stiff erection to rise up between her legs, tapping against her sensitized clit.

“Tom,” said John conversationally. “Did you ever find out what got our Kate so hot and horny? What could have affected her to the point that her nipples would get hard and visible in public? I could see these hard nips from across the room.”

“Kate never did say what turned her on, John. But something sure did. I’d like to find out myself. What do you think we should do to find out?” Tom moved his wheelchair close to Kate.

“Let’s try asking her. What turned you on like that Kate? What made you so horny?”

“Never mind. It’s not important now, is it?” She, again, tried to slip off of John’s lap but was prevented when Tom grabbed one of her legs, holding her still.

John slid his hands down and began rubbing and playing with Kate’s clit.

“John! Please, don’t, I’m too sensitive there now. I just came and it’s too much, I’m still sensitive from this morning. Oh God, please.”

“But, Kate, we just asked a simple question. Both Tom and I want to know what caused those nipples to snap to attention. I can keep stroking this beautiful little clit for another forty minutes or so.”

“All right, I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you.” Kate took a deep breath as he removed his fingers from her clit. “It’s your own fault. You’re the one who said it.”

“What did I say?” asked John very quietly. His fingers again slipped back between her pussy lips, hovering just a breath from her overly sensitized clit.

“Okay, okay.” She took a deep sobbing breath. “You said if I was a good girl you’d let me play voyeur again and again, and you have.”

“And…?” His finger now rested motionless directly on her clit.

“And you said if I wasn’t a good girl you’d have to think of something else.”

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