Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2)
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"Robert." Lucas pointed to the door, his arm
rigid. "I order you to step down."

"You are not my master." Robert's voice was monotone,
his tall frame having a few inches over Lucas. "And I will not take orders
from you."

Ashleigh's voice was stressed, "Stop this." She
held Caleb from behind, her arms wrapping around his waist. "There's no
need to fight about me. I'm not going back."

Caleb glanced back at her. "Ash, I'll take care of it.

"It's okay, Caleb. Let me talk to them."

"Okay." Caleb nodded then glanced back at Robert.
"It's okay, Robert." Motioning with his finger, he called Robert
back. "Let's see if we can talk this out." Ashleigh let go of his
waist and stood at his side. He let out an annoyed sigh and placed his arm
around her shoulders.

"Listen to me." Ashleigh's arm slipped around
Caleb's waist. Her voice gained strength as she pulled him closer to her.
"Caleb and I are having a baby." She ignored the gasps from the
Council and continued, "So, I'm not going back to

Lucas' voice was low, "Caleb?" His concerned eyes
turned to his son's hardened expression. "Is—"

"She's not going anywhere." There was great intent
in Caleb's eyes. He rubbed his cheek against her dark hair. They both looked
like scared kids, afraid to let go because they knew they would be ripped
apart. "I'm not going to let some Count take my family away from me. This
isn't right, and you all know it. Stop letting him push you around, and stand
up for once. And if not, stand the fuck back, and I'll do it alone."

"He's right, Lucas." Catherine stood up. Her fist
was balled as she gazed at Caleb and Ashleigh then back at her husband.
"We can't let them—"

"Sit, Catherine." Lucas pointed to the couch. He
only partially turned his head to her. His voice was stern, "This is none
of your concern."

"But Caleb…" Catherine pointed to her son. Her
eyes streamed with tears as a pleading tone filled out her thickening voice,
"He's our son. This is his family. Please, Lucas…"

"I said…" Lucas turned angrily to Catherine. He
once again pointed to the couch. "Sit, Catherine."

Catherine quickly turned away. Her upper lip stiffened as
she wiped her tears. She obeyed her husband and sat down.

"I don't care about the Count." Ashleigh glanced
toward Anthony. Her glare was identical to his. "I only care about my
happiness. I love Caleb, and he's the one I promised to marry. The one I want
to be with. I won't let some stupid prophecy take everything that's important
away from me. I just won't. I'm staying with Caleb."

"Lucas," Anthony's voice was low as he motioned
for Lucas to sit down. "Please allow me to take over this meeting."

"Yes, Master
Lucas nodded and quickly sat next to his wife.

"This is a private matter," Anthony addressed the
others. "I will speak to Caleb, so the rest of you may leave. It is not
necessary for all of us to remain. Master Bristol, please escort the rest of
the councilmembers to their cars."

"Yes, Master
Master Bristol rose to his feet. He motioned for the rest of them to do so as
well, one being his son, Aiden.

The Council slowly filtered out of the room, glaring in
Caleb's direction as they left. Robert was standing near the doorway, ensuring
their departure. Instead of leaving with the others, Ashleigh’s mother stayed

Aiden stopped near Caleb. "Don't get your hopes up. I
will make sure Ashleigh is returned to

Caleb released Ashleigh and made a dash toward Aiden. He got
in a few well-executed swings, and a heated fight erupted. Ever since he was a
kid, Caleb was a known scrapper. He had Aiden on the floor in seconds.

"Caleb!" Lucas yanked on Caleb's shirt, forcing
him to his feet. "Now's not the time to fight!"

Caleb screamed at Aiden as he watched him rise slowly to his
feet, "Fuck you!" Caleb tried to get loose from his father’s grip.
"Come back and say that to my face, you little bitch! I'll bust your
fucking teeth!"

Aiden snickered as he wiped at the blood dripping down his
chin. "Good night, Ashleigh." He nodded to Ashleigh and ignored
Caleb's rage.

"Aiden!" Master Bristol glared at his son from the
doorway. "Out to the car. Now." Aiden quickly obeyed his father.

Anthony allowed a few seconds for Caleb to settle down
before speaking. "Caleb…" Anthony pointed to the couch. "Please
sit, so we can talk."

Caleb looked cautiously over at Anthony. "We'll talk,
but I don't trust you."

"Fine. Then, stay there." Anthony’s stare then
narrowed on Lucas. "You have absolutely no control over your son. What
kind of father are you, letting him act in such a barbaric manner?"

"How would you know anything about being a
father?" Lucas glared at Anthony as his voice rose, "You have never
been one."

Ashleigh's voice broke up the fight, "You really
my father, aren't you?" She
glared at Anthony and then her mother. Marion tried to send Ashleigh a smile,
but her daughter’s gaze quickly went to her father.

“Yes.” Anthony sent Marion an icy glare that made her take a
step back. “And I’m sorry, Ashleigh.” There was genuine hurt in his voice,
something Ashleigh could see was sincere. “I promise you. If I had known, I
never would’ve abandoned you. You’re my blood. I would’ve fought for you.”

Wiping at her nose roughly, Ashleigh’s stare settled on
Anthony. Her voice was very soft, “You would’ve?”

“Of course.” Anthony again sent a glare in Marion’s
direction. “Never would I have abandoned you. I feel cheated out of so much.
All those years we lost, all your milestones I missed. All those things that as
a father I should’ve—no, I
been present for. If you hadn’t come here, I would’ve went through life never
knowing I had a daughter. That hurts, it makes me angry, and I’m very sorry
that I haven’t been able to be a father to you.

“By not telling me about you, Marion has hurt me deeper than
anyone has. In her spite, she has stripped me of one of the greatest gifts I
have been given in this life. My child. My son, your brother, died when he was
very young. And now, you’ll never get to meet him. You’ve been cheated out of
so much, much more than I can ever make up for. But I promise to spend the rest
of my life trying to make up for it. I know it’s not much, but…”

His voice softened as he saw Ashleigh cling to Caleb. She
was shaking and seemed to be barely able to support herself. “It’s all I can
give. I am a man of my word, and hopefully, a man worthy of someday being
called your father.”

Ashleigh nodded her head, but didn’t look in his direction.

“Thank you.” Anthony smiled, but it was soon replaced by a
deep frown. “I’m very sorry for what happened to your father. That must have
been a horrible thing for you to go through. If I…” Letting out a defeated
sigh, Anthony seemed to be holding back tears. He took a small pause before speaking
again. “I’m so very sorry.”

“Yes.” Her mother’s voice was soft. “And…” Her eyes gazed
downward as she rang a handkerchief around in her hands nervously. “I’m sorry,
too. All I wanted was to help. I didn’t mean for Mark to—“

The next words slipped from Ashleigh’s lips like liquid
venom as she took a step away from Caleb. “
Nothing you have ever done has helped.” Ashleigh paused, her finger raised in
the air. “This is all your fault. Everything. I will never forgive you for
ruining my life. You…” Her voice rose to a yell. “Killed my father! Because you
were a whore and broke his heart!”

She spoke in frantic hand motions, tears streaming down her
cheeks. She jabbed the air with her finger as she pointed to Anthony. “He
didn’t know about me, so I can’t blame him. But
—you were my mother! I loved you! And when I needed you the
most, you left me.” With a tight fist, she gently beat on her chest. “Instead
of coming to see me, you sent Gramps a letter saying you didn’t want me. That
you never wanted anything to do with me.”

“I tried to—”

“You lie. You never tried.” Ashleigh spoke through gritted
teeth, her lips trembling with each shaky exhale. “I could read. I saw the

“Ashleigh, I’m sorry.” Marion was sobbing, but none of the
people present were taking pity on her. “I—”

“Did you read Dad’s letter?” Ashleigh’s voice softened as
she spoke of her father. Swallowing back her tears, her eyes desperately
searched her mother’s. “You didn’t, did you?”

“How could I?” Marion dabbed her handkerchief on her cheek,
the fancy lace soaking up her tears. “It was a suicide note. It—”

Ashleigh burst into tears, which that quickly stole her
voice. Then, she clung to Caleb, holding him tight as he rubbed her back

“The one thing she asked you to do…” Caleb’s voice was soft
as he held his sobbing love in his arms. “You wouldn’t.”

“You know nothing about me and my daughter.” Marion’s lip
curled as she glared at Caleb. “If it weren’t for you, she would never be in
this situation. I would’ve saved her.”

“Saved her?” Catherine now spoke up, her eyes falling on
Marion. “Someone like you is not worthy of being a mother, and you have no
right to accuse my son of anything. He loves Ashleigh.”

“I love her too.” Marion tried to speak. “I—”

Anthony hissed, “You don’t love her. And Catherine’s right.
You’re not worthy of being her mother.” He then pointed to the door. “Now,
please leave. Your presence is not needed here.”

Marion scanned their accusing faces then turned to her
daughter. Holding the handkerchief over her nose, she quickly left the house.

“I’m sorry about that.” Sighing, Anthony took a seat on the
couch. He covered his eyes for a few seconds before finding the strength to
speak to the others. “Although this is a subject I would love to continue, we
don’t have the time. We must think of something to save Ashleigh.” He saw
Ashleigh look at him, her tears now slowed. “You are my daughter, but you are
also the woman spoken of in the prophecy.”

“The Countess.” Ashleigh’s voice was mouse-like as she held
her father’s stare.

"Yes.” Anthony glanced at Lucas briefly. “We knew you
were coming. We had hoped it was all just a fairytale, some wishful thinking on
the Count’s part. But…” He glanced down at the floor. “We were wrong. And here
you are, the Countess’ reincarnation. There is nothing we can do to change
that. No matter how far you run, or how much you wish it, you will always
belong to the Count.”

with me. She
me." Caleb's
voice was firm. "She's having
baby, and she's going to be
Don't you care about what me and Ash want? Don't we have a say in

"I'm staying with Caleb." Ashleigh buried her face
deep into Caleb's chest. "I'm not going back."

Anthony took in Ashleigh's determined expression. This was
the first time he had observed her so closely. Meeting his daughter under these
circumstances was not only heartbreaking, but made him feel like a monster.
"If I could choose, I would allow you to stay together, but I can't. The
Count will not agree to it."

"Please." Catherine scooted forward a little and
leaned her head so that she could look around Lucas to Anthony. "This is
our grandchild, Master
." She put a hand
to her chest as she sniffled back her tears. There was a wetness to her
desperate voice, "
There has to be a way to stop this. Please…help them."

Anthony turned to his wife and then to Catherine. "I
don't know where to begin. The Count claimed that he would wipe out the Morgan
Sect if we didn't return her. I can't put all of us in danger because my…"
He paused as he looked at Ashleigh then down at his knees. "Daughter wants
to stay with Caleb. It's not rational, and I can't do it, despite the feelings
I have." He turned to Caleb and Ashleigh. "I want nothing more than
to let both of you stay together, but I can't. I can't help you."

"I have an idea," Ashleigh spoke. Her voice soft,
as if she was afraid of her own words. "I want to make a deal with

"A deal?" Lucas shook his head. "What sort of

"He can make me immortal, right?" She glanced at
Caleb then to Lucas. "If he lets me stay with Caleb now, when…" She
paused again and gazed downward. "Caleb dies, then…I'll go back to him. He
can make me young again, and I will stay with him forever, just like he

She glanced back at Anthony. Tears infected her voice and
danced on the surface of her light eyes. "I would do anything to stay with
Caleb, even if it means selling my soul to the devil to have my time with

Caleb voice reflected his sadness, "Ashleigh…" He
cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking her sticky skin. "I can't let you do

"I'd do anything for you. Forever is black without
you." She stared into Caleb's ice blue eyes, reciting a few lines
Forever Black.
"‘Like an
endless sea of waves that crash upon me, so heavy they crush my every breath,
and I’m forced to breathe in their salty poison. Without you, there is no
happiness—no life. If I left this world and my body behind, there would be
nothing left but my love for you—the love so deeply embedded in my soul that it
is eternal and never ending’."

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