Fighting For Her Dragon (9 page)

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“Okay, you ready? This is gonna be tricky. You’re gonna take the brunt of her fists and feet. There’s no way to get her to you without just laying her across you and the bed and bro, your girl is strong.”

Andrew nodded. “Just do it. She’s gonna hurt herself. She can’t hear me either. We have to get this…this…whatever the hell it is stopped.”

Without another word, Aidan took the last step, and with incredible dexterity, pushed the flailing young woman into Andrew’s arms. Both man and beast embraced their mate, not caring that she was losing her mind, just reveling in the fact that they finally had her in their arms. A feeling until that very moment, Andrew had been sure he would never feel.

Their skin touched and electricity sparked all over and throughout Andrew’s body, lighting him up from the inside out. His dragon roared for the first time in nearly ten years and stood to his full height in Andrew’s mind’s eye. The black beast pushed with a strength Andrew had thought destroyed by black magic, trying to reach his mate. Emma felt it too. All motion stopped, her mouth hung open, and her eyes widened. Her instantaneous shock stopped her tirade for a just split second. It was all the time Andrew needed. Without thought he slammed his lips to hers–their union unlike anything he’d experienced in all his almost hundred years.

What had started as a way to distract Emma quickly became the joining of their souls. Her hands flew to his head; her nails scratched his scalp as she held him as close as possible. His hands gripped her ample bottom, pushing their bodies as closely together as they could be while still clothed. They ate at one another’s lips. Andrew was unable to distinguish where he ended and she began, and all he could think was…more!

Somewhere in the distance he heard the click of a door shutting and a lock being thrown, but he couldn’t care. As long as he had Emma there was nothing and no one else that mattered. She began to ride his growing erection and the need to feel her naked skin against his became his single focus.

Sliding his hands under the hem of her light green t-shirt, he ripped it over her head. Grinning as she moaned at the loss before returning to his lips. The brief glance he’d gotten of her ample breasts overflowing the white lace of her bra made him lightheaded. Her hands left his hair, her tiny nails scratching the sides of his neck, across his collar bone, and down his chest. They found purchase just above his nipples and dug into his pecs, causing his hips to jerk against hers. Emma moaned low in her throat, riding his sheet covered cock with renewed vigor.

Reaching around her back he unhooked her bra, massaged up her back to her shoulders, and carefully slid the straps down her arms. Leaving her mouth, he kissed along her jawline and reveled in the fact that his Emma threw her head to the side to allow him greater access. Reaching her ear, he sucked her earlobe between his teeth and worried it with the tip of his tongue until she was mewling his name. He nipped the tender spot right behind her ear and worked his way down her neck, kissing and tasting until he thought he might drown in her scent.

At the tender spot where the soft skin of her neck met the curve of her shoulder, he lavished it with his tongue while she moaned his name low and long. Unable to stop himself or his dragon, Andrew bit down with enough force to leave a mark but not break the skin. Emma screamed her release over and over, making him smile against her silky skin; his only regret was that he hadn’t been inside her for the experience. 

As she began to return from the clouds, Andrew licked and kissed his mark, relieving any residual pain she felt. He knew it was not permanent, but prayed that with any luck she would one day wear his mark for all to see. Emma collapsed unto his chest, boneless and satisfied. He kissed the top of her head and was just about to roll them over to rest when, she began to shake.

Thinking she was cold he reached for the blanket, but never made it. Emma sat straight up, eyes rolled back in her head, mouth opened wide, and made a shrill whining noise that reminded him of a wounded animal. Needing to comfort his mate, Andrew pulled her to his chest, wrapped his arms around her, and tried to stop her shaking.

His ministrations had the opposite effect. The instant their chests touched, Emma went into full blown convulsions, shaking so badly he thought she would break apart. Fearing for her life, he did the only thing he could think of…he yelled for help.

The next thirty minutes happened in the blink of an eye, but the continuous replay in his head was in slow motion. People came from every direction. Aidan pried his arms from around Emma, explaining that Andrew had to let go so Siobhan and Zachary could help his mate. Devon and Royce gently lifted her off his chest while he screamed for them to be careful. Charlie and Sam rushed into the room with a woman who smelled of magic that he didn’t know. He later found out she was a nurse who worked at the hospital with them.

People were giving instructions, others were yelling demands, and still others were demanding answers…answers Andrew didn’t have. All he could do was concentrate all his energy towards Emma. He spoke through their link, constantly reminding her that she was his reason for living and how proud he was of her, while pouring every ounce of strength and healing power both he and his dragon possessed into her.

His last glimpse of her beautiful face was as they covered it with an oxygen mask right before wheeling her from the room.

She has to live! Dammit, she just has too. 



Emma had been in and out of consciousness for almost a week. During the first night, she’d screamed until they’d finally relented and moved Andrew into her room. At the touch of his hand to hers she immediately quieted. They’d remained in constant contact for the next forty-eight hours, until he’d been pronounced well enough to be discharged.

It was no surprise when Aidan, Pearce, Rian, and Kellan showed up with silver cuffs to take him back to his prison. They had made no secret of the fact that they didn’t trust him and did not want him uncontained before the Blessing ceremony. He smiled; thinking how lucky they were that Emma was still unconscious and even chuckled when he realized Aaron had not come along for his arrest.

My mate kicked my big brother’s ass. This is better than reality TV.

Not wanting to wake Emma now that she was finally resting comfortably, Andrew quietly dressed and let the Guardsmen cuff his hands behind his back before leading him out of the room. The group made it as far as the door before Emma began to call his name. By the third utterance she was beginning to thrash her head side to side.

Siobhan ran into the room, took one look at Andrew in irons, and frowned. “What do you think you are doing?”

It was Rian that answered. “What we should to keep the clan safe. He won’t be harmed, merely detained where we can keep an eye on him.”

The entire time the Guardsman had been talking, Emma had been steadily calling for Andrew, while getting louder and louder. Siobhan looked at her patient and then back to Rian, a look of pure disgust on her face. “Either you take those filthy chains off him, which by the way are burning his skin after I spent much of my time and talent returning him to good health, or I will have to call Carrick. You may be a Head Elder, Rian O’Rielly, but not here. This is not your call.”

She turned to Aidan, who until that moment had been successful at remaining unnoticed. “And you, Aidan O’Brien, his brother. Letting them lead him off to prison when his mate needs him. What would you do if it was Grace in that bed?”

Aidan didn’t answer but had the decency to bow his head. Focusing again on Rian, Siobhan asked, “So what will it be Rian? Are you going to let Emma get to a full blown tantrum and possibly hurt herself, or are you going to let her mate comfort her?”

The Healer’s words could barely be heard over Emma’s shouting, but Siobhan’s smile spoke volumes as Rian unlocked the cuffs and left the room without another word, the other Guardsmen not far behind. Not willing to let his mate suffer a second longer, Andrew crawled into the bed with Emma, pulled her across his chest, and held her tight while she settled.

Siobhan stood at the end of her bed making notes on Emma’s chart. Returning the file to its rack, she rounded the bed and took Emma’s wrist in her hand. Andrew knew she was checking his mate’s pulse, but also felt her probing with her mind, checking to make sure she had no internal injuries from her latest outburst.

Apparently satisfied with what she found, Andrew felt Siobhan leave his mate’s mind before speaking. “You have gotten yourself into quite the mess, Andrew. You need to consider what all of this is doing to Emma.”

He looked down at her stunning face, upturned in her sleep, resting right over his heart, and suddenly his mouth was too dry to speak. Siobhan was right, but what could he do? If he got too far from Emma, she lost her mind…literally. Swallowing past the lump in his throat, Andrew looked at the healer. “I would leave her if I could. I would spare her all the heartache that being my mate is going to bring her if there was a way.”

“I am sure we can find a way to sedate her and then bring her out of it when you are far from the lair.”

Andrew shook his head. “No, you misunderstand me. Everything changed the moment I heard her in my mind, felt her in soul, and let her into my heart. I can’t walk away from her. Don’t you see; she is the reason I exist. She brought me back from the dead. And not just for some prophecy, but because she is the one, the only one that can wash the stain from my soul.”

“But what will it cost her?”

“I will do whatever it takes; even give up my own life, if it costs her anything…anything at all.”

“I’ll hold you to those words.” And with that, the Elder Healer disappeared into the hall.

That had been five days ago and, for the most part, nothing had changed. Emma was still unconscious and screamed if he got more than ten feet from her, which made showers and bathroom breaks interesting to say the least. On the upside, he was getting to do nothing but hold her in his arms and tell her all the shitty things he’d done in the time before he met her. He was also sure to tell her everything he’d endured at the hands of others and made sure she knew exactly who was responsible for his trials and tribulations.

With the help of Melanie, a nurse from the hospital that volunteered at the clinic, he’d just finished giving Emma her sponge bath when a sound from the far corner of the room drew his attention. Reaching for his sword out of habit, he cursed when he came back empty-handed. Positioning himself between the growing white sphere and his mate, he took a slow step forward, trying to think of something instead of his hands to fight with, but coming up with nothing.

During his internal debate, the sphere had doubled in size. With no other options, Andrew spread his feet shoulder width apart, bent his knees just slightly, and took a fighting stance.

Nothing is getting to Emma without killing me first.

The thought had barely crossed his mind when a soft, almost angelic voice answered directly into his mind. “No need
for violence, warrior. I come to help your mate, not hurt her, just as I have helped you in the past.”


Before his next breath, the sphere of light turned into a tall, ethereal woman with shimmering golden hair and brilliantly blue translucent skin. “Yes, Andrew. It is me.” Her voice was even more melodic when spoken out loud. Emma had told him all about his trip out of the Fades in vivid detail, but actually seeing the Ancient before him was mind boggling.

Shavon went straight to Emma’s bedside. She gently touched his mate’s forehead and then held both of Emma’s hands in her much larger, ghostly fingers. A hauntingly beautiful melody filled the room, along with the scent of healing herbs. Shavon sang in the language of the Ancients for several minutes. He was able to discern healing words and words of encouragement with his limited knowledge of the oldest of all dragon dialects.

The music faded, along with the scent of herbs, and Shavon motioned for Andrew to join him at Emma’s bedside. Once they were both settled beside his mate, the Ancient Dragon began to speak. “You must make your mating official. You have awakened something within your mate that until you came into her life had remained dormant. Without the official ceremony and blessing of your Elders and Force, I fear she will remain trapped within herself for eternity.”

“But these are no longer my Elders and I’m no longer a Guardsman. Hell, I’m not even sure if they will bless my mating with Emma. She’s one of their own, beloved, and I’m just the traitor.”

The Ancient Dragon shook her head just like his mother used to when she was about to tell him and his brothers how wrong they really were. “It is time you leave the past behind. It is a new day. You have a mate and your responsibility is to her. Once a Guardsman, always a Guardsman. Just as you have your dragon, you have your training. As for your Elders, they answer to those of us that have gone before. If we feel your union is to be blessed than it shall be blessed.”

Andrew wasn’t sure what to say and damn sure didn’t know what to do. Shavon’s next statement made his decision for him and shocked him into speechlessness. “You have twenty-four hours until Emma will no longer wake. Choose wisely or doom one of the only female dragons in hundreds of years, to cease to exist.”

Rising from the bed, Shavon headed back to the corner. Turning, she looked him in the eye and said the five words that would rule the rest of his life. “Her fate lies with you.”

The bright white sphere she had arrived in enveloped her completely, spun on an unseen axis, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Several minutes later, Andrew still sat on the side of Emma’s bed, digesting all he’d just learned.

Climbing into bed behind her, Andrew pulled Emma as close to his body as was possible, spooning her from behind while wrapping his arms around her middle. He kissed the side of her neck that still bore the faint outline of his teeth. Smiling, he gave her one last kiss on the cheek before snuggling in for the night.

There is no decision. If they won’t bless our mating, I’ll find a clan that will. She will come back to me. She will be whole again. She is mine to protect, mine to love.

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