Finding The Way Home (3 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Finding The Way Home
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Turning his head, Horse kissed his the side of his knee, then began to move again. They thrust, finding a low, easy rhythm, both of them working together. At one point Horse leaned in harder and kissed his stump. James damn near cried out, shocked to the bone. Horse thrust harder, kissed his stump again, mouth open, hot on his skin.

"Oh, fuck. Horse!"

Horse's blue eyes met his gaze, and Horse smiled. "I doing it for you, baby?"

"Fuck. Like no one ever has." And that was the truth.

Horse's smile was wild and happy and he sped up, thrusting harder. James nodded, meeting each thrust, slamming into Horse's motions. Grunting, Horse kept the rhythm going hard, his gaze never breaking away from James.

"Don't stop."

"Not even for a damn second," Horse promised, his hand finding James' cock between their bellies.

"Fuck yes." His eyes rolled back in his head, and he rolled on that cock.

Jacking him, Horse kept moving, fucking him like it was Horse's only mission. All he wanted was the orgasm building inside him, to know Horse was going to come, too.

Horse nodded, making soft, need-driven grunts and moans. "Oh fuck, Jim. Better give it up to me."

"Uh-huh. Everything." James clenched down, moaned deep in his chest. "Everything."

Horse's hand was rough on his cock, the friction higher as Horse got near his orgasm.

"Yes. Yes."

Pressing his legs back against his thighs, Horse kissed him. It was strong and necessary and the perfect topper. He shot hard, his whole fucking world into it.

"Fuck yes!" Horse's shout heralded his orgasm and it was just two more thrusts before Horse froze. Maybe he couldn't feel Horse's seed spraying inside him, but he could feel the pulses.

Collapsing onto him, Horse panted, hot breath warming his face.


He held on with his whole arm, fingers drawing lazy shapes on the sweat-slick skin.

"Okay, that was...yeah." Horse kissed his neck, lips and tongue sloppy, wet and warm.

"Uh-huh. Better than yeah."

That had Horse laughing. "No one'll ever hire me for my scintillating post-sex wit and ginormous vocabulary."

"Scintillating? Seriously?"

"No? I could have sworn I knew what that one meant." Horse slipped out of him, grabbing the condom and tying it off.

"I can't even make little words right now, man. Wow and fuck, yeah, are the best."

"I had to find my brain so I could throw out the condom." Horse gave him a wink and did exactly that before settling down next to him.

James wasn't sure if cuddling close would be cool or a pussy thing to do. Horse solved the dilemma for him, tugging him against the broad chest.
Oh, thank God.
He snuggled up, letting himself go boneless.

Horse's hand slid over his stump, fingers trailing. It didn't feel deliberate, it simply was. Horse touching him just to touch him; the fact it was on his stump, was a coincidence. He nuzzled Horse's jaw, touching back.

"You need anything?" Horse asked, free hand stroking over his belly.

"This. I need this."

"You got this." Horse squeezed him.

James nodded. Good. Unexpected as fuck, but good.

* * * *

Horse slipped out of bed to get supper going, leaving James to doze. He had to admit, the man looked fucking great in his bed. A little voice in his head asked how long it was going to last. Was he just Jim's rebound man? Horse pushed that thought away. He'd fucking enjoy every second they had and not worry about later. In that vein, he put a spice rub on the steaks, and started prepping a salad.

"Mmm. Hey, man," Jim said as he walked in. He needed a fucking haircut.

"Hey." Horse gave into the urge and leaned over to rub his fingers through the mess on top of Jim's head.

"I know, right? I should get you to trim it."

"I could shave it down. Give you a high and tight, and a close shave." He drew his hand down over Jim's cheek, the stubble catching at his skin.

"You wouldn't mind?"

Mind? He might just cream his jeans. Jim had no idea how intimate shaving another man could be. Which meant that fucker Andy had never done it for him. It made him fiercely glad. "I don't mind at all. You wanna do it now or after we eat?"

The steaks weren't on the grill yet--they could wait.

"Let's do it now and I'll jump in the shower after."

"I like shower sex," Horse noted.

"Yeah? I do, too. Slick, soapy. It's the perfect place."

"Yeah." He put the salad back into the fridge. "I've got the razor in the bathroom. Let's do this out on the balcony."

"Sounds good."

Horse was hard enough it hurt. He squeezed Jim's shoulder. "Fetch one of the kitchen chairs and meet me outside."

"You got it." Jim grabbed a chair and headed outside into the fading sunshine.

Horse watched him go, enjoying the way Jim moved. Damn, he was hooked. Maybe he always had been.

He went and grabbed the electric razor, then headed out to the deck. Jim had stripped down to just a tiny pair of shorts, and stretched out under the sun.

"My, my, my, look at what I found on my deck."

"Mmm. Sun-worshipper ahoy."

He slid his fingers along Jim's belly, the beautiful skin warm from the sun. Jim smiled and stretched under Horse's touch. It was a gift, to be able to touch now, not to have to ignore his urges.

He tweaked Jim's right nipple, then plugged in the shaver.

"No shaving those, man."

"No?" Horse chuckled, and turned on the razor, running his hand over Jim's head and planning his attack.

"Nope. I just want to look right again."

"You know you're not in the service anymore, right? You could let it grow out. Some guys do." Horse didn't. He was happy with his high and tight, thank you very much.

"Yeah, I know."

Horse chuckled and began shaving Jim's hair. It made an almost immediate difference, Jim's eyes seemed bigger, the high cheekbones sharper.

"There you are." He was hardly even aware of speaking, his focus on removing all the excess hair.

Jim closed his eyes, not appearing tense at all, just soaking up the sun. Horse ran his hand over the areas he'd already shaved, feeling the short, spiky skin tickling his palms.

"'m I looking better?"

"You're looking more like you." Jim hadn't looked bad, just... not himself.

"That's good, right?" Jim grinned at him and winked.

"It's very good, man." Horse leaned in and took a quick, hard kiss.

Jim opened right up, easy as you please. Groaning, Horse slid his tongue into Jim's mouth, losing himself in the kiss for a moment.

"Mmm." Jim sighed and reached for him.

"Let me finish," Horse murmured, but he didn't stop kissing.

"Uh-huh." Jim kissed him back.

Horse turned off the razor, letting it drop to the deck. He'd need a safety razor to do Jim's stubble anyway. After. Cupping Jim's face, he deepened the kiss.

"Mmm. God, want you."

"I'm right here." He was. And more than willing to be loved on.

"You want me to suck you now or after we're done?" Jim asked.

"Fuck. Now." The fucking haircut and shave could wait. His prick couldn't.

Jim reached for his shorts, freed Horse's cock, and leaned forward. His cock was immediately and totally surrounded in wet heat.

"Jesus Christ."

Fuck. Fuck.
Jim's mouth was something special.

Jim sucked him like a starving man, like there was nothing else his lover wanted to do. Horse spread his legs a little so he didn't fall over. Jim braced on one hand, head bobbing over Horse's prick. He ran a hand over Jim's scalp, letting the short hairs scrape over his palm. Fuck. Hot. This was his Jim.

Horse pressed his cock in deeper, Jim's tongue made him crazy. Jim sucked like a fucking dream. How could anyone give this up?

Horse began rocking, sliding his cock along Jim's tongue. Jim swallowed each time he pushed in, the pressure squeezing the tip. Good god, he was all but ready to go off.

When Jim went down, swallowing over and over, deep throating him, he did. Crying out, he came, pleasure shooting from him in pulses. Jim's hand gripped his hip, holding on tight. Horse shuddered, his hand stroking over Jim's head.

"Mmm." Jim's humming vibrated around his cock.

"Fuck." Another shudder moved through him.

Jim cleaned off his prick, tongue working the tip so carefully.

"Christ, you have a sweet mouth."

"And you have an amazing cock."

Fuck, Jim made him feel like a million dollars and a thousand feet tall.

"Come on. I want to shave you. In the shower." When he caught his breath.

Jim chuckled, chin nudging the tip of his cock. Horse hissed, sensitive and needy. Grabbing Jim's hand he tugged him up. He had plans, damn it. Shaving, then taking that ass and making Jim feel as good as Jim made him feel. He did make the best plans.

"Go to the bathroom and start the shower," he told Jim. "It should be good and hot for the shaving.

"You got it, man."

Horse moved more slowly, gathering his energy, and focused on Jim's ass ahead of him. Once in the bathroom, he grabbed the straight razor and shaving cream from the medicine cabinet and turned, his breath catching, when he saw Jim's ass on display as the man leaned over and adjusted the taps.

His cock was making one hell of a comeback. He stepped up to Jim and rubbed his cock along that perfect ass.

"Mmm. Hey, Sarge."

"Hey there. You're doing it again. Trying to distract me from my plans."

It was a good thing Jim hadn't been free when they'd been in the military together. They'd never have gotten anything done.

"I don't know what you're talking about, man. You need to focus."

Horse laughed, feeling freer than he had in a long time. "Get in the shower then, soldier."

"You know it." Fuck, Jim had a great laugh.

The water was hot, and the shower stall, while fairly small, was still big enough for both of them. If they didn't mind being close. Horse didn't mind being close.

He lifted Jim's chin, turning his lover's face from side to side. Stroking with his thumb, he felt the stubble beneath his fingertips.

"Never had a man shave me before," Jim said.

"No? I like being your first." He gave Jim a wink.

"I think it works for me, too."

Horse took a soft kiss, letting Jim's stubble tickle his lips. "Hairy hippy," he said, making both of them chuckle.

Grabbing the shaving cream, he sprayed it into his hands and transferred it to Jim's face. The menthol scent filled the air and Jim leaned back, giving him access. He stroked the cream down along Jim's throat, feeling Jim's Adam's apple bobbing beneath his fingertips. It was almost as intimate as when he'd made love to Jim.

Grabbing the razor, he met Jim's gaze, and smiled. "Ready?"

"I am. Clean me up."

Hot bastard.

Horse worked slowly, carefully, moving from Jim's jaw upward to begin with, shaving Jim's cheeks first. It was quiet and close work, the rasp of the razor seeming loud, even with the sound of the water. Jim's hand rested on his hip, warm, solid.

He tilted Jim's head back, scraping the razor along Jim's neck, his long throat. Jim moaned and the sound was pure sex. Horse pushed their lower bodies together, his cock as hard as if he hadn't gotten to come yet. His hands remained steady, though.

He exposed Jim, inch after inch, baring smooth skin. The trust inherent in this act floored him. Jim literally had his throat under Horse's razor. Jim looked blissful, not worried at all and Horse took his time, drawing it out.

The quiet, warm intimacy held them in a gentle hold and it was like the rest of the world had just fucking disappeared. Crazy and stupid, but true. This was just their spot.

When he was done, he tilted Jim's face back into the spray, cleaning the rest of the shaving cream from Jim's face. Then, after setting down the razor, he ran his fingertip over Jim's cheeks, searching to make sure he'd gotten all the stubble.

"Better?" Jim's cheeks were flushed, cock hard as nails.

"Perfect." Meeting Jim's gaze, he smiled. It was a fucking good look on Jim.

"Good." Jim rinsed himself off, then dove into their kiss.

Groaning, he opened up, inviting Jim deeper. Jim grabbed the back of Horse's head, his stump caught between them. He grabbed Jim's ass, squeezing the firm globes. He loved the way Jim rolled into his touch, eager and wanting him. They rocked together, their cocks pressing and bumping.

They were both hard, both needing again. Horse felt like a teenager again. He slipped a hand between them, wrapping it around both their cocks.

"Hell, yeah." Jim gasped softly.

"Uh-huh." Horse stroked them together, squeezing every time he came up to the head.

"Yeah. Yeah. Fuck."

"Sexy fucker." He was almost reduced to grunts and clicks.

"Yeah. Close. Faster, huh?'

"You always this pushy?" Horse asked, grinning.

"You know it."

Laughing, he rubbed his thumb into Jim's slit.

"Oh!" Jim jerked, arching up with the touch.

"Nice." Horse did it again.

"Fuck. Fuck, man."

"No, this is a hand job." He managed a wink.

"Shut up." Jim groaned, grinning at him.

He laughed, but the sound became a moan, his balls aching in just the right way. Jim reached down, cupped Horse's balls, rolled them. Horse nudged them hard, squeezing the tips of their cocks at the same time. Jim's teeth sank into his shoulder, hard enough to mark.

"Jim!" He cried out, coming over his hand.

Jim's spunk followed, both of them swaying together, rocking quickly. He took Jim's mouth, this kiss sloppy but still fucking perfect.

"Blow my mind." Jim traced Horse's lips with his tongue.

"Whereas you blew my junk."

Jim snorted, then the laughter started, low and happy. Horse chuckled right along with Jim, leaning against the tile and softly touching the sexiest man he knew.

Jim rubbed his smooth cheek against Horse, the touch fucking right. Humming, he ran his hand over Jim's head. That felt right, too.

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