Finding The Way Home (2 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Finding The Way Home
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Jim stretched, then leaned against him, snoring softly. Poor guy. Jim had gotten the sharp end of the stick, that was for sure. First the injury, then getting dumped by his partner of seven years.

Horse was damn glad Jim had felt comfortable enough to call him for help.

Jim took a deep breath, and Horse thought it sounded happy. Without really thinking about it, he put his arm around Jim's shoulder, letting Jim rest more fully against him. Smiling, Horse turned his attention back to the TV and didn't think too hard on why he was enjoying this episode so much.

When Jim's hand settled on his thigh, the heat and weight of it warming him, it made it perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect.

Hell, he wasn't even sure what this episode was about, and he didn't give a shit.

One episode slid into another Jim actually beginning to snore. Finally Horse leaned back, Jim pressed all along his side, snuggling into him. His own eyelids grew heavy and he gave in to it, falling asleep.

Chapter 2


James stretched out in a lounge chair on the deck, eyes on the breaking waves, the wind chimes binging and dinging merrily. God, this was a great life. He'd been here for three weeks, grilling and trying to figure out how to swim again, taking long rides in the truck, and playing marathon video game sessions. He had an amazing tan and he felt better than he had in months.

Horse came out with a couple of beers in one hand, chips and dip in the other. He plonked the food on the table and offered James one of the beers.

"Mmm. Hey, man." James took the bottle, clicked it against Horse's.

Sitting, Horse took a drink, then leaned forward and opened the bag of plain potato chips and then the container of dip. "Hungry?"

"Yeah, totally. I'll cook dogs and burgers tonight."

"That sounds great. What I meant, though, was do you want some chips?" Horse shook the bag, making the chips rattle inside it.

"Yeah. French onion dip?"

"Yep. You want something different, you're going to have to let me know before shopping day."

"I'll go with if you want." James felt like exploring more, like he was becoming himself more and more every day.

"Yeah? We'll make a list and go tomorrow. I like to approach shopping like a mission. Get in, get what we need, and get out as quickly as possible."

"No shit on that. Meat. Veg. Chips. Milk."

"Yep. The essentials." Horse grabbed some chips and dipped them before shoving them into his mouth.

"Then we need beer, too." James was pretty sure he owed Horse a couple dozen at least.

"Uh-huh. You got a list thingy on your phone? You could take notes."

"Dude. Right." Grabbing his phone, he opened his note app and started making a list. "Chicken. Steak. Hamburger. Hot dogs. Bread. Chips. Vegetables. Milk. Beer."

"Dip. Coke--can't always drink beer. Uh, French fries. Fruit." Horse grinned. "Gotta give a nod at eating properly. Oh, ice cream."

"Mmm. I love ice cream. What kind?"

"I'm partial to Rocky Road myself. You?"

"I've never met an ice cream I didn't like, man." James loved ice cream, full stop.

Horse chuckled. "That's how I feel about nuts."

"Like..." James reached down and grabbed his balls, playing.

Horse went from chuckling to cackling. James laughed along, although he wasn't sure it was that funny.

"Yeah, those, too." Horse took a long swig of his beer.

"Yeah. I pegged you more for an ass man." Did he just say that?

"I can't like nuts
ass?" Horse asked.

"I like cock, so sure."

Horse shifted in his chair, legs spreading. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." James snuck a look. Again. He'd looked a lot.

"You like 'em big?" Horse's hand dropped to his own hip.

"I do. It's a thing." He must be losing his mind.

"You know why they call me Horse, right?"

"Because you kicked the ass of the first private who called you Horace?"

God, that grin was sexy as hell. "That's not the only reason."

His cock--which wasn't shabby, damn it--began to fill, swelling in his jeans.

Horse met his gaze. "You know that old expression about being hung like a horse."

"I do." James swallowed once, put his beer down. "I... Are we having this talk?"

"You started it, man, but I'm happily following your lead."

"Okay." Well, he didn't want to claim he was drunk.

There was nothing but the eternal sound of the waves coming in for a long time, then Horse leaned in and laid one on him, right on the lips.
Oh, Jesus.
Hops, barley, pure undeniable lust. The kiss was hard and quick, then Horse drew back a half an inch.

"Yes or no?" Horse asked.

"Yes. Fuck yes. Please." James knew it was probably a shitty idea, but he wasn't real good at self-denial.

Horse's mouth dropped back on his, the kiss hard and solid, everything James could have asked for. He reached up, his stump hitting Horse's chest. He stopped, sucked in a breath, hoping that Horse didn't hate it. Horse just kept kissing him. It was awkward the way they were sitting, and Horse finally grabbed him, tugging him onto Horse's lap, the lounge chair groaning beneath their combined weight.

He braced himself on Horse's chest, groaning as Horse's tongue fucked his lips. Those big solid hands were on his ass, holding him against Horse's body. Horse was hard as hell, rocking up against him and James' balls ached, feeling heavy, full.

He was cradled by Horse's legs, no danger of rolling off the lounge chair, Horse taking care of him. He tried to touch, but he couldn't, not like this. Not without losing his balance.

"Easy, easy." Horse rubbed their cheeks together. "This works better in a bed."

"Yeah? I'm down with that. I've never done this without a hand."

"So that makes me your first?" Horse gave him a shit-eating grin.

"Yeah." Weirdly, yes. It wasn't the same. It was Horse.

Horse gave him another hard kiss, then hauled up, dragging James up at the same time. Fuck Horse was strong, all those muscles working. James dangled for a breathless minute, but Horse had him, held him. Arm going around him, Horse walked them inside and down the little hall.

To Horse's bedroom. To Horse's bed.

James' cock throbbed, it was so hard, so full.

They didn't say anything, and it didn't take them long to get to Horse's bedroom. Once there, Horse dragged back the covers and helped James onto the bed. He didn't even look around. He had his eyes full of studly man.

Horse lay down next to him, mouth closing over his in another no holds barred kiss. James wrapped one leg around Horse, his left hand exploring, tracing the huge muscle. Horse took kiss after kiss, one hand tugging at his T-shirt.

"Want. Please, man." James struggled with the shirt, trying to get it off.

"Easy, Jim." Horse's voice was low and deep, stroking across him.

"Sorry." Be cool, man. Cool. Calm. Collected.

"No apologies, man."

Horse's mouth covered his again, full on and needy, and James focused on the kisses, on giving Horse everything he wanted.

Hand on his waistband, Horse drew his T-shirt up, baring James' skin as they touched. Horse's huge hand was warm, covering his belly. Horse stroked his stomach, fingers dancing over his abs. He reached up, fingers on Horse's chest, his stump waving a little.

Groaning at this touch, Horse deepened the kiss and dragged his T-shirt higher, fingertips finding James' nipples. The firm tugs and pinches surprised him--both because he wouldn't have thought Horse would do it and because he hadn't had it feel so fucking good before.

Groaning into their kiss, Horse rocked against him, the firm prick hot even through two pairs of jeans. James used his leg to drag them closer together, keep them moving, rocking.

Horse manhandled his shirt up more, and James helped as best he could, lifting his head and shoulders from the bed.

"Oh yeah, look at you." Horse was admiring him; there was no mistaking the look in Horse's eyes.

It made a difference, that pride, that need.

Bending to his chest, Horse wrapped warm lips around his nipple. The pressure was firm, steady, and threatened to make him scream. Then Horse's teeth scraped across his flesh. A sharp, wild cry filled the air, ringing out. It took a few moments to realize it had come from him.

Horse moved to the other nipple, suction even stronger on this one. James pressed his fingers against Horse's scalp, the short hair tickling him. Groaning, Horse licked at James' nipple, tongue dragging over it, as one hand slowly worked open his jeans.

"Want you." So bad.

"Right here, babe. Gonna love you so good," Horse promised.

Love him. Not fuck him. Not take him. Love him so good.

"Yeah. Yeah, man. Please."

Horse got James' pants undone, rising up to his knees to pull them off, along with his underwear, and tossing both over his shoulder to land on the floor. Then Horse got himself naked, too, exposing a stunning body.

James groaned deep in his chest, the sight of that club of a cock making him drool.

"You like what you see?" Horse posed for him.

"You're the hottest motherfucker I've ever seen. You know how hard it was before not to check you out?"

Horse smiled. "Yeah? You weren't the only one looking, Jim."

Oh, God. He wanted to believe that.

Horse glanced at him, head to toe, then grinned. "And I may have some competition for being the hottest motherfucker on earth."

"You still got all your parts, man. You win."

"Right. Because fit guys with all their parts are so rare. You're hot, and that stump is sexy as fuck." Horse grabbed it, touched it from scar to armpit. His fingers were warm, but firm--Horse proving he wasn't afraid to touch it.

It wasn't erotic, but it felt good, felt like he was real, like his whole arm belonged to him still.

"You know what this is? It's a reminder of the lives you saved," Horse said softly.

"I hope so. I hope I made a difference."

"I'm here, aren't I? So are a couple dozen other men." Horse stretched over him, their bodies rubbing together.

"You are here. Thank God." James held Horse, allowing himself to use both arms.

Horse brought their lips together, devouring James' mouth. He opened up, tongue fucking Horse's mouth, both of them pushing and working for pleasure. Horse's cock slid against his, hot and hard, bumping and rubbing. God, he wanted that fat prick. He loved the way a solid cock felt, stretching him wide.

"How do you like it, Sarge? How do you want it?" Horse asked.

"I like a hard fuck. I like to feel a man inside me."

"Oh, baby, remind me why we haven't already hooked up?"

"I was trying to be faithful to a cheating asshole. So, pure stupidity on my part."

"Well, you've smartened up since then." Horse grinned wildly and bit at his lips.

"I have. Learned to stick with the ones I trust with my life."

Horse leaned past him, opening his side table. Lube and condoms came out, Horse set them on the bed. James reached down, got himself a handful of hot flesh. Horse groaned, pushing into his hand. The movement spread his fingers wide, and James rubbed with his thumb.

"Fuck, you're good at that." Horse's eyes were at half-mast.

"Yeah." He'd been jacking off a long time.

Horse laughed, filling his mouth with the sound as Horse kissed him. James kept stroking, sure and strong, tugging on the heavy cock.

"Gotta get you ready," Horse told him, voice rough with need.

"Oh, fuck yes. This okay?" He wasn't sure he knew how to do hands and knees without his arm.

"Yeah, I want to see your face while I do you."

"Cool." James spread himself wide.

"Love that you're eager." Slicking up his fingers, Horse shifted to kneel between his legs.

"I'm not ashamed of what I need." He'd done that already, learned all that being ashamed could teach him.

"Good. I'm not either. I'm not ashamed of anything about you." Horse pushed a finger into him. Horse's eyes rolled. "Fuck, baby. You're tight. Gonna feel so good around me."

James hoped so.

Horse finger-fucked him with the single digit, eyes boring into him and James began to move, rocking against that touch.

"That's it, baby, you know how to take what you want." Horse pushed a second finger into him.

His lips parted, and James took that finger, too, knowing he'd need one more to take Horse's cock. Horse spread his fingers, closed them together again, pushed them deep. Electricity slammed up James' spine. Yes. Fuck, yes.

Horse pushed his fingers in again. "Oh yeah, that's what you need."

James nodded and wetted his lips, his head spinning. That third finger he needed pushed into him, stretching him farther as Horse moved slow and easy.

James groaned. "Good. Good, good. Jesus, man."

Satisfaction was a good look on Horse.

The three fingers inside James stretched wide, opening him up even more.

"Soon. Soon it'll be your cock." James couldn't wait.

"That's right, baby. Soon." Horse found his gland again, pressing it firmly.

James damn near shot up, the sensation making his whole body curl. Horse nudged it a few more times, making him shout. Then Horse's fingers slid away. James couldn't have stopped the protesting moan if he'd tried.

"I'm not going to leave you hanging," Horse promised.

"Uh-huh." He just wanted it.

Horse gloved up and settled between his legs again, tugging his ass down a little. James looked into Horse's warm, dark eyes and Horse stared right back.

Grabbing his legs, Horse draped James' ankles over broad shoulders and began to push into him. The heavy head spread James, stretching him without a bit of hesitation. Horse didn't stop, didn't speed up, simply continued pushing forward, filling him up. James took and took, accepting every inch. His legs were pressed back against his torso as Horse leaned into him, the thick cock finally stopping once Horse was all the way in.

"Fuck. So tight." Horse panted softly.

James was full, filled to the brim.

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