Fire and Ice (7 page)

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Authors: J. E. Christer

BOOK: Fire and Ice
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“It was the most beautiful experience of my life, Ulfric, and I want to thank you for providing it for me.  I was thinking that we could have something made that would stay here in the room and I could use it every day.  Our carpenters both went to war with my father and have not returned, but I am hoping others will come to take their place.  Perhaps we could ask in Lincoln if anyone would like to make their living here.”

“There are carpenters among my men.  We need many skills within an army and carpentry is one of them.  I’ll ask what they can devise.  The keg was their idea but only a short term solution.”

“Then I am indebted to them for their skill,” she smiled.

Ulfric was acutely aware of her nakedness beneath her furs and looked into her eyes for a long moment, trying to gauge her mood.  He took a cloth out of her hands which she had used to dry her hair and let it fall to the floor, leaving her wild red curls in disarray around her shoulders.  He gasped at her beauty as her deep pink lips curved into a smile and her eyes softened as she met his gaze.  He touched her hair and then cupped her face between his hands, his heart hammering against his chest as he moved towards her.  She closed her eyes and parted her lips to receive his kiss and as their lips met for the first time a spark ignited a flame which could not be quenched by one kiss alone.  He stood and pulled her up to stand in front of him, and felt her tremble in his arms as she sought to keep herself covered.  He lowered his head for another kiss and felt one of her arms creep around his neck.  He groaned aloud when she pushed herself against his body and he felt her curves through the fur.  When she at last pulled away he looked at her questioningly.

“Juliana, you have bewitched me.  Tell me again that you would rather sleep on the floor th
an share the comfort of my bed.”

“Sire,” she said
, her voice languid with longing, “at this moment I care not where I sleep but I must ask you to take pity on my hunger and allow us to go down to our evening meal.”

hunger will not be satisfied until you come to me willingly, but I will allow that you need your strength,” his voice was husky with emotion.

Ulfric noticed that the black clouds of the storm had been overtaken by the
darkness of night and they were indeed late for their meal.  He moved away from her and stood by the open window, allowing his blood to cool.

ll go downstairs and allow you time to dress.  I don’t think I’d be able to control myself let alone de Gant if he saw you like that.”  He smiled at her state of undress, even though the furs were held high and covering her; she smiled in return at his joke.




Downstairs in the hall Thorvald raised an eyebrow when he saw Ulfric’s brisk step as he descended the stairs.  Hilde was in her place at the table and de Gant sat with his back to the fire, sucking his fingers clean after eating pork ribs.  Alice came to the table to serve Ulfric and placed meat and vegetables before him but Hilde noticed her pallor and caught her arm as she made to move away.

“Are you ill, child?” she asked,
but Alice shook her head and averted her face.

Hilde let her go but frowned, hoping that Alice was not coming down with a malady of some kind.

“Enjoy your nap, Ulfric?” Thorvald asked grinning from ear to ear.

“Indeed, it was very pleasant, thank you.”

“And the bath?  Did my lady Juliana enjoy that?”

“Er... yes, she seemed to enjoy it very much.”

“Bath?  What bath?” de Gant asked between mouthfuls of meat.

“Juliana felt unwell after being out in the rain so I organised a bath for her with hot water.”

“You indulge that girl too much, Ulfric.  She is no longer the lady of this Hall but part of a conquered nation and should be treated as a servant at the very least.”  He looked over to Hilde, “And why you allow that old hag to sit at the table and eat with us, I’ll never know.  She should take her place in the kitchen with the rest of the slaves.”

Ulfric felt his anger rising and snapped, “You should hold your tongue at
table and if it doesn’t suit you to eat here with us, then I suggest you go and eat with your men outside and make your bed in the stables with the horses to warm you.”

De Gant threw a bone into the fire behind him but said nothing else.  When he turned back his eyes were caught by a vision in a lilac gown.  Juliana was walking down the
stairs looking radiant, her hair coiled with ribbons of lilac and white.  Her head rail held back a lilac veil matching the pale lilac shift which could be seen under the bodice of the gown.

Silence fell in the room as she reached the bottom of the stairs and Ulfric
scrambled to his feet to escort her to the table.  He was glowing with pride at his lady and Hilde was amazed as she noticed the intimate glances between the two.  De Gant scowled and Thorvald smiled,

“Your bath appears to have agreed with you, my lady,” he said, looking questioningly at Ulfric.

“Thank you, Thorvald.  I can recommend bathing in hot water rather than a cold beck.  I might never go near it again,” she answered good-naturedly.

Ulfric looked meaningfully at de Gant, “Sir Richard, perhaps you could do with a dip in hot water too.  It might relax you and make you smile as it has Juliana here.”

“He doesn’t need to bathe in hot water, Ulfric – he’s always in hot water with some woman’s husband!” Thorvald chortled, causing uproar at the table.

De Gant said nothing but his eyes were fixed on Juliana’s happy face.  When she caught his glance he made a cursory bow before grabbing more meat from the trencher in front of him.  Juliana stopped smiling and looked at her own trencher, picking out the tasty pieces of meat but saying nothing.  His message had been clear that he would not forget her rejection and she shivered slightly as she watched him from under her eyelashes
continuing to stare in her direction.

No one else had noticed their exchange and Ulfric was in high spirits thinking of the night to come.  Thorvald picked up on his mood and sagas were told while they ate and drank.  Hilde rose from the table and went in search of Alice who had been noticeable
by her absence throughout their meal, another servant having taken her place to pour wine and ale, and to bring bread and meat when asked.

Hilde found Alice sitting outside enjoying the fresh evening air.

“Are you feeling unwell, Alice?” Hilde asked, hoping that her suspicions were unfounded.

Alice began to cry
softly but then her shoulders shook with sobs, “I am having a child, my lady.  I cannot stay here and let everyone see my shame.  I don’t know what to do.  My mother and father will not have me back like this - they would disown me if they knew.”

Hilde felt pity for the young servant girl and put her arm around her to give her comfort.  “Alice
, don’t worry about all that.  I’ll speak with Juliana and she will speak to Ulfric.  We may yet find a husband for you.”

Alice’s eyes opened in horror, “No, my lady, not de Gant – I don’t want to marry him.  I hate him so much I could never lie with him again, even if he beat me senseless.

“No, not de Gant, I wouldn
’t see you with him.  Let me speak to Juliana and we’ll see what we can do.”  Hilde smiled and tried to encourage Alice to do the same, but she was too miserable to respond.

Chapter 7


The evening wore on and Juliana became restless.  She became bored with hearing stories of past glories and touched Ulfric’s arm.

“My lord, I am tired and need my sleep.  I beg that you release me to go to my bed.”

was immediately concerned and took her hand to escort her to the stairs.  Hilde looked curiously at them but was mollified when Ulfric returned to the table after watching her daughter climb the stairs.  Her satisfaction did not last long as he finished his wine and excused himself, whispering something to Thorvald before he moved away from the table.  Thorvald winked at his companion, slapping him on the back as he made his way to the stairs.

“What was all that about?” de Gant enquired, slurring his speech as was his custom after good food and lots of ale.

“None of your business,” Thorvald replied, not even bothering to look at him.

De Gant rose from his seat and shouted for Alice,
and Hilde’s face paled and glanced at Thorvald who saw her hesitation.  “She’s still unwell,” he answered for her.

De Gant did not look convinced but Hilde threw a grateful glance at Thorvald as her mind had gone
completely blank and she could not think of any excuse as to why Alice was not there.

“I’m off to bed anyway,” de Gant grumbled
and after a loud belch he proceeded to stagger to his room.



Upstairs in the lord’s bedchamber Juliana was pacing the floor still unsure of how she would handle the coming encounter with Ulfric.  She jumped as the door opened and he walked in smiling at her.  She did not return the smile but looked anxious, her eyes avoiding contact with his.  His heart sank when he saw her anxiety and
he was about to speak when there was a tapping at the door.  With ill-humour he yanked the door open, “What is it?” he roared, causing Hilde to back away unsure of whether he would beat her for the interruption.

“My lord, I wish to speak with Juliana if I may, it won’t take long.”

“You’ve had all night to speak to your daughter, why now?”

Juliana pushed past him and ushered her mother to her chamber, throwing Ulfric a
n impatient glance over her shoulder as she closed the door behind her. 

“What is it, mother?” she asked when Hilde hesitated.

“It’s Alice, she’s expecting de Gant’s child and is horrified at the prospect.  She’s unwell and says she cannot go home as her parents will disown her.”

Juliana looked stunned but then shrugged her shoulders, “It cannot be helped, mother.  When I think of how many times he has taken her to
his bed it’s not surprising she is with child.  Does he know?”

“No, and I don’t think he should get to know either.  If he knew, I fear he would beat her so badly she would lose the child anyway.  I think we should send her to
Jorvik to stay with my family until the baby is born.  There are many people who will take a child in if they are paid enough.”

“Does she want to go to

“I haven’t asked her yet.  I thought I would speak
with you first.”

“I’ll have to speak to Ulfric as
you and I have no money of our own and it would mean the loss of a valued servant.”

“I told her you would speak to him about
the situation.  I just pray he will be kind.”

“Don’t worry, mother.  I know what to do.”

Juliana went back to her room and found Ulfric sitting up in bed waiting for her.  A candle spluttered dimly on a small table at the side of the bed and he looked as if he was waiting for her decision.  She did not hesitate but went to sit at the side of the bed and faced him.

“Well, Juliana?  Are you ready and willing to join me at my side, not only here but as my companion?”

“I believe you mean mistress, Ulfric, but yes I am willing to join you, but first I would like your help with something.”

“Of course,
” he said, all smiles now that he was going to get his way at last.  “What can I do?”

She told him about de Gant and Alice and his eyes darkened with fury.  “He must be made to marry the girl!” he shouted.  “His father has always given him everything he’s
ever wanted and consequently he values nothing.”

“No, my lord, she doesn’t want him to know.  He’s quite capable of beating her to death and would think nothing of it.  Please – we just want to send her to my mother’s family in
York where the child can be taken in by a childless couple perhaps, unless she wants to keep it of course.  It’s for her safety that I ask this of you.”

saw the pleading in Juliana’s eyes and found he could not deny her anything.  “Yes, of course she must go.  You can send her tomorrow while I keep de Gant away from the Hall.  He won’t know where she is or why.  We’ll send the carter with her and I’ll make sure they have enough coin to buy food and lodgings along the way.”

Juliana smiled her appreciation and leaned forward to kiss him gently in thanks.  He was taken aback by such a show of affection but was not displeased.  He reached out for her but she slid easily away from him, “No, my lord, permit me to undress first.”

Ulfric watched as she removed her veil and head rail then stepped out of her lilac gown.  She then released the ties on her shift and it slid down revealing a plainer white shift underneath.  Ulfric was disappointed that she did not continue but she moved to the other side of the bed and cautiously lifted the fur pelts and slid beneath them, still wearing her white shift.

rested her head on the down-filled pillow, her hair spread out in all its glory.  Inside she was terrified, unsure of what to expect, but Ulfric leaned over her and kissed her deeply, moving his mouth gently so as not to alarm her.  He slid his body down until he was facing her and moved his lips to her neck and then back to her lips and eyes, quick butterfly kisses which thrilled and confused her.  Her breath was short and she could feel the familiar flame ignite inside her which spread its heat throughout her body until she was panting.  She felt Ulfric lift her shift over her head and discard it, her senses began to reel as he slid his hands over her body caressing the rosy peaks of her breasts and teasing her with his kisses until she could hardly breathe.  When, eventually, his body loomed over her she was not frightened but welcomed him inside her.  His movements were gentle to begin with and she felt a brief pain but after that her senses melted but she found herself somewhat let down when he moved away from her.  It was his turn to lie panting next to her and for a moment she felt like asking him why he had stopped but shyness and inexperience overtook her and instead she felt tears prick her eyes as if she’d missed something that she was unaware of.

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