Forever Lovers (18 page)

Read Forever Lovers Online

Authors: Suellen Smith

Tags: #romance, #action, #dogs, #country, #military, #western, #cowboy

BOOK: Forever Lovers
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Lily began to toss and turn restlessly in her
bed, trying to ignore the close proximity of her lover of so long
ago, as the covers wrapped around her like a package. Finally, when
she could tell that she wasn't going to go back to sleep, she
disentangled herself, got up, and peeked outside. Quinn was
standing on the balcony with his head bowed. He seemed so sad and
forlorn. Her motherly instinct was to go to him and wrap her arms
around him, but before she could do so, he threw his smoldering
cigar over the edge belligerently, stalked inside, and that moment
in time was lost.
Maybe, it's just as well,
Lily thought, as
she crawled back in her own bed listening to the distance thunder
that finally lulled her to sleep.

Later that night, Lily woke to a thunderstorm
that was beginning to brew in full force. It started out with a
little breeze that turned into blowing a gale that had the gauzy
white drapery that framed the doorway, twisting and turning as it
began to flap an announcement and warning of what was to come. Lily
was just getting up to shut the doors, when bolt of lightning
boomed across the sea and the sky began to light up with all guns
firing. It was as though the gods had started a war with lightning
rods sparing no one in their fracas. At the same moment, Gunner
began to whimper, howl, and whine as he shook and trembled while
the sky continue to light up and rumble.

Before Lily could shut the doors, she
immediately hauled a shivering Gunner up in her bed, throwing her
arm around him trying to soothe him by rubbing his ears and cooing
as she wrapped her body around him for comfort. He still continued
to whimper and howl. The next thing she knew, Quinn had banged her
balcony doors shut and was in bed with them. He gave Gunner a
command that stopped his whimpering as he gather his own body on
the other side of him. Gunner gave him a lick of thank you, but
still continued to tremble a little as the lightening continued for
another hour or so. Gunner, however, did as he was commanded and
stopped crying.

“These dogs are programed to obey instantly.
Men in battle cannot let their positions be given away by a shaky
scared canine. He'll get his fears under control if he understands
what is expected of him,” Quinn commented in the darkness against
lightening fireworks as though he were laying on the other side of
her bed in his rightful place as always.

Lily made no comment. Quinn listened to
Lily's calming voice as she talked to Gunner. Her voice was
soothing to himself as well in spite of the tension between them.
Their hands that were comforting Gunner began to touch ever so
often as they pulled together like a team trying to accomplish the
same goal of solace to this damaged canine. After about fifteen
minutes, Gunner finally settled down even though the storm outside
continued to rage as rain poured down around them wrapping the
three of them in an insulated cocoon as they listened to the
pounding of the roaring rain outside. Finally, the fireworks began
to dissipate and only the pounding of light rain could be heard
with occasional lightening in the distance as it tormented anyone
or anything nearby.

When Lily felt that Gunner had settled down,
she got out of bed, turning on the nightlight as she did so. She
encouraged Gunner to lay down on his bed beside her as she didn't
want him to get used to sleeping next to her. He obeyed
reluctantly. In retrospect, it probably would have been smarter if
she had left Gunner as a buffer between her and Quinn, but at the
time she hadn't anticipated that Quinn would be spending the night
– in her bed.

Quinn watched Lily with interest. She was
wearing a short purple K-State t-shirt that barely covered her ass.
Her shapely long legs only enhanced her lush bottom cheeks. If she
would only lean over just a little bit more, he might get a little
peek of what he was seeking. He scrunched down a little in bed, but
to no avail. So, instead, he watched Lily's unbound breasts stretch
across her shirt, outlining her top anatomy in vivid detail. He had
the joy of watching them as they jiggled and bounced around. Quinn
could remembered exactly how they looked and how they felt. His
body reacted accordingly.

After Lily got Gunner settled in his own bed,
she looked over at Quinn. He was still lying on the other side of
the bed, relaxing with his swollen bicep bulging behind his head
like he belonged there. It was disgusting that he looked so

Lily put her hand on her hip, “You act like
you're planning on staying.”

“That would be right.” Quinn stated the
obvious. Then, added to justify his statement, “In case you haven't
noticed, it's raining outside.”

As their eyes connected momentarily, Lily
snapped off the light and crawled in bed. They both knew where this
was going, but they played the game anyway.

“Since when does a little water bother a

“Since I found out how nice and warm it is in
your bed,” Quinn said as he rolled over on his side. Just then,
another strike of lightning struck and Quinn could see that Lily
had turned her head and was looking at him before they were thrown
into darkness again.

They were quiet for a moment as they each
struggled with their own emotions that were just as turbulent as
the storm outside. In some ways it was as if they were strangers
and in other ways very familiar. They were each hurting in their
own way. The downpour outside helped to fill in the strain of

Quinn reached out for Lily and pulled her
into his own body. She did not resist, but neither did she give him
any encouragement. He knew they needed to talk some more, but he
just didn't want to break the moment even though it was only
temporary. Damn his soul, he still wanted her even if she were no
longer his.

Lily's back was spooned into Quinn's chest as
they rested on their sides facing the thunder and lightning
outside. They lay in comfortable silence as the storm outside
continued in a rage around them. Quinn had only planned to hold
Lily and enjoy the moment. However, after a short time, he began to
nuzzle her strawberry hair finding the nape of her neck as he
smelled her sweet fragrance that beckon like a siren since she was
sixteen. He should have known that it would take so very little to
resist her warm body. She was in his blood and she was in his
heart. Nothing was ever going to change that even if this were to
be the last night they ever spent together.

Lily relaxed, loving the feel of Quinn's warm
lips and remembering how they had danced this same dance under the
stars in the warm breeze of the Caribbean. It felt so right. She
needed him now more than she ever had and so did the twins. She
turned, putting her arms around his waist and nestling closer. She
felt his need as much as her own.

Lily's hands began to roam over his back. She
felt the scars along his spine. She wanted to tell him how deeply
she cared. She wanted to cry for the torture he must have endured
because of the bomb explosion. She cried for their children that he
did not know he had. She needed to tell him soon. Just not now, but
when the time felt right. This moment was just too fragile.

Lily and Quinn spent the entire night in each
other’s arms making love over and over. It was as wonderful and as
exciting as it had been the first time they had been together
almost two years ago. It was as if they had never been apart.

When Lily awoke, Quinn was gone. The only
indication that he had been there was the indentation on the pillow
next to her. She pulled the pillow to her body. She felt deserted
and empty – like he had discarded her again without a thought.
Although, she knew in her heart that that was not what had happened
as he had been in a coma the entire time of her pregnancy. Perhaps,
that is why he felt so near every time the twins moved around in
her tummy, even though he was clear across the vast expanse of the
ocean fighting for his life – just perhaps it hadn't been a figment
of her imagination.


Quinn had left Lily's bed while it was still
dark. His leg had begun to ache after the all night extracurricular
activities. He was in need of some early morning medication and a
hot sauna to relieve his pain. As he sat relaxed in the sauna, he
thought about last night and his time with Lily. He tried not to,
but he did anyway. Lily had responded to him with the abandonment
that she always had. He had thought that she responded like she did
only for him. In spite of his concentration, he suddenly had this
image of her with another man. He felt like busting something
again. If his Uncle Dawg had not owned the chateau, he probably
would have done so.

Trying to redirect his thinking, he tried to
think of all the orgies that his Uncle Dawg might have had in the
same sauna. That didn't work either as the women all began to merge
together into one face – his Lily. He put his head in his hands,
thankful that he had taken the pain medicine and his head didn't
ache, too.

Quinn didn't know how long he sat in the
sauna, but he must have dozed off. When he got out, the sun was
coming up and he could smell coffee. He knew Lily had to be up as
it was Saturday and all help took the weekends off. He grabbed some
sweats and padded out to the kitchen. He was disappointed that the
kitchen was empty. He poured himself a cup of coffee and looked out
at turbulent sea. He could see Gunner and Lily climbing among the
rock formations. Gunner struggled a bit, but he was determined to
please his mistress. He decided to join them.


The wind was cool and damp, blowing its usual
gale. So, Lily didn't hear Quinn come up behind her until he put
his arms around her. She leaned back and felt his warmth. He spoke
next to her ear.

“Hmm, you feel so good. Let's go back and
make the most of the time you have left before you leave tomorrow –
unless you think you could stay longer.”

Lily thought about their twins, “I'd love to,
but I need to get back. Why don't you come with me?”

Quinn stiffened thinking,
And be part of a
threesome. I don't think so!

Lily felt Quinn withdraw from her both
physically and mentally. She turned to look at him trying to
understand the vibes she was getting. His jaw was clenched tight
and he was looking off at the horizon like he had just transported
himself somewhere else. When he didn't answer her, she didn't
pursue. To cover up the uncomfortable pregnant pause, she leaned
down to grab a stick to throw to Gunner. He immediately responded
with enthusiasm at his favorite game. When he began to tire of the
sport, Lily called a halt. The three of them walked back to the
chateau. Quinn surprised Lily by taking her hand.

By the time they got back to the chateau,
Lily was shivering. Quinn knew just the spot to warm her up. He
pulled Lily into the sauna ordering Gunner to stay outside. He
didn't need an audience. As soon as he pulled her inside the warm
and steamy cozy cocoon, he began to divest her of all clothing. She
didn't waste any time in helping him out of his as well. They gazed
at each other hungrily in the dim lighting adsorbing all the
details that they missed in the darkness last night. It wasn't long
before they, too, become warm and steamy, which could not be blamed
entirely on the sauna.

By the time they got out of the steam bath,
Lily and Quinn were hungry. By the time they ate a late lunch, they
were ready for a nap. After they awoke from their naps they were
ready to make love again, eat again, sip some wine, and do another
repeat. When they woke much later, the sun was setting. They went
out on the veranda to watch with some champagne cocktails that
Quinn knew were Lily's favorite.

When Quinn turned Lily in his arms, he
noticed a few red patches on her face that weren't there yesterday.
He frowned when he realized that they were no doubt whisker burns.
“Why don't you take a shower and I'll go fix some supper. By the
way, you don't have to wear any more to dinner than that sexy
K-State t-shirt,” he grinned.

Lily went happily into her bedroom to take a
shower. When she came out, wanting to please Quinn, she dressed in
her K-State t-shirt as he requested. When she padded down to the
kitchen, she could smell the yummy homemade lasagna baking that had
been left by the chef for the weekend. Quinn had managed to put
together a salad, some garlic bread and set a table of fresh
flowers that she recognized as having been on the mantle and
silently applauded him for his creativeness. She was impressed.

Quinn's back was turned when Lily entered the
spacious kitchen whose alcove overlooked looked the sea. “It smells
delicious.” When he turned around, Lily started laughing her head
off. He had toilet paper stuck all over his face. He looked like
Santa Claus. He had shaved off his goatee. It was obvious that he
had gotten a few nicks in the process.

“What??” he grinned back at her.


Without vocalizing it, Lily and Quinn made a
fragile truce. It would be early morning soon enough, the day Lily
was to leave. Neither one of them wanted to end things on an
unpleasant note.

That conversation that followed them around
like a storm cloud did take place, however, in spite of their
resolve to avoid it. It was early morning of the day that Lily was
to depart, when they finally had a conversation while they were
still lying in bed entangled in each other’s arms. Quinn did most
of the talking, mainly because he didn't want to hear about Lily's
life. He knew all he wanted to know. But, he still had some
unanswered questions.

Quinn rolled over and began to touch Lily. As
his hand began to dip lower to her belly button, he couldn't help
but ask, “Why did you keep the ring I gave you in your navel?” Lily
swallowed to gather the words ready to tell him that he was the
father of twins just as his hand slipped down farther down her
tummy. “I heard you had a baby.” Then, before she could comment,
suddenly, he pulled away, sat on the edge of the bed, got up and
threw over his shoulder as he walked out of the bedroom, “I don't
ever want any kids!”

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