Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1)
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I haven’t really said much because my mind is still turning all this crap over.   It’s clear to me that Jonas doesn’t seem to want to get married, he didn’t agree or argue when Barbara brought it up.  Maybe marriage is the commitment that is the step too far for him, if that’s true, it hurts.  My mind is however occupied when my cell phone beeps in my purse.  I’m trying to pretend I’ve not heard it, but it just reminds Jonas that this was a subject he didn’t get to tackle earlier.

“You gonna check that babe?”

“No, we’re eating, I’ll get it later.” I know he’s onto me.

“You sure, could be Neely?” he teases.

“No, I’m good, leave it until we’ve finished.”

“It’s OK, you rest your feet, I’ll get it for you,” and he’s moving in the direction of my purse.

“NO!” I shout.

“NO?  Really, what’s going on Dalton?”

“Nothing, just leave it for now,” I’m almost pleading for him drop it.  He looks to consider this.

“No, I don’t think so.  You’re hiding something, so let’s have a look.”   He’s already by my purse, so I don’t have a chance at beating him to it, or keeping the phone away from him.

“OK.  OK,” I say and all the others at the table are watching this little scene unfold with interest, wondering what I could be hiding.  “I’ve been getting some odd text messages.”

Jonas stills, “What kind of messages?”

“Just nonsense.”

“Dalton, you’ve had your chance to tell me, but it sounds like I need to check for myself because you are wearing my patience down, which, thanks to Jokey Jake and your marathon run out of here are close to zero,” he’s really muttering to himself as he starts to work his way through my phone menus.  He concentrates for a minute which I assume means he’s reading them and the proverbial clouds gather on his face.  The look on his face is enough that Harrison goes over to him to see what’s going on.

“FUCKING SERIOUSLY! You had these and you didn’t think to tell me?” he snaps.

“I thought it was just some idiot, well I think we know it really is an idiot.  It doesn’t say who they’re from but it doesn’t take a stretch of logic to see it’s
.  It’s not like we have any proof anyway with the number.”

“Right, from now on you tell me the minute you get one of these,” he demands.


The rest of dinner passes without incident, but in all honesty all I want to do is get home and crawl into bed.  The day started off great, but I just need it to be over because it’s ended up a bit of a drama disaster.  I want to forget about it, I also want to have some quiet words with the traitors I am carrying in my body, they keep siding with Jonas whenever I try and escape and it’s not on.

We’re both quiet in the truck on the way home even though he keeps his hand in mine or on my thigh.  It’s like he needs the permanent connection to keep me in one piece because he’s not convinced I’m totally over my freak out.  We pull up and I climb out as normal and head inside. 

“I’m gonna get changed and head for bed, I’m wrecked,” I get as far as the kitchen island.

“Stop right there,” his voice is low and demanding so I do as he asks, which is nothing, I don't even turn around.

“I think you need reminding of something.  Have you forgotten that you’re mine now and you don’t run and leave.  Put your hands on the counter top Dalton.  Now.” Oh shit is all I can think.  The last time I had this tone from him was in the hotel room when we had our
one night
.  My hands tremble as I place them on the top and he stalks towards me and I feel him line himself up behind me.

“Do you think I give a fuck what other people think?  You’re mine and if I need to fuck you until every ache you feel reminds you of that then keep this shit up Dalton.  Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” and it’s only a slight answer said on a whisper.

“Seeing you trembling like this, wondering what I’m going to do to you is a turn on.  Tell me are you wet Dalton?”  I gulp unable to answer, because I know I’m wet and it didn’t take long for it to happen.

“Answer me Dalton.” I’m reminded he wants compliance.


“Good girl, time to see if you’re ready for me.  Turnaround and sit on the stool beside you.” I do as he asks, the stools by the kitchen island have arm rests and a little bar to place your feet on.  Always a gentleman and never wanting to see me struggle he helps me get up and then spins it around so I’m facing him. He leans in for a nibble and kiss of my lips and when I try and grab him he backs away.

“Hands back on that chair Dalton and don’t move them unless I tell you,” I do as he requests.

“Good girl.  Now edge that tight little ass to the edge of the seat,” again I do as he asks.

“Are you alright? Is that uncomfortable?”

“No, I’m OK,” when he convinces himself that I am and I’m not doing this just for him he runs his hand up my leg and under my cute maternity dress, when he gets to my knees he parts them.  He constantly looks from my eyes for reassurance to between my legs because he can’t resist.  My body is shaking unmistakably because I am desperate for him to touch me.  With a quick move of his hands he does away with my panties and spreads me wide so he can see me.

“There she is.  Fucking Jesus, I can see how wet your pussy is,” and he uses his fingers to separate my lower lips so I am completely open to him. 

“Look at you,” he says, “all open for me, waiting to be touched, waiting to be fucked.”  He then leans down and runs his nose along my thighs, his breath makes me shiver as he climbs his way further up.  I’m juddering on the seat and my hands are maintaining a white knuckle grip on the handles of the stool.

“Do you want me to lick you? I want to lick you.  I want to tongue you until you explode.  Shall I do that?”

“Yes, Jonas please.” I am aching for this and my permission is all he needs to get this assault underway.  He feasts on me like it’s his last meal and I can feel every time he licks me and bites at my clit.  After a few minutes I can feel my body begin to heighten, I reach forward and hold his head to encourage him to continue and finish me off, but as soon as I touch him he stops and pulls away.

“Dalton, I’m sure I remember telling you not to let go of the handles.  Did I tell you that?” he asks me and his face is all slippery and shiny from my juices.  “Answer me.”


“So do we agree you’ve not done as you were told and instructed?”

“Yes,” I’m nervous about his tone now.

“In that case do you think its right that you’ve spoiled my fun? I thought you wanted me to enjoy this Dalton?”

Shit, I can’t decide whether I’m nervous or turned on, but he’s looking at me with intensity and it’s clear his patience won’t last much longer. 

“Dalton, baby, do you trust me?”

“Yes,” and my eye contact never waivers as I answer him.

“Do you understand that I love you and I would never hurt you?”


“OK.  Off the chair,” he stands back, “take off your clothes and then remove mine, you need to see how hard your little act of defiance makes me.”

When I’ve finished the task with shaky hands I can see exactly how hard he is.  The veins in his cock are huge and strained and it has the biggest drop of liquid at the head of it that makes me lick my lips.

“OK turn around and grab the counter, feet apart.  I want those legs spread and that ass high in the air,” I do his bidding immediately.  His hand comes up behind me and he puts two fingers in me gently even though he knows I’m wet and ready for him.  He removes his fingers and pops them in my mouth, it’s a quick in and out that I don't make the most of and then he re-inserts them back into me.  His pace is slow and measured. 

In and out. 

In and out. 

As I get used to this I rear back onto his hand and then next time he stabs his fingers into me it comes with a simultaneous slap across my ass cheek.  I squeal in shock and surprise.  He gently rubs the spot better and then puts his fingers back into me.

“I knew you’d like that, I can feel how much wetter it’s made you.  You’re fucking soaking.  Shall I make you come?”

“YES,” and I finish my desperate plea for him to finish his assaulting finger fucking and ass slapping rhythm.  It’s not long before I’m back in the place I was before when he stops again.  I collapse on the counter “God no, please Jonas I need to come,” I beg.

“I know you do and I’m going to watch you do it.  On your knees girl, spread those legs and let me see you tease yourself.”  I’m past the point of embarrassment, I need this, my body is singing so I comply immediately and start to tease my clit in front of him in our kitchen whilst we are both naked.  He can tell I’m getting closer and when I open my eyes to focus on him he is standing in front of me furiously gripping, rubbing and squeezing his cock.

“That’s it Dalton, you look amazing.  When I cum it’s going to be on your tits.  I can’t wait to see you covered in me.”  Hearing that increases my efforts to finish and seeing him and his body heading for the same place is turning me on something wicked.  He’s wound tight and the way his cock appears and disappears in his hand is a speed and sight like nothing I've seen before.

“Come with me Dalton,” and he steps towards me as he grunts and points his cock at my chest.  He breathes through his release and as soon as the hot liquid hits my chest I come all over my own fingers finding it an effort to stay upright and remain in place whilst he finishes.  I drop down back onto my ankles and then lie naked on the kitchen floor; it feels cold but very welcome because my body is on fire.

Jonas leans forward and starts to smear his cum all over my chest and he’s making great efforts to swirl it round my enlarged nipples, his eyes never leave mine as he does this.

“Mine Dalton.  No one harms you or makes you feel threatened.  No one hurts you or makes you feel sad.  You’re mine and I’ll always protect you.”  I understand his mood now, he needs to feel control over what is his; he wanted to mark me and show me I’ll always be his and because it all makes sense, I don’t offer an answer, there is nothing more to say.  The realization that he’s truly been himself with me hits him and I can see panic spread across his face.  “Are you OK did I go too far?”

“No.  I’m fine, it wasn’t too far.” I want to be honest with him so I finish with “I enjoyed it more than I expected to.  I came hard baby, really hard.”  I know hearing me say that is what he needs, it seems we both need assurance about things as we get to know one another.  He props his naked self over the top of me and kisses me passionately, I feel cheeky so I wrap my legs around his hips and give a squeeze.

“Fuck Dalton, you’re making me hard again and you smell of us.”

“Fuck me Jonas,” is all I need to say and because I am so wet he slides inside me gently.  Being mindful of my belly he leans back onto his haunches and drags me up to meet him, my back is still on the floor but I’m raised at a slight angle being held up by my ass as he plunders his cock inside me.  I start to grunt and revel in his thrusts as his fingers grip me and he pulls at my hips to help me meet his demand.

“See what you do to me, hard within minutes of cuming all over you and I’m ready to do it again Dalton,” he’s speaking between his breaths and thrust rhythm and it’s amazing to see and hear how into this he is.

“I’m going to cum Jonas,” my limbs clench and release as I work through it, after a few more fast tight pumps and he joins me.

After cleaning me up with a dishtowel and sensing my content, he covers me with a throw he’s grabbed from the living area, he disappears for a few minutes and then returns, lifts me up off the floor and takes me straight to the bathroom where he lowers me in a lovely muscle relaxing warm soak in the tub.  On his next trip into the bathroom, he’s wearing jogging shorts and carrying a cup of tea for me; it’s bliss.  I feel happy, he treats me like a princess and I realize right there and then, that I’m happy and that no one else matters, just him, me and our babies.

Chapter Twenty Five


I love my life!

I finally have all the things I’ve dreamed of, it’s like I’m living my own fairy story.

My pregnancy progresses nicely and I’ve only got about a month left.  Jonas and I settle into an easy routine and our day always starts when we share a coffee on the decking taking in the view.  Jonas uses this time to make sure the babies and I are OK as well as an opportunity to understand what we’ve got going on for the rest of the day in our schedules. 

However the first thing I do when I hit the deck is offer a prayer of thanks, I’m thankful we’re all healthy, we’re all together at last and the future will hold good things for us. 

Jonas is still taking an active part in every nuance of the pregnancy experience.  He’s been present for all the medical check ups and hospital appointments.  In the beginning he was worried that I’d missed out on the design and set up of the nursery but I told him that this doesn’t bother me at all, the surprise of having it ready has outweighed any desire to try and find my decorator vibe.  It’s because of this that he has been insistent about me choosing things like the strollers, car seats, baby bouncers, clothes and toys.  Between him and Barbara and I there is going to be absolutely nothing that these kids will want for and it’s just awesome.

BOOK: Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1)
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