Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural) (13 page)

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Authors: Erica Storm

Tags: #BWWM African American erotic romance, #African American erotica fiction

BOOK: Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural)
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My love for Amanda brought me into the light. Looking into her big soft brown eyes and innocent face, I came to realize that I didn’t have to live in a world of sexual depravity and self-indulgence to make me feel alive.

A world of drinking and parties night and day was all that Alecia thought of or wanted. When I would wake from a drunken stupor, she would be sleeping with different men and on one occasion, a women. I let her convince me that this is how we should live. In her own words, “We have to be open and free with our bodies.” I went along with it because when I met her I was making more money than I expected to make in a lifetime. And I had lost my moral compass.

It was my fault not to stop it before it got to the point where I couldn’t control it anymore. When Amanda and her mother came to live with us, I hired her immediately to the dismay of Alecia.

Gazing in Amanda’s pretty little face, I didn’t see her as the woman I see now. I saw her as a child that had come into my life and gave me purpose. I tried to make Alecia see that as well.

Alecia finally admitted to me that she didn’t want children and she was unwilling to adopt. When I discovered this by chance, I became distant, and transferred my love to Amanda when her mother died. And I’ve been in love with Amanda and devoted to her ever since. 

I now live in a world with Amanda where I’m truly in love and there will be children to give me pleasure I’ve never had before. But I sense there’s a change in her since she has been pregnant and Alecia has a lot to do with it.

Because of Amanda and my baby, I’m preparing to buy a company to secure their future and my future. I’m hoping our future brings about more babies. But first I have to get Alecia out of my life for good. 

Recently Alecia phoned me and I reluctantly agreed to meet her for dinner. This time after dropping off the owner’s wife of the company I’m purchasing, I’ll picked up Alecia from her hotel room and have a long discussion with her. For some reason she has moved into a three star hotel from a five star hotel. That told me two things, either she lost, or burned through the money from the settlement, or she’s making plans to remain in San Francisco much longer than I had hoped for. Having her around spells nothing but trouble for me.


arrive at the hotel, look around and it appears a bit shabby. Alecia sits nervously in a chair facing the door, waiting for me. Entering the hotel lobby, I greet her with an air kiss and a small smile. “You look well, Alecia.” I didn’t like lying but how could I say that I’ve never seen you look this way before. Her cool nature and impeccable groomed hair and nails had disappeared. Now, I wouldn’t recognize her if I saw her on the street.

“Cut the crap, Matt. I know how I look. I didn’t think it would come to this,” she said standing up. I held out my hand and led her outside to the limo. Once in the limo she reaches for a drink and pour a full glass of Scotch whisky.

“I didn’t know you drank liquor straight and so much.” I’m looking at her and she appears nervous. Her hands shake when she pours the liquor in the glass.

“You don’t know a lot of things about me,” she glances up at me, “do you? If you had been home more often and not trying to fuck that child under my roof...”

“Wait one fucking minute, Alecia. Don’t bring Amanda in this. She wasn’t responsible for our break up.”

After that conversation, I informed her that I would no longer speak to her and discuss Amanda if she continued with her lies.

“I plan to ask Amanda to marry me,” I said to Alecia. She became enraged and let out a barrage of
fuck you
. When she’s behaving that way she might do and say anything. I realize I must protect Amanda from her. 

“You’re out of order and out of your mine. You must be drunk.” I put my hand on the glass before she could pour herself another drink and she grabbed it from my hand. “You know damn well that I didn’t have anything to do with Amanda when she was a child,” I said to her.

“I know, but if I tell this to the authorities then they might look at this a different way.”

“Are you trying to blackmail me, Alecia, because it’s not going to work?”

“I could make trouble for that company you’re planning to buy. The stock holders may be interested in your history. No one wants to know that the head of that company...”

“Even you aren’t that nasty. What do you want, Alecia?”

“I need money. I’m desperate.”

“What did you do with the one hundred million dollars you got in the settlement and not to mention the home which is worth twenty five million and the cars?”

“I was swindled.”

“You were swindled out of all that money?” I said in disbelief. “I will give you some money, but I won’t give you the money you want. After all, I have a family and a business and I can’t get off the kind of money now. I know it won’t keep you in the lifestyle you have come to expect, but I don’t give a damn. Any amount of money I give you won’t last long. I see that now.”

Her eyes wanders over to me and she reaches for another drink. “When we get to the yacht, I want you to get some sleep and I’m going to wire money into go your bank account. When you wake, I will have a first class ticket waiting at the airport to take you back to New York.”

“You know I love you, Matthew,” she said in a drunken stupor. She appeared satisfied for the moment, but I knew Alecia, and she wouldn’t be satisfied for long. I had to do something to get her out of my life.

Alecia winked and smiled and then she reached for my cock. It was justifiably hard. I hadn’t had a good fuck in three months. My eyes narrowed, my mouth shut in a hard line, and I shook my head. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

“This is how I remember you,” she purred in a soft voice. “You were always ready to fuck me especially after you tied me to the bed, raised my legs over your shoulders, and took me in my...” I pushed her hand away but she wasn’t deterred. Turning facing me, opening her legs, conveniently she had no panties on covering her sex.

Sitting back surprised, I glanced down at her, and all I could think about was getting home to Amanda and placing my head between her legs, and satisfying her with my tongue. Just her being pregnant with her large stomach hiding everything except her opening, made me hard beyond belief and although I wanted her sex, I was satisfied rubbing my cock on her wonderful full brown naked ass. She would lay her butt close so I could jerk off on it as my come oozed all over her.

The thought of Alecia’s pussy made my cock go soft.

I couldn’t wait to get to the boat which was tied up at the marina. We parked and I had my driver carry her to the yacht. He glanced at me confused because he knew Amanda and they had bond early on. I think it was when he had to take her to the doctor once a week.

I could see in his eyes what he was thinking.
How can you fuck this drunken slut of an ex-wife when you have that beautiful black woman home waiting for you?
He was right, and if he could view me with condescension, I could imagine what others would think, especially Amanda if she ever found out. It was all innocent, but try telling that to a pregnant woman whose man is out late when he should be home rubbing her stomach.

Getting Alecia on board the yacht wasn’t a problem. It was getting her to sleep off her drunken rage, get some food in her, and get home to Amanda before twelve o’clock, but now I realize that this was an impossibility. When we left her hotel it was seven o’clock, and it took two hours to drive to this marina. I wanted to make sure Alecia was well out of San Francisco when I talked to her. It was nine o’clock when the driver carried her aboard and now it’s ten and she’s still sleeping. If I leave now, I may make it home by twelve.

But then I have to leave Alecia here and god knows what she’ll do.   

The owner would throw in the yacht if we came to an agreement concerning the company in a few days. I could leave Alecia here and have my driver take her to the airport when she wakes. Then I could break the news to Amanda. Tell her about Alecia, the owner and his wife, and that I would be home with her for the rest of her pregnancy and we could go on our honeymoon in Italy.

Everything I laid out sounds easy but life isn’t easy.

Chapter 2: Amanda

s I sit around, watch television and see my body noticeably change, and my mind turn into mush, the phone rings. I pick it up without looking at it. I’m hoping it’s Matthew telling me he’s coming home early tonight. He hasn’t been home early for months. This is fucking with my mind and spirit. I don’t know how he can expect me to be positive when he is never around. I can hear his voice, “You are too negative, Amanda. Think positive.”

That’s easy for him to say, he’s not the one carrying around a new life and a husband who doesn’t appear interested since I’m pregnant. He still has his good looks and I look like a beached whale.  I hear his voice on the phone. We don’t even have face time anymore.

“Baby,” Matthew says to me. I don’t answer. “Amanda, are you there, baby?” My heart flutters when I hear that strong sensuous voice of his and he calls me baby. I’m so much in love with him that it can’t be good for me. I love the way he says
with deep easy voice. He has a way of talking that makes me feel comfortable and at peace and I want him under foot all the time, following me around, nudging his penis on my butt, and whispering nasty stuff in my ear.

“Matt. Are we having dinner together, tonight? We had planned to select the name of the baby. I have a list...” I sound eager and hopeful.

“That’s why I called you. We’ll have to put it off until tomorrow.” My hopes dash, and my heart drops with those words. I know what will come next. “I have a client that requires a little attention.”

“You have a woman that requires a little attention,” I say, my voice curt, and I’m lashing out at him. I’m furious because of my vulnerability. 

“I know, baby. But bear with me a little while longer and all will be Ok.”

“You have been saying that for the last year,” I shot back seething with increasing rage. 

“I know but I can’t explain now. I have to go.” I listen and the secretary comes into his office without knocking. And I hear her say, “You have a dinner engagement at seven.” His phone hasn’t turned off yet and I hear her laughing in the background.

Why is he so charming to her, and she gets to laugh with him, and I’m sitting here feeling like a fool for wanting and needing him so much.
Before I can push the button on the phone, because I don’t want to hear any more of the laughter, and I’m not prepared to accept hearing that he could be fucking her, I answer the next call.

I don’t have time to screen my calls because if I did, I wouldn’t have answered the next one. It’s Alecia.

“What is it now, Alecia? Are you calling to check on my condition, or to find out if I’ve left Matthew?”

“Really, Amanda, you have turned into a real bitch since you’ve been pregnant.”

“I could never be the kind you are. You wrote the book on how to be a bitch. Let’s just say that I see the other side of your face, and I’m no longer a child.”

“Well dearie, then you are going to be shocked at this. Or not.”

“Nothing about you would shock me.”

“Trust me it’s not about me. Your loving and true blue Matthew is taking me out to dinner tonight. I hope this doesn’t ruin any of your plans for the evening.”

“Did you call to get me upset, because you have certainly gone out of your way to do this? Are you trying to make me lose my baby?”

“On the contrary, because when Matt and I get back together we’re going to adopt his baby.” When I heard what she was planning, I hit a button. I was so upset and I couldn’t tell Matt because he warned me not to talk to her. But was he warning me because he didn’t want me to know that they were planning to take my baby.

When she came here pretending to be concerned about me and my baby, asking to be in our lives, she had plans for Matt and my baby. I don’t think so. It will be a cold day in hell before I let her or Matt get away with something like that. What am I thinking, Matt wouldn’t do anything like that to me. Alecia maybe planning on seducing Matt with the bondage thing, knowing he’s vulnerable.

It’s like giving an alcoholic a drink after being on the wagon for years. If his resolve is weak he could succumb to her temptation, and sex is a big temptation for a young man who hasn’t been fucked in months.

I was so upset I stood and tried to walk to the bed. I felt a slight pain and I thought that if I rest it would go away. I lay on my bed, fell asleep and the pain became worse. I hadn’t notice the bed was wet until I tried to move and couldn’t.

I reached the phone and called Matt and got no answers. Glancing at the clock, it was one o’clock in the morning, and where the hell is he? The pains are hitting me and I try calling my friend Seth. I don’t know why I called him, he became more anxious and nervous than I was. Seth started screaming for me to wake the nurse and get to the hospital and he would meet me there.

I called down to the nurse and she came running to check me and contact the doctor. She was prepared for everything. My bags were packed with everything I needed. She rushed to the garage and had the car out front in less than a minute. She jumped out and helped me in the car and we were off to the hospital.

It wasn’t far because Matt made sure it wouldn’t take but five minutes to get there. He had made arrangements for a private room for me and the baby. He prepared for everything but one, the father should be at the birth of his child. I guess he couldn’t be two places at once. With me and his ex. He made his choice, I hope he can live with it.


ne my arrival at the hospital, Seth was walking in circles with his partner patting him on the back trying to calm him. The nurses checked me and immediately placed me in a bed, with Seth holding on to my hand trying to introduce me to Marco, and telling me I will be fine. The pain was overwhelming when another nurse ask me about my husband.

“Where the fuck is he?” Seth question visibly upset. I peeped at him and Marco had to calm him because he was more irate than I was. The last thing I remember was the nurse and doctor saying that it was going to be a dry birth, could he risk giving me a cesarean, and the pain, and finally a baby crying.

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