For the Love of a Gypsy (25 page)

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Authors: Madelyn Hill

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical Romance

BOOK: For the Love of a Gypsy
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He paced the foyer with quick strides. Her brother was flustered, not a trait she knew he possessed. “Am I to be the only one remaining? The last of the true Petrulengos?”

Ah, that was it. He was lonely. Men were a hard sort. “I would like you to stay as well.”

He glared at her. “And be stuck in this city with its noise and the English?”

She stilled his pacing by resting her hand on his forearm. “Anya would be pleased, as would I.” His muscle tensed beneath her hand.

“Don’t you understand? I will never belong here.” He pounded his chest as he said, “I am

She crossed her arms before her chest and pinned him with a glare. “Yet you expected me to marry Magor, Rafe. And I am not Rom.”

His jaw flexed and the hard expression in his eyes softened. “I always wished you were. Tell me, you are
and Rom. How will you live with these people?”

“I will, have no worry.” Martine tipped up on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. With Declan’s love, all was possible. “Please stay.”

He shook his head and sighed. “I cannot.”

He embraced her, one that reminded her of when they were younger and without his vast responsibilities. She held tight, knowing ‘twould be a long time before she saw him again.

“Please,” she whispered. “Visit us again. Anya and I will need to see if you are well, and I want my children to know their uncle.”

His smile was indulgent, tender. He brushed the side of her face with his hand. “Tell them their uncle is the
and their mother was his

He walked across the marble foyer, his leather shoes clicking in rhythm to his lengthy strides. She watched him, held back threatening tears, and wished he’d turn around and decide to stay. Yet she knew his pride would never allow it and fleetingly wondered if he was right. He was Rom and would never be able to remain in one place too long.

Declan had watched from afar. She was visibly shaken. He walked forward and embraced her from behind. “All will be well,” he whispered. She nodded and turned toward him. He gathered her in his arms and carried her up the stairs.

Just being near her had his body ready, longing to be within her. She tipped his face toward hers and reached up for a kiss. Their mouths clashed as he devoured her lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth, loving the taste of her. He pulled back, his breath heaving.

“Have I told you how much I love you, lass?”

She feigned innocence as she tangled her fingers in his dark hair. “Nay, I don’t think you have.”

“Let me show you,” he said with a husky voice as he unbuttoned the bodice of her gown. “Let me show you.”

“I love you, Rom, Irish, or English. Never doubt that.” He pulled her into him. Her body fit against his, perfect, absolutely perfect.

They kissed, a probing kiss filled with desire and sealed with their devotion. Ah, Declan mused as he slipped deeper into Martine’s embrace, his life had changed. For the better, to be sure.

And all for the love of a Gypsy.

About The Author

Madelyn Hill has always loved the written word. From the time she could read and all through her school years, she'd sneak books into her textbooks during school in order to devoured books daily. At the age of 10 she proclaimed she wanted to be a writer. After being a "closet" writer for several years, she sent her manuscripts out there and is now published with Soul Mate Publishing. And she couldn't be happier! A resident of Western New York, she moved from one Rochester to another Rochester to be with the love of her life. They now have 3 children and keep busy cooking, watching their children's sporting events, and of course reading.

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Other books by Madelyn Hill

Wolf’s Castle
– released July 10
, 2015

Also from
Soul Mate Publishing
Madelyn Hill


Can he forget the past and embrace the future?

He’s the beast of Lomarcan Castle. Tortured, angry, and bound and determined not to allow Vivian Stuart to invade his lair. Lord Galen Maclean refuses to be endeared to the lovely woman who has landed on his island looking to study alchemy. The island possesses secrets, secrets too horrid to share with the gentle woman. However, her beguiling nature brings light to the darkness of the castle and the few quirky inhabitants and edges into his heart.

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