FOUR PLAY (5 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

Tags: #erotica

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"No, ma'am. I'm not equipped with blindfolds."

Charli sat in the back seat all the way to Temptation, wondering what the hell? The cop didn't even try to frisk her or pinch her tits. And where was Original Sin?

After forty minutes of trying to reason with the desk sergeant on duty, Charli realized she'd made a big mistake. The cop had really been a cop, the ticket very real and could have been worse than for speeding. Thank goodness, he'd taken her back to her Mustang after she'd been grilled by no less than three uniformed officers, each demanding a look at the thong and pasties.

When she slid into the front seat of her own car, she leaned her forehead on the steering wheel, exhausted, humiliated and pissed. She whipped her vehicle onto the road and drove into Temptation, fully intending to go directly home, do not pass Go, do not stop at the jailhouse.

As soon as she turned onto the street leading past the museum, she sped up, her foot tapping hard on the gas. "You did this to me." Her fingers tightened. "You made me think every man in Temptation is one of your buddies ready to service me. I should give you a piece of my mind." She slammed on her brakes, skidding to a stop in front of the museum. A light shone on the front porch.

Charli got out of her car, slammed the door and marched to the door.

Before she reached it, the old wooden door swung open revealing a dark interior lit only by a single oil lamp.

"Look, I'm not in the mood. I just spent the last forty-five minutes at the police station trying to explain my way out of a prostitution charge." Her hands fisted on her hips. "This isn't funny anymore."

Hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her back against a lean hard body. "Let us make it up to you."

Charli opened her mouth to tell him what he and his buddies could do with making it up to her. Before she could utter a word, a hand slid down over her belly to the rivet on her cutoffs, flipping it open.

All the day's disappointments, humiliations and frustrations disappeared as he dragged down her zipper, his hand slipping inside her panties to cup her sex.

Talk about going right to the source! Her muscles relaxed.

Charli didn't stand a chance of ignoring this man or his magical fingers.

"Better?" he whispered into her ear.

"Getting there."

His fingers parted her folds and slid between, flicking at the center of her desire. "Now?"

She leaned her back head and moaned. "Yesss."

"Do you have your costume?"

In a lust-induced trance, she nodded. "In my back pocket."

"Help her out of her shorts," Original Sin commanded.

Another cowboy emerged from the shadows, wearing a black cowboy hat, jeans and a pair of sunglasses. He knelt in front of her, his hands sliding up her legs to the jagged hem of her cutoffs. He grabbed the fringes and tugged them over her thighs and down past her ankles.

Original Sin pulled her blouse up and over her head, tossing it to a chair in the corner. "Now, pleasure her." Her mystery cowboy continued his assault on her clit while two more men appeared out of nowhere, both wearing the black cowboy hats and sunglasses. Each grabbed a thigh, dropped to their knees and scooped her up, opening her legs wide.

The man in front of her cupped her ass and licked her pussy, his tongue thrusting deep inside.

Suspended on two muscular legs, Charli moaned, her body on fire, her blood pumping hard inside her veins. And she was supposed to break it off...why? Why settle for one man when she could have four, giving her everything her sexual desires could handle?

An image of Connor laughing down at her in the bright sunlight flashed through her consciousness. She pushed it firmly aside as tingles rippled across her body, the start of a mind-blowing orgasm sure to beat all the rest.

"Enough." Original Sin's hand jerked away from her pussy at the crucial moment. The man tongue-fucking her backed away and reached for her cutoffs, removing the thong and pasties from the back pocket. The men holding her thighs, straightened, setting her on her feet.

Charli's legs wobbled. If not for OS still standing behind her, she'd have melted into the floor, a quivering, needy puddle of unfulfilled lust.

"Why'd you stop?" she asked, her breath panting in short gasps.

"We have more in store for you."

"But I was almost there."
Careful, Charli, that sounded like pleading

He smiled, his eyes hidden behind the sunglasses. "And you will be again."

"And again," said one of the other cowboys.

"And again," the third repeated.

"And again," so sayeth number four.

A tremor shook Charli's body. Four men. Had she died and gone to heaven? "But I want to come now."


Charli's back stiffened and she swung to face OS, her eyes narrowed. Connor Mason had said the same thing earlier that same day.

The Mystery Cowboy wore the same sunglasses as the others, the lenses reflecting her face like a mirror.

She reached out to rip the glasses from his face, but he caught her arm halfway there.

"Panties," he said, in a firm, even tone.

Charli's ears strained to compare his voice to Connor's. She studied his jaw, his ears, searching for a resemblance, only she'd been too busy thinking about sex to memorize facial features.

A cowboy slowly slipped the panties up over her thighs, his hands testing the firmness of her muscles. He settled the strap between her butt cheeks, his finger digging into her tight anus.

Charli sucked in a quick breath and let it out. "Why dress me if you're going to make love to me again and again?"

"Quiet. You are now our sex slave." He nodded to the two men who'd held her legs. Each had a single pastie in a hand. They peeled the tape off the back and stuck the black-jeweled ornament to each of Charli's nipples. The tightness on her nipples pulled at her core, making her insides hotter.

"What do you mean, sex slave?" she whispered, her breathing less than adequate.

"It has come to our attention that you have been seeing another man. As punishment, you will be confined to a cell, tortured and will be forced to perform lewd and lascivious acts to atone for this infraction."

Her date with Connor? Her chest pinched. "How did you know? Are you spying on me?"

"We have our ways of knowing."

"I didn't come in here to be made a fool of. I came to tell you—"


A silk scarf appeared out of nowhere and was wrapped around her face, covering her mouth.

Charli tried to protest, but her words came out as a muffled muttering. She was lifted in a fireman's carry, a strong muscleman on either side and moved to the historical jail cell, complete with iron bars, ankle and wrist irons mounted in the limestone walls.

"Oh, you're kidding me," she said into the silk scarf. The words sounded more like, "Oh, mrr, hidd'in mmee." She struggled against the hands beneath her bottom. But she was over powered, unable to fight her way free.

A thrill of fear and anticipation raced through her body as her wrists and ankles were forced into iron, the clamps clanking shut with a finality that made her wince.

The wrist bands were old and rusty. What if they didn't open again. Would she be stuck there forever wearing nothing but a thong and pasties?

That would go over well when families toured through the museum with small children.

With her arms clamped out to her sides and her legs spread wide, she couldn't go any farther than the chains allowed.

"You will permit each of my men to touch you, taste you and make love to you if that is what they wish."

"I mmm nnnnt," Charli refused, pulling against the restraints.

Original Sin nodded to the first man.

He came forward and flicked the jeweled pasties covering her nipples, then plumped her breasts, weighing each in his hands. His fingers squeezed them like melons, digging in until pain shot to her core, make her gasp and cream. Her arms shot out to capture his hands on her, but the iron bracelets caught her movement. Bending at the knees, he pressed his body against hers, sliding up her torso, his erection pressing through jeans to rub her skin.

"Next." Original Sin gave the next man the go-ahead.

The first guy pinched a nipple, pastie and all, one last time, then backed away, letting guy number two in.

This guy skipped the breasts, his hand curving around her waist, sliding lowered to her hips. He unzipped his jeans, his cock springing free.

Charli's eyes widened. Good Lord, he was hung and her pussy ached for some of that inside her, sliding in and out, her slick channel hugging him tight. She jerked her leg, wanting to wrap her ankles around his waist and sink down over his member.

When her feet wouldn't go higher than his knees, Charli almost cried.

He rubbed his stiff, thick cock over her belly, angling downward to the tiny triangle of fabric over her mons.

Juices oozed out around the edges of the thong. Charli looked over the man's shoulder at Original Sin, her gaze pleading with him.

His eyes narrowed, his own jeans tight around his fly. "Next."

Man number three swept in, shoving number two aside.

A tussle ensued, the men bumping chests in a show of studliness.

Charli didn't care. Their argument gave her a brief respite from torturing her.

Finally, the third man stepped up to her, slid his hand inside her panties and plunged a finger into her cunt, dredging his digit in her come. Then he proceeded to attack her clitoris, stroking it over and over until she panted, her body tense, ready to fly off the edge of the precipice.

"Stop!" Original Sin raised his hand, guy number three backed away allowing OS his turn with the sex slave.

Whimpering now, Charli tried to shift the scarf down off her face with her tongue, but to no avail.

Original Sin cupped the back of her head, shoved the scarf down and claimed her mouth in a hard, thrusting kiss, his hips pressing against hers, the ridge of his cock, rubbing against her naked belly.

"Please, I can't handle anymore. Take me. Please," she said into his mouth.

With two fingers, he pushed the scarf back in place and shook his head. "We're not through." He reached out and unlocked her wrist cuffs. "Suck my cock, sex slave."

She dropped to her knees, all too eager to please him. If she did as he asked, maybe then he'd sink his dick into her and let her have the climax she craved. Charli cupped his balls and wrapped her lips around his member.

He thrust in hard and fast, filling her mouth until his penis bumped into the back of her throat. Grabbing her hair, he pulled hard until tears started in her eyes and her pussy tightened.

His hips flexed, and he thrust again.

One of the other men, dropped down beside her, his hand curving around her ass, tracing the line between her cheeks. He located the tight ring around her anus and slid in his finger. His other hand eased his cock out of his jeans and rubbed it against her thigh.

Charli gasped as OS slid out of her mouth and shoved back in.

The man who'd rubbed his cock against her and whose dick still protruded conspicuously out of his fly, took a position on her other side, and with his fingers, circled her pussy and slipped two deep inside, his cock pressing against her once again. With fingers and cocks in all of her orifices, Charli could only hold on for the ride, her body on fire with need. She wanted to be fucked, hard and fast, praying for a release of the tension building within.

One more man stood beside OS—the odd man out. But not for long. He stripped out of his boots, jeans and hat, then dropped to his back, sunglasses still in place and shimmied beneath her, his head positioned below her pussy, his cock below her chin, standing stiff and proud.

Automatically, Charli lowered her hips, angling her cunt to within reach of his face, eager for his mouth on her pulsing lips.

He took her offering, sucking her clit between his lips, nipping gently on the sensitive nub.

Oh, blessed tongue-action
. What more could she ask for?

The torture continued, stroking, pumping, sucking and everything but fucking. When she thought she could stand no more, she rocketed again to the edge of orgasm, her body rigid, teetering. She held it, milking the experience for every exquisite sensation, holding back on her release for a second longer.

Just when she started to lose her grip on her control, OS pulled out of her mouth. "Stop!"

All four men withdrew. The naked cowboy beneath her slid slowly out from under her, his mouth glistening with her juices. Each proceeded to dress and zip themselves decent.

"No!" Charli dropped to her hands and knees, panting, her body on fire, pre-orgasmic tremors shaking her to her core. "Dear God, don't stop now," she wailed.

Original Sin held out his hand and brought her to her feet and into his arms. He kissed her lightly and set her away, steadying her when her knees gave way.

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