Fire and Ice (5 page)

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Authors: J. E. Christer

BOOK: Fire and Ice
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Ulfric exchanged a knowing look with Thorvald and kicked his horse into a gallop while the others followed apace.



Chapter 5


It was late in the evening of the same day and only Ulfric and Thorvald were left sitting before the fire in the Great Hall. 

“So, the King wishes you to meet him at Lincoln, Ulfric.  You are honoured to be chosen as a member of his Council.”

“I know, but I wish I didn’t have to go now.  I feel that I need to get to know the people here and listen to their concerns.  Juliana has told me of the people’s love and respect for her father and if I’m away for any length of time, they might despise me even more than they already do.”

“They don’t despise you, Ulfric.  They’re just wary of a new lord, especially after what happened to the last one.”

“De Gant!” he snapped, “if only I’d come sooner rather than wait for the title to be signed by William.  No wonder Juliana and her mother don’t trust me.”

“I think she’s warming to you, Ulfric.”

“Who?  Juliana?  You wouldn’t say that if you saw how quickly she jumps beneath her furs at night.”

“I’ve seen a light in her eyes when she
looks at you.  Admittedly, she covers up her feelings very well, but I think she sees you as her protector.”

Ulfric shook his head,
“If that’s so, it’s because of de Gant.  Now, she
hate him and I understand why.  That’s another reason why I need to stay here, Thorvald.  There’ll be no stopping him if I’m not around.”

“I’ll stay and watch him.”

“No, I need you at my back.  There’s only one thing for it, she’ll have to come with us.  She’d decorate any court in the land and I’m sure William will approve.”

“But will she leave her mother?”

“She’ll have to.  I can’t risk de Gant taking advantage of the situation if I don’t take her with us.”

At that moment the door slam
med open and de Gant stumbled in, weaving a path to the table where the ale was kept in a large jug.  He lifted a drinking horn and slopped some onto the table before knocking it to the back of his throat and laughing as it dribbled down his tunic.  He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before saying,

“So, Ulfric.  I hear you’ve been summoned to Lincoln by the King himself.”

“You hear correctly, Sir Richard, not that it’s any of your business.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.  My father will be with William and he’s asked me to join you.”

Ulfric stifled a groan.  The last thing he needed was de Gant around Juliana while they were away but he pretended otherwise.

“Good, you might be recalled to Normandy to your family’s estates there.  You can’t neglect those
forever can you?”

De Gant scowled and refil
led the drinking horn before stomping to his bedchamber.  A few minutes later he returned to fetch Alice to his bed, who by now had ceased struggling in case she was given another black eye.

Ulfric watched him with distaste.  How on earth he had become a knight he had no idea.  His manners were disgusting and his
mistreatment of the fairer sex knew no bounds, in fact his particular code of chivalry would shame any other knight in Christendom.  He would have liked to have thrown him out of the Hall but he owed de Gant’s father for paying for his own education and training for knighthood when he was a youth. 

“I’m going to my cham
ber, Thorvald.  I’m weary with de Gant’s games and I need to plan the next move.”

He entered the chamber quietly and undressed, putting his clothes carefully folded on the chest where Juliana kept her gowns.  The light from the full moon enabled him to see her face which was flushed with sleep. 
Her complexion was clear, her long red hair fanned out on the pillow and Ulfric felt his stomach tighten with a mixture of want and need, and something else – was it affection?  He swallowed and forced himself to get into the big bed alone and closed his eyes wishing that sleep would come immediately and oblivion would take away the feelings he had for this young girl.  Instead, he listened to her even breathing and wondered whether Thorvald had been right in his observations about her softening towards him.  She was friendly enough when they were in company but as soon as they were alone she became distant and uncommunicative.  Women! he thought.  You can’t trust any of them so why shouldn’t he take her to his bed like de Gant would have?  Because you want her to come willingly came the reply in his head.

He tossed and turned for at least an hour before sleep mercifully overcame him
but when he awoke late the following morning, Juliana had risen before him to spend time with her mother.  “Damned women!” he muttered to himself.  His mood had not improved overnight and he felt sluggish and bad tempered as he stomped around the chamber trying to get dressed but every item of clothing seemed to thwart him and by the time he had tamed his breeches and shirt into submission, he was ready to fight anybody who crossed him.

Downstairs in the hall Juliana was daintily eating her breakfast, “Good morning, Sir Ulfric, how did you sleep?” she asked pleasantly.

“Huh!” he growled, and she looked at him questioningly as he grabbed a bowl of porridge from a servant’s hand and began to eat.  “Bring me some milk!” he bawled, not noticing the full jug on the table.

Juliana passed
it to him but she could see he was fighting his temper and did not speak.  He sloshed the milk onto the food which overfilled the bowl and splattered the table.  In a great show of frustration he flung the offending jug towards the fire and it smashed on the stone fireplace.  Unaccustomed to this show of temper from their new lord, the servants scurried out of sight and Juliana started to rise to her feet, her appetite quite gone.

“Where do you think
you’re going?” he snarled.

speak to my mother, sire,” she answered plainly.

“Not till I say so, you’re not.  Do I have to keep reminding you of your place in this household, Juliana?  Have I not said that I am the lord
now and you are here under sufferance?”

As soon as he said the words he wished he could bite them back.  Those beautiful green eyes sparked with fire and she stood with her hands on her hips facing him squarely.

“If that’s how I’m supposed to live, sire, under your sufferance, then perhaps you will let me and my mother leave.  We have kin in the mid-shires who would welcome us, also in York.  My mother’s family abide there and they would not see us without a roof over our heads.  Just say the word,
Ulfric, and we’ll be gone from your sight.”

Ulfric stared at the beauty he saw before him and wanted nothing more than to snatch her to him and kiss her until she was breathless.  He wanted to take her to the big bed in their chamber and find out for himself if she was still as pure as she made out, or if Erik had taken her first.  He shook his head in defeat, rising to his feet he went to the d
oor, looked back and pointed a finger at her, “You go nowhere until I say so, Juliana.  Do you hear me?”

She presented a sarcastic curtsey
and pulled a face in response and watched as he slammed out of the building.  Thorvald hurried after him shaking his head in despair.

Out in the yard Ulfric shouted for Elding to be saddled for him and paced the cobbles until
the horse was readied.  Elding was a fine stallion and his feathered hair which fell over his hooves had been washed and his mane combed until it shone in the sunlight.  Thorvald brought both his own horse and Elding from the stables and looked questioningly at the troubled face of his leader.  Ulfric was in no mood to answer questions and threw himself onto his saddle and galloped as fast as he could down to the Ings while Thorvald met him stride for stride.  When Ulfric had calmed down he pulled his horse to a stop and dismounted.  Thorvald joined him on foot and they let their horses drink for a while.

“What ails you, Ulfric?  I haven’t seen you so angry since de Gant cheated you at dice.”

Ulfric took a long breath and let it out slowly.  He shook his head and was about to deny his ill temper but then sat down heavily on a large stone, leaving Elding to graze on the lush meadow grass.

“I believe I’ve been bewitched, Thorvald.  That’s the only explanation I can think of.  I vowed I would never trust
any woman because I’ve seen what they can do to men, but Juliana has crept into my heart and captured it.   I’ve waited in vain for her to come to me willingly but she is determined not to notice, so this morning she saw the wrong side of me.  I hoped it would teach her a lesson, but what did she do?  She stood up to me – that’s what!  A young slip of a girl didn’t back down from me and I believe she would have gone on berating me for the fool that I am if I’d let her.”

Have you told her about going with us to meet the King in Lincoln?”

“No, I was so angry with myself for allowing this situation to happen that I didn’t get the chance.  Now I’ll have to go back and
beg her forgiveness.”  He hung his head in despair while Thorvald started to laugh at the sight before him. 

“I never thought I’d see you smitten by a young maiden, Ulfric!” he chortled.

Ulfric turned his head to see his friend giggling like a youth and he joined in, deciding it was the only way to overcome his anger and frustration.  They laughed so much the horses returned to watch them, which only made it worse when Thorvald pointed at them.  They both fell to the ground helpless until Elding put his muzzle on Ulfric’s face and snorted his disapproval causing them both to sit up and look around to see if they were being watched.  They were both relieved that the men working in the barley fields were too far away to notice them.  They stood up wiping their eyes and slapped each other on the back before remounting their horses and cantering back to the Hall.

On their return Ulfric asked one of the stable lads if Juliana had gone out and was relieved to hear that she had as this would give him more time to prepare his apology.  He went upstairs to change his clothes and called for a servant to bring him water
so that he could wash before putting on a well-fitting tunic in brown flannel with gold thread braided into a border around the edge and brown breeches.  He washed his hair as best as he could and asked Thorvald to take a blade to his beard. The overall effect of his efforts he checked in a silvered mirror which he found in the chest Juliana used to hold her gowns.  He was returning the mirror after use when his hand touched a rough pouch.  He pulled it out and stared at the contents, then poured some of the powder into the palm of his hand.

“What’s this?” he asked Thorvald, who shook his head.

Ulfric brought the contents up to his nose and sniffed cautiously.  “It doesn’t smell of anything.  I wonder what it’s used for.”

Just then, Juliana walked in and saw Ulfric holding the pouch, her eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth in horror.  She had forgotten about the sleeping draught her mother had given her.  It had been hidden away for weeks and s
he had never given it a thought until now.  How on earth was she going to explain this away?

“I see by your guilty expression that you know what this is?”

Juliana’s face was crimson with embarrassment her mind reeling as to what excuse she could give, but she was saved by her mother walking into the chamber.

“Ah, my lord Ulfric, I see you’ve found my sleeping po
tion.  I’m sorry but I left it here when we exchanged rooms and I’d forgotten about it.”  She made to take the pouch but Ulfric snatched it away.

“Juliana, did you know what this was?”

“Yes, sire, my mother had trouble sleeping when my father died and Sara gave her this to help.”

“Why did you look so guilty when you saw I’d found it?”

“I was afraid that you would think it was mine and accuse me of plotting to poison you,” she answered shyly, hoping he would believe her.

Ulfric looked from mother to daughter trying to perceive any deception but could not find any so he handed the pouch to Hilde and she tucked it away into a pocket of her gown and left.  Ulfric signalled for Thorvald to leave too which he did and closed the door.

There was silence for some moments before Juliana ventured, “You are looking well sire.  The brown colours suit you and you look younger with a trimmed beard.”

Ulfric had forgotten the reason why he had taken so much trouble with his appearance and was pleased at her flattery, but still not convinced of her true intentions towards him.

“I thought I would show you that I’m not the barbarian you think me to be.  Also, I have to give you some news.”

Juliana raised her eyes to his and he came to stand
in front of her, but found her closeness too difficult to deal with and moved away, in case she saw his discomfort.  He coughed and continued, “As you know I have to go to Lincoln to see the King in a few days time and I’ve decided to take you with me.”

Juliana was speechless and just gaped at him.  “Well, don’t you have something to say?” he asked.

“Er, yes of course.  I’m just surprised that’s all.  Why would you want to take me with you?  I don’t have the right clothes to be presented to the King.  I’m just the daughter of a noble lord and we don’t have much use for finery here.”

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