Fire and Ice (8 page)

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Authors: J. E. Christer

BOOK: Fire and Ice
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She turned her face away from his and let the tears fall onto the pillow.  Her thoughts crowded in on her and she felt dirty and used – a whore who chose to lie with the new lord of the manor rather than keep herself pure
for a future husband.  She felt Ulfric turn to face her back and felt his strong arms enfold her once again.

“You are beautiful, Juliana.  You have made me very happy tonight but I know it must have been difficult for you.”

Juliana sniffed her tears away and hoped he had not noticed but she did not reckon on his sensitivity, even in the dark he knew she was crying.  He pulled her round and hugged her close, kissing her forehead and wiping away her tears with his thumb.  “It will be different the next time, you’ll see,” he whispered in her ear.


“Yes, my fire maiden?”

told me earlier that you weren’t Norman - tell me about your family and how you came to fight for William.”

“It’s a long story.”

“We have all night, sire.”  She settled herself into the crook of his arm, her head resting on his chest, somehow feeling safer than she had ever done in her life before.

Ulfric sighed, “My mother was
from Normandy but my father was Saxon, his family came over to England with the first settlers and eventually married into English nobility. He met my mother during a visit to Normandy and brought her back here.  He was killed when I was a boy and my mother married again.  Thorvald is my step-brother and his father is Hlodver Thorvaldson whose ancestors reach back to Halfdon, known as
The Kind,
and also include Ivar Halfdansson who was King of Sweden.  When I reached the age of ten I was sent away to stay with my mother’s family in Normandy and Thorvald came with me to learn the art of knighthood and chivalry under the supervision of de Gant’s father, Sir Baldwin.  He took me under his wing and even paid for me to attend the same schools as Sir Richard so I suppose it was only natural that I would answer William’s call when I heard of his plans to claim the crown of England.  In my youth I followed no man or king. I fought hard for my living once I left the academy and learned my skills on the battlefields of anyone who would pay me the most.  I had met William, who is some years older than me, and was impressed by his intelligence.  I was also introduced to Matilda, and William asked me to join his knights.  At that time I had heard of his plans to oust Harald, and Thorvald said it could be profitable so we became William’s men.”

Juliana thought of Ulfric as a young boy being sent to a foreign land and thrust into a life of war and fighting.  She felt sorry for him and moved her hand over his chest to hug him closer but could feel scars she had never seen and moving
her fingers down to his waist there was an indentation she assumed had been a sword wound.

“You have suffered greatly in your choice of profession, Ulfric.  I do not envy you.”

Her voice was low and warm and she felt Ulfric respond to her caress and felt his hands move over her body again.  Within seconds her body responded to the fire within and she gasped at the speed of her reactions as once again he took her, this time taking his time to ensure she too experienced the delights of his love.  Juliana moaned and her eyes opened and stared into his as their bodies convulsed with ecstasy which left her once again in tears.  Ulfric knew she had experienced the full potential of her womanhood.

Chapter 8


Ulfric rose early the next morning leaving Juliana to sleep a little longer.  Passing through the Hall he saw Hilde and told her of the plan to move Alice away as soon as possible.  He roused his men including de Gant and moved them away from the town to the
Wolds where they could exercise their horses and practice their drill.  Hilde entered the bedchamber to awaken Juliana, surprised to see her asleep in the bed she had once shared with her husband.

“Wake up, child.  Wake up!  We need to get Alice away whilst the men are away from the Hall.”

Juliana stretched and yawned, then remembered where she was and blushed deeply knowing that her mother would know she had slept with Ulfric.  She jumped up from the bed and her mother saw the blood spattered sheet, evidence that Ulfric had taken her virginity the previous night but Hilde said nothing, just pulled the cloth away and took it to launder. 

“Come, we’ll talk about this another time.  Alice needs to be away and I have yet to speak to
the carter and organise a wagon.  I can’t do all this on my own, Juliana, come quickly.”

Juliana was left alone to dress
with no time to ponder on the consequences of the night before, but she knew that in dealing with Alice’s situation it only brought everything into perspective and she felt fearful that she too might soon be sent away.

The carter had drawn his wagon into the stable yard
which was loaded with provisions, whilst the horse was fed and watered still between the shafts.  Alice was crying and all attempts to comfort her were unsuccessful. Hilde and Juliana fussed around them.  Alice had been with the family for almost six years and had proved herself to be a reliable and faithful servant and so would be sadly missed.

“Stop crying now, Alice. 
The carter will take care of you and see you to my brother’s family in Jorvik.  I have written a letter and you must give it to Ragn who will do as I ask and then if you want to, you can come back to us.”  Hilde refused to become emotional and her practical side was invaluable in times of crisis.

“Thank you, mistress, but I won’t come back while that brutal
animal is still here.”

“Don’t worry about him,” Juliana said.  “He’ll never know where you are or why and hopefully he will be sent back to his own lands by the King.”

Alice managed a wobbly smile and the carter shook the reins out for the horse to take the first steps on their journey. 




Later that afternoon there was a clatter of hooves in the yard heralding the return of the knights and their men.  Hilde looked at Juliana whose heart began to beat uncomfortably and they both put aside their stitching to organise food and ale for the men.  Thorvald led a horse carrying a carcass of a wild boar slung over its back.  Servants appeared from the kitchen and pulled the animal down, carrying it into a separate hut where meat was prepared.

“Hang it well!” Thorvald shouted as they struggled to drag it away.

Ulfric slapped him on the back, “You killed well today, Thorvald.  We will eat as richly as the King when we come back from Lincoln.”

De Gant walked into the Hall brushing past Hilde who was standing at the door.  Juliana was
warming herself in front of the fire as the afternoon began to get chilly.  Tapestries hanging on the walls flapped with the breeze coming in through the open door as Ulfric sauntered in and came to stand next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders.  He bent to kiss her cheek but whispered, “Is all well, my love?”

“Yes, sire.  They are well on their way now,” she replied.

Their exchange had not gone unnoticed by de Gant, “You seem to have tamed this vixen, Ulfric, but don’t forget it was me who told you she would betray you as soon as your back is turned.”

“Sir Richard,” Ulfric sighed, “Your jealousy does you no credit at all and the sooner you get used to the fact that Juliana is mine, the easier it will be for you.”

“Me!  Jealous!  You’re mistaken, Ulfric.  You are welcome to her - much good it will do you.”

His denial was too quick and his words rang empty because everyone could see the lust burning in his eyes whenever he looked Juliana’s way.

“Alice!” de Gant shouted and nobody answered.  “Alice!  Come wench, bring me ale and meat,” he tried again.  When no one said anything he looked around the Hall and collared a young serf who was passing.  He lifted the boy from the ground by his tunic and shook him so hard Thorvald had to intervene.  “Where’s Alice, you skinny whelp?” he shouted as the boy dangled in his hands.

“Leave the boy alone, d
e Gant.  He’s only a child.  We told you yesterday that Alice was unwell.  She has gone home to recuperate,” Thorvald informed him.

De Gant dropped the boy
to the ground.  He was only about seven years-old and fell awkwardly injuring his ankle.  Hilde went to help him up but he could not bear his own weight so she looked to Thorvald for help.  He strode towards the lad and picked him up easily and took him to a corner opposite where the dogs were chained.  The boy was sobbing in Thorvald’s big arms and he hung onto him, burying his head in his shoulder, frightened and ashamed of his tears.

Hilde came and soothed the boy once he was settled on a small pallet of straw.  Thorvald examined
the lad’s ankle and pronounced it badly sprained but not broken and patted the young lad on the head.

“What’s your name, lad?” he asked kindly.

“Sam, sire.” He drew a shuddering breath and calmed his sobs while Hilde noticed Thorvald had seemed to take to the boy.

Thorvald strod
e back to the table and lifted de Gant from his chair.  “See how you like a taste of your own medicine, Norman!”  He threw de Gant like a giant rag doll against the fire grate, just missing the open fire.

De Gant struggled to his feet and drew his sword, “You’ll pay for that, heathen!” he hissed.

“Enough!” Ulfric barked.  He had seen the blood drain from Juliana’s face and needed to put a stop to his men fighting amongst themselves.  “De Gant, put that weapon away.  I’ll not have violence in this Hall.”

started it,” he said petulantly, still standing with his feet apart waiting for Thorvald’s attack.

started it, de Gant,” Ulfric shouted. “You will not treat servants as if they are there for your amusement or otherwise.  In fact, you will not use my servants again until you’ve learned some manners, but I doubt if that’s possible after all these years.  Take your men and start for Lincoln.  The King and his entourage will be there by now and I will join you.  It will take a couple of days for me as Juliana will be with me.  Get your things and be off with you!”

De Gant started to complain that he had yet to eat and drink after their exercises that day but Ulfric turned his back and i
gnored him, leaving de Gant to slam his chamber door while he packed his clothes in a wooden box ready for the journey.


Sir Richard threw his clothes into the trunk he would take with him to Lincoln.  He would load it onto a cart and one of his men could travel with the supplies they would need for the journey.  His growling stomach interrupted his thoughts and he imagined Ulfric and that mountain of a Norseman eating and drinking and no doubt laughing at him behind his back.  He was determined to eat something before he went even if it did mean defying Ulfric.  Who was
anyway, just a jumped up peasant like all the rest.  Ulfric just happened to be at the right place at the right time, and de Gant cursed his father for taking the boy into their household and treating him like one of the family.  Well, he would get his revenge if it took him the rest of his life, in fact he would relish the thought and Juliana would be at the centre of his plan.  How dare she reject
, a Norman noble with lands far more extensive than Ulfric’s.  She too would pay for that rejection.

He lifted the trunk and went back into the Hall where the scene was just as he had imagined; all sitting down to dine and drink.  He took the trunk outside and warned his men to be ready to move as soon as he came back outside.  He strode back into the Hall and saw the young lad who had made such a display of hurting his ankle.

“You, boy!  Fetch me food and ale.  I have a long journey and the sooner I start the better.  Don’t dawdle or you’ll
get more than a sprained ankle.”

Thorvald’s eyes went to Ulfric’s who lifted a finger to keep him quiet.  Sam limped over to de Gant and placed food and ale on a small table by the fire then scuttled away before he felt the Norman’s wrath again.  De Gant threw himself into a chair by the fire and assuaged his hunger and thirst like a man who had no idea where the next meal was coming from, muttering to himself all the while which made the other two men smile.
  De Gant watched them out of the corner of his eye and jumped up to face them, his face puce with anger, “Don’t smirk at me, heathen, or you Ulfric.  One day I’ll make you pay for your stupid grins and disrespect of your betters, just see if I don’t.”

He downed his ale and threw the horn into the fire grate shattering it into splinters and stormed out of the door, slamming it behind him.

“I think our Norman friend is upset with us, Ulfric,” Thorvald commented drily.

Juliana had watched the display with some trepidation and her stomach had tightened at de Gant’s threat.  Ulfric was as relaxed as usual but said nothing, knowing that de Gant was a coward and a bully, always threatening but never carrying out those threats.  He rose from the table and held out his hand for Juliana, “Come
, my lady.  We need to get some sleep as tomorrow will be a long day.”

Juliana took his hand and they ascended the stairs together.  He opened the chamber door and
led her in, but hesitated, “Get into bed, my love, I have just remembered something I need to tell Thorvald.”

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