Foreign Exchange (The Concubine Chronicles Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Foreign Exchange (The Concubine Chronicles Book 1)
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The Eraath seemed to have enjoyed her dancing; he came out fully erect.  And large.  She took him in her mouth, or tried to; he didn't seem entirely satisfied.  "Will its ass be available?" he asked Tsui.

"Yes, of course," she replied.  "With the desserts."

"Hm," he said, and scowled down at her.

Liera looked up, tried to convey her willingness, desire to please him.  It didn't seem to be entirely convincing.  He grabbed the back her head, forced her down onto his cock.

With the retractors in, she couldn't—there wasn't any way to stop it.  She gagged, tried to stop gagging; he pulled her back, but then back down.  If she vomited, Jalah would . . . from the corner of her eye, she could see Maash watching while she talked to Jalah.  Maash was happy, laughing, slightly worried.  If Liera vomited, Maash wouldn't . . . she'd lose the happiness.

She relaxed as best she could, took the Eraath's length; she didn't have a choice—he was stronger than her, and he had a tight grip on her hair.  But she relaxed as best as she could, tried not to show how close she was to failing.  Tsui crouched down beside her, tweaked her left nipple, and then put her hand around Liera's throat, squeezing down on the Eraath's cock as he thrust inside of her.

He pulled out between each thrust, letting her breathe, his cock dripping with the thick saliva from the back of her throat.  It was . . . uncomfortable, and difficult, and . . . well, there was the intensity in his expression, the tension in his arms.  She wriggled against Tsui, who laughed, but didn't stroke her pussy, like Jalah had, when Liera'd sucked on the Krin.

The Eraath was big, but he didn't seem to have the sort of refined tastes of some of the other guests; he came hard, in one deep thrust, then pulled out, pushed her away.  "Good enough," he said, after Liera made noises that were a bit like what Jalah had taught her to say after being fucked.  "Probably should loosen it up before the dessert, though."

"Yes, lord," said Tsui.  "I will be certain to."

Liera fought back a cough, and crawled over to Taril.  She looked up at him, and he looked down at her.

"The clips, lord?" asked Tsui.  "Or the whip?"

Taril hesitated, the muscles of his jaw working.  Finally, he groaned.  "Both," he said.  "Light clips, and remove them with a whip, if you can."

"Yes lord," said Tsui.  She patted Liera on the butt, comfortingly.  "This will hurt a great deal, piglet," she said.  "I believe you shall enjoy it."

Maash shook her head at that.

"Oh, it's very true," said Jalah.  "She sniffles endearingly, and would ask for it to stop were she allowed.  But pain of this sort . . . it is why the Lady Arith chose something differently distressing, I imagine—she prefers pain which is not so well enjoyed."

Liera wanted to argue, but she couldn't, and also, Tsui was putting the clips on, and they hurt like anything.  Well, they hurt pretty bad, but Liera was absolutely sure that they were going to hurt more when they came off.  With the whip?  How was that even possible?

Taril wasn't quite as large as the Eraath, but he was . . . substantial, and his hair was thick and dark.  He looked down at her, a smile at the corner of his mouth as the clips went on, and Liera moaned.

It would've been better if Maash had said no to Taril coming to the party.  It was difficult enough, and Jalah was trying to match-make, and that wasn't right, because Liera was with Maash.  Only in the last few days, Liera had also been with Jalah and the Krin, and also now with the Yail and Areth, and the Eraath.  And . . . well, Maash wasn't going to marry Jalah, obviously, but maybe it would be okay with someone else also.  But Taril?

At least Tsui hadn't put the clamps on her inner lips, or on her clit.  Four clips, two on each of her outer pussy lips, spaced pretty wide apart.  Then she moved Liera's thighs apart, and her hand was soft and sure.  She stepped back and Liera kept sucking.

The whip was like a bolt of lightning; it hit the clip, and if it hadn't been for the retractors, Liera might have bit down.  She definitely would've fallen if Taril hadn't been holding onto her head.  It hurt so much; it was worse than anything.

She tried to beg to be let loose, not to have another clip whipped off, but there was a cock in her mouth, and there were the retractors, and she couldn't—it wasn't that she didn't want to upset Maash or anything, she just couldn't.  And then the whip landed again, and it hurt just as much.  It was terrible.

Only Taril was smiling down at her, and Maash looked . . . impressed?  Liera was sobbing uncontrollably, but she lifted her pussy up, held her legs as far apart as she could, and when the whip landed again, she lurched into Taril's cock, screaming around it, but not letting him go; he groaned, and thrust deeper.  Again, and he was coming as she twisted, trying to keep from falling over, trying to keep from giving up.

When he was done, she still couldn't swallow, exactly, but she held him in her mouth, licked the last drops from his cock with a mouth full of cum and saliva.  Finally, Tsui took the retractors out, and she swallowed gratefully, then thanked Taril, rubbing her cheek against Tsui's hand, looking for reassurance in her laughing eyes.

"And now the Krin," said Tsui, and at least that was familiar.  It wasn't Jalah beside her, keeping her stimulated, but it was the same as it had been, Tsui working her up to a frenzy, with the Krin finishing just as she was at the edge.  Jalah was next, but before Liera was allowed to service her, the table there was cleared, and she was raised up for inspection.

"My goodness," said Jalah, her fingers coming away sticky from Liera's thighs.  "There, Maash, you see?  She is suited for this life, though she would like to deny it."

"Perhaps," said Maash.  "But she is also suited to other things."

Liera found herself wriggling slightly at that.  Maash was . . . Maash understood her, anyway, even if nobody else did.

Jalah gave a disgusted tsk, and pulled Liera's pussy lips apart, brought a lamp close, which was hot,  and it hurt.

"You ought not use the larger clips, Tsui," said Jalah.  "They make easier targets, yes, but you risk tearing the skin."

"Yes, lady," said Tsui.

"Nonetheless, commendable work with the whip.  I think . . . I think more clips this time, and they should remain on until I'm finished, at least," said Jalah.  "Would you like that, piglet?"

"Yes, lady, thank you, lady," said Liera, who definitely would not like more clips, certainly not on her pussy, which was still aching from the last set.  Jalah patted her cheek.  "Such an enthusiastic girl.  So eager to please."

"Jalah," said Maash, "If she said anything else, you'd punish her."

"True," said Jalah.  "She is also obedient and has learned her lessons well.  But it's rude to brag about your girl like that, Maash."

Maash laughed, and Tsui helped Liera down from the table and affixed clips to her pussy—four on the outer lips, two on the inner, and one on her clit.  Clips on her nipples and on her ear lobes.  Some of them had weights hanging down from them, and others didn't, so they all hurt, but they all hurt differently—it would've been easier if they were all weighted.

Finally, Liera was allowed to lick Jalah.  Maash was there, and she seemed delighted by Liera's enthusiasm, by the way the clips chimed against each other, by the way Liera jerked and twisted as Tsui pulled first on one weight, then another.  Jalah herself played with the one that attached to her left nipple—it was on a long enough chain that she could hold it and lean back.  It was hard to keep from looking at Maash, to stay focused on Jalah, but whenever she slipped, and looked over at Maash, Jalah gave a sharp tug on the weight she held, which brought her back to where she was.

And she didn't want to short-change Jalah any, really.  I mean, it was great that Maash was there, and Liera wanted to watch Maash watching her, but Jalah had . . . there was the anklet, if nothing else, and the way that she'd touched her, and . . . it was an opportunity to show how she felt about her visit, and Liera wanted to show Jalah how she felt about her visit.  The pain from the clips was enough that it couldn't be ignored, or sort of shifted into something else.  It hurt too much to be anything else.  But it was . . . it wasn't like having the clips whipped off.  It was good.

Jalah came three times before she let Liera go; Liera chanced one final kiss, just above Jalah's clit, before Tsui pulled her back to thank Lady Jalah, and she wasn't punished for it.

And then there was Maash!  Finally, finally!  Liera bounded forward, rubbed her face against Maash's boot, and surged forward toward her crotch.  Tsui had her hand on Liera's collar, and held her back, mostly.  Liera strained against Tsui, as Jalah and Maash laughed.

"I see you're enjoying your party," said Maash.  "And would you like to see how I'm enjoying your party?"

Liera groaned.  "Oh, please, yes, please."

"Manners," said Jalah, and she pulled on the weight she still held.  Liera groaned again.

"Yes, lady," said Liera.  "Thank you, lady.  Please!"

Maash grabbed her, pulled her up against her.  The clips made a constellation of pain, wherever they were caught between them, but Liera was far too far gone; she pushed into Maash, trying to melt into her, taking the kiss, glorying in it, until Maash pushed her back.  "And it seems that Jalah has left you somewhat uncomfortable."

Liera nodded, aching for more of her touch, for another kiss, or  . . . well, or anything.  "You will remove them one at a time, Tsui," said Maash.  "And you may do what you wish to stimulate the places where the clips have been.  But do not break the skin."

"Yes, lady," said Tsui, and then Maash untied her trousers, and her curls were already wet, and she was already close.

Liera kissed her there, long and hard, before she even thought about licking or sucking or anything like that.  Maash was so . . . she'd been gone for two days, not even, but they'd been a really intense two days, and she'd missed Maash.

Before she was done with the kiss, Tsui pulled off the clip from her right nipple, and then pinched it, rubbed it between her fingers.  It hurt, and it reminded Liera of what she was there for.  The kiss turned into a long lick, and the taste of Maash, and then smaller kisses along her outer lips, just as she'd been taught.

And that was the thing; she done . . . mostly okay, probably, with the others, but this was Maash, who'd taught her exactly how she wanted to be licked.  And Liera was going to do it right.

It also meant that there was a system, and a rhythm.  And no matter how much it hurt when Tsui took off a clip, and started slapping her, where it had been, Liera was going to keep to it.  Not that she was in control; it hurt.  She moaned, there were tears in her eyes, and she was twisting to avoid Tsui's slaps and pinches, and her small, sharp teeth.

Maash came hard, the first time Tsui bit Liera, her thighs clamping around Liera's face, the muscles in her stomach tensing and relaxing in the rhythm.  It was beautiful.

"You'll have yours later," she said, when she was done, and once again moving under Liera's tongue and lips.  "In front of everyone.  I've brought a toy for you, piglet."

That sounded great, only now it was Maash calling her piglet.  Unjustified.

Then one of the clips on her inner lips came off, and she couldn't think about anything else.

Maash came once more before she was done.  Liera finished her off just at the end, just like Maash had taught her. 

"Thank you lady, for your attentions," she said.

Maash grinned down at her.  "You're welcome," she said, and she was the only one who had said that.  Then she was allowed to hug Maash's leg, and kiss her foot, while Maash petted her on the head, and told her that she'd done a good job.

When they brought out the food, Tsui led her away from the tables, out to the middle of the floor.  The she adjusted the chains between her manacles, so that they gave Liera less freedom of movement; she had been crawling . . . mostly voluntarily; now she was on her hands and knees because she was constrained.  Then Tsui attached a bite of meat to a string, and put it on the floor near Liera.

Liera felt herself pouting.  It was unfair, and unjustified, and she wasn't even fat.  She was hungry, but she knew perfectly well that Tsui was going to jerk the food away if she tried to take it.  Liera sat back on her haunches and scowled at Tsui.  Who raised an eyebrow, grinned, and then sat crosslegged, and started playing her flute.

She was facing away from Liera, and she was concentrating on her flute, and the meat looked so good—it was pink and juicy and there was a golden sort of sauce on it and . . .  Liera waited, edged a little closer, a little closer, and then pounced.  And Tsui jerked it away just as she almost had it, not looking.

The people at the tables laughed.  Fine.  Thing was, she was slower than the end of the thread, with the meat on it.  But she could catch it near Tsui, hold onto the thread.  She waited, watched Tsui playing her flute.  Edged closer, closer . . . and Tsui twitched it out of the way.  Fine.  She kept moving, slowly.  Just close enough.  And she pounced, and Tsui jerked the thread, but she got a hand on it.

She overbalanced, fell on the thread.  But she had it.  Tsui grinned down at her, and Liera snarled back, turned, and bit her bit of meat off the end of the thread.  It was delicious.

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