Foreign Exchange (The Concubine Chronicles Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Foreign Exchange (The Concubine Chronicles Book 1)
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It hadn't taken long from when they started dating before Liera learned that she'd do what Maash would tell her, and that Maash had all sorts of things to tell her.  She'd done way more demeaning things than that.  But it had always been what Maash had wanted to do right at that minute; there hadn't been any rules like that, which she had to remember.  Liera crawled over, tried not to see Maash's grin or the disapproving shake of Jalah's head.  Then she kissed Maash's foot, put it atop her head as she crouched on her hands and knees, face to the floor.

"There, you see," said Jalah, as Maash moved her foot aside, tousled Liera's hair.  "Such a charming way to be greeted.  And there will be no mistaking the nature of your relationship when she greets at your university, or at a shop."

"Jalah!" said Maash, sharply. "That is not the nature of the relationship that we have!"

"Perhaps not," said Jalah. "It is too bad; your piglet would thrive in a more traditional setting; she has all of the necessary qualities, and so lovely, besides."

"Oh?" said Maash. "Has Liera been a good girl?"

"Not entirely," said Jalah. "And I suppose that is part of why it is so enjoyable. But come, let us have something to eat, and we shall talk more about it."

They returned to the sitting room, where the maids had laid out cakes and fruit and slivers of fried fish. On the way there, Maash looked over her shoulder at Liera, who was crawling along behind them, and gave her just the faintest hint of a wink, and an extra flirt of her hips. Liera smiled right down to her core. Maash was great. She was always great, no matter how weird things were.

There was an empty space amidst the plates of food, and Jalah told Liera to climb up there, with a tilt of her head and a disapproving look. She complied, and Maash thought it was hilarious. "It hasn't been a day, Jalah," she said. "How do you—"

"As I said, she would thrive in a more traditional relationship," said Jalah. "She takes very well to instruction."

Liera flushed, but kept looking straight ahead. She didn't want to change her relationship with Maash to a more traditional one, whatever that meant; her relationship with Maash was great, and she was going to keep it that way.  And yet, there was the fact that she was naked on a table, her breasts only inches from Maash's hands as she picked bits of food for her plate, and Liera's thighs were starting to slick with arousal.

Maash pulled off the end of a sweet roll, and held it up to Liera, who took it eagerly. "Oh, Maash," said Jalah. "Cake? She is already so round."

"Jalah," said Maash, sharply, and then laughed.  Possibly because of the defensive way that Liera was chewing.  But she was hungry, and Jalah kept giving her greens!

"She's fine, Jalah," said Maash recovering.

Jalah sighed.  "For now she is, I suppose.  But you must consider; if she is given her head, she will eat nothing but cakes and cream, and will sleep half the day.  And where will that path lead?  There are twenty more years of good use in this one, Maash, if she is properly cared for, and that will give her time to develop the tastes of a woman of society.  But you cannot trust girls of this sort to manage their own affairs, or you will get no use from them, and they shall fade like cut flowers."

"She really is fine, though, Jalah," said Maash.  She reached up and tweaked one of Liera's nipples, and it was like an electric jolt.  "It's just the way Ossians are built."

"Hmph!" said Jalah.  "As if that is an excuse!  And the Lady Arith—you know, the Yail's wife?—she is nicely trim."

"Perhaps they trim out as they age," said Maash.  "We shall see.  And aside from her love of sweets, what else would you want to change about my Liera?"

"That name!" said Jalah.  "It is impossible.  Why not Lilu, if you wish something close.  Or why not Rani?  She would make a fine Rani."

"Jalah," said Maash, "I'm not going to just change her name; she is who she is."

"At least you are not so foolish as to say that you cannot simply change her name.  You can and you should; it would make it far easier to introduce her to society if she had a name that people could pronounce."

Maash made a thoughtful face at that, which Liera did not appreciate at all.  "For the moment, I think she will remain Liera, though," she said.  "It's exotic."

"I suppose," said Jalah.  "And she is a wonderfully responsive girl, and performs very well once she is stimulated.  I don't suppose you will reconsider the limitations on her use?  We had her on display at dinner last night, and she attracted a good deal of attention; should she be available for use, I am sure that most of those who attended would not decline an invitation."

Another thoughtful face, which Liera appreciated even less.  "I don't know," said Maash.  "It's not how things are done in Ossia, and I do not wish to rush in where caution would be more appropriate."

"Oh, but she takes so well to it.  Here, turn about, piglet, and show your lady how well you enjoy the idea."

It wasn't easy to turn around on the table without bumping into plates and dishes, and Liera blushed beet red as Maash touched lightly at her pussy and thighs, feeling the moisture there.

"Now, would you like to serve at another dinner, piglet?" asked Jalah.  "Would you like to squeal and whimper under Lady Arith's attentions?  Would you like to take your friend Nari's penis in your rear, to feel his seed dripping down your leg when he is finished?  Would you enjoying being put to use by whoever chooses to use you, in whatever fashion they choose?"

"Hum," said Maash.  "I mean, yes, you're right; she's way more enthusiastic about the idea than I'd expected.  But I feel a certain responsibility here, and I don't want her to make a decision in the heat of the moment that she will regret later."

Jalah shook her head.  "You are too romantic for your station, and too serious for your age, Maash.  But she is yours, of course."

"Of course," said Maash.  Her fingers were probing into Liera's cunt, and Liera knew that Maash had felt her reaction to that, as well.

"Perhaps a small gathering?" asked Jalah.  "Just myself and the Krin, and one or two guests?  Nari, perhaps?  He is a charming young man, and very well suited to your position.  It would be an excellent match, and I'm sure he would enjoy your . . . Liera's company as well."

Maash laughed.  "You are incorrigible.  Nari is a charming young man, but Liera is sufficient to my needs."

"Is she?" asked Jalah.  "Will she also provide you with an heir?  You have added a considerable sum to the Enari coffers—do you wish it all to go to your cousins?"

Maash laughed again.  The way Liera was arranged, she could only see Maash from the corner of her eye.  But she didn't seem that offended by the idea.

"Maybe," she said, finally.  "Not Nari, though.  Someone a bit more . . . I don't know."

Jalah clapped her hands.  "At last, some sense!  Now, about this gathering.  Nari, perhaps?  And maybe the Eraath?  The Lady Arith was so delighted by your piglet's performance that I would have to be heartless to exclude her, and there is your—"

"I haven't agreed to this at all!" said Maash.  "Tell me more about Liera's performance while I think about it."

Jalah did, in great detail.  The Krin, it seemed, had been more amused by Liera's enthusiasm than her skills, though he had greatly enjoyed her orgasm, and Jalah had been so pleased with Liera's suffering that she had done a week's work in a day.

"And she has made a friend!" added Jalah.  "My flute-girl Tsui was very taken with her; if you need someone to look after her while you are gone, I am sure I shall be able to spare Tsui for the necessary times.  She is very good with girls, and has a great future ahead of her, though I fear she does not give sufficient attention to her music, and is unfortunate in her station of birth."

"She sounds like a fine match for Nari," said Maash.  "He is very good with girls as well, and is overly fortunate in his station of birth."

Jalah laughed.  "Fine, very well.  Perhaps you will find the Eraath more suitable.  Or I could invite Taril; from what I have heard, your piglet would meet his needs admirably, and if he had someone on which to spend those energies, he would make a fine husband."

Maash had moved her hand down, and was toying with the hollow of Liera's knee, so she might have missed her reaction to that.  Taril—Taril Aden—if that's who Jalah was talking about—was also with them in school.  And he'd been . . . well, boys weren't Liera's favorite, and he'd definitely been a boy.  And also sort of imposing, even though he was the same age as them.  He'd stayed on for graduate work, when the rest of them had left, and was getting a reputation as a scholar.  Liera had always felt a little frivolous when talking to Taril, like a child being humored.

"Hm," said Maash.  "Perhaps."

"Oh, you must agree," said Jalah.  "Six guests, let us say, and when we are not using her, Tsui to keep her ready."

"Well, Liera, what do you think?" asked Maash.

"Tsh!  You can see what she thinks!" said Jalah.

"I can see that she is aroused," said Maash.  "But I want to hear what she chooses."

"Young people!" said Jalah.  "You always complicate matters.  Very well, piglet, what do you choose?"

It was a difficult question, and Liera didn't know the answer.  "Does Taril have to be there, lady?" she asked.

"When you are addressing two or more of your superiors, you are to say, 'ladies,' or 'lords', or 'lords and ladies,' as appropriate," said Jalah.

"Yes, lady, thank you, lady," said Liera, and Maash chortled.

"I suppose you do have a point about the old manners being charming," she said.  "And did you have a question, Liera?"

"Does Taril have to be there, ladies?" asked Liera.

"Yes," said Jalah.  "I believe he does.  If he is to be a prospective husband for Maash, it would be best for him to see what he would gain by this alliance.  And as you should be included in this arrangement, he ought to know your capacities."

"Jalah," said Maash, warningly.

"There is no commitment!  There is not even a suggestion.  It is merely a convivial gathering, in the traditional manner.  And as a scholar of high reputation and poor funds, your friend Taril needs to be seen at gatherings of this sort."

"Perhaps," said Maash.  "Liera?"

The sensible thing to say was no.  Jalah would punish her for it, perhaps, but then she would go home, and Maash would know that she didn't want . . .  Maash would think that she didn't want that sort of thing, and they'd go on like they had, which was great, and she wouldn't have to suck Taril's cock, and that cruel-eyed Ossian woman wouldn't hurt her, and Tsui wouldn't make her . . .

"I would like to be available for use at a gathering of this sort, my lady," she said.  "But only some of the time, please—not always like this."

"Oh, piglet," said Jalah.  "Speaking out of turn, and ignoring me in your response!"  But there was affection and pleasure in her voice, and that made Liera want to kiss her feet, and rub against her ankles.

"No, not always," said Maash.  "I am not as traditional as Jalah would like, and I never shall be.  But it will be a little easier if you are like this, some of the time—people will understand us better."

"And perhaps more of the time when you appreciate your place," said Jalah.  "It is in many ways an enviable one.  Good!  It is decided."

"Is it?" asked Maash.  "I didn't expect you to take Liera's decision instead of mine."

Jalah laughed.  "My apologies, Lady Maash," she said, and gave a seated bow.  "It would be so grand, but I was indeed too forward; what have you chosen?"

"I think that she may serve at a small gathering," said Maash.  "Given how enthusiastic she is about the idea."

"And yet?"

"And yet, I do not wish to see that enthusiasm impaired, Jalah.  If she is brought to orgasm before the end of the gathering, I am afraid I shall withdraw my permission."

Liera groaned.  That was dinner, and breakfast was still on the table, and given what she'd gone through the day before, there'd be no way she could keep things together that long.

"Oh, but Maash," Jalah started, and Maash laughed.

"I think that both of you need to learn that you do not always get exactly what you want," she said.  "And no more than five guests, not counting yourself, the Krin, and your flute girl.  I shall be there, of course, and I will take Liera with me when the evening is over.  And your flute-girl is not to handle my Liera until the dinner is served."

"Of course not, Maash," said Jalah.  "And I suppose the Krin will have to take his pleasure where he can.  It may be a bit rough on your piglet, but I am sure she will be resilient.  Four invitations, then?" She shook her head.  "Or more, I suppose, if any decline." The two exchanged their goodbyes, and Maash left, her heels clicking against the tiles.

Jalah shook her head after Maash left.  "Young people.  They are so clever and full of ideas.  Fortunately, a good deal of that fades, as they come into their maturity."  Then she looked at Liera, and smiled.  "It is fortunate that you are so biddable, and devoid of ideas; it greatly enhances your charm.  Now, come to the workshop; there is a project that I must begin, and I am afraid that it shall not allow you the freedom of movement that you enjoyed yesterday."

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