Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural) (8 page)

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Authors: Erica Storm

Tags: #BWWM African American erotic romance, #African American erotica fiction

BOOK: Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural)
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Who knew garnishing drinks were practically an art form, and if I didn’t do it right, I could screw up the liquor. At least that’s what my mentor, Terry said when I dropped a cherry into a vodka gimlet. I smiled when I thought about when or if all this knowledge would come in handy. Maybe right up there with my expensive art classes on how to pull a clay pot.

Rushing in on a Saturday night, I didn’t have time to think, I just grabbed my pen and hurried to a booth. The booth was in a dark corner of the elaborate room. I walked from behind it, and when I stood in front of the table my heart sank. It was Matthew and Alecia sitting smiling at each other. They appeared to be very cozy.

“Oh Matt, look who we have here.” Matthew glanced up at me, and his head fell and his eyes turned dull. He turned staring at Alecia. “We were just discussing you, Amanda.”

I was riveted to that spot. Like a girl who had been caught by her parents making love to her teenage boyfriend on their expensive new couch.

“We will have two Crown Royals on the rocks.”

“And nothing for him?” I shot back. “I’m ordering for Matt.”

Looking at Matthew I said, “Since when have you turned into her lap dog?” And I stepped away holding back tears.

When I made it to the bar and after turning in the order, I felt Matthew standing behind me. He reached for my arm leading me into the hall.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Don’t ask me what I’m doing here. I’m working.”

“You don’t have to work. Come home,” he whispered in my ear.

“If I was thinking about going back to you, you fucked that up by being with that cow.”

“Why are you talking that way, and where are you staying? I text you and asked you several times to give me your address...” I interrupted.

“So you can know where I am at all times, and you don’t have to tell me what you’re doing with Alecia at this hotel.” He held my hands pressing his body next to me. His nearness is overpowering. His breathing intense, and I feel his penis throb against my leg under my short skimpy ruffle skirt.

It was theme night once a month and tonight’s theme was Paris. Edith’s Pilafs music was piped in and playing throughout the hotel corridors.

“I miss you so much. I want you in bed with me. I want to see you when I wake in the morning and when I go to bed at night,” he said to me.

“Are you sure you are talking to the right person because it appears you are with her. From what I see, you want it all, but you can’t have it all.

“You couldn’t have me when I turned eighteen because you were married. I knew when I sat on your lap and you had pre-come dripping from my dress, which I could have given myself to you and you would have welcomed it, but you knew, and I knew it was wrong, and now you’re no longer with her, you were supposed to be devoted to me, but you are still carrying on a relationship with Alecia. Is it because you two have an unspeakable connection that I know nothing about?”

“You don’t understand, Amanda,” I look up and the bartender is hailing me with a raised arm.

“Your drinks are ready, and if you don’t leave me, I can lose my job. And if you cause me to lose my job, just when I’m trying to become a woman, and depend on myself and not you like a child, I will never forgive you.” I walk away from him with my heart broken. I brought the drinks to the table and Alecia and Matthew were gone. On the table under a small chandelier like light set five hundred dollars and a note on a napkin.


If you need anything, I’m here for you. Please call me.

I love you,



made it through my shift and woke the next morning upset. I was too tired and too saddened the night before to be able to function. I just dropped in bed in the small office and stayed there, but when I woke, I lumbered into Seth’s bedroom. It was airy with large bay windows and one window overlooking the bay. It was the first time I ventured in there. We usually sat around and played video games when we weren’t working or going to school in the living area which housed a television, a sofa and four chairs, a table, and a computer.

“Seth,” I called out. He turned over in bed, mumbled something and held on tight to his pillow. He was still in dream land and I hated to bring him back to reality.

“What? What are you doing sitting there? What time is it?” he asked. “It’s dark,” he ran his hands over his eyes removing his blindfold. “That’s better” he took a deep breath. “I thought it was the middle of the night. I guess I can get up now.” He stretches and looks at me with narrow eyes raking his hands through his long blond hair. “Have you made coffee? You know I’m a bitch without my coffee.”

“I’ll make some,” I said and I stood up teary eyed, and he pulled me back to the bed. “What’s the matter, Amanda?”

“It’s Matthew.”

“What did that rich handsome cock do to you this time? You know my husband knows some mafia guys, I didn’t tell you he’s Italian.” Seth holds my hand, “If you like, I can get them to break his legs. Just say the word.”

“It’s not leg breaking time. I’ll tell you when and who, but now it has more to do with that ex-wife of his.”

“Then it’s getting rid of ex-wives time. I have a friend...”

“I know you’re kidding so be real, this is serious. I think...” I didn’t know how to get it out. “I think I’m pregnant.”

“That’s wonderful, I’ve always wanted a baby,” Seth said to me.

“I just got this job and I don’t have any money. I don’t know what to do.”

“How about telling that rich jerk of a boyfriend of yours.”

“I can’t tell him. I think he’s going back to his wife. I saw them together at the hotel and they left before I brought them their drinks. I think they went to her hotel room and did god knows what.

“You can’t be sure of that. You said she was a bitch and can’t be trusted. He didn’t know you were working there. She orchestrated the meeting. If I were you, I would tell her to lay off or you’ll drop a dime on her ass or whatever sounds threatening that she would understand.”

“Do you think I should?”

“I think you should, and let’s get some coffee to celebrate getting rid of that bitch’s ass.”

Chapter 4: Matthew

don’t know why I fall for Alecia’s lies. She has been lying to me from the day I met her. First she pretends to be a virgin and I find out after I marry her it was a lie. Then she claims she wants children and she seldom allows me near her, except when she wants me to fuck her in the ass once a year. Then I find out she had been married before, and she’s not thirty-four but almost forty.

It wasn’t her age and the fact that she isn’t a natural blond, she is a gorgeous woman. It is the lies about wanting children. Even when I suggested that we adopt, she wasn’t keen on the idea. It was then I discovered that if I had children it would have to be without her, but I couldn’t see myself having sex outside of marriage. Now that is all behind me, and I want children with Amanda, but Amanda doesn’t want me anymore and I can’t blame her.

I allowed Alecia to fuck me up with sex and lies.

After we married, she confessed to me that she married young, and her previous husband would tie her up and fuck her in her anus, and after that, she wanted it and had to have it, and if I wanted to be with her, this is what I needed to do. She manipulated me with this and got everything she wanted out of me.

But it was Amanda who broke Alecia’s spell with her love for me.

Now I’m all fucked up again and Alecia is continuing to affect my life whenever I talk to her. I met her at the hotel to tell her that it was over, and I would pay her to go back to Long Island. I would give her anything to get her away from San Francisco and out of my life.

I have a call coming in and I’m hoping it’s from Amanda, but when I pick up the phone... “Matt.”

“Oh it’s you, Alecia. Please don’t call me again.”

“Don’t talk to me like that. I remember when you crawled around the floor begging to fuck me,” she says to me.

“Can we dispense with the past? What is it?” I’m irritated. I haven’t seen Amanda in weeks, I need her body close to me.

“I have to see you Matt. I will let you paddle my ass if you come to my suite,” Alecia says modestly. But she knows and I know there isn’t a shy bone in her body. “I know you are hot, and just about now you don’t have Amanda to...” I can’t hear any more from her.

“Cut the crap, Alecia. We have no more to talk about.”

“Did that sweet Amanda walk out on you and don’t want to talk to you?” There is silence and she knows the answer to her question. Then she says, “Did you know while you are sitting there masturbating, she is dating some blond Viking that works at the hotel with her.” I’m breathing hard now and I know Alecia can hear me.

“I saw her getting into a car with him.” I’m stunned and I can’t think straight. I throw on my coat and I close my phone without telling her good bye. It’s Amanda’s night to work and I need to talk to her. I’m too consumed with jealousy to think straight.

My limo pulls up to the hotel and I’m boiling because I’m full with jealousy. I walk through the line with people waiting to be seated. I see Amanda, my mind goes blank, and all I think about is her fucking another man. I reach for her arm. She turns.

Her eyes are large because she can’t believe that I am standing in front of her, on a Saturday night, the busiest night in the lounge. The piano player is playing but I can’t hear because of the ringing in my ears and my mind talking to me. I pull her buy the arm into the back hall with waitresses passing with their trays.

“What’s wrong with you Matthew? You’re going to cost me my job.”

“You don’t need a job. I want to take care of you. I want you and I don’t want you to fuck anyone but me. Remember what I said, you are forever mine.” I go blank. I try to kiss her as people are passing by but I don’t see them, and she pulls away.

“Did you hear me,” she’s whispering, “you are going to cost me my job. We can’t have any personal contact with patrons.”

“I’m not a fucking patron,” I say. I don’t know why I cursing. I’m fucking angry and I can’t think. All I’m thinking about is Amanda letting that blond guy fuck her when she knows that I want her and need her. “Is he fucking you and sucking my nipples.”

“Are you out of your mind, Matthew?” I don’t know how to answer that question because I must be. “You have to leave. I know they are going to fire me, and if I lose this job, I never want to see you again.”

“I’m leaving.” I drop her arm. I look at her, her eyes are no longer warm. “I going to wait for you and take you home tonight.”

“No. You’re not.” She shakes her head. “I have a ride home.” Her contemptuous tone ignites my anger.

“Are you fucking him? Tell me.” I shout. “Alecia said that you were fucking someone at this hotel, who is it?”

“Go home, Matthew. I’ll talk to you when I pick up my clothes.” I don’t know why I turned and walked out with everyone looking and pointing at me. Security met me at the door, and escorted me out of the hotel and into my limo. I couldn’t go home.

I parked outside because I had to see for myself. It was just as Alecia said. Amanda got in the car with a blond guy and they left at two in the morning when her shift was over. I instructed my driver to trail him, and they pulled up to a large apartment building that had a modern façade but it was an old building nevertheless. The rent was high in that neighborhood and I knew that Amanda couldn’t afford it, and she had to be living with the guy.

I couldn’t control myself, I jumped out of my limo when I saw the guy open the door for her. I rushed over to them. “Don’t you know that Amanda is my wife,” I say. Amanda turns around in surprised.

“What are you doing here, Matthew?” The guy turned to me and stood between me and Amanda. He was just about to say something when I threw a punch at him, and it landed on his eye knocking him backwards.

“What the fuck?” he said holding his eye.

“Now who’s acting like a child? Get out of my sight. I don’t want to see you again,” Amanda said looking back at me holding on to that guy. I couldn’t believe how crazy I had become. I’d never acted like that before, but I had never been in love before.

Chapter 5: Amanda

fter a month of apologies and texts from Matthew, he stopped sending them. He knew me well enough that after three weeks when I wouldn’t return his calls or respond to his pleading, I was totally pissed with him because he didn’t do anything about Alecia’s constant meddling.

With Seth’s encouragement I had a chat with Alecia. I marched up to her suite, knocked on her door, and she open it dressed in a black sheer negligée with surprise written on her face. She stood eyeing me startled because I was the last person she expected. Her blue eyes froze betraying her cool exterior.

Pushing pass Alecia, I said, “May I come in?” I didn’t wait for her to say yes or no. I sauntered into her large expensive suite with separate dining room and I sat, keeping my eyes on her. She acted uneasy. “How long have you been here?” I said to her. “By the look of this suite, you’re blowing through the money Matthew gave you as a settlement.”

It occurred to me that I had hit on the truth somewhere. She was almost broke and she needed money and Matthew was her last resort.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, missy.” She sat across from me folding her arms and crossing her legs.

“Don’t you ever refer to me as missy again, because if you do, I will snatch you bald.” And I stood up.

“Why did you come her...Amanda?” Alecia said with a smirk and rolling her eyes.

“I came to warn you that if you don’t stop interfering in our lives...” In the middle of my threat of bodily harm, a door to the bedroom opened.

“Who is it, sweetheart? Oh you have company, I thought it was time for dinner. Make sure you get that expensive wine we had last night.” And he nodded at me and disappeared into the bedroom.

Alecia’s face turned a bright red and I said, “Do I have to go further with this, or do we have an agreement that you will get the hell out of San Francisco and stay far away from Matthew? Or do I have to tell him what I saw and encourage him to hire a detective and have his lawyers cut off the money you are still getting from him?”

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