Foreign Exchange (The Concubine Chronicles Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Foreign Exchange (The Concubine Chronicles Book 1)
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"You can bring it now, Tsui," said Maash, and Tsui came over with a platter.  There was a phallus on it, a sort of soft pale color.

"It's horn," said Maash, shifting her robe out of the way, attaching the phallus to straps she'd been wearing beneath.  "And it's hollow, so if you fill it with cotton soaked in warm water, it gets a little soft, and warm."

She pressed it up again Liera's cheek.  It wasn't the same as a cock, exactly.  But it was close.  And it was Maash.  Liera whined, her fingers twitching towards it, for all that her chains kept her arms up, back out of reach.

Maash pulled her head up by her chin, looked into her eyes.  Her smile curled up from the corner of her mouth, until it was a delighted grin.  "You look good, Liera," she said.  "This is going to hurt a little."

Liera braced herself, and Maash took the clamp off.  It hurt like crazy.  Liera fought back a sob, tried to swallow, because her mouth felt like cotton wool, and the back of her throat was raw.  "Thank you, lady."

"You're welcome," said Maash, and flicked at the amethyst.  Which also hurt like crazy.  "Can you keep this one on for me?"

"Yes, lady, thank you, lady," said Liera, and Maash laughed at her enthusiasm.

"You have learned a lot from your visit here, haven't you?"

"Yes, lady, thank you, lady," said Liera.

Maash laughed again.  "And you've learned to convey a good deal by tone of voice.  Would you rather wait until we're home before you come?"

"Oh, please, lady, please," said Liera.  "Please let me come."

"There, there!" said Maash.  "Maybe.  And no need to be so formal.  You can use my name.  Nobody else's.  Just mine."

She moved behind Liera, and buried the phallus in her cunt with a single thrust.  Since she'd started dating Maash, that wasn't . . . it didn't get used that often.  There was a lot of her licking out Maash, and occasionally Maash would lick her, or touch her, and she'd put things up her ass, or make her do things.  But this wasn't something she did often, and it felt so very good.  And then her hand came around, and rested lightly on Liera's clit.

"You don't have permission," said Maash, taking her hand away, as she pulled out, thrust in again, and Liera moaned, tried to push against her.

"Oh, please Maash," said Liera.  "Please can I come?"

Her hand was there again, but she hadn't said yes.

"Please?  I need to so badly.  Please?"

"Need?" asked Maash, pulling her hand away.  "You don't need to come at all.  You want to come."

"Yes," said Liera.  "Want . . . please . . . Maash."

"Shh," said Maash.  One of her hands was on Liera's hip, and it felt like it was burning there; the other patted her hair.  "Soon.  You're doing a very good job keeping everyone entertained.  Look and see."

Liera looked up.  Jalah had a calculating sort of smile, like she was enjoying what she was seeing, but was also planning on using it somehow.  The Krin was eating his pastries, but he looked up at her with a fond sort of look.  The Lady Arith and the Yail were both vastly amused, and while the Eraath was giving his full attention to his food, Taril was watching them, and there was something hungry in his look, despite the fact that he'd finished so recently that his come was still wet on her ass.

"Would you like to finish now, piglet?" asked Maash.  She was starting to breathe hard, her touches growing rougher, less controlled.

"Please.  Maash, please!"

"I'm not going to stop, you know," she said.  "It'll," she paused, pushed in all the way.  "Be," and another thrust.  "Harder."

"Please," said Liera.

"Go ahead," said Maash, her hand on Liera's clit, on her hip, her body pressed up against Liera's, her cock in Liera's cunt.

Liera howled as she came, bucking, pushing against Maash, feeling Maash's breath on her ear, on her neck.  And she didn't stop, twisting, convulsing, as Maash pushed against her, into her.  She couldn't breathe—she could feel herself flushing, feel spots behind her eyes, It was too much, but it wasn't going to stop; Maash had said.

When she was done, there just wasn't any strength left in her legs, but the chains held her up, held her in place as Maash continued to fuck her.

The Krin and Jalah were talking to each other.  The Eraath was looking at her, and seemed impressed.  The Yail was leaning back, eyes half-lidded, and the Lady Arith had her mouth half open; she was aroused, at least—not amused.  And Taril was watching her intently.  Hungry, maybe calculating.  Liera closed her eyes, moaned.

"Yes," said Maash, in her ear.  "They all know you now.  And you are going to come again for them."

She pulled out, released Liera's arms, so that she collapsed onto the floor, her legs shuddering uncontrollably.

"Up," said Maash.  "Hands and knees."

Liera complied automatically, even though her legs were jelly and her arms hurt.  It was Maash telling her to do something, and she did what Maash told her.

"You're probably a little sore," said Maash, her finger tracing a circle around Liera's asshole.

Liera nodded, not trusting herself with words.

"Would you like one more?"

"Oh, please, Maash.  Please?"

She pushed in, hard, one movement.  "It didn't really matter," she said.  "But good girl."

Liera moaned, pushed back up against her.  Maash had one hand on her hip, pulling Liera back to meet her thrusts, and the other was curled up in her hair, forcing her head up, her back to arch.

Liera could feel the tension in those hands, how close Maash was getting.  They'd done this sort of thing before, with stone toys, and polished wood, and sometimes Maash would finish like that.  The pressure against her clit from the toy wasn't enough, usually, but she was sometimes into it enough that it was enough.  Liera moaned, hoping, feeling the warmth of the toy in her ass, feeling everyone's eyes on her.

Then Maash's hand shifted, reaching around, and her moans grew more urgent.  She'd been finished.  Way finished.  And there'd been clips and pepper and she'd been hit . . . she was so sore.  But Maash had said one more time, and everyone was watching, and Maash was getting close.

They came together, almost.  Maash pulled off the amethyst clip, which hurt and felt great, and Liera was coming, and then Maash was coming too, a note of triumph in her cry, as Liera melted into the floor.

"Very nice," said Maash.  "You're my lovely girl, Liera.  Here, at home, anywhere.  My lovely girl."

"Thank you, Maash, for your attentions," said Liera, weakly, and Maash patted her head.

Maash had stood up, and there was no way that Liera could manage that.  She twisted around, found Maash's foot, and kissed it as hard as she could, lifted it up and put it on her head.

"Lovely," said Maash.  "Tsui, take off the manacles, please.  When you're ready, Liera, I want you to crawl over and say goodbye to everyone, and then we're going home."

Home sounded nice.  Only, lying on the cool tiles of the floor was nice too, with Tsui carefully undoing the manacles, her hands cool on Liera's wrists, ankles.  She sat there for a little while next to her, playing with Liera's hair, or running her hands down Liera's sides.

She could've stayed like that forever, but there was the possibility of home, and Maash.  And Maash had told her to say goodbye to everyone.

Liera kissed Tsui's foot.  "Goodbye, Tsui," she said.

Tsui patted her cheek.  "There, there.  I'm sure I'll see you again soon."  That would be really nice.  "Make sure you tell them each something—that's what the Lady Maash wants you to do."

Liera kissed Tsui's foot again.  "Thank you," she said.  "I liked . . . maybe you'll come over to visit us some time?" she said.

Tsui giggled.  "Maybe."

Liera swallowed, straightened her shoulders, and crawled over to the Yail and Lady Arith.  She kissed the Lady Arith's foot.  "Goodbye, Lady," she said.

"Goodbye, piglet," said the Lady Arith.  "You did very well tonight.  Tell your lady that you wish to visit us; I am sure you will find it instructive and enjoyable."

"Thank you, Lady Arith," said Liera.  "I'll ask her."

Liera kissed her foot again, not at all certain if she would find a visit with them either instructive or enjoyable.

After she kissed the Yail's foot, and said goodbye to him, he smiled down at her.  "If you don't do what my lady says, you are going to get in trouble for it."

"I know," said Liera.  "She's taught me that!"

The Yail and the Lady Arith laughed at that, and Liera crawled to the next table.

"I hope I'll see you again soon," she said to the Eraath, after the kiss and the goodbye.

"Of course you do," he said, and chucked her under the chin.  "And you are a tight little girl.  We'll see."

With Taril, she wasn't sure what she was going to say, until she said it.  "Thank you for your attentions, lord.  Maybe you'll visit with us soon, please?"

He started faintly at that, looked closer at Liera, who turned away, colored.  "Perhaps," he said.  "It was . . . an interesting party, Liera."

"Thank you, lord," she told the Krin.  "You are kind, and treated me well."

He smiled, patted her shoulder as she kissed his foot.  "And you are a charming girl," he said.  "I expect we will see you again soon."

Then, last, Jalah.  She pressed her face hard against Jalah's foot.  There were all sorts of things that she wanted to say, but nothing was exactly right.  "Thank you, lady," she said, finally.  "For everything."

"Very charming," said Jalah.  "You are a delightful girl; the Lady Maash is very fortunate, and I am certain that you will be a credit to her, once a few minor adjustments are made."  She picked something up off her plate, and held it out to Liera.  It was a little strip of fried banana, dusted with sugar.

Liera hesitantly craned her neck for it.  If it was the Lady Arith, she'd have taken it away.  But Jalah let her take it from her hand, and it was so good, sweet and crunchy and . . . it was so good.  She kissed Jalah's hand, kissed her foot again.

And then Maash tipped her cap to the company, and headed out, and Liera crawled behind.  She could've stood, probably, but she crawled.  Out to the drive, where Maash's carriage waited, even though she wasn't wearing anything other than the collar that Maash had given her, and the anklet that the Lady Jalah had put on her.  Aralt, the driver, didn't seem to pay any attention though, and then she was up in the carriage, curled up next to Maash.

"Well," said Maash, after a while.  "You seem to have had a nice time."

"Oh, Maash.  It was . . . ."  There weren't any words.

"And would you like me to take the Lady Jalah's advice, and keep you like this?  You are very nice like this."

Liera thought about it.  "No thank you," she said, after a while.  "I mean, I get lost in it, but . . . but I want books, and a decent dinner, and nobody pinching me for a while."

Maash pinched her.  Obviously.

Liera kissed her.

"Affectionate!" said Maash, and swatted her on the nose.  Liera settled down into the carriage cushions.

Then Maash pulled Liera's leg up onto her lap, and looked closer at the anklet.  "That's amazing," she said.

"I know!" said Liera.  "It's so . . . it was definitely worth the burns from when she made it.  I could do without that piglet, though."

"But it's the center of the whole thing!" said Maash.  "And poor Liera.  She burned you?"

"I don't want everyone calling me that!  And a little, when she was making it," said Liera.  "And I had my foot in a thing that meant I couldn't move, and I didn't really get lunch, scarcely at all."

Maash took the anklet, turned it around.  "She made it on you?" she asked.  "Jalah. . . "

"What?" asked Liera.

"Well, it's . . . I mean, you can guess at what it means, right?" said Maash.

"Not exactly?"

"It means that it's . . . that you're owned, Liera.  Sort of like the collar that I gave you."

Liera touched the collar and flushed.  "And people know that!  And I went out in the street like—"

"Yes, sure," said Maash.  "But the collar unfastens.  This doesn't."

Liera looked down at the anklet, as Maash spun it around.  There wasn't any break in the gold, anything like a clasp.

"And the thing is," continued Maash, "is that it's one of Lady Jalah's best pieces, and she's famous.  It's worth," and the number that she gave took Liera's breath away.  "Only, it's worth that whole, and when it's whole, you can't take it off."

"So what do you even mean that it's worth that?" asked Liera.  "If you can't take it off, you'd have to. . . ." she trailed off.  None of the options were good.

"Well, it adds to your value, anyway," said Maash.  "And it'd be worth maybe a tenth, maybe half that, if we cut it off."

"But Jalah—"

"Yes," said Maash, and kissed her.  "I love you, Liera.  And I will love you, whatever you choose.  But if you keep it on, people will see it, and talk about it, and they'll know.  And they'll know what she decided to call you, too.  But if you have it cut off, Jalah will . . . well, I don't think her feelings will be hurt, but she'll think you're drawing a line, about how far you're willing to go.

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