Fighting For Her Dragon (8 page)

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His mate, the one the Universe created for him and him alone, has come of her own free will to beg favor from You three Most Sacred to return her beloved to her. She accepts the full weight and responsibility of her request. She promises to stay by his side, provide the unconditional support as only a mate can, opening her heart and soul to him completely and without reservation.

We ask your favor and thank you for your blessings of yesterday, today, and those we pray to receive in the future. We have only the lives you have given us to offer as proper sacrifice and offer them freely when you call us home.

Blessed be, blessed be.

The last word had barely been spoken when wind blew from every direction, howling down the corridors, forcing its way into the grotto and extinguishing every candle, leaving the participants in total darkness. Emma closed her eyes and held her breath waiting for the wind to calm, but after several minutes, decided it might never stop.

Opening her eyes, she was shocked that total darkness remained but she was able to see as if it were daylight. Looking around the Circle, Emma saw all the Guardsmen looking around as well, making sure everyone was all right. She was glad to see they had all listened to Kyra and kept their hands clasped. The white witch had told them that breaking the Circle would break the magic and they would have to wait until the next New Moon to try the ritual again. Time they did not have.

Worried that they were still drenched in darkness while the wind continued to whip away at them, Emma was just about to speak when the water, which until that moment had remained calm, began to bubble and froth. A light shined brightly from its depths as the water began to spin, creating a whirlpool. Water hovered several feet below the rim of the whirlpool, creating an empty platform that begged her to ask…for what or whom?

The light, which until now had stayed well below the water’s surface, rose quickly towards the top, breaking the surface and bathing the entire cavern in a bright white light. Not wanting to break the Circle, but needing to shield her eyes from the illumination, Emma squinted as tightly as she could without completely closing her eyes.

As the group looked on, a tall, ethereal woman with hair the color of sunshine and beautifully blue translucent skin the color of the ocean rose from the water. The name
whispered through Emma’s mind, and somehow, she knew that was the name of the woman in the water. Behind Shavon, the platform that had been empty now held the transparent figure of an unconscious man. The light emanating from the woman dimmed, making the features of the man immediately distinguishable. 


Emma froze, unable to do anything but gape, while the woman turned, took a step back, and knelt next to what Emma could only reason was Andrew’s spirit. The water that had calmed when the woman sat on the platform now bubbled with even more vigor than before. The light below the surface dimmed and appeared to have been covered by something very large and very dense.

From one heartbeat to the next, the image of a huge silver dragon appeared. So large and commanding that he filled every available inch of the massive cavern. Every Guardsman, including the Elders, dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. Emma hadn’t known it was possible, but she watched the huge beast smile as he took in the show of respect he received.

His voice was low and shook the rocks as he spoke. “Hello, my children. Please rise. You honor me with your presence and your request. For those of you that do not know me, I am Alarick. I am called the First Dragon because I am the King responsible for the birth of the dragon shifters.”

Holy crap! No wonder they all bowed.

“I have brought the First Elder, Shavon, with me to bring the spirit of your Special One home. Will his mate please come forward?”

On shaky legs, Emma made her way to the edge of the pool. “Thank you, Emma Sinclair, for giving of yourself to bring one of my children home. I feel your commitment and strength of will. Andrew has a true mate in you. A mate that not only shares his heart and soul but his nature. I give my blessing. Know, dear child, that should you ever have need of my help, you only need come to this holy place and call my name. I will always come. Now, please accompany Shavon to your mate.”

Emma could only nod and watch as Shavon lifted Andrew’s spirit into her arms and walked across the water. Together they took the last few steps to the pallet Aidan and Aaron had laid their brother’s body upon. The Elder knelt carefully beside Andrew’s lifeless body, holding his spirit just above. Leaning forward, Shavon said a verse Emma would remember until the day she died,

Return to your body,

Return to your life.

Do not waste your gifts,

Live a life free of strife.

The Elder lowered Andrew’s spirit into his body and then laid her forehead to his. Her hair came alive around them, cocooning all three in a warm, bright light. Emma heard music as the power grew within their bubble. Shavon repeated the verse from before, ending with
A bheannaigh
, ‘Be Blessed’ in the ancient language of the dragons. The singing stopped, the light extinguished, and the Elder’s hair unwound, returning to beautiful long waves cascading down her back.

Shavon stood, smiled down at Emma, and said directly into her mind, “Be blessed, Emma Sinclair. You are the best of us. When your mate wakes, you will understand the Prophecy and be able to call those mentioned by name.”

Quicker than Emma’s eyes could track, Shavon returned to her place in front of King Alarick. The Dragon King once again addressed everyone in attendance. “Golden Fire Clan, Blue Thunder Clan, you hold great favor with the Heavens and the Ancients. Never forget who you are and who you are destined to be.
Le creideamh an ancients agus beannú na flaithis a bheith go maith.”

The Dragon King’s great wings spread wide before he wrapped them around Shavon and together they descended back into the water. The light below them went out, the water stilled, and the candles all around the cavern were once again lit, showing everyone’s looks of shock and awe.

Before she could ask ‘What the hell’, a voice she’d prayed to hear but feared she never would, sounded in her mind.

“Emma? Emma, are you there? Are you okay?”



He had no idea how long he’d been unconscious. Andrew only remembered the feel of intense heat and the sensation of falling before calling to Emma, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, getting a response. After he’d heard her voice, felt her hands on his face, smelled the beautiful scent of daffodils, and knew she was not a figment of his imagination, he’d slipped back into unconsciousness without a word.

The way his body felt, he’d been laying on a relatively hard surface for three or four days. His vision was blurry, allowing him to barely make out white walls, silver counters, and what he thought were glass faced cabinets lining one wall. There didn’t appear to be any windows, but his field of vision was limited so he couldn’t be sure.

Turning his head to the right, his cheek brushed the rough, scratchy cotton of the pillow, causing the reality of his situation to come rushing at him. She had done it! Emma had freed him from the Fades!

Suddenly he was completely awake, hyper aware, and wanted to see Emma in the flesh. Grabbing the rails of his bed, Andrew pulled himself to a semi-sitting position, only to be pushed back down by skull-splitting pain. Black dots danced before his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath. His stomach rolled and he was sure that if he’d had anything to eat it would have made its presence known as well.

His eyes slid closed as he took several deep breaths, trying to regain the balance he’d felt just a few seconds ago. Commotion just out of his line of sight alerted him to the fact that he was about to receive visitors. Praying it was Emma, Andrew was sorely disappointed when the scent of male dragon and frustration reached his senses, along with at least four sets of footsteps.

Carrick, Rayne, Aaron, and Aidan soon surrounded his bed, and from the looks on their faces, they were not happy to see him.

Okay, this is what you expected. You’re back for Emma, not them. They’re the fuckers that started all the bullshit. Try to keep your mouth shut until you see your mate.

As pep talks went, it wasn’t great, but it was all he had. Andrew had never been a smooth talker. More times than not, he’d ended up with his foot in his mouth or dodging punches from some guy he’d offended. Time had not given him wisdom or tempered his explosive reactions– quite the opposite. He was worse than ever. He knew it and had it been any other time, any other situation, or another person than his Emma that had been the catalyst for his present stand-off with four of the most imposing Guardsmen in history, he would’ve come out swinging. Instead, he was chanting her name over and over in his head.

Carrick was the first to speak, his tone that of a father disappointed in his wayward son. “As hard as it maybe for you to believe, Andrew, I am happy to have you back among us.”

Andrew was proud of himself for not laughing in the face of the Leader of the Red Fire Clan, but knew his face displayed his doubt at the truth of the Elder’s statement. Carrick’s brow furrowed. “You can believe whatever you like, but it is never easy for a leader to lose one of his clan. Yours was especially difficult.” The leader cleared his throat. “It is my sincerest wish that we can come to some sort of cease fire after we have handled the task at hand.”

Unable to stay silent any longer and feeling like there was more going on than he knew about, Andrew asked, “And what might that ‘task at hand’ be?’

His tone was sharp and filled with suspicion. Aaron immediately growled low in his throat, “Watch your tone, traitor.”

Shock didn’t begin to describe Andrew’s reaction when Carrick turned to Aaron with a sharp reprimand. “If you cannot control your temper than you need to remove yourself from the room.”

Andrew saw how much it cost his brother to give a sharp nod and take a step back from the bed. His first reaction was to laugh and tease the oldest O’Brien, but quickly held his tongue when the scent of daffodils invaded his senses. His dragon, which had remained oddly quiet even when the man had felt threatened, came to life. The beast chuffed and all but purred, trying to get close to the woman that had stopped just inside the door with a look of disgust on her face.

When she spoke, Andrew wanted to cheer her on, but once again held his tongue. “What is going on in here?” Her tone was low and suspicious, her brows furrowed over her deep brown eyes and her mouth pursed tight, like she’d just eaten an especially sour lemon.

Aidan, always the mediator, was the first to speak, infusing his words with calm and patience. “Nothing nefarious. Relax, Em. We’re here to talk to Andrew about his knowledge of the Prophecy and the Blessing.”

Andrew knew his brother well enough, even after all the years they’d been separated, to know he was leaving something important out. Something that made Aidan uncomfortable. Andrew wanted to latch onto that knowledge and ferret the real reason they were there out of one of the bastards, but that would not do in front of his mate. This was the first time in her adult life they were meeting, and he wanted it to be as special as it could be despite the circumstances.

The thought had no sooner crossed his mind than Emma’s eyes met his. She winked an almost indiscernible wink while holding his gaze. He wondered if she’d heard his thoughts. The slightest of nods from his beautiful mate confirmed she had and he had to hold back the smile that threatened to cross his face. It would not do for the dragons to think he was having a good time.

Emma looked back at Aidan, who was still waiting for her response. “Okay, Aidan, but he’s just awoken after being unconscious for three days. Oh yeah! And in case you forgot; before that he came back from the dead.”

More than anything Andrew wanted to jump off the bed and take Emma into his arms. She was absolutely fabulous. Not only was she gorgeous and sexy and more than he knew he deserved, but she had sass and spunk and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. He could tell these were new facets to her personality and that she was working hard not to back down from the stance she’d taken. He poured confidence through their mating bond, hoping to help her stand her ground.

“Yes, Em, but there are things we need to discuss with Andrew. It won’t take long and then we’ll leave him to rest.” Aidan was growing more uncomfortable with the situation, which sent up red flags for Andrew. His older brother had never been good with deception, something time had not changed.

Andrew decided to wait and see what was really going on. He let his thoughts drift to Emma and watched her shoulders relax. She really was special and so much more than he knew he deserved.

“All right, get your discussion out of the way, but I’m staying.”

A quick glance between the Guardsmen confirmed Andrew’s original misgivings; there was definitely something big in the works. Aidan reluctantly nodded. Not that it mattered, since Emma had already moved a chair to his bedside and was making herself comfortable.

“I’m glad that’s been decided. Now, if we may proceed?” Carrick asked and continued before anyone responded.

Must be nice being the boss…

“Siobhan has studied the ancient text you were carrying when you…when we found you.”

Good catch, old boy. You wouldn’t want to remind me that you captured me just when you are about to ask for my help, now would you?

With only a split second to regain his composure, Carrick continued. “She has been able to decipher many of your notes and complete the translation of what Zachary has identified as the Hell Fire Prophecy. Are you familiar with its contents, and more importantly, the part you play in it?”

Andrew shook his head. “I knew I was translating something ancient, but I never had enough of it in one place at one time to ascertain what it was or what it could be used for. I certainly never saw anything that led me to believe I had anything to do with it.”

Rayne handed a page from a yellow legal pad to Andrew that had handwriting covering most of one side. It didn’t go without the traitor’s notice that Rayne pulled back as if burnt when their hands accidently bumped.

Afraid you might catch some good sense and a backbone, Commander?

Shaking his head while reading the document, Andrew would’ve fallen down had he not already been in bed, when he read “…the Ancients will speak through the Special One and the Child. They will bless the Clan the color of the summer sky and the water when it is calm.”

“Son of a bitch! I knew it was something crazy, but damn.” He looked up from the paper and asked, “So, do you know who the others are?”

Shaking his head, Carrick quickly answered, “No, it appears only Emma knows.”

Andrew’s head spun to look at his mate, whose cheeks were immediately red with embarrassment. His dragon chuffed with the need to comfort their mate, and Andrew had to admit he had a lot to learn about having a mate, but that would have to wait until they were alone.

Her voice seemed far away as she began to explain. The more she talked the more shocked he was, and then she dropped the biggest bomb of all. Even bigger than the spirit of the first dragon appearing at his resurrection. “So, Shavon said that when you woke up, I would understand the Prophecy and know who the other people that it described were. But you’re awake and I have no clue.”

Andrew thought for just a moment. If he had learned one thing in all his magical dabbling, whether it was light, dark, and everything in between, things were never as ‘mystical’ as they seemed. It was better to take the words at face value. With that in mind, he asked, “What exactly did she say,
mo chroi’

Where the hell did that come from? I’ve never called anyone my heart.

Unaware of his internal struggles, Emma answered right away. “She said, ‘Be blessed, Emma Sinclair. You are the best of us. When your mate wakes, you will understand the Prophecy and be able to call those mentioned by name’.” She unconsciously rubbed her wrist while she spoke, as if it itched; not so much that it was a bother, just something she endured.

“I see,” was his only response. He replayed her words in his head, never losing eye contact with his mate. They were definitely straightforward, nothing flowery or misleading, so he, like Emma, had to wonder why she didn’t know now that he was awake.

“What does it mean?” Aaron gruffly asked. “Do you even know or are you just stalling? Trying to think of a way to use what you know to barter your freedom? Give it up, little brother. That ship has sailed. Your ass is gonna do whatever you have to do to receive that Blessing and pass it on to the Blue Dragons. I will make damn sure of it with everything in me and with my dying breath. And when you have done every single thing required of you, you are going back to your cell to await the Tribunal, and I pray to the Heavens they kill you slowly.” Venom spewed from every word Aaron was growling. The oldest O’Brien brother leaned down until his was nose to nose with Andrew and spat, “You will pay for every fucking thing you did, traitor.”

Before Andrew could say a word, Emma shot up, her chair skittering her across the floor and crashing into the far wall from the force of her action. He watched, unable to move, as she flew at his older brother, her palms making contact with his chest with such force that Aaron had to take a step back or find himself on his ass. She roared like a mother dragon protecting her nest and attempted to close the distance between she and the one that had threatened her mate. Thankfully, Aidan sped around the bed, grabbed her around the waist, sprung her away from Aaron, and attempted to calm her.

Not to be deterred, Emma kicked Aidan’s legs while pummeling his arm with her fists, all the while screaming, “Over my dead body will you lock up my mate, Aaron O’Brien! You spineless bastard! Come in here after all he's been through! No fucking way! All of you get the hell out of here. I swear to the Heavens I will tear apart anyone that dares touch him. Get out! Get OUT! GET THE HELL OUT NOW!!!!”

A crowd was forming outside Andrew’s room. For the first time since he’d left the lair all those years ago, the voices of all the Guardsmen came alive in his mind. Carrick was calling for Siobhan. Aaron was standing dumbfounded, not sure if he should be pissed or embarrassed that a girl had gotten the drop on him. Rayne was frantically calling Kyndel, sure she could talk Emma down, and yelling for Lance to bring Sam with the hopes of sedating her. Someone, he couldn’t tell who, called out to Devon to come right away and bring Royce and Kyra.

Surprisingly, it was Aidan that was the calmest while he took one hell of a beating from a very pissed off Emma. He spoke directly to Andrew through their unique link, that until that moment, Andrew had forgotten existed. “She needs you. You are her mate and the only one that can get through to her. You have to take her from me and calm her. I’m not sure how or why, but she’s acting like a fully mated dragon shifter protecting her nest. I’ve tried to reach her through mindspeak, but she can’t or won’t hear me.”

Andrew nodded, pushing the side rail of his bed down while calling to Emma in the calmest voice possible. “Emma,
mo chroi’
, you need to relax. You’re gonna hurt Aidan or worse yet, yourself. Just chill. We’ll work it all out. Aaron was just being a dick.”

He continued to speak to his mate as his brother slowly, painstakingly, moved the ten feet to the bedside, taking extra care not to hurt or drop Emma. Andrew could feel Aidan’s concentration and commitment to keeping her safe and had to admit, Aidan was not the complete and total monster he’d made him out to be for all those years. Just another bit of information Andrew would have to think about later.

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