Forever Lovers (11 page)

Read Forever Lovers Online

Authors: Suellen Smith

Tags: #romance, #action, #dogs, #country, #military, #western, #cowboy

BOOK: Forever Lovers
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“Good night. Remember, you'll always be my
girl,” he said as he kissed her nose and winked before he shut her
door, leaving her alone in her hotel bedroom. She could hear him
whistling as he walked down the hall. She even thought that she
heard him laugh when the thump of her shoe echoed against the door
to the corridor when she threw it, pretending it was Quinn's

Lily was mad enough to commit murder.
he think he was funny or what?

Lily started to walk out on the balcony to
cool off or jump off, she hadn't decided which, when she noticed a
beautiful large package wrapped in shiny gold paper and ribbon with
her name on the card tucked under the large gold bow of the package
in the middle of her bed. It had an oval gold seal in the corner
from a very expensive store. Curious, she opened the card. It read:
For my special woman. Love, Quinn.
Confused, Lily sat down
and opened the present.

Pawing through the gold tissue paper, Lily
found an elegant long white Belgium lace nightgown. Holding it up,
she stared in appreciation at the intricate sheerness of someone's
beautiful handiwork. At the same moment a knock came from the
connecting door to another room behind her. The unexpected sound
made her jump. She twisted to stare at the door not moving as she
clutched her gown to her chest as if to fend off the intruder with
her garment as she waited frozen for it to open.

“Lily?” Quinn's voice floated softly from
connecting door. “Come and open the door.”

At first, Lily couldn't believe she'd heard
correctly. Realizing the little joke he had chosen to play on her,
she rushed to the door laughing and threw her arms around him, much
to the relief of Quinn. Only she knew there would be plenty time
for retribution.

Quinn laughed, too. He swung Lily up in his
arms and plunked her down on the bed amid frilly petticoats and a
frothy rose colored dress. He wasted no time in joining her and
pinning her arms above her head as he kissed and tickled her all at
the same time.

“So, do you like your present?”

Lily didn't answer right away.

“Well?” Quinn stiffen one arm and raised up
staring down at her as he waited for what he hoped was the right

“I'm thinking.”

That brought another round of kissing and

“OK, OK, I like it, I like it.” she laughed.
“Now, tell me, what am I supposed to do with it?”

“Wear it (kiss, kiss) – or not,” Quinn

Lily was smiling up at him, rather amused at
his charming antics.

Quinn went on to explain as he rolled onto
his side bending a muscular well defined upper arm as he put his
head in his hand, “The last time everything was so spontaneous, we
hardly had time to enjoy the moment. This time, we have all night
and I want it to be special for you.” He got up and walked to the
door leaving her in a mound of petticoats and a little peek at her
rose pink string bikini panties.

“I'll give you fifteen minutes and I'll be
back.” He winked as he left.

Lily winked back and grinned as the door
shut. She liked games. She was good at them. Now, it was her

A few seconds after the door shut, Quinn
heard the ominous sound of the latch clicking on the other side of
Lily's door.
I sure do hope I don't have to break the door down
in fifteen minutes,
he grumbled to himself.

Quinn changed into some black silk boxers in
less than fifteen seconds. He looked around the bridal suite that
connected to Lily's bedroom. He had booked the opulent room over a
year ago hoping it would get some use this very night. He had made
sure that Lily was booked next door to him.

Quinn checked the lily bouquets in the
bedroom, bathroom, and on the coffee table. Next, he dimmed the
lights and lit some candles. He decided the only music they needed
was coming from down below their open balcony as the island barrel
drums continued to beat long into the night joined with the lullaby
of the surf.

Quinn looked at his watch. Lily had another
five minutes to go. He popped the cork of the nearest champagne
bottle and poured himself a glass, tossed it down, and poured
another. He looked at his watch. Time’s up.


After Quinn left, Lily picked up her Nook
book from the night table, fluffed a pillow, and began to read.
Exactly fifteen minutes later, Quinn, true to his word, knocked at
the door.

“May I come in?”

“Not right now, I'm busy, I'll be there in a
moment,” she replied and continued to read her book.

Fifteen minutes later an impatient Quinn
knocked at the door again.

“Are you all right?”


He tried the doorknob. It was locked. “What
are you doing?”

“Painting my fingernails.”

Silence on the other side as Quinn quietly
beat his head against the door. Resting his forehead against it, he
said, “You're, kidding – right?” not exactly sure if she were or
not until he heard her giggle.

Thinking that she had teased Quinn long
enough, Lily jumped out of her dress and petticoats in one big
swoop. She, too, was ready in about fifteen seconds as she gently
pulled the fragile lacy gown carefully over her head. She did not
remove her rose colored thong bikini – Quinn didn't get to have
everything his way.

Fluffing her hair, Lily opened the door and
ran straight into Quinn's chest as he was leaning against the door
jamb listening for any sign of movement with his ear pressed
against it. He was relieved that she was finally in motion and had
been wondering how much longer he would have to wait. He had not
had time to casually be sitting in a chair reading his emails as he
had planned. He grinned sheepishly. Lily laughed. He'd been had. He
conceded that she was good at games. Of course she was, that's what
made her such a good nutcracker.

When Lily opened the door, Quinn could think
of only one word, “
!” as he stood there mesmerized with a
silly grin on his face, absorbing her near naked beauty not moving.
Savoring the moment, he slowly reached out with one finger to trace
her parted lips before inching down her collar bone to the top of
her full breasts, dipping his finger between them as he did so.
Instantly, he felt her shutter and was extremely pleased with
himself. Unfortunately, as she reacted to his foreplay, he did as
well. Stepping back and taking her hand, he put some space between

Not wanting to rush the moment, Quinn led
Lily into his bedroom. Her eyes rounded with surprised delight as
she realized she was in the hotel’s bridal suite, which was covered
with lilies of every pastel color that existed – pink, white,
yellow, lilac, pale green and orange tiger lilies.

“Oh, Quinn, it's beautiful, like a magical
garden out of a fairytale,” she exclaimed as she twirled around
giving Quinn a view of her gorgeous lace gown in her naked body –
well, almost.

Quinn was having a hard time trying not to
chuckle when he saw that Lily was still wearing her pink thong
bikini not that he thought that it would be a problem. He was just
sort of speculating as to why – modesty? -- Perhaps. Teasing? --
More than likely. Either way, he stood there grinning like a
“goofis” until his boner sobered him up.

Quinn turned and handed Lily a glass of pink
champagne with a pink lily sticking out of the top, which he had
poured earlier. It had lost some of the fizz by this time, but
neither of them seemed to notice as they gazed into each other’s
eyes. Smiling, he took the lily out of her glass and licked the end
as Lily watched. Then, he tucked it behind her ear before he leaned
down to touch her lips with his own. They were soft and warm,
tasting of sweet champagne as he knew they would be.

Tramping down his passion, Quinn took the
time to lead Lily out onto the balcony full of more colorful lilies
with a panoramic view of the Caribbean and a full moon shining down
from among a million ancient stars. As they looked out over the
aqua sea surrounded by lighted tikka torches, Quinn wrapped one arm
around Lily’s waist pulling her close, letting her feel his arousal
against her backside.

As they sipped their champagne, Quinn nuzzled
her neck, “You smell so delicious. I have dreamed of this moment
since you were sixteen. I didn’t think you’d ever grow up. What
took you so long?”

“I was trying,” quipped Lily. “
just weren’t co-operating!”

Quinn smiled, “Well, I am now.” He set down
his empty champagne glass, gently took her glass from her
fingertips, and turned her around. Pulling her against his arousal,
he rubbed himself against the front of her and whispered in her
ear, “Any doubts?”

Lily silently shook her head against his bare
torso as she snuggled her breasts against his naked chest and
wiggled back.

Quinn groaned, his body didn’t need any
encouragement, but his hands on their own accord, reached out to
touch her soft breasts that beckoned to him. Feeling her nipples
harden through the soft fabric was almost his undoing.

Remembering that a fluffy king sized bed had
been set outside among the lilies with a gauzy canopy of off white
and a surrounding gauzy curtain, Quinn poured Lily more champagne
hoping to douse some water on the flames that he had ignited and he
felt were quickly getting out of control with very little effort.
He pulled Lily towards the bed, crawling in before her and fluffing
the pillows as she watched from the edge waiting patiently. Next,
he patted the spot next to him, indicating that he wanted her to
join him with her champagne.

Lily smiled and set down her champagne on the
bamboo table near the inviting soft bed where their lovemaking was
finally going to begin, but she did not move towards Quinn as he
had expected. She took a moment to gaze at him before lowering one
strap of her sheer gown and then slowly pulling the other strap
just to the edge of her nipples. Quinn froze in time, swallowing
hard as he waited for her to continue edging down the rest of the
Belgium lace. Instead, she slowly turned around giving him a back
view of her heart shaped hinny. Looking seductively back at Quinn,
she leisurely wiggled her gown down to her tiny waist, past her
curvy bottom, and then began gliding it over her skimpy pink bikini
panties. Then, she let it drift gently to the cool tile floor and
puddle around her feet. Slowly, turning around, she smiled
teasingly. Dipping her finger in her champagne, she let a little of
it drip across each breast before holding out her hand for his
assistance so she could join him in the bridal bed.

By this time, Quinn was practically
cross-eyed with anticipation and not about to ignore Lily’s blatant
invitation. Joining his glass on the bamboo table with Lily’s, he
immediately and happily accommodated her by licking every bit of
the spilled champagne off her chest like her nipples were a faucet
of bubbly. After he decided that she was as horny as he, he went
back to his first plan, still determined to control the situation
by finishing their champagne.

Rescuing the unfinished champagne next to
him, Quinn handed Lily’s glass back to her. By this time, Lily’s
was so frustrated that she was ready to kick and scream, but she
was not about to let Quinn know that! She sweetly smiled and took
the glass from his hand brushing against him as she did so. Ha!

Steadying his breath and breathing deeply as
his military training had taught him, Quinn tried his best to
relax. They now lay in bed looking up at the star constellations
that shown down on the Caribbean Sea with Lily cuddle around
Quinn's body. Quinn gritted his teeth trying his best to prolong
the inevitable as long as possible. He kept Lily close with his
firm warm arm around her trying not to think about her naked
breasts snuggled against his chest, but kept a secure enough hold
around her to keep her from wiggling against him the best he

As they looked up at the magical night, it
wasn’t long before they begin competing for whom was the most
knowledgeable about the stars configurations. Lily couldn't begin
to keep up with Quinn as he had studied the stars diligently as a
Navy SEAL. It was his guiding map at night during any assignment
when electronics weren't available. However, when he began pointing
out breasts and vaginas in the sky, she wondered how long he'd been
making up his own constellations and decided it was time to stop
his shenanigans right then and there. Lily retaliated by dumping
the rest of her champagne on his chest, and he retaliated by
flipping her horizontal, setting off a rampage of necking and
tickling in retribution, which didn't last long before it turned
serious and Quinn began licking the champagne off her nipples
again, even though they both knew there wasn’t a drop left. At that
point, Lily decided to return the favor.

It surprised Quinn that Lily was so quick to
explore him as she softly reached out and ran her hand over his
chest lightly sprinkled with soft black hair kissing him as she
went. Quinn let her swirl her fingers around each flat nipple until
she began to trace the strip of hair to his belly button and going
beyond. He lay still, glorifying in her well-stacked breasts and
her perky nipples that mesmerized him with their dusty pink color,
all the while enjoying their feel as they hovered and dusted gently
over his chest. That was when he finally put on the brakes and
flipped Lily on her back again.

“My turn,” he murmured.

Quinn methodically began to peal the delicate
scrap of rose pink string bikini slowly past Lily’s belly button
and shapely tan legs. All the while he was exploring, he was
enjoying her tiny waist that curved inward before it flared out to
sculptured hips speculating that they would someday be perfect for
carrying his babies.

Quinn wasn’t about to get out of control
before he had taken Lily to her height of ecstasy like he had
planned to do that last night on New Year's Eve so many years ago.
So, he immediately persevered with patience and began his sexual
assault in slow motion as he heightened his sensual lovemaking so
that it would be memorable and perfect for both of them.

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