Forbidden Steps: A Stepbrother Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Steps: A Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter Six



Stephanie tried the door, found it unlocked and rolled her eyes as she stepped into the room. Cocky bastard, she thought, letting her eyes drift over the darkened room until they fell on her stepbrother. Sprawled out over the bed, fully dressed, shoes still on his feet, Colin was snoring loud enough to wake the dead.

Slipping her sensible, two inch heels from her feet, Stephanie padded quietly across the room. Colin had been a very light sleeper before the military. Stephanie imagined that would be even more true now if not for how tired and comfortable he was. Just the fact that he was sleeping, before ten o’clock, told her a lot.

Not that Colin would say, but it stood to reason that being a heavy sleeper in the field wasn’t very conductive to a long life. The thought made Stephanie’s hands shake. Rather than let the feeling overtake her, Stephanie focused on the fact that Colin was here, now, within reach. There was no telling how long he would be home, which meant she wasn’t going to waste a second.

Besides, she wanted to make up for her last miscalculation. Colin might have forgiven her for bringing it up at such an inopportune moment, but he wouldn’t have let his guard down yet. Which meant she couldn’t bring it up again, not if she wanted him to consider it seriously.

Her best bet would be to let Colin think she’d forgotten about it. It was risky; Colin could get the dreaded call any day. Still, she couldn’t see any other way. Colin was damned stubborn, and if he’d convinced himself looking at Ashley that way was wrong, changing his mind would take some careful planning.

Hiking her pencil skirt up over her knees, Stephanie climbed onto the bed, reaching for the top button of Colin’s jeans. If she was going to wake him up from such a deep, much needed sleep; she was going to make it well worth it.

Colin grabbed her hands and rolled. A shriek of surprise was smothered by a breathless gasp when Colin’s heavy body covered hers. With a deep laugh Colin kissed her, his hand moving between them and into her blouse.

Stephanie groaned and smacked his shoulder. “Will you get off me, you big lug. I can’t breathe!”

Setting his knees at either side of her hips Colin took his weight from her and moved his kisses to her jaw. “Is that better?” His eyes lifted to hers even as he glided his lips down her throat. Stephanie nodded. Still watching her, Colin undid her shirt and freed her breasts from its confines. His parted lips lowering to her taut little nipple made her head drop back. His sucking made her writhe against the bed.

“I wanted to surprise you.” Stephanie managed when he turned his attention from one breast to the other.

Colin flicked his tongue against her nipple and gazed up at her. “How?”

Stephanie’s lip curved as she gave him a sultry look. “Well I was going to start by getting your dick nice and wet, with my lips and tongue, taking my time so you woke up slow. Then when you came to I was going to slide my mouth over you until you were deep enough to hit the back of my throat…”

“No conversation?” When Stephanie shook her head, Colin nodded in satisfaction. The bed creaked as Colin moved off her and dropped down at her side. “Sounds good. How ‘bout I pretend to be asleep? You can start now.”

Giggling, Stephanie pushed up to her knees, arching a brow when Colin turned to watch her remove her blouse and bra, eyes slit to keep up the act. Shaking her head, Stephanie unzipped her skirt and worked it down. Wearing nothing now but a black lace thong, intricately run through with pale pink ribbon, and a pair of thigh highs attached to garters, Stephanie sat on her side. Knees bent against the bed, one hand bracing her up, Stephanie undid Colin’s jeans.

The button and zipper weren’t a problem. Getting the jeans down enough to get full access to the rock hard dick that was straining against Colin’s boxers was a different story. Colin wasn’t being very cooperative. Rather than lifting his hips when she pushed his jeans down, he simply lay there, dead weight, as though he was really asleep.

Frustrated, Stephanie gave up on the jeans and turned her attention to what she could get to. Laying down at Colin’s side so that her cheek rested against his pelvic bone, Stephanie held the elastic of his boxers out of the way with one hand and wrapped the other around the center of his cock. This left only the tip of him for her mouth but it was more than enough to play with.

Mimicking Colin’s earlier actions, Stephanie flicked the end of her tongue across the indent under the head of Colin’s dick. Feeling his thighs tense against her, Stephanie smiled and did it again, this time moving up a bit so that she could cover him with her mouth for a quick suck. Swirling her tongue around the hot flesh, slowly, lazily, Stephanie peeked up at her stepbrother, wondering how much longer he’d let the teasing go on.

From the look of him it wouldn’t be long. Colin’s fists were clenched at his sides. A gruff inhale caught in his throat when she grazed her teeth with care against the delicate skin of his shaft.

Finally, he just shook his head and laughed, tugging his jeans down as he spoke. “You win.” Knees bent he pushed his hips up when Stephanie rose to pull his jeans off all the way. “Just hurry up. You look fucking hot like that. If you weren’t so good with that sweet little mouth I’d have you bent over the bed already.”

Stephanie smirked and shifted so that she was on her knees, elbow braced by his hip, ass up in the air to give him a perfect view. Holding up his dick she spoke, so close to it that her lips teased it with every word. “Bent over the bed? Why the bed? If you are going to bend me over something why not make it the table…”

Stephanie stroked her tongue up his dick.

“Or the sofa?” She took him fully in her mouth now, arching her neck to accommodate the head of him deep in her throat. Pulling back before she could gag she slipped her lips off him, leaving a glistening wet trail of her saliva to cover him. “Or maybe the balcony.”

Loving the tortured look on Colin’s face, Stephanie grabbed hold of his dick and started jerking him off, never taking his eyes from him, even after her mouth joined her hand. Colin groaned and grabbed a handful of the sheet at either side of him. When it wasn’t enough he combed his fingers into her hair and fucked up into her mouth. Stephanie’s tongue slipped over the tip of him. The slightly salty taste of precum told her he was getting close. Just a little bit more and he would be spent.

Colin had only ever let himself cum in her mouth once from a blowjob alone. The first time she’d done it. After that he’d taken care to see to her pleasure first. Stephanie had once made a game of trying to see if she could get passed his ironclad self-restraint. His confession as to why he did it had made her even more determined to thwart him. His motives weren’t completely selfless. Colin liked to bask in the afterglow. Getting her off first meant he could do so without guilt.

It was silly, but Stephanie didn’t care. She saw it as a challenge. Moving her mouth faster she wondered if maybe this time she’d win.

Colin jerked Stephanie back by the hair and jammed his mouth against hers. Movements a little rough and desperate he forced his fingers into her panties to test her wetness.

Stephanie whimpered and shifted her hips, not from pain or fear, but from desire. If not encouraged, Colin would rein in his passion and take it slow. Whenever he was overcome by lust he did that. He never just let go. Always cautious, knowing well he was a lot bigger than her and could hurt her.

Stephanie wasn’t worried, and more, she wanted a taste of the animal passion she’d seen.

Grazing her teeth against his neck, Stephanie pushed her hips forward, against his hand. Colin dipped his fingers inside her, pressing deep and then slipping out, quick and easy motions as he eased her down on the bed.

With a rough groan, Stephanie shook her head. Colin was slowing already; taking such care it would drive her mad. “Just fuck me, Colin!”

“I fucked you in the bathroom last night. I fucked you in the shower. Why can’t you just enjoy this?” His hand had stopped moving, but his fingers were still inside her. It made it hard to take the conversation seriously. Colin started pulling his hand back.

Stephanie clenched down on him and grabbed his wrist. “Please don’t stop. I’m sorry but for a second…” Beating around the bush now was not going to get her anywhere, though the analogy used in a literal sense would serve her well. It took her a moment to realize how horrible her timing was. Any interruption would be taken badly after what she’d brought up the last time. “Never mind.”

Colin latched onto her wrist when she reached for his dick. Twisting his other wrist free from her grasp, he pushed her arms up over her head and held them there with one hand. “No Steph. You’re gonna tell me what’s on your mind. So long as it’s not another family member, I won’t get mad.”

Trying to free her wrist, proving that his grip on them was secure and that he had no intention of letting her go, sent a wave of heat straight down to Stephanie’s groin. Inhaling, Stephanie twisted and felt her face go red as Colin’s shrewd gaze lifted to her trapped hands, then down to her squirming body.

Suddenly he grinned. “You like this, don’t you?” He put his hand between her legs pressing his palm against her soaked panties. “I knew you liked me being a little dominant, but that’s not what you want right now. You want me to be rough.”

“Yes.” Stephanie groaned as he tugged her panties down and stuffed his fingers deep into her pussy.

“I’ve been rough before.”

Stephanie could tell he wanted things clear before he went any further. She tried to find the right words. “Yes, but it’s always controlled. I want to feel you lose it.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” His tone showed the lie. He liked the idea, she could tell in the way his dick throbbed against her belly.

There was an edge of uncertainty there as well. A bit of pain with pleasure was one thing, but he was afraid to take it too far. Stephanie had to let him know she trusted him to find the right balance.

“If you were anyone else, I wouldn’t chance it, but you’re not just anyone. You love me. I want to feel you pounding into my body as though you’re gonna go right through me. I want you to hold me down, I want you to pull my hair and bite me and do all the things you were too careful to do before.” She took a strangled breath; his fingers were jamming into her harder even as she spoke. “I’m yours, Colin. I want you to use me.”

Colin groaned and pushed off the bed. Stephanie was sure she’d gone too far. She sat up, ready to take it all back.

Without warning Colin’s hand shot out. Hand latched into her hair he pulled her up to her knees. “You sure you want this?” Stephanie nodded, shivering with anticipation. Colin turned her so she was on her hands and knees, still gripping on her hair. His jeans around his knees, he placed himself between her thighs. “Promise me you’ll tell me if it gets to be too much.”

“I promise.”

Stephanie let out a sharp breath when Colin stabbed his dick inside her. He reached forward and grabbed her hands, pulling them behind her back so that she fell onto her face. His hips slammed against her ass, again and again, driving him so deep Stephanie couldn’t help but scream. Her first orgasm ripped through her and Colin tugged on her hair so she was kneeling up against him.

“I can do anything I want?” Colin whispered gruffly into her ear.

Curious to see how far Colin would really take it, Stephanie didn’t answer. Colin jerked her head back a little further.

“Answer me!”

Grinding herself down on him, Stephanie pressed her lips together and then held still. For a while she just waited to see what he’d do.

When the silence stretched, Stephanie turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. Colin’s brow lifted. He gave a firm nod.

“You want to be difficult? That’s fine.” he pushed her forward, pulling out and pressing his hand down on the small of her back to hold her in place. “Then you don’t get a say.”

Stephanie didn’t have to wait long to see what he’d do. His hand cupped against her pussy he smeared her juices up between her ass cheeks, using it as he often did to lubricate his fingers. One finger slipped with relative ease into her asshole and he pushed until he had it in all the way.

This was nothing new, he’d fingered her ass before. But this time, he didn’t stop there.

Once her asshole was nice and slippery, Colin pushed the head of his dick against the tight hole. Stephanie tensed, not sure if it would go in, the strange new sensation more pain than pleasure. She almost asked him to stop, sure she couldn’t do it.

Not easing up the pressure, Colin bent down to her. “Relax. You want to make me happy don’t you?” He slipped his hand between her and the bed and started fingering her pussy. The pleasure made her push back against him, helping him slide in a bit more. “Aren’t you glad you’re not sharing me?” The head of him was inside her now, stretching her, uncomfortable, but easy to ignore when he hooked his fingers in her pussy and teased her up to the tip of another orgasm. “You get all this.” He shoved in until his dick was half imbedded. “All to yourself.”

It was starting to feel good. Very good. Thinking of her stepbrother fucking her in the ass nearly made Stephanie come before he’d even started. She lifted her hips so he could get the rest of his dick inside her. Then she spoke, not thinking, just too far gone to hold the words back. “Am I tight?”

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