Forever Girl (27 page)

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Authors: M. M. Crow

BOOK: Forever Girl
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“Titan What’s wrong?” She asks


“Lyric’s fucking missing.”

“Find her Titan. I’ll take care of the twins.” She says to me.


I fucking knew something was wrong; I fucking knew it. I let it go and know my woman’s somewhere out fucking there and I don’t even fucking know who fucking took her. I swear I’ll bury the motherfucker’s when I find who they are. I haul ass to Gary’s and I hear my brothers coming up quick. Zeus and Shadow are off their bikes and Shadow says to me “Don’t touch the Yukon brother. He and Hound look at the body and then under the under car. They both then pull out gloves and some white powder shit and start dusting it on the door handle and windows.


“Unlock the doors but don’t touch anything yet.” Shadow says to me.


They open the door and find my woman’s purse and keys are still in the seat. They look for her phone but it’s not in there. Pike shows up in a truck and jumps out.


“Zeus, Titan, I found out that Pete took Lyric from the video feed from Leelee’s.” Pike says to us.


He grabs his scanner and computer and starts for the door of the bar. Shadow must have called Gary because he shows up and opens the doors for us and we start for the office. Shadow starts going through the video feed and Pike has uploaded the prints and has hacked into the Police Data Base for finger Prints. I hear Zeus holler Mother Fucking Cunt. I turn to see what has sent him over the fucking edge and scared at what I’ll see at the same fucking time. What I see has me seeing fucking red; it’s fucking Ali and Pete taking her out of the Yukon and putting her into another car. I want to rip their fucking heads off and shit down their throats.


“Ali doesn’t know this area so we’ll have to figure out where Pete would be fucking taking her. Zeus, do you remember any place special Pete would go that’s out of the way and he could stay hidden?” I say to Shadow.


“I have no fucking idea where he would take her but I’ll call and momma and dad.” He says to me.



“Pete’s dad had a house in Chevrolet but it got sold years ago. Pete inherited some land in the mountains and a cabin somewhere in Virginia.” He tells us a few minutes later.


Pike starts running searches on the land and cabin. We decide that we need to get to the clubhouse.


“I’ll meet you there. I’m going home and changing my clothes and grabbing clothes for my woman so she’ll have clean clothes to change into when we get her back. I know how she is about germs and I know she’ll want to get the clothes off and changed as soon as possible.”



    I get to the clubhouse and Marley’s there to see Stick. I walk by her and she tries to stop me but I shake her the fuck off of me.


“Get the fuck away from me bitch!” I sneer at her.


She huffs and says something under her breath. I don’t catch what the fuck she said but I don’t give a fuck what she has to say. I make my way to church. I see most of the brothers are already here. I’m told that they’re looking in the areas by the cabin and also the land. Shadow, Hound, and Pike all seem to think that they won’t hide on Pete’s land but close enough to it because he’ll know the area. It makes sense but I just want them found and found fucking now. She’s already been missing almost eight hours. I go to the game room and see my babies.


“Where’s momma at?” They ask me with fear and sadness in their little eyes.


“I don’t know but we are looking for her. We’ll bring her home soon. You to have to go home now with mamaw and Jess but they’ll stay with them until I get home with your momma.” I say to them.


I give them both hugs and kisses and tell them that I love them. Jess takes Jamie and Ellie takes Jazz. I want to break the fuck down and cry myself but I know that I need to stay strong. I promised my woman that I would go to hell and back to find her and that is what the fuck I plan to do.


“I want to know fucking everything there is to know about those two motherfuckers. I want their fucking finances and phone records. I want to know who they fucking dated and went to fucking school with. I want to know their casual fucks. I want it all.” I say to Pike as I walk back into church.



    It’s been fucking hours since she was last fucking seen. I’m at my fucking breaking point. I’m getting ready to start tearing this fucking place up.


“BINGO!” Pike yells and we all take off to see what it is he’s found.


“I was searching finances and a check was cashed here in Harlan from Pete’s trust account.” Pike tells us.


“Who cashed the fucking check?”


“Sorry Man but it looks like Marley’s the one to cash the fucking check!” Pike says to Stick.


“Find that fucking cunt ass whore and bring her the fuck here. That fucking cunt was here when I showed up and she grabbed my arm and tried rubbing up on me. I told her to get the fuck away from me. She said something under her breath but didn’t catch what it was and wasn’t concerned with her at all. I want another prospect and a couple of brothers at my house because she was her when my babies were and I don’t know if she would try to hurt them or not.” I fucking scream.


“I won’t fucking kill her. She’s pregnant with your kid but she’ll be arrested and charged with Accessory to Kidnaping.” I tell Stick.


He shakes his head agreeing with me. She better fucking hope my woman doesn’t have one hair out of place or I’ll hire some bitch to fuck her up after she gives birth. Stick calls Marley and he sweet talks her into coming back to the clubhouse telling her that he’s decided that she’s important to him and he wants to talk about their future. She arrives around 1am and looks like she’s ready to go clubbing even though she’s pregnant. As soon as she’s in his arm he puts her hands behind her back and acts like he’s going to kiss her as Hound puts handcuffs on her. Stick steps away and is replaced by me and Zeus. Zeus looks at her and she looks at me and then at Stick and she starts to bitch.


“You can’t treat me this way. I’m fucking pregnant. Once I tell my father he’ll bring the cops down here and arrest all of you for imprisoning me and every last one of you will go to prison.” She says as she tries to get out of the handcuffs.


“The police are on their way and you’re the one being arrested for Accessory to Kidnaping. If you don’t fucking cooperate with us what we need to know now you’ll also be charged for Hindering the Investigation.” Zeus says to her.


“I won’t talk to any of you. I’ll wait for the Police and have them call my Father.” She says as she starts to cry.


“Your father and brother have already been called and they’ll be here shortly and if you don’t want to see a prison wall for the rest of your miserable fucking life you’ll tell us what we want to know right fucking now.” I scream as I step into her space.


“Pete picked me up at a bar in Ages about a month ago. I was bitching about Lyric stealing you from me and how I’d like Lyric to disappear so I could get you back. I would’ve even raised that bitch’s kids with you.” She says as she starts crying harder and has snot running down her fucking face.


“No matter if Lyric was in the fucking picture or not you never would of fucking had me. That it’s been Lyric since I was nineteen fucking years old and it’ll always be her. Continue your fucking story cunt.” I say as I step away from her because I want to slap her so fucking bad I can fucking taste it.



“I took Pete home that night. The next morning he told me to keep an eye out for your schedules and let him know where and what we did. I overheard Lyric and Jess talking at here at the clubhouse yesterday about Lyric going to the bookstore and Jess couldn’t go with her.” She tells us.


“I called Pete and told him about Lyric being on her own today. Pete asked me to get the rope, tape, candles, gas, sheets, water, cooler, flash lights, sleeping bags, and a couple of air mattresses. I meet up with him in Loyall and gave him everything he asked for. He gave me a check and told me not to cash it for a while and that I needed to lay low because y’all would look at me at some point because I didn’t like Lyric.” She tells us and I swear I want to rip her fucking head off.


“Do you know where the fuck he was going?


“I don’t know where he took her if I did I would tell y’all.” Marley says to us.


“It doesn’t matter if you know or not because you fucked up by not waiting to cash they check but your fuck up is good for us. We now know you were involved and you’ll be seeing the inside of a prison cell for a longtime you fucking whore.” I say to her with pure hatred in my veins.



    We wait for the Police and Marley’s father and brother to arrive. The police show up and the prospect call to let us know they’re on their way up the hill.


“My daughter Lyric has been kidnaped. We found out that Marley Devereux was involved in setting it up. She also gave Pete Thorne and Ali Valentine supplies before cashing a check for her part from Pete’s trust account.” Zeus informs them.


“We are now working the case and we need you to back off and let us do our job.” The officers say to us.


“That won’t be happening. I have hired Steve “Hound” Stevenson has his Security firm so they are also looking for her. All of his men have permits to carry and have their licenses to pursue this case right along with the police and you’ll have to work together.” I say to them with very little patience left.


The Chief of Police walks into the clubhouse and shakes hands with Zeus.


“I understand we have Hound looking for Lyric also?” He says to Zeus.


“Yeah we do Ted.” Zeus says.


“Hound will be involved in this investigation. You will keep in contact with him concerning this investigation. Hound will also keep us informed if he finds out any pertinent information.” He informs them.


Zeus tells Ted everything Marley has told us and Pike comes up to them with the recording of it all so that it’ll be Admissible in Court. We get a call from the fence and the prospect tells us that Marley’s dad and brother are here. Hound tells them to let them through. Marley’s dad Antonio Devereux and her brother Anthony come storming into the clubhouse and want to know what the fuck’s going on. They see her sitting in a chair handcuffed and crying and Antonio starts to run off with his mouth.


“Shut the fuck up!” Zeus says to them.


“Marley’s being charged with a couple of felony’s. She’ll be transported to the Police Station in a few minutes.” The chief tells her father Antonio.


Antonio asked what she’s being charged with and when he finds out he shakes his head when he hears what his daughter has been up too.


“I love you. You are my daughter but I won’t pull any strings to help you. I’ll pay for an Attorney but it’ll come out of your trust. You’ll also give up your rights to your child to the father. Your trust will be drained for the most part and given to your child also. I’m so very disappointed in you. I can hardly look at you. What the fuck where you thinking?” He says to her.


Marley’s crying harder know realizing she has fucked up and her life will never be the same. Antonio comes up to Zeus and I and apologizes for what Marley has done and tells us if we need any help finding our girl he’ll help any way he can. We thank him and tell him we’ll let him know.













Chapter 32







     Yesterday morning I was in my own little slice of heaven. I made love to my man and then dropped my babies off at school. I went to Leelee’s Bookstore and browsed around there looking at couple of book I wanted to get. I drank some coffee and read for a bit. At around noon I knew I need to get home and get some lunch. I also wanted to do a couple of loads of laundry and have some down time just for myself. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings like I should’ve been and by the time I got to the Yukon it was too late. My phone was in my hand and I was getting ready to text Dean that I was headed home when I heard Pete’s voice right behind me.

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