Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series)
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Through the laughter and cheery voices, a cell phone rings out. It’s Lyles. He steps away from the table to answer it and for some reason, I just know that it’s not good news. I watch him talking and I can tell I’m right by his rigid stance and the hard look on his face.

He’s on the phone for less than a minute, but watching him, it feels longer.

When he makes it back to the table, he looks to Mack, Blaze, Louie, and me. “We need to talk,” he says in a hard voice. We all stand up and head into the clubhouse. The rest of the brothers that were at different tables or standing around, notice and follow suit. Once we are all in the chapel, Lyle speaks. “That was Ryan. Rick is at the club. He’s got him detained in the office.”

“All right, everyone load up. We ride out in five.” All my brothers start to file out of the room, but I stop Mack, Skinner, Louie, and Blaze before they leave. “I’m taking lead once we get to the club. I’m sorry, Mack, I mean no disrespect or anything, but this is my fight. When we have that fucker in our grasp, he’s mine,” I say in a hard voice.

I look only at Mack, but I can see out of the corner of my eye that Blaze and Louie are looking back and forth between us. I’m sure they’re surprised by what I said, but this is about my woman, so it’s my responsibility to take care of it. I’m sure if it was Dani, Blaze would be doing the same thing. I appreciate and am grateful to have my brothers behind me in this, but when that piece of shit takes his last breath, it will be because I made it happen. I’m going to make him pay for every word that cut like a knife, every touch that broke her skin, and every vile thought he had about my girl.

Mack finally speaks up. “All right, when we get to the club, Toby, it’s your call on how we go about doing this, but you can bet your ass I’m pulling you out if your heads not right in this. You got me?” He looks me straight in the eyes. A lesser man would have shrunk back, but not me. I nod my head, even though I will do anything in my power to make sure it’s my hand that delivers the blow that takes his life.

Next, he looks to Louie. “Louie, I want you here with the girls, just in case. We’ll keep in touch with what’s going on at the club. If you see any sign of trouble here, call.” Everyone nods and we all head out to where the girls are outside.

I take Sara off to the side and pull her into my arms. “I gotta go, Doll. Be good and listen to Louie, okay?” She looks worried but she doesn’t question me.

“Okay. Be safe.” With that, I kiss her hard on the lips, then walk towards my bike.

This ends tonight. Either way, I’m ending this. If that means that I have to beat everyone in that club within an inch of their lives to get the information I need, so be it, but I’m hoping the dipshit is just fucking stupid and thought with us all at the clubhouse, he could just waltz into our strip club and not be caught.

Starting tomorrow, Sara will no longer have to worry about her ex coming for her. Starting tomorrow, we can start a new chapter in our lives. Starting tomorrow, there will be no one or anything that will stand in the way of our happiness.

Seeing all my brothers saddled up and ready to ride, I nod to each of them, firm in the knowledge that each of them will stand beside me through anything, even if it’s to the end. I love each of my brothers, and it makes me so thankful that I have a family that will do whatever it takes to make sure my woman is safe from harm.

Revving our bikes up, we file out one by one, each of us following our president. I hope that by the end of this night, we’ll be back at the clubhouse for one hell of a celebration, but for now, it’s fucking game time.



After Toby and the boys left, Louie came over and told us that he wanted us all inside. I spot Ollie running around the yard, and since he’s not hurting anything or anyone, I decide to leave him outside. I’ll grab him after Toby gets back.

The only people who are really left are Dani, Louie, Trixie, and a couple other women that I’m assuming are also club whores, and myself, of course.

Dani and I get comfortable on a couch and just sit quietly. I can’t help but have a bad feeling about what’s going on. I know it has something to do with Rick, but I was too scared to confirm that with Toby, but what else would they be doing? As far as I know, they don’t really have a lot of problems that would force them all to ride out like that. The look on all the men’s faces looked like they were all riding off to war. It was a scary sight.

I’m really glad that Louie is the one to stay with us, though. He and I have gotten close these past couple of weeks. After realizing he wasn’t going to give up, I finally let my guard down and as it turns out, he’s a really great guy. He’s almost like big kid with his goofball ways and stupid jokes. He is always making me laugh and feel carefree, but protected and cared for at the same time. He’s come to mean a lot to me.

Louie comes into the bar and yells out, “If you don’t have a viable reason to be here, you need to get the fuck out now.” He’s all business now, which is a little scary. He’s the life of the party when it’s all fun and games, but as soon as shit gets real, he’s like a completely different person. I know that if danger comes here, we’ll be okay. Louie will do whatever it takes to make sure we are safe.

Five minutes later, the only people left are Louie, Dani, myself, and Trixie. I don’t understand why she’s still here, but I don’t say anything. I figure if it was a problem, then Louie would say something about her still being here and make her leave.

I can feel the tension coming off of Louie, but I don’t say anything to him and he doesn’t say anything to any of us. Suddenly, there’s a loud crash that comes from the kitchen. Louie takes out his gun and walks quietly, but quickly over towards the door that leads into the kitchen.

He must realize that we’re out in the open because he swears softly and comes over to where Dani and I are still on the couch. He waves Trixie over as well, who looks more scared than either myself or Dani. “I need you girls to go into Mack’s room, lock the door behind you and don’t come out until I come get you. Be quiet and don’t do anything stupid.” Dani and I nod our heads and head for the hall that leads to the rooms.

“What about me?” Trixie asks nervously, probably not understanding why he didn’t tell her not to come with us.

“I need you with me. Watch my back and let me know if there’s anything that I don’t see, but stay the fuck outta my way. Can you do that?” he says in a mean voice. I’m so glad he’s not talking that way to me because the way I’m feeling right now, I’d probably break down and cry.

Trixie looks at him like he’s crazy, which I don’t blame her. Why the hell would he want her as back-up? “Look, I need the girls safe and out of the way, but I also need someone with me, so that leaves you. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise, but two is better than one. So, can you do this?” he levels her with a serious look, but he’s also looking at her like he’s sympathetic too.

“O-okay…Yeah,” she chokes out, then clears her throat. “Y-yes, I can do this. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

Louie gives Dani and I a look that says “get your asses moving” before walking back over to the door with Trixie right behind me. Dani and I don’t waste any more time as we hightail it out of the main room and find Mack’s door. Closing it softly behind us, Dani locks it, then we back up into the room and look around. For what, I have no idea.

“What are you looking for?” I whisper to her. She’s currently pulling out drawers and rifling around through the contents.

“I don’t have my purse with me so I need to find us a weapon in case shit goes bad,” she says steadily. If shit goes bad? How is she so calm right now?

“Is that really a possibility?” I ask, starting to freak out now.

Hearing the fear in my voice, she stops what she’s doing and comes over to sit beside me on the bed. I didn’t even realize I sat down in the first place. “Calm down, Sara. We are going to be fine. I just want to have something, just in case, but there is only a small chance that we’ll even need it. However, I’d rather be safe than sorry.” Knowing I need to toughen up, I nod my head and straighten my back. I need to be strong.

Seeing the change in my demeanor, Dani gets back up and starts searching for any type of weapon she can find. I get up and open a door that I thought was a closet, but see that it’s a bathroom. Figuring I may as well look just to be sure there’s nothing useful in there, I walk in and search all the cabinets.

Under the sink, I find a small knife. Figuring we could use it, I grab it and look through the rest of the drawers, but don’t finding anything else.

When I walk back into the bedroom, I see Dani’s found a small handgun. It’s smaller than the one I saw her carry that day at the shop when Rick tried to take me, but hopefully it will do the job if needed.

“Find anything?” she asks without looking up from what I think is loading the gun. I’ve never even touched a gun before, even though Toby has been trying to get me to go to the shooting range. I now wish I would have taken him up on that offer.

“Just this,” I say. Once she has the gun loaded, she stands up and tucks it in the back of her pants, then pulls her shirt down to cover it up. I guess we’re going for stealth mode.

Dani takes the knife from me and turns it over, examining it. “This is actually perfect,” she says, then looks around the bedroom again for something. Whatever she was looking for, she must have found it because she comes up to me and tells me to sit down on the bed. I follow her instructions, not understanding what she’s doing, but just going with it.

Once I’m sitting down, she moves to push up my dress. “Whoa, what the hell,” I say, but she holds up her hand to stop me.

“Look, when the only weapon you have is a knife and you’re a woman, you need to hide it in a place that is easily accessible, but not seen. Since you’re wearing a dress, this is actually perfect. I’m going to make a holster for the knife out of the elastic I cut out of a pair of sweatpants. We’ll tie it to the inside of your thigh. Your dress will cover it, but if you need it, you’ll be able to make a grab for it.” I just nod my head, even though I’m reeling inside from what she just said. I can’t even imagine having to use a knife to protect myself. I almost want to ask her for the gun, but since I wouldn’t even know how to use it, I’m kind of shit out of luck and stuck with what I’ve got.

She takes the elastic and starts wrapping it around my thigh. I feel weird having her up my dress, but if this is what it takes to make sure we are both safe, then I’ll deal with it.

When she’s done, she sits back on her heels. “Okay, so it’s already in a sheath so you won’t have to worry about it cutting you. I’ve placed it upside down on the inside of your right leg. You’re right handed, right?” I’m so confused, but when I nod, she continues. “Good. So, the way it’s placed, it will be hidden, but easier for you to grab if you need it. Whether you’re sitting or standing, if you need it, just reach your right hand under your dress and pull down. The Velcro holds the knife in place, but when you pull down, the knife will come out.”

I shake my head, trying to digest everything she just said. “Wait, wouldn’t it be better to have it on my other leg if I’m right handed?” I ask. This is so new to me, but I would think that if I was going to grab a weapon, I’d want to grab across my body, right?

“No. It will be easier to grab it from the same side of the hand that you’ll be using. Just think of it this way; if you were grabbing a gun from a hip holster, you’d have it on the same side of the hand you’re going to shoot with, right?” Oh, I guess she has a point. Oh my God, I don’t think I can do this! She must see the doubt on my face. “Sara, look at me. We are going to be fine. This is just precaution. Just remember, if something happens, look to me. I’ll help you through this.” I nod, but don’t feel so confident.

“How are you so calm? And where the hell did you learn how to hide a knife like that?” I always knew Dani was a badass, but now I know for sure. She’s got the looks, the attitude, and the knowledge and skills that make up a total badass. I’m glad she’s on my side.

She gives me a shy smile. “Well, after what happened to me, I made sure that I knew how to take care of myself and make whoever tried to hurt me again pay with their life. I know that sounds wrong, but sometimes that’s what it takes.” I look at her in shock. She almost seems like she’s talking from experience.

“Have you ever had to use these skills?” I’m not sure if I really want to know, but I think right now I need to. Maybe knowing if she’s been in a similar situation, it will make me feel better.

At first, she seems unsure if she should answer me, but she must come to the same conclusion I just did. I need to know. “Yes. A couple of months ago, just after Zane came back into my life, I was taken by a guy that had gotten a little handsy with me one night we were at a bar down the street from the shop. That night, I beat his ass, but when he came back for me, he was prepared.” She says quietly.

“What happened when he took you? Was Blaze able to find you in time before something happened?” This time, she looks directly in my eyes when she answers.

“He got there before anything bad could happen, yes, but I had to do it myself. You have to understand, Sara, I was raped years ago, before I came here.” I gasp at her confession, but don’t have a chance to say anything before she’s talking again. “I felt like I was back there for a minute and I wanted him to pay. I knew that he could just do it to someone else and I wasn’t going to let him do that. He
to pay.”

“Did you hurt him?” Surprisingly, I’m angry
her. I hope she did something that would teach him a lesson. I never knew that she was raped before she came to California, but I think I always knew from the way she talked that it happened, or something just as bad. Hearing that someone else took her and tried to do the same thing, I would do the same thing, I think.

“I didn’t just hurt him, Sara. I
him.” I’m shocked, but it makes me happy and I feel so much better knowing that she was able to make him pay for what he wanted to do, what someone else did do to her.

I pull her towards me and give her a hug, even though she doesn’t seem upset. Shit, maybe
the one who needed the hug. “I’m glad you were able to protect yourself, Dani, and I’m proud of you too.” She seems surprised by that statement, but then she smiles.

“Thanks, Sara. I was a little worried you would look at me differently if you knew about my past,” she says almost sadly.

“I could never think badly about you. You are a fighter, Dani. You went through something that I don’t think if it happened to me, I would have been able to come back from. You fought and you survived. I’m honored to call you my friend.”

She almost looks like she’s going to cry, but then we hear a knock on the door. We look at each other, not sure of what we should do.

“Dani? Sara? Open up, it’s me.” Trixie says through the door. Dani looks at me with confusion, but she walks to the door anyway. “Where’s Louie?” she asks Trixie, still not opening the door.

“He’s tying up the guy who tried to break in. He told me to tell you that it’s safe, but that he wanted us all to stay in Mack’s room until he can get the others back here.” Dani reluctantly opens the door for her.

Trixie walks past Dani, visibly shaking.

“What happened?” Dani says as she closes the door behind her and locks it again, then looks to where Trixie is standing in the middle of the room. I’m still sitting on the bed. We almost look like we’re playing a bad game of pickle or keep away, except we aren’t trying to keep anything away from her.

I see Trixie wrap her arms around herself, trying to stop the shaking, but I don’t move to get closer. I guess I’m still having a hard time being nice to her, even in a situation like this. Dani seems to be thinking the same thing, but knowing her, she’ll take point since she seems to have a better understanding of bad things going down around her.

“I was so scared. Louie had me stay behind him, but I couldn’t stop shaking. I wanted to ask if I could just come back here with you guys, but I knew if there was anything I could do to help him, I needed to do it. It was the right thing to do,” Trixie says, looking down at the ground, acting almost shy or something about what she just revealed. “We could hear the guy in the kitchen. It sounded like he was searching for something, maybe a weapon, I don’t know. Louie told me to be ready and handed me a gun. I tried to relay through my eyes that I had no idea what to do with a gun, but I don’t think he understood, because the next thing I knew, he was barging into the kitchen.” She pauses for a second and I can tell when she continues that she’s crying, though she’s looking at Dani and completely ignoring me. Fine by me. “Louie sprang into action, but the guy was fast. He was able to knock the gun out of Louie’s hand and knock him to the ground. That’s when he spotted me. I just froze. I was holding the gun out but I couldn’t move,” she’s crying harder now. Dani moves a little closer to her and puts her hand on her shoulder.

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