Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural) (10 page)

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Authors: Erica Storm

Tags: #BWWM African American erotic romance, #African American erotica fiction

BOOK: Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural)
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I take a better look at him and I can see through that dark designer suit, a man with muscles of pure temptation. If I wasn’t working and wasn’t late I probably would flirt with him. Or invite him for breakfast and give him a piece of dark meat. I bet he has never had that before. I mean he probably never did a black woman.

I’m just fantasizing as I saunter away from him and head in the direction of the elevator.

But on second thought he’s so rude to park behind me. What could I give a handsome rude arrogant man like him? He probably has women falling all over him. I glance back at him and there’s no expression on his face. I can tell he’s not used to assertive woman. He’s one of those alpha males who think a woman is only good for one thing. I see it on his face. A woman is only to be seen and not heard and she should have babies every nine months or sooner if nature had made us like insects and he had his way.

I look back when I reach the elevator and his eyes appear amber. He’s staring at me.
There is an animal lurking in there
, I’m thinking and my panties are moist now. I bet he would carry a woman off, throw her on a bed, and just have his way with her doggy style, and who knows what he would do after that.

I find myself day dreaming and I realize that I’m beyond late for my presentation. Two days on the job and the big boss is probably sitting there waiting, ready to walk out, after he sees me make a fool of myself. Here I am in a parking garage thinking about wanting that man with the secretive eyes to throw me over a bed, and have his way with me. I must be out of my mind.

I get that way just before the first of the month. 

That look he just gave me, he doesn’t even smile, no one in their right mind would date a man like him even if he’s handsome, beautiful, and masculine and...I can’t think of another reason to say no to him. I would open up just to see him over me ready to plunge that...look at those hands on the steering wheel. I’m wondering if it is true that a man with big hands and long fingers...” I’m interrupted by his voice.

There is a quiet emphasis and huskiness, an edge and strength to it when he says, “Miss.” And he’s pointing with those large fingers and I’m thinking if he put that thing in me I would never be the same. I wouldn’t need anything else to get me going and get me off. “It’s my parking space you have hijacked.”

“Why didn’t you say that before?” I yell at him. Maybe he did but I’m enthralled by his beauty and I can’t hear him. I snap back, “I can’t do anything about it now,” I stick my tongue out like I’m in high school. My booklets are under my arm. I rush into the elevator.

When I make it to the office, I hurry to my cubical and take a large breath. “Made it.” I’m feeling great and I pull out the jump drive with my PowerPoint presentation and dash to the board room. Everyone is quietly circulating around talking, having their coffee and donuts, and waiting patiently for the show. I hear a snicker coming from some of the women. I look up and my friend Ryley is making a face at me.

“What?” She motions that my hair is everywhere. I didn’t have time to go to the restroom and she says I have a grease mark across my white blouse. I got that when I kneeled down to retrieve my booklets and jump drive.

Finally, I pat down my curly Afro the best I can. They will have to get over it. I’m black and black hair acts like that. Like black women. There is no controlling them and bending them to your will. It’s just not happening.

I try closing my jacket, but the black strip across my chest looks like a banner from being the runner up for prom queen. Miss Congeniality was the title I was given for coming in last. They had to figure out what kind of award to give me in my small high school where I was the only black girl.

I wasn’t a hit with the girls but the white boys loved me. I didn’t know what it was. Maybe because I was the only black girl in that school and I was different. I told my mother and stepfather that I didn’t want to go there because the girls hated me.

My stepfather who was white had brought us to his home town for a better life. I was able to go to college and now I’m working for a billion dollar company and if I can convince the big boss that I’m worth the money they are paying me, then I will be on easy street. Maybe buy a new car and pay my rent on time. 

We heard footsteps and then the double doors parted and holy shit. It’s him. That gorgeous man with the wild blue hooded eyes, big hands, and no doubt the largest penis I will never get a chance to see.  The End of Chapter 1
My Billionaire Werewolf Part 1

Forever Mine
Part 4
By Erica Storm
Copyright 2015 by Erica Storm
Books by Erica Storm

Chapter 1: Amanda

t’s been six months since I moved back with Matthew and I’ve been enjoying every minute of how he treats me. But I’m not as fragile as he wants to believe. Our lovemaking is not as intense as before, which is natural because I’m seven months pregnant. “We have to be careful,” Matthew said to me. “I don’t want anything to happen to my son.”

My day is filled with sitting around, cooking, reading, and waiting for him to come home. But lately I’ve been tired, I have two more months to go before I’m due. We decided that we didn’t want to know the sex of the baby, but Matt insist that it’s a boy. I wobble around the house, with swollen ankles, eating bags of chips. My butt is larger than Kim Kardashian, and I’m feeling insecure even though Seth and friends at the university assures me that with a good diet, I will lose the weight after the birth of our son and get down to a size eight. Now Matt has me thinking the same thing.

He said, “Lose the weight but keep the ass. I like it pressed up against me at night.”

I replied, “The ass is a given. You want a black woman you have to take the butt. It comes with the package and some packages are larger than others.” This comment made him smile with satisfaction.

Weight is the least of my worries, I’m bored out of my mind because Matthew is taking on more responsibilities at work, and he’s not around as much as I want him. I’m wondering if all the fire inside him has suddenly cooled for me.

“Those crazy thoughts are for pregnant women, and rich women who have nothing to do but think,” Seth said to me last night when I called to complain about Matt working late.

Seth agreed to come here to study, tests are coming up, and my mind has been on Matt. He’s too protective, he doesn’t want me going out on my own. He said, “I don’t want anything to happen to my child.”

It’s six o’clock and a Friday night and Matt hasn’t come in yet. I got a call earlier from his secretary saying that he had a last minute emergency. I’ve never met his secretary and I don’t particular like her. She sounds about Matt’s age, thirty-something, but I could be wrong. A little too confident for me.

When I asked Matthew about her he says, “Oh she’s the new girl the company brought in because she’s very efficient. It was that or a man. I don’t like men secretaries. I just had to fire my second one in two weeks.”

The bell is ringing and it’s Seth. I don’t expect Matt back until ten o’clock. His secretary said something about having another meeting at nine. It’s only six now. Maybe I can get Seth to keep me company until Matt gets home.

I open the door. I haven’t seen Seth in a month since our class schedules have changed. Although Matt called and apologized to him, he is still pissed with him.

“Hi Seth.” I give him a long loving hug. He hugs me back looking around. “Where is that cave man?”

“He’s not here, come in and get comfortable and take that shawl from around your neck.”

“It’s a scarf, and I wear it to be stylish,” he says pulling it from around his neck and draping it on his arm. “You know, you owe it to your public and looking at you,” he stops talking, steps back still holding my hands, “you look beautiful. Your cheeks are rosy.” And he air kisses both cheeks.

“Black women don’t have rosy cheeks.”

“Some do. You just have that sun kissed perfect tan covering it up. I would kill for your skin.” He plopped on the sofa with his back pack and pulled out his books. “I love this place and when Marco and I put together enough money from my restaurant business, then we’re going to buy something just like this.” He looks around. “Well, maybe not like this.” We laugh. “Something on the beach, maybe a trailer on the beach. At least we will have the ocean year round.” And our laughter echoes around the room.

“When am I going to meet Marco?” I question Seth.

“Soon.” He turns to me.

“Let me look at you,” I said taking his face in my swollen hands. “That eye finally went down and the blue black circle is gone too.”

“I looked like that dog on Our Gang with that circle around the eye.” I stare at him. “Never mind. You know my husband was ready to leave me. He thought that a lover had beat me up.”


“No shit. I had to give him something special just to keep him from walking out on me.”

“You could have called me and Matt, it would have been cleared up in a minute. You know Matt feels bad about what happened.”

“He should. That’s not the way to go around settling differences. Where is that man of yours, and when are you two getting married?”

“We haven’t talked about it.”

“What’s the matter, old Matt is having second thoughts?”

“No. He’s been busy. It’s me. I want to be sure he’s the right one for me.” Seth looks at me and narrows his eyes. I feel I have to explain.” I just don’t know when Alecia will come barging back into our lives. He thinks she just gave up and moved back to New York. He’s convinced it was something he said to her.”

“Why are you all alone on a Friday night then? I thought this night was for the two of you.”

“Since I’ve gotten so big, he spends his time working. If he’s not in his office working in the house, he’s at the office. He happens to be there now.”

“Is he alone?” Seth said with a raised eyebrow.

“I don’t know? I’ve never been to his office.”

“Don’t you think it’s about time you go there?” I look at him and he says, “I gave you good advice about Alecia, now you need to find out what’s keeping him so long at the office.”

“I trust him.”

“There isn’t a man born that can be trusted especially when he can’t have sex the way he wants.”

“You don’t know Matt.” Seth raised his eyebrow and his mouth shut in a hard line.

“I know men. Girl, before I met Marco, I was out there. I met men who had wives at home and they were getting it on with me.”

“You scare me Seth. I just don’t want to think that way.”

“I know, you are young and you don’t have the experience I have, but didn’t Alecia teach you anything about men and women.” I had too many doubts running around my head and too much time to devote to the negative, and Seth was making it worse with my hormones fucking with me.

“I don’t know those people and I don’t know if he said that I’m black and having a baby. They were expecting him to move down with his wife and if I show up at his office pregnant, a black girl, half his age, it could be bad if they aren’t prepared.”

“Matt is not the kind of man, you can see how he’s proud of you, and he’s in a position that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what other people think. He’s overjoyed to have you and the baby. I bet he told everyone about you. I’m just suggesting that as long as you two aren’t married, there are she wolves like Alecia hunting. And it would be good to scout out the competition.”

“Seth, we better get some work done because this conversation is going nowhere.” He gave me something to think about and more anxieties.

“When was the last time you two had sex?” He asked. I paused, I had to think but I wasn’t about to discuss our sexual habits with Seth.

“That long?” Seth said shaking his head and twisting his mouth.

“You need to find out if that secretary of his is sitting in on those meetings. She probably should be taking her ass home to her kids or husband, or if she’s single, she should be fired.”

“Oh, this conversation has gone too far. I can’t interfere in Matt’s business, and I don’t want him to know I’m jealous.” My phone rang. I thought it was Matt. I rushed to pick up the land phone.

A sexy woman’s voice came over the speaker. I hit a button so Seth couldn’t listen in. I didn’t want him to put any more ideas into my head. I clearly recognized the voice, it was Matt’s secretary.

“Miss Cross. This is...”

“Yes, I know. I recognize the voice.” I was curt and a little nasty.

“I just wanted to inform you that Mr. Cross said that he would be late getting home.” I didn’t want her to know that I was upset, and I tried to get control of my voice, but I couldn’t disguise my disappointment, and she couldn’t disguise the pleasure and relief I heard in her words.

After putting the phone down, I sat in silence looking at Seth. He shook his head, making me feel worse. I told Seth that we would have to do this another time. He hugged me good bye, and said that he was sorry for upsetting me. And that I really didn’t need him butting into my business. And that he wouldn’t interfere any more.

Chapter 2

crawl into bed and finally close down my mind and eyes, but my eyes open checking the clock on the bedside table. I see ten o’clock slip by, and eleven, and finally at a quarter to twelve, the door opens to the bedroom. It’s dark and Matt’s standing in the light from the hall. I see the silhouette of his wonderful body and all my thoughts of him being unfaithful are thrown away. 

Matt saunters over to the bed, leans in to kiss me, and rubs my stomach. Then he sees me looking at him in the dark.

“I thought you were asleep,” he says to me.

“Why?” Where have you been?”

“I’ve been in the guest bedroom showering. I got home about eleven and you were knocked out. I had something to eat and I came in to sleep with my baby, I mean my babies.” He runs his hand over my belly. Climbing into bed, I feel his bare chest and his penis on my butt rocking back and forth on me.

“I meant where have you been?” I managed to turn around with Matt’s help. I didn’t want his help and I pushed his hands away. There was a dimness and sadness to his green eyes when I pushed his hands away from me.

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