Forbidden Steps: A Stepbrother Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Steps: A Stepbrother Romance
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The quick swallow and shake of her head didn’t fool him. Colin caught the rim of tears in her eyes just before she lowered her head to her knees, hiding from him.

Colin undid his seatbelt, then leaned over to undo hers. His jeans scuffed against the rough material of his seat as he shifted over, placing his hand on Ashley’s shoulder. When she refused to look at him, still huddled down in her seat in a very childlike pose, Colin reached out and lifted her straight out of her seat.

Ashley looked up, eyes wide, lips parted as he set her in his lap. Colin didn’t look at her. Relaxing back into his seat he left his arms around her, holding her to his chest. Then he waited. When the stiff set of her spine and shoulders finally eased he started stroking her hair, smoothing it down over the blanket still wrapped around her.

“I’m not going to try and justify what I’m doing with Steph.” Colin kept petting Ashley’s hair, his words a calm monotone, well paced so they had time to sink in. “But in no way, shape or form does that change things with me and you. I love you. I never hung out with Steph before the accident. Me and you were a lot closer. Mostly because you followed me around like a puppy.”

Bristling, Ashley frowned up at him, clearly offended. Colin looked down and met her eyes, the edge of his lip lifting, making it very clear that he didn’t mind. Anymore that is.

“The point is nothing has to change between us.”

Ashley tried to push away from him. “So things just continue as if nothing’s happened. You and Steph have your thing and so long as I stay out of the way everything’s fine.”

Holding Ashley right where she was, Colin waited until she’d stopped fighting him before forcing her to look at him. “How in the world did you get that out of what I just said?”

“Nothing changes between us. Steph’s your girlfriend and I’m just the annoying kid you both gotta deal with.”

“Since when are you annoying?”

Hands braced against his chest, Ashley tried to push herself back. She didn’t get far, so she tried sliding down out of his grasp even as she spoke. “I guess I wasn’t while I was out of the way. Must have been convenient.”

Holding her was like trying to hold as dozen squirming puppies. Not ready to give up, Colin turned and dropped his seat back midway, pushed Ashley down on the seat, and put himself in front of her.

It was an awkward position, one knee on the floor, one bent against the seat between her thighs, hands against her shoulders. Still, the space in the jeep made it possible and put him in control of the situation. The last thing he needed was her trying to take off.

“That’s quite enough.” Colin’s tone was firm, the same one he’d used on her when she was a child. The tone that had once been used only when she was doing something dangerous or obnoxious, but it served him well enough now. Ashley couldn’t help but respond to the command.

Even if it was followed by typical teenage defiance. “You really shouldn’t be holding me like this. People might make something of it.”

Her mockery of him made Colin want to forget getting through to her, bend her over his lap, and spank her. The image made him hard, much harder than he’d been with her writhing around in his lap. Remembering that wasn’t helping him stay on point.

“Do you really think I care what people think?”

“Enough that you’re keeping your relationship with Steph a secret.”

Colin leaned down, closer to her, wanting to make sure she didn’t miss a word. “Sexual preferences between consenting adults are none of anyone else’s business. I don’t need to announce it to the world to know how I feel. Hell, if what was going on with you and Danny and his friend hadn’t been forced, I wouldn’t have had a thing to say about it.”

“Really?” Ashley seemed surprised.

Which made it impossible for Colin to lie to her. “No. Not really.” Colin pushed back until the steering wheel was digging into his spine.

Ashley leaned forward. There was hope in her eyes. “Why not?”

Colin dropped his hands to her knees. The blanket wasn’t covering them, or much of her anymore, so he was able to enjoy the silky texture of her skin under the rough pads of his fingers. Ashley shivered and Colin studied her face, wanting to make sure he wasn’t scaring her.

“I’m a selfish bastard. I don’t want to share you.”

“But Steph…”

“Loves the idea. She’s been trying to be subtle, probably worked better with you than it has with me.” Colin sighed. “Are you freaked out yet?”

Ashley shook her head. Her cheeks were flushed; he could see it in the moonlight that glowed through the window, spreading out over her dark hair and pale skin. She licked her lips and opened her mouth to speak.

Colin couldn’t wait any longer. Pushing up so both his knees were braced against the seat he placed his hands at either side of her face, bent down and kissed her. Ashley made a light sound in the back of her throat and put her hands on his cheeks, then slid them back into his hair.

Time lost all meaning as Colin continued to kiss her, at some point changing positions so that he could hold her in his lap again while he explored her mouth with his tongue, stealing her ability, and will, to breath. He sucked at her bottom lip one last time before he stopped and wrapped his arms around her, his big muscles relaxed as he held her head against his chest.

For a while, they both sat in silence, both lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Colin pressed his palm to her cheek and arched her head back to look at her. “Say something.”

Ashley bit her lip. “I’ve been wanting you to do that for a long time.”

“And you didn’t tell me because…?”

A grin on her face, Ashley ducked her head and let her hair fall over her cheek. “There was no way I could tell you I had a crush on you.”

It was so ridiculously obvious. Ashley couldn’t have known if he’d have been okay with it.

But there was one last thing he needed to know. “For how long?”

Her voice was so low Colin almost didn’t hear her. “Since before I started dating Bobby. Going out with him was the only way I knew how to be close to you.”

Colin had to grit his teeth to keep from cursing. If only he had known…but that wasn’t true. If Steph hadn’t seduced him, if none of it had happened, he never would have considered a relationship with either of them.

Even so, it was hard not to wish it hadn’t. Much as he loved being with Steph, much as he wanted to be with Ashley, he would trade it all to give her back the years she’d lost.

Since that wasn’t possible, all he could do was appreciate the good that had come of it. “Let’s go back to the hotel. That is, unless you’ve changed your mind about going to the hospital.”

Ashley shook her head, sat back and wrapped her arms around herself. “No. I’ll go in the morning to get some blood tests, but other than that I want to forget any of it ever happened. And I want you to forget it too.”

Colin wasn’t sure he could, but he wouldn’t press the issue now. He let Ashley go so she could climb back into her own seat.

After they drove for a bit in another bout of silence, Ashley turned to him. “When we get back do you think…” She paused and took a deep breath. “Do you think you could come back to my room?”

It was hard not to smile. Colin had been hoping she’d ask. “Yeah. I’ll come back to your room.”

Ashley fidgeted with her seatbelt. “Are you gonna tell Steph?”

Jaw set in a hard line, Colin shook his head. “No. Not yet. Whatever happens will be between us for now.” He glanced over at her. “I hope you don’t mind, I just don’t want Steph getting the satisfaction of thinking her little schemes worked.”

“So just us for now?” she waited for Colin’s nod and then smiled. “Good. I like that.”

Chuckling Colin reached over and patted her thigh. She jumped and bit her lip. Colin grinned. “I thought you would.”

All the way back to the hotel, Colin’s thoughts were locked on how Ashley was reacting to him. She seemed nervous, but eager. He was happy to see there was no bitterness, and was sure the chance to be alone with him had a lot to do with it.

Knowing Ashley as well as he did, he had a pretty good idea of how badly her jealousy had affected her. Steph had inadvertently made herself into competition, hinting that she had what Ashley wanted. It wouldn’t take long to fix that.

It might take a little longer to get things to the point that Steph wanted them, but he wouldn’t worry about that now. Until Steph understood this wasn’t a game to him, he wouldn’t worry about it at all. Right now was about him and Ashley.

Just as he’d warned. It had nothing to do with Steph.

Chapter Eight


With the door open a crack, Stephanie watched Ashley and Colin step off the elevator. One look at Ashley and Stephanie’s eyes widened. Her little stepsister appeared positively wanton in her short black skirt, peaking just past the bottom of an oversized sports jacket. With her hair mussed, and her lips swollen and red, Stephanie could easily guess what she’d been doing.

Bare feet scuffing on the red carpet in the hall, Ashley giggled and twirled away when Colin reached for her. Two long strides and he had Ashley pinned against the door to her hotel room. Stephanie couldn’t see them anymore, since Ashley’s room was on the same side as Colin’s, but her stepsister’s gasp gave her a pretty good idea of what Colin was doing to her. She imagined her stepbrother claiming Ashley’s lips in a hungry kiss.

About time
. Steph smiled and pressed her thighs together as liquid heat pooled in her core. Colin wouldn’t take things too far the first time; he’d want to make sure Ashley didn’t regret whatever happened between them.

Which meant he’d come to Stephanie for some relief. And for once, he wouldn’t think twice about discussing Ashley. She could almost feel him thrusting into her body, panting as she whispered in his ear that she didn’t mind if he pretended he was fucking her little stepsister. She’d tell him to picture her eating Ashley out while she sucked his dick. He’d come so hard…

“Do you think Steph’s here?” Ashley whispered.

Stephanie covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a moan. Maybe things would move faster than she thought. Maybe Ashley wouldn’t want to wait to ask Steph to join them for some hot, raunchy sex. Stephanie’s pussy throbbed and she slipped her hand under her skirt to rub her soaked panties over her clit. Getting herself off before they joined her might be a good idea. She didn’t want to seem desperate. Even though she was.

“I don’t care.” Colin said, tone gruff. “I told you, this is about us. We can tell her as little or as much as you want. After.”

Feeling like Colin had just punched her in the gut, Stephanie drew her fingers away from her panties and let her hand fall to her side. He’d threatened to leave her out, but she hadn’t taken him seriously. Far as she was concerned, Colin was doing the macho ‘I’m in charge’ thing. He’d get over it.

“Maybe we can tell her after… I don’t know.” Ashley whimpered, and Stephanie guessed that Colin was touching her, probably had his hand in her shirt. He was a breast man—Ashley’s pert little breasts would tempt him to distraction. He wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off them.

“Come on, let’s get you in bed.” Colin’s voice dropped to the seductive low he used when Stephanie teased him. Only now it was Ashley teasing him, tempting him…

And Stephanie was irrelevant. She heard Ashley’s door open and shut. Her throat constricted and she pressed her forehead to the doorframe. She was alone. All her plans had worked out better than she could have hoped—with one exception. Neither of her stepsiblings planned to include her. Images of Colin stripping Ashley and fucking her on her bed—if they made it that far—flashed behind her eyelids.

They don’t need me

She closed the door and squared her shoulders. What did she care? It wasn’t as though she couldn’t find someone else if she wanted. She checked her watch and ground her teeth. Just after 1:00 am. If she went to the bar down the street she could pick someone up without too much effort. She’d bring him back to Colin’s hotel room and fuck him all night long. When Colin returned in the morning for a change of clothes, he would find her in his bed with another man.

Which would serve him right. He had some nerve excluding her when she’d saved herself for him the entire time he’d been gone. But the thought of some stranger pounding into her made her feel a little sick. Someone knocked at the door. Her purse slipped from her hand and hit the floor.

He changed his mind. He does need me.

She rushed to the door, her stepbrother’s name on her lips. She was too excited to even give him shit. All that mattered was that she hadn’t been cast aside.

The man standing outside the door wasn’t Colin.

“Can I help you?” She tried for polite, but knew her tone was cold.

Hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his loose, faded blue jeans, the man spared her a brief smile before glancing past her into the room. “I wanted to see Colin. Is he around?”

“He’s around.” She snapped then bit her bottom lip. “Sorry, I’m a little pissed at him right now. I came to see him and he’s busy…” She looked the man over, taking in his bulging muscles, as big as Colin’s if not bigger, displayed nicely under his tight, white t-shirt. Beautiful blue eyes, a nice smile, perfect teeth. She held out her hand. “I’m Stephanie.”

He squeezed her fingers. “I’m Joey. Me and Colin are on leave together.” His thumb stroked her palm and she shivered. “You’re his stepsister—Stephanie, right?”

“Yes.” She watched him blow a strand of blond hair off his forehead. His hair was wavy at the top and shaved around the sides—he probably kept it stuffed under his cap in uniform. He reminded her of the model, Jessie Pavelka, buff and damn sexy.

“Mind if I wait here for him?” He stepped towards her even as he asked, and she swallowed.

Why would I mind? I wanted Colin to find me here with another man. Who better than one of his army buddies?

Could she really sleep with a man she didn’t know just to spite Colin?

She tilted her head to one side, then reached around him to push the door shut. The side of her breast brushed his elbow and electricity sizzled along her nerves.

Her voice was husky when she spoke. “He might be a while.”

“Oh, yeah?” He loomed over her, eyes sparkling with amusement. “What should we do while we wait?”

Stephanie stepped away from him and rubbed her arms as goose bumps formed. This might not have been such a good idea after all.

“What do you suggest?” She retreated until she stood by the little round table near the sofa and let her hand hover near the lamp.

Joey shrugged and walked over to the sofa without looking at her. He plunked down and got comfortable. “There’s got to be something on TV. Why don’t you fetch me a beer and we can hang out until Colin gets back.”

Lips parted, Stephanie stared at him, tempted to pick up the lamp and chuck it at him just on principal. She sputtered several times before practically screeching. “Fetch you a beer? Who the hell do you think you are?”

He draped his arm over the back of the sofa and looked up at her with a crooked smile on his lips. “I’m one of the few, the proud…and I’ve lived too much to play games with women like you.”

“Like me?”

“Yeah. You’ve got that pampered air—I’m thinking some guy jilted you and you came to whine to your brother about it. You’re pissed at him because he wasn’t waiting around. You were batting your eyelashes at me because you wanted revenge. Then you got scared.” He made a dismissive motion with his hand. “I’m fine with that, just don’t expect me to sniff around your prissy ass until you figure out what you want.”

“How dare you!” One fist on her hip, Stephanie pointed at the door. “Get out. I’ll tell Colin you stopped by.”

Fast as he’d sat, Joey stood. He strolled by her, paused with his hand on the doorknob, and glanced over his shoulder at her. “You sure?”

“Yes.” She had both hands on her hips now. He opened the door.

You’re not seriously letting him go, are you?
Her core tightened and her pussy clenched. The man was rude, and obnoxious, and probably amazing in bed. She wouldn’t have to worry about him holding back.

“Wait!” She stomped forward and slammed the door inches from his face. “You can stay.”

“Until I ruffle your feathers again, princess?” He put his hand on her side and stroked his thumb over her ribs, stopping just under her breast. “I don’t think I like that idea.”

“What more do you want?” She knew it was a dangerous question, but she had to ask.

“Let’s see…” He raked his gaze down her body, then back up slowly. “I haven’t had a woman in almost a year. What do you think I want?”

“Am I supposed to care?”

“Maybe not.” He pulled her against him and grinned. “But you haven’t said no. That’s a start.”

She could feel him against her belly, already nice and hard. Her insides seemed to melt, but part of her—the part that had remained true to Colin for so long, the part that kept him in mind even when she stuffed her vibrator deep in her pussy—protested.

He has Ashley now. He’s not thinking about me

“You’re right, I haven’t said no.” She slid her hands up his chest lacing her fingers behind his neck. “And I won’t.”

Joey bent down and kissed her lips. The kiss was soft, almost chaste. “Good,” he said. Then he pried her hands from his neck and set her away from him. “Go fetch me a beer and you can suck my dick while I drink it.”

Stephanie bristled. “How—”

He pressed his fingers over her lips. “How dare I? Mite repetitive, don’t you think?” He folded his arms over his chest. “I want to make damn sure you really want this, Stephanie. Colin’s a good friend of mine. I won’t have him thinking I used his sister.” He gave her another crooked smile and her pulse sped up. “But I’ve got no problem being used. So long as you work for it.”

Much as she tried to refute his logic, she really couldn’t. She could probably find another man for the night—one that would do whatever she wanted and be grateful for her attention.

Only, she didn’t want another man. She wanted Joey.

She’d worry about making him grateful as the night wore on. For now, she’d get him his fucking beer.

Turning her back on him, she stomped across the room and grabbed a beer from the minifridge between the TV stand and the desk. By the time she returned, Joey was slouched on the sofa. She gaped at him when she saw that he’d unzipped his jeans and was stroking his erect cock. He held out his free hand.

Speechless, she gave him the beer.

“Thank you, sweetie.” He twisted the cap, then took a swig of beer. Eyes on the TV, he motioned towards his dick. “Whenever you’re ready.”

? She shook her head and glanced at the door with half a mind to walk out. Then she eyed him. A muscle in his jaw ticked. He looked fixated on the TV, but when she heard the jingle for Folgers coffee coming from the set, she realized it was an act. He expected her to leave.

Slinking up to the sofa, she knelt and took his dick in her hand. He jumped and she smirked.

“I hope you’ll make this worth my while,” she said, before bowing her head and swirling her tongue around the tip of his cock.

He groaned and slipped his fingers into her hair. “Whoever this guy is that’s got you so worked up…” He hissed in a breath when she closed her lips around him. “He’s a fucking moron.”

Stephanie slurped her way up his dick, then rose just long enough to say. “There’s no man—unless you count Colin.”

“Why would I…ah, shit.” He clenched his fist in her hair when she bobbed her head; taking him so deep he hit the back of her throat. “Baby, you have no idea how good this feels.”

His praise warmed things deep inside. Not that Colin never told her she was good at what she did, but she hadn’t been with anyone else in so long. Since her stepbrother had found someone else to satisfy his needs, she liked knowing someone wanted her.


When Joey jerked her off his cock, something inside her shriveled up. A lump formed in her throat. He’d changed his mind. He didn’t want her after all.

“Hey.” Joey leaned forward and cupped her face in his hands. “What’s that look for? I don’t want to come in your mouth. I want you to enjoy this too.”

“Oh.” Stephanie nibbled her bottom lip, not sure what to say. She’d never felt this insecure in her life.

Joey groaned and dragged her up into his lap. “Silly girl. You didn’t actually think I was done with you, did you?”

Bracing her knees on the sofa at either side of his hips, Stephanie gasped when he took her mouth in a fierce kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he unbuttoned her blouse. He rolled her blouse off her shoulders and down her arms as he kissed her throat. Then he flipped up her skirt and covered her pussy with his hand.

“You’re so fucking wet.” He worked his fingers under the crotch of her panties and stroked her folds. His dick nudged her belly and precum smeared on her flesh. “You need to be fucked bad, don’t you?”

She’d never thought anything could be dirtier than having sex with her stepbrother, but having this man who she’d just met pushing his fingers deep inside her, after she’d sucked his cock, made her reconsider. Her back bowed as he jammed his fingers in deep, two fingers, three—she really couldn’t tell. All she knew was she wanted more.

“I need to be fucked.” She rode his fingers as she gasped out the words. He bared one of her breasts and tongued her nipple. The climax building within spilled over into a fiery orgasm.

He withdrew his fingers and leaned back on the sofa. “Then take off that skirt and that blouse and bend over the coffee table.” He put his fingers in his mouth and groaned as he sucked them clean. “I want another taste of your pussy before I stuff it with my cock.”

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