Forever Girl (36 page)

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Authors: M. M. Crow

BOOK: Forever Girl
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“Thank you mamaw; it’s perfect.” I say with a smile.


“It was my pleasure baby doll.” She says lovingly to me.


I continue to look around the room and I see all the tables have Mason Jars. I think my cheeks might crack from smiling so wide. I start looking at everyone gathered with us and I notice Dr. Emily Armstrong talking to dad.


“Did you really invite Dr. Armstrong?” I turn to my husband and ask.


“I did baby. I also invited Vivian Morris but not her fucking son. Amber, Brian Miller, and his wife.” He responds.


“We need to go say hello.”


He tells me we’ll go say hello to all of our guest in a minute. He whistles and everyone turns to us.


“We have an announcement. We went to the Doctor yesterday and we found out we’re having a little girl.” He announces.


Everyone starts clapping and whistling again and I turn to him and lift my face and he bends down and kisses me. We spend the evening eating, talking, dancing, drinking (juice for me), and spending time with the most important people to us. This our family and it’s the most perfect day of all days I’ve ever had.










    I’m so uncomfortable right now and it doesn’t matter what position I’m in. I’m due in two days and I really hope she decides she wants to be on time. I’ve all but taken over our king size bed with pillows trying to get comfortable. Titan’s been great taking care of the twins and me. He’s constantly rubbing my back, legs, and feet and he started shaving my legs about a month ago and trimming his pussy as he has claimed it.


“It’s been mine since you were sixteen years old.” He told me matter-of-factly.


Sometimes I have to wonder about him but then again what he says is the truth.


“Do you need me to rub your back babe?” He asks me with sleep in his voice.


“Yes... Please.” I say as I’m moving around trying to get a little bit of comfort.


He moves the pillows and has me lay around my belly pillow. He starts to massage my lower back and the relief is momentary. I feel a sharp pain and my water breaks. I yell at him to stop and he takes his hands off of me immediately.


“It’s time to go to the hospital.” I say to him.


He moves closer to me and that’s when he feels the wetness that was my water and realizes that it has just broken. He jumps out of bed and runs to the closet and grabs his pants and a shirt along with a dress that he can put over my head. He comes back into the room and goes straight to the bathroom and gets a washcloth and towel. He makes it back to the bed and helps me get up and then he wipes me off and dries me and puts my dress on. He grabs his phone and is running down the stairs while talking to my dad or Jess I imagine. I can hear him turn the alarm off and open the door and I hope he’s going to pull the car up to the porch to get me and he doesn’t leave without me; and without clothes on.


“Fuck!” I hear him say as I shake my head.


I start to giggle when a contraction hits and I have to grab the bed post. He runs back in the room and he comes to me. He looks like he’s getting ready to pick me up to carry me down the stairs.



“As much as I love you being naked. You have to put clothes on. I would really hate to have to cut a bitch for staring at what’s mine.” I say to him after the pain subsides.


He looks down at himself realizing he grabbed clothes but didn’t put them on. He shakes his head sheepishly at me.


“Right clothes on and then I’ll carry you down the stairs.” He says nervously.


I tell him that’s a good idea and not to forget shoes. He runs back to the closet and grabs socks and his tennis shoes and almost sits down in the mess I just made. I tell him he doesn’t want to sit there and he turns his head and stands from his almost sitting position. He walks over to the chair and puts his shoes on and comes back to me.


“Who’s coming over to watch the twins?”


He tells me that Jess’s on her way and dad and my grandparents are going to meet us at the hospital. He picks me up and carries me down the stairs and to the car. He gets me in and buckled when another contraction hits and I grit my teeth and try to do the breathing Thorpe taught me.


“You need to grab me some flip flops.”


“You don’t need them baby because I’m going to carrying you. You have shoes in your suitcase in the back for when you come home.” Is his response.


I tell him okay and Jess needs to hurry the fuck up. Just as I get the sentence out I see and hear her hauling ass up the drive. She slams on her brakes and jumps out of the car.


“Go and I’ll be up later with the kids.” She says as she runs past us to the door.


We tell her bye and my man starts hauling ass to the hospital. I put my hand on his arm.


“Honey we live ten minutes from the hospital. I won’t have the baby between here and there. I would really like to make it there without hitting an animal or another car.” I say


He takes a deep breath and slows down some. I have a contraction hit and I grip the door handle and the edge of the seat. I groan and do the breathing to try to ease the pain.


“Call Dr. Young.” Dean says to the car.


“Hello?” She says with sleep still in her voice.


  Dean tells her that I’m in labor and my water has broken and we’re on the way to the hospital now. She wakes right up and tells us she’ll be there in ten minutes and she hangs up.


    We make it to the hospital five minutes later. The orderly has a wheelchair waiting for me to take me right upstairs. I’m grateful that we’ve already pre-registered. As he’s wheeling me to the elevators I see my dad, papaw, and mamaw come in. Dean throws his key to dad so that the car can be moved. Dean tells dad that my suitcase is in the back and dad nods. The elevator doors close behind us and I’m hit with another contraction and this one is rough. I have a tight grip on the wheelchair arm rests and I’m trying to hold in my yell


“Her contractions are getting closer together; they are now five minutes apart.” Dean looks at his watch and he says to no one in particular.


The elevator doors open on the Maternity Ward and a nurse takes the orderlies place. She wheels me into birthing room five.


“My dad’s parking the car. He’ll be up in a few minutes.” I say to her after the contraction ends.


She tells me that she’ll let him know where I am.


“Will everyone step out please. I need to undress Mrs. Henderson and get her set up in the bed. You can come back in the room in a when we are done.” She asks everyone.


“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll get my wife undressed and into the gown.” My man growls.


She looks at him and apologizes and starts to grab wait she needs. Papaw and mamaw leave the room and say they’ll wait for daddy to come up before they come back in. Dean has my dress over my head when another contraction hits. He tells the nurse the last contraction was only three minutes ago.


“Put the gown on Lyric but don’t tie it and to get her in the bed.” She says as she hands him the gown.


He helps me into the bed and she’s pulling gloves on. She tells me that she needs to check how far dilated I am. She checks me and tells me that I’m dilated to seven. She has to get the other nurses in here and the doctor should be here anytime. I’m hit with another contraction and I can’t help but scream out.


“Can you give my wife drugs or something to help her?” Dean looks at her helplessly.


“She’s too far along to get any kind of pain medication.” She tells him.


He takes my hand and in his and his other hand is on my head moving my hair off of my forehead.



    Dr. Young comes running into the room with the nurses behind her. One nurse is putting a gown on her and another is putting her gloves on. The nurses then move to each side of the bed and start tearing it apart. I remember what’s coming next and I look at Dean. I know he’ll be holding one leg so I tell him to go get mamaw right now. He looks at me and rushes out of the door. They both come running back in and I tell her I want her on the other side of me holding my leg. She smiles and tells me she’s honored to be in here with us. The next contraction comes and I’m gripped with unmeasurable pain. I yell out and Dr. Young tells me not to push yet. She lifts the gown to around my waist and checks me and tells me I’m fully dilated and on the next contraction I can start pushing.


“You both need to pick her lower legs up and to put her feet in your hands. Then bring her legs toward her chest. This will help when she pushes.” She says to Dean and mamaw.


They get me into position and when the contraction comes I scream out and push at the same time. When the contraction stops I do my breathing and just as quick another contraction hits. I push again and I feel the head crowning. Doc tells me to rest and the next contraction to push and count to ten. I do as she says and the baby’s head comes through. She tells me that I’m almost there. When the next contraction hits she pulls the babies shoulder and torso out and my baby girl comes out immediately.


“Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?” Doc asks Dean.


“Hell fucking yeah I do!” He responds.


I give a laugh because he just can’t contain his mouth. He moves to the end of the bed and cuts the cord and doc wipes out our little girl’s mouth and spanks her little butt. She starts to cry and doc hands her to the nurse and she brings her to me and lays her on my chest.


“Hi there little one. I’m your mommy.” I say as I look down at my daughter.


I look from her and I see Dean’s got tears in his eyes as he looks at us. I wave him over and he puts his face on my breast right next to her.


“Hi there precious. I’m your daddy. I’m so happy to finally meet you.” He says with tears brimming his eyes.


I see mamaw as she approaches and kisses our baby’s head. She tells us she’s going to step out and tell papaw and daddy. I tell her okay and I thank her and she tells me that she’s the thankful one for being able to share this with us. The nurse takes our girl and gets her cleaned up and Dean’s right there next to her as her protector already.



“Thank you baby for giving me another amazing child. I love you more and more every day.” He says to me.


“I love you too honey.” I say to him.


He smiles and then walks back over to our bundle of joy.



    We have just about the whole MC here in my room to meet our little girl. She’s hidden right now under a blanket breast feeding. Jasmine and Jamie are on the bed with me and Dean’s right next to us in protection mode. When she’s finished eating I bring her out and I burp her. I then turn her around so everyone can see her.


“Our little girl was born at 6:15am on December 15th, 2015. She weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and 18 inches long.




Please welcome Juno Saylor Thorne Henderson to the family.”










The End





















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