Forever Girl (30 page)

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Authors: M. M. Crow

BOOK: Forever Girl
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“Her Spleen ruptured and we had to remove it. She has a collapsed lung and a Sternal Fracture. She has nine broken ribs, a broken arm, a fractured Femur Bone, and has Swelling on her Brain. She also had to have ten stitches between her vagina and anus.” Thorpe explain to us.


I’ve got tears running down my face and I feel like I could die from my heart hurting for everything my woman’s been through.



“She’s in ICU. She’s in a chemical induced coma. The doctors will keep her that way for a couple of days. They’ll start to wean her off the medication as the swelling goes down. There’s one more thing I need to tell you. I need you to look at me.” Nic says to me.


I open my eyes and I look at my sister.


“Lyric’s pregnant brother. She’s six or seven weeks along.”


I drop to my knees and Zeus comes to me and wraps his arms around me.


“Our girl’s strong. She survived and she’s still fighting to come back to us. This baby’s still alive and if god willing will be okay also.”


I clear my throat and ask about the baby.


“With lyric being completely on bed rest for the next couple of months the baby has a fighting chance. The babies on a monitor and will be until Lyric gets out of the hospital. Lyric’s not bleeding from her uterus and that’s a great sign.” She tells me.


She comes up and hugs me and tells me that they’ll come get us when they get her in the room.







Chapter 34








    It’s been a month since Lyric was brought in. I ask every day when I get here if there’s been a change and the nurses tell me every day that there’s nothing new to report. I’m slowly starting to lose hope of her coming back to me. The first week I didn’t leave the hospital at all. The second week I knew I had to get back on a schedule for the twins. They come and see her after school and tell her about their day. Then we go home and I feed, bath, and read to them like she did. I cuddle them both and let them know that their momma’s really tired. She’ll wake up when she’s no longer sleepy. They say okay but they want her to hurry up and wake up. I tell them good night and I love them. Zeus has been hanging around in the evenings. I realize he needs us as much as we need him. Tonight he stops over with Hound.


“What's going on?” I ask them both.


“They found Ali in the woods. Some hunters found her late yesterday. It looks like she was killed a while ago probably by Pete.” Hound tells me.


I feel the weight lift off me knowing that she’s no longer a threat to my woman. I know Zeus feels the exact same way.


“Lyric won’t be charged with any crime. Marley is looking at a couple of Class A and Class B Felonies. She’ll be in prison for a solid twenty-five years.” Hound also explains.


I’m happy knowing she’s going away for what she helped do to my woman. That bitch is getting what she deserves. I still wish that Pete and Ali had died by my hands. I’m proud of how strong my old lady is. She fought Pete and won. I just wish she would wake up now. Our baby in her stomach is doing well and they say both my woman’s healing on schedule and the baby’s out of the danger zone. I’m happy that she’s healing and she doesn’t feel pain but at the same time I want to hear her voice and see her eyes.


“How’s my woman doing today?” I ask as I’m walking into the wing of the hospital after my business meeting and see her nurse.


“Lyric made a moan about an hour ago. She may be coming out of her coma, but don’t get your hopes up yet.” She explains.


I step into my woman’s room. I give her a kiss and lay a kiss on her stomach. I tell our baby that their daddy’s here. I sit down in the chair next to Lyric and take her hand.


“Hound stopped by last night baby. You never have to worry about Ali or Pete again. You’re safe and can wake up now. The twins miss you baby. Your dad and grandparents will be here after they pick the kids up from school. We all miss you and want you to come back to us.” I say to her with emotions clogging my throat.


I tell her about my day and that when me and the twins leave this evening; I’m going to attempt to make the crispy ranch chicken just like she made. I lay my head on her stomach and wrap my arms loosely around her. I talk to my baby that’s growing inside of my women’s womb and tell it that I will love and take care of it.


“You’re one of my wishes come true. I wanted to see you grow in your momma’s tummy.”


I feel a slight shift. I think I might have imagined it until I feel her hand in my hair. I sit up and turn my head towards her.


“Baby keep your eyes closed for a minute.” I say to her.


She tries to tell me she’s thirsty.


“I’ll get a nurse to get some ice chips.”


I close the blinds and hit the call button.


“How can I help you?” The nurse asks.


“Lyric’s awake. We need the Doctor and she wants something to drink.”


“I’ll be right there.” The nurse says.


I fire off a text to Zeus telling him our girl’s awake and to get here fast. I look at my woman and she has her eyes open. I look into those big brown eyes and I break down crying.


“I’m so fucking happy to see those beautiful eyes. You’re never to scare me like that again.”


I bend over and kiss her face and lips.


“I love you baby. You’ve been so brave a strong and I’m so fucking proud of you.”


She has a couple of tears come out of her eyes and kiss her tears away. Thorpe and Dr. Atkins come in the room along with Sis and the nurse that’s on duty. They check her over and Sis gives her some ice chips to suck on.


“Do you know what year it is? Do you know who the President is? Do you remember your name? His name? Do you have children and if you do what are their names?” Dr. Atkins asks her.


She answers all his questions correctly.


“What’s the last thing you remember?” He asks


“I remember everything. My last memory is talking to Dean on the phone and him telling me to hide under the porch. He said he was on the way with my daddy and my papaw. I remember telling them that I loved them and I was hurt bad and I was scared.” She tells him with tears in her eyes.


“I remember having a vague memory of him picking me up and me screaming and Dean telling me he has to pick me up and he’ll try not to hurt me and then I remember being in my daddy’s arms. I also remember him telling me that I needed to stay strong and keep my heart beating and that my babies want me to come home to them. I also remember hearing voices talking about a helicopter ride but I don’t know if that was a dream or real.” She says


They ask her about her pain and she tells them she’s in pain but it’s mostly manageable as long as she lays still and does not move much. They tell her that she’ll most likely be here for a couple of days. Then she’ll still be on bed rest for another month.


“Can I tell my woman?” I ask them.


They both tell me that it would be good for her to hear it from me.


“When you were brought in baby they discovered you were six weeks pregnant. The baby survived the trauma right along with you sweetheart. You’ve been in a coma for five weeks. You and the baby are doing exceptional babe.” I say to her.



“Is the baby really okay?” She asks with tears rolling down her face.


I kiss the side of her face and tell her that the baby is great.


“You know don’t you?” She asks with tears and shame in her eyes.


“I know baby. It doesn’t matter one bit to me. All that matters is that you’re here and you’re alive. You fought the good fight baby and you came out the winner. I’m so proud of you and I love you more than anything in this world other than our children.” I say to her and I mean it.


She’s whimpering and I get on the edge of the bed and lay myself down next to her. I wrap her gently into me. I don’t want to hurt her but I also know she needs to feel me next to her.


“I wasn’t strong enough to stop it?” She whimpers and it breaks my fucking heart.


“Baby you survived. You’re the strongest fucking person I know. It doesn’t matter to me baby. All that matters is that you’re here with me. Do you understand me. I’m just grateful that you are alive and awake. Those motherfuckers will never hurt you again sweetheart. You came out of this alive my love and neither of them did.” I explain to her.


She shudders a breathe and I can tell she’s in pain. I tell her she has to try and relax or she’ll cause herself more pain. I tell her that the twins will be here in a couple of hours and her daddy is on his way now. She sobs again and Thorpe comes up to us and tells her to breath with him. She and I do the breathing with him until she gets her breathing controlled. He tells her that she’ll have pain for another 4-6 weeks. Then she should be able to breath without it hurting and move around some without pain. He tells her that’s why she’ll be on complete bed rest for the next month. She tells him she understands and has snuggled somewhat into me. Zeus comes through the door like hell hounds are chasing his ass. When he sees she’s awake he breaks down crying. He comes up to her kissing her face and telling her he’s really happy to see her awake. He takes a chair and sits it down on the other side of her.


“I’ve never been so scared as I was when we couldn’t find you. The waiting while you were in surgery is an experience I never want to go through again. I called mamaw and papaw and they’re going to the school to get the twins right now. They’ll be here soon baby doll.” Her dad says to her.


“I love you. I’m happy that you found me. I might not have said it before dad but I’m proud to be your daughter.”


“I’m the one that is honored to have a daughter as strong and loving as you are.” He says as he wipes his tears.


She’s getting tired and I tell her to close her eyes and I’ll wake her when her grandparents and our babies get here. She says okay and closes her eyes and is asleep in a matter of seconds.


“It’s normal and she’ll still sleep a lot until she’s fully healed.” Thorpe tells us.



    She’s been napping about 20-25 minutes when Captain, Ellie, Jess, Hound, Jasmine, and Jameson come in. They see her sleeping and I see the look on my babies faces.


“She’s just napping but she’ll wake up this time.” I tell them both.




“Your babies want to see your eyes sweetheart.” I whisper and rub her back.



“Your babies really need to see those eyes of yours. Even worse than me and your dad did.” I say to her as she opens her eyes.


I get out of the bed and Jazz and Jamie walk up to me. I move so they can see her and they both start crying. I move Jazz and Jamie onto the bed. I remind them that they have to be careful with her. They’re both crying and she has them wrapped up in her arms as best she can. She’s telling them she’s okay and she loves them both more than all the blades of grass in whole world. They continue to cry and hold on to her. I look away from my children and my woman. I see everyone else is crying from the emotions from those two little people. Hound has his arms around Jess and Captain has Zeus and Ellie wrapped up in his. I walk to the bed and wrap my arms around my whole world and promise myself right then and there nothing will ever touch them again. I hear my woman tell her babies that she wants to hug papaw and mamaw and they can get back into her arms in a few minutes after she hugs everyone else. The twins get off the bed and I sit down in a chair by the end of the bed and both kids get into my lap. I cuddle them and give them the emotional support that they need right now. If I’m being completely honest I need it from them also. Captain and Ellie give her hugs and the love she needs right now also. Jess gets into bed with Lyric and they hug and bond a little.

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