Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2)
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Caleb's cat-like eyes watched a small trickle of blood slip
down the side of her mouth. It was teasing, like a bright red target calling
him. He licked his own lips at the sight of it. "So, umm…" He watched
her pull the thermos from her lips and lick them several times. He could see
that heavy look in her eyes, her breaths deepening. "About your mom—"

"Shut up." Her instruction was sharp and angry.
She rose to her knees. She eyed him like prey as her stare gradually made its
way to his.

." He laughed
nervously as he watched her straddle his legs. His tongue made a few passes over
his top lip, his breath quickening.

Reaching forward, she forcefully yanked on the strings of
his hoodie and pulled him closer. Caleb's mouth shot open, a small grunt
escaping his throat. Her words were a husky whisper, "
me, Caleb." Her nose wrinkled up angrily with her next
words. She spoke through tense, gritted teeth, "Fuck me so hard that I
can't think about anything else." Her grip tightened, and her light blue
eyes filled with an evil light. "And the welts on my ass are the only
thing I can feel."

She always got weird after feeding, something that had
surprised Caleb the first time. Her actions weren't like other vampires. It was
as if she turned into another person when she consumed blood. But he liked her
like this. This powerful vixen that was incredibly sexy.

In a quick downward stroke, she pulled down the zipper of
his hoodie. "Make me feel
Caleb." She ripped it off him roughly.

"I can do that." Caleb's response to her wasn't
delayed. His hands quickly shot to her back and unzipped her dress. Then, he
pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it to the floor next to him.

She spoke in a deep, teasing tone, her lips parted to allow
her panting breath to escape. "Do it…" She grinned at his bare chest,
licking her lips at the thought of taking him. Her eyes drank in his toned
frame and the tease of his boxers. She watched him unbuckle his heavy belt then
slide the jet black leather through the loops of his jeans. "
…" She giggled as she raised a finger to her mouth,
biting down on the nail as she watched him shove down his pants. "Master

He yanked on her dress, pulling it down her hips. "Get
your fucking clothes off.” His strong hands took hold of her panties as he
growled in her ear teasingly.

She drew in a hissing breath between her teeth. "
…" Ashleigh closed her eyes when she felt him twist
the band of her underwear. It dug into her skin, and the more it embedded, the
more pleasure she felt. He was rough, his teeth nipping at her neck. She threw
her head back as her nails dug into his shoulders. Her next words came out
breathless, a slight choke leading in, "Harder…Caleb."

"Harder?" Caleb cocked his head from side to side
slowly. The tips of their noses were joined as he stared her down. He couldn't
see her wicked grin, but he could feel the evil that radiated from it.
"You like that?"

His hand swiftly came down on the flesh of her bottom. He
laughed when he saw her lips part, the loud slap making her shriek.

She was panting now, her hungry eyes begging for more.
"Don't…" Her words were soft, her dilated pupils showing her great
arousal. "Stop."

He planted another firm smack on her ass, but before she
screamed out, he covered her mouth with his. He began to kiss her, rough and
deep. Her hands reached down to his and motioned for him to keep going. His
teeth captured her bottom lip, biting down on it as he swatted her once more.
This was the last. It threw her over the edge.

Shoving hard on his shoulders, she slammed him into the
mattress. She let her body drop on his as she kissed him. Her muscles were
tense as she aligned their bare flesh. When she captured the hard gift he
offered, a deep, quivering breath was released from her lips.

Her heavy eyes were glued on his as she took him. He could
see the hurt that lay within them—that deep pain she was trying to forget. With
each quick breath she inhaled, he could hear the air quiver in her throat as
she choked it down. Her eyes were glassy, her bottom stinging from his slaps.
But he knew that's not what the tears were from. She was hurting. Badly.

While riding him, she could control her pleasure. Finding
that spot she knew would make her go over the edge was easier. She found it
quickly, pounding against it angrily. With each hit, she shivered as she got
closer and closer to her high.

His hands took a firm hold of her bottom and sped up that
search. He pulled her closer as he thrust his hips upward to meet hers. A small
moan escaped her throat when she felt his fingers dig into her skin. Then, she
hit it. A great dizziness washed over her, and her whole body erupted into
intense tremors.

She took a few seconds to pause on top of him, but Caleb
wasn't willing to wait. He flipped them and took over the lovemaking. His
thrusts were hard and fast, each one sliding her farther and farther up the

Her hands wrapped around his firm back, her fingers sliding
roughly down it. Her hips ached, but the pain made her smile. She loved
this—her intense, inhuman lover who never left her unsatisfied.

Under heavy eyelids, she peeked at his chest as he hovered
over her. His sweaty skin stuck to hers, but not as much as the word that was
staring back at her. On his chest, he had gotten a new tattoo. Giant wings
swept across each peck and ended near the start of his shoulder. Directly in
the middle was an elaborate heart containing her name. Her gaze darted over the
very ornate tattoo, which was a black and white masterpiece.

Licking her lips, she tried to study it further, but she
couldn't do so for long. Caleb moved closer and dropped his head. His lips
rested in the crook of her neck as he kissed her weakly. She took a firm hold
and let her fingers slide through his short hair. Each strand was covered in
soft gel. He slipped in and out of her grasp with each fluid thrust of his
hips. Closing her eyes, a very satisfied grin filled her breathless lips.

The minutes quickly turned into hours. This long awaited
closeness they had both fantasized about since their breakup had ignited a
marathon night of rough, satisfying sex.

When they were finished, Caleb reached over and turned on
the light before heading to the bathroom. Ashleigh closed her eyes and started
to groan as she covered them. After a few seconds, they adjusted, and she
glanced at the open bathroom door.

Hopping out of bed, she grabbed her bra and panties,
slipping them back on. Caleb strolled out of the bathroom, phone in hand, as he
typed a text.

"Hey." He glanced up at her and frowned when he
saw her dressing. "What's the rush?" Caleb's slim, runner's frame was
littered with tattoos, but his skin was a perfect shade of sun-kissed tan.

"I…" Biting down on her bottom lip, Ashleigh's
breath quickened as her distracted eyes skimmed his gorgeous nakedness.
"I'm…" She unhurriedly let her lip roll from under her teeth as she
turned away. She tried to focus on re-hooking her bra instead of staring at
him. "Cold. Do you have a T-shirt I could borrow?"

"T-shirt?" He laughed as he pushed her backward.
"No." He shook his head as he laid on her. His eyes were filled with
happiness, the playful tone in his voice making her smile. "Just stay
close to me. I'll keep you warm."

Making a sour face, she weaseled out from under him. She
then took a seat in the middle of the bed. "How do your new girlfriends
like that tattoo?"

"New girlfriends?" His eyes narrowed on her
curiously as he sat next to her. He pulled the covers over them. "You’re

"I'm not your girlfriend." She pulled the sheet up
to her shoulders and stared at the blank screen of the television.

"Why not?" He wrapped one of his arms around her. His
voice was soft. "You're fucking me again, so that should make you my

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Her fearful eyes
darted over his handsome features. In the light, she could see his face
clearly—the face of the man she had thought about every day for the past few
months. But even though she loved him, she couldn't find the strength to give
in. It was as if she were punishing herself for letting him make her a vampire.

His words came out quick, a desperateness in them that deepened
his breath. "I love you." He grabbed the side of her face and made
her look at him. "So much." His nose rubbed against hers as he spoke
in a soft whisper, "
with me. I miss you."

"I miss you, too." She smiled, but it was coated
in fresh tears. Her arms encircled his waist, and she held him tight.

"You don't have to anymore. I'm not leaving you."

Instead of responding, she nestled farther into his chest.
Her cheek rested against the heart etched onto his chest—the one that belonged
to her.

"So…" Caleb paused. "About your mom."
Ashleigh tightened her grip around him. "You've never talked about her.
What's she like? I mean…" He let out a small sigh as he leisurely let his
fingers dance down the flesh of her arm. "Like, why do you guys fight so much?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You know, I can't stand my dad most of the time, and
all we do is fight. He threatens to disown me all the time." He let out a
small huff of air through his nose as he laughed. "Fuck, he's even told me
I'm not his son. But you know what?" He squeezed her a few times in jest.
"He still loves me. No matter how much we fight, he still loves me."

"My mom doesn't love me," Ashleigh mumbled.

"I don't believe that. All parents love their kids…just
some more than others."

"She abandoned me, Caleb." Ashleigh's next words
were choppy, as if she were about to cry, "She doesn't care about me, and
I don't care about her, either."

"You care enough to hate her. That's just as bad. You
know what?"


"It's bad to have enemies, you know, sure, it's okay to
hate people. I get that. But you’re the one who suffers from that shit. Not
' you have to forgive her or
I'm just saying, you need to face this. Get over it. Don't let petty shit like
this make you bitter. You're in control of your own happiness." He waited
for her to speak, but she didn't. "I'm sure there's lots of stuff you and
your mom need to work out. Just like we do."

"There's nothing for us to work out. I don't hate

Caleb laughed. "So, that wasn't revenge sex?"

"No…" She let out an annoyed huff of air through
her nostrils. "Just…"

"Just what?"

"Just forget it." She sniffled, her voice wet and
thick. "Caleb?"

"Yeah?" He ran his hand roughly down her hair in
quick, steady strokes.

"Will you sing to me?" She lifted her head and
gazed into his sparkling eyes. "It always makes me feel better."

"Sure." He reached under the bed and pulled out a
black guitar. It was the same one he’d had for years, and each day, it seemed
to gain more scratches. He adjusted his position so that he could hold her in
his arms as he played.

When he began to sing, Ashleigh's expression melted. She
gazed up at him and that love-struck look was reflected in her eyes once more.


Chapter Two


Putting a finger to his lips, Aiden watched the man in the
chair squirm. The soft gray of Aiden's suit matched his light blue dress shirt
perfectly. He leaned up against the desk and casually hid his hand in his

The man in front of him couldn’t move. He wasn't bound, but
ties weren't needed when Aiden was there—his magic was all he required to
subdue the old man.

“Ready to sign it?” Aiden took a pen from of his pocket and
held it out. “Sign.” Aiden grinned when Mr. Castle took the writing utensil. He
could see the great strain on Mr. Castle’s face. His grip on the pen was tight,
as if he wanted to crush it. His hand involuntary signed the contract.

“Good.” Aiden ripped the paper from Mr. Castle’s hand and
passed it to a large man standing next to him. “Sign this as the witness.” The
large man quickly scribbled his name. “Hmm…” Aiden glanced around the room, a
very satisfied expression on his face. “I wish I would’ve thought of this
before. What an idiot I am.”

Unlike his bodyguard, Aiden seemed very approachable. He was
handsome and wore a naughty grin that made women swoon. Not only was he a
powerful vampire, he was also a great businessman. He could usually talk his
way into getting anything he wanted. And he wanted New Castle Publishing.

But unfortunately, Mr. Castle didn't want to play nice, and
this was the only way to get him to. Even if it was against the rules to use
his magic this way, Aiden wasn't worried about retaliation from the Council.

Aiden leaned close to Mr. Castle’s ear and whispered, “When
you wake, you will be happy and will remember signing over your company to me.
Nothing more. You sold this to me of your own free will, and you will believe
it was a wonderful idea. You will not feel cheated, and you will speak of me as
a great man and tell your employees how excited you are that I am the new

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