FOUR PLAY (6 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

Tags: #erotica

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"Perhaps to be continued, sweetheart." Her mystery cowboy's lips curved in sexy smile.

Together, the four men dressed her, their coarse fingers sliding tenderly over her body.

"Perhaps? I don't understand." She shivered, her skin ultra-sensitive to their touch. "Will I see you again?"

"It's your choice, baby." OS touched the tip of his hat. "You must decide what you want."

Oh, she wanted them, all right. Now!

Dressed and still horny as hell, she was led through the front door and escorted to her Mustang.

One by one the men kissed her, leaving OS for last.

He pulled her into his arms and claimed her lips, his tongue delving deep, thrusting like a cock in a cunt.

Charli clung tight, returning the kiss with all the allure she could muster, her leg sliding up the back of his, refusing to let go, suddenly afraid this might be the last time she saw him. "Why did you tease me like that?"

"Four...Play...sweetheart. Pure and simple." He kissed her once more, long and hard. "Just a little taste of what you might be missing. Sweet dreams." And he left with his entourage of sexy cowboys.

Charli climbed in behind the steering wheel of her Mustang and stared as the cowboys disappeared into the darkness.

Holy hell, what was she going to do? He wanted her to make a choice between him and Connor? How, when she barely knew either one?

On the one hand, Connor could be a forever kind of guy—home, family, kids...stability...his name.

But Original Sin? He offered excitement, variety and endless possibilities of dirty tricks. Or did he? Someday, maybe today, he'd walk away without a backward glance and never call her or let her know what happened to him. She didn't know who he was to check on him, to ask him why he didn't come around anymore.

Original Sin was all risk. Was that what Charli wanted?

Her core throbbed and her head spun as she shifted into gear and headed home, with a quick stop at the twenty-four hour convenience store to stock up on batteries.

Enough thinking!

She needed action. Tonight she'd have to initiate her old backup plan with her trusty vibrator. A cold reminder of life before the dirty tricks began...and before Connor Mason came on the scene.




(Are you kidding?)


About the Author

Twenty years of livin' and lovin' on a South Texas ranch raising horses, cattle, goats, ostriches and emus left an indelible impression on Myla Jackson, one she likes to instill
into her
red-hot stories. Myla pens wildly sexy, fun adventures of all genres including historical westerns, medieval tales, romantic suspense, contemporary romance and paranormal beasties of all shapes and sexy sizes. When she's not busy writing, she spends time with her family, boating, skiing and riding four-wheelers. She lives in the tree-covered hills of Northwest Arkansas with her husband of more than 20 years and her muses—the human-wanna-be canines—Chewy and Sweetpea.

To learn more about Myla Jackson and her stories visit her website at

Other Titles by Myla Jackson

Latest Releases


Dirty Tricks: One Up On You

Dirty Tricks: Two Can Play That Game

Dirty Tricks: Three's A Charm

Dirty Tricks: Four Play


Sex Ed

Boots and Chaps

Honor Bound

Duty Bound

River Bound

Body Snatchers

Naked Prey


Excerpt from Dirty Tricks Book #5 -
Her Move

by Myla Jackson


Charli Sutton rushed around the bar, filling orders, cleaning tables and suffering the pinches and flirtatious remarks normal for a night at work at the Ugly Stick Saloon. Cowboys could get downright rowdy some nights and tonight was no exception.

She had a lot of thinking to do and working at the Ugly Stick didn't allow much time alone to process everything going on in her life.

After she's dropped her second bottle of whiskey while filling a drink order, her boss, Audrey Anderson, yanked her into the storeroom. "Charli, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know." Charli pulled away from Audrey's grip and walked the length of the storeroom and back. "I just can't concentrate on work."

Audrey shook her head. "Maybe you should take the night off."

"No!"  Charli shook her head. She couldn't leave. Connor Mason might show up. She needed all the time she could get with the man in order to make the decisions she needed to make. "I really need to work."

"Honey, you're not getting enough sleep. Between dating Connor during the day and your after-hours rendezvous with your crew of bad boys, I'd say you're burning the candle at both ends and it's going to burn your butt if you're not careful. Are you getting any sleep?"

Charli's shoulder dipped. "No." She sat on a stack of liquor-filled boxes. "Even when I do have time to sleep, I can't stop thinking. It's been five days since the last time I saw either Connor or my so-called bad boys. I don't know what I did wrong." She buried her face in her hands, despair dragging her down.

"Aren't you the girl who was complaining there wasn't anything to do in Temptation, Texas?"

With a snort, Charli looked up. "Yeah. A million years ago."

"Darlin', that was only nine days ago." Audrey propped a hand on one hip. "Didn't you discover that there was plenty happenin' in this little corner of our world?"

"Sure, as long as I had company." She waved her hands wide, staring around at the boxes of supplies. "Now, nothing. I'm back to square one. Connor hasn't been by in five days, I haven't gotten a note, text, call, or fly-by from my mystery cowboy or even one of his crew of hotties!"

"Does Connor know about your mystery meetings? Did you tell him?" Audrey asked.

"Are you kidding? He's an all-or-nothing kinda guy." Charli jumped up and paced to the end of the room and back again. "If I told him anything, he'd be out of my life faster than I could say,
See ya

"Do you want to be with Connor?"

"I don't know," Charli wailed. "I've only been on one date with the man, talked to him once in the bar and once at Ed's house. I've kissed him three times. What's to know?"

"And Mystery were calling him Original Sin...Hmm...No news on who he is?"

"None. And no way of contacting him."

"He called you on your cell phone, did his number show up on your caller id?"

"Blocked Sender." Charli leaned her forehead against a shelf. "I'm so screwed." She raised her head. "Strike that, I'm so
screwed. Four nights of unprecedented sex, then nothing for five days. One date with a man who wants to get to know me before he has sex with me, then doesn't ask me out again." Charli banged her forehead against the shelf, hoping the pain would help her to focus on what was important. It didn't.

"What is it you want out of a relationship?" Audrey asked.

Charli straightened. "Sex!"


"More sex!" Charli spun in a circle, her arms splaying out, hitting the boxes stacked on the shelves.

Audrey's brows rose. "And after you've had sex?"

Charli stared into a corner, her without seeing the broom and mop hanging there. "Someone to talk to. A man who'll stick around long enough that I can get to know him." She glanced at Audrey. "Am I asking too much?"

"No, honey, you're not." Audrey pulled her into her arms and hugged her, her hands stroking the back of her head.

Sinking in the warmth of Audrey's body, Charli didn't want to move, didn't want to come out and face reality. But she had to. She needed to get back to work. "I feel so crappy." Charli said into Audrey's shoulder. "What do I do?"

Audrey sighed. "You are in a pickle aren't you, sweetie?"

"I've burned up a brand new set of batteries in my vibrator." Charli pushed away from her friend's warmth, her gaze dropping to her feet. She almost wished the floor would open up and swallow her. "I can't live this way."

Grabbing her arms, Audrey turned Charli to face her. "Baby girl, it's time you turned the tables on those men."

"What do you mean?"

Audrey balled a fist and punched the air. "Fight fire with fire."

Charli stared at Audrey, trying to make sense of what her boss was trying to tell her. Finally, she threw her hands in the air. "I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

"If you want those men to make a move, it's time you made one of your own."


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