Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series)
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Slayer rushes over to him and checks his pulse, but when he doesn’t find it, he stands up stiffly and runs his hands through his hair, spewing every curse word he can think of.

Tyke speaks over his ranting, “Mack, I was able to get more information out of your guy. He said that Trixie was supposed to meet him in ten minutes at some lookout.”

I cut my eyes instantly to Mack. He must be able to read my thoughts because he says, “Toby, head out and get the location of the girls. Do whatever you have to do to get her to fucking talk, then get rid of the bitch. We need to get Louie to Doc to get checked out and we’ve gotta take care of Lyle.” I nod my head, but look over towards Lyle once more. I’ll have time to say my peace to my fallen brother when we end this shit. Standing up, I go to make my way to my bike, but remember my leg.

Tyke rushes over to his bike and removes a first aid kit from his saddlebags. When he makes it back over to me, he pulls up my pant leg and quickly removes the piece of metal that’s sticking out of my calf. After he wraps it, he pulls my pant leg back down and stands back. “You’re good to go,” he says.

“Thanks, brother,” I say as I jump onto my bike and tear outta there like a bat outta hell toward the lookout Tyke said Trixie would be at. Bitch is gonna find out what it means to play games with the big dogs.

A couple minutes later, I’m coming up to the lookout point Tyke said Ryan was supposed to meet Trixie at. Parking a little ways away so she doesn’t hear me coming, I get off my bike and limp up the hill.

I spot her right away. She’s leaning against the guard rail, looking out over the city.

When she hears me come up behind her, she starts turning around. “About fucking time you laz―” she starts to say but she’s cut off when I reach out and grab her by her throat. Her eyes are as big as saucers and her mouth is gaping open, gasping for air that she’s not going to get.

“Thought you were smart, huh bitch?” I growl, my face only inches from hers. She starts struggling, so I push my body against hers, trapping her between me and the guard rail. “This is what’s going to happen. I’m going to ask you one time where that fucker took Dani and Sara, and you’re going to tell me,” I spit. I’m leaning into her, forcing her body half over the railing.

Trixie nods her head as much as she can with my hand wrapped around her neck. Letting up just a little, but keeping her in my grasp, I wait for her to speak.

She takes in a few shallow breaths, but she’s taking too fucking long. “You’ve got three fucking seconds before I really get pissed,” I grit out between clenched teeth.

“Please,” she pleads.

“Talk now!”

“The old mill. He’s taking them to the old mill,” she says, her voice low and cracking from the limited air and my hand holding her throat.

“Does he have anyone else helping him?” I ask, needing this to be done with so I can get to my girl.

She nods her head, but when she doesn’t speak, I tighten my grip on her neck. She gasps, but pushes out the words I want to hear. “One…guy. He’s got…one guy with him.” I loosen my grip again so she can tell me who it is. “I’ve only met the guy a few times, when he came into the strip club I worked at on the side.”

I release her neck completely and take a few steps back, which allows her to hunch over herself and take in large gulps of air. She looks up at me with tears running down her cheeks. “What are you going to do to me?” she asks weakly. I don’t answer her, not wanting to waste any more time on her. Instead, I kick out my leg and connect with her stomach, then watch as she’s forced backwards, tumbling head first over the railing from the force. I turn around, not even bothering to watch her fall to the ground hundreds of feet below. Bitch isn’t worth my fucking time.

As I walk at a fast pace back down towards my bike, I call Blaze, knowing he’ll want to be with me when we get the girls back. “They’re being held at the old mill. Meet me down the road in five,” I say, then hang up without waiting for him to answer. It’s time to get our fucking girls back.



When I wake up, my head and the right side of my face is killing me. I feel like I went twelve rounds with Mike Tyson, though if that were true, I’m sure the only pain he’s feeling is in his hand from beating my head in.

I try to open my eyes, but only one is working. Reaching up, I run my finger lightly along the eye that’s shut and realize it won’t open because it’s swollen. What the hell happened? Then I remember―the clubhouse. Trixie, Rick, Dani ...
Shit, Dani!

Frantically searching around me, I see her a few feet away, lying on her side. “Dani,” I whisper yell at her.
Please be okay.
When she doesn’t answer, I gingerly crawl over to her. “Dani, wake up,” I say, lightly shaking her, not wanting to hurt her more than what she might already be.
Oh God, this is all my fault.

Dani finally starts coming to, groaning as she reaches behind her head. “Shit, my head fucking kills.” When she opens her eyes and looks at me, she flinches. “What the fuck happened to you?” She reaches up and feels around my face. When she hits just below my eye socket, I flinch away from her touch. “What happened?” she asks. I let out a deep sigh and lean back against the wall beside her as she slowly sits up. 

“Trixie stole your gun and knocked you out, then Rick, my ex, came in. She helped him. I don’t even know how she even knew about him, but they were working together.” I try to think of what was said, but don’t really remember anything specific. “He hit me with his gun, then I woke up here. That’s all I know.”

“Did they say anything about Louie?” Louie? Oh my God, I forgot he was at the club with us. Did Trixie or Rick hurt him?

“I don’t know. They didn’t say anything about him and I was out of it when they took us from the club,” I say when I look at her worried eyes. Louie is her best friend, and he’s become mine too.
Please don’t let him be dead because of me.

“Stay calm. Louie will be fine. He’s tough, and he’s dealt with worse shit than this.” I shake my head, not understanding how she can be so calm.

“How do you know? What if they shot him? What if they shot him because they were trying to get to me?”

“Knock it off. He’s fine, do you hear me? We can’t think like that. We need to figure out where the fuck we are so we can get out of here,” she yells at me.

I stare into her eyes and see that she really believes that Louie is okay. If she believes that, then I need to as well. I nod my head, but I’m not able to say anything because the door suddenly slams open.

Rick stands in the doorway with a sick smile on his face. “Well, look who’s finally awake?” he says as he steps into the room and closes the door behind him.

He walks in half way and stops, looking from me to Dani, then back at me. “I’ve really missed you, sweetheart. I haven’t had anyone to soothe my frustrations and anger out on for a long time, but that’s okay. We have some time to make up for before we leave here and head back home.” I open my mouth to say something, but the look on his face silences me. I’m back in New York, back at his house, and feeling the pain from his hand across my face or the leather from his belt.

“You’re not going to fucking touch her, asshole,” Dani seethes. I look to her and try to get her to stop talking with a look, but she doesn’t take her eyes off Rick, looking at him like she wants to kill him. Fuck, she probably does, but she doesn’t have a gun this time. We’re stuck in a room. We have no idea where we are, and the guys might not even know we’re missing. How are we supposed to get out of here?

The smile on Rick’s face disappears and is replaced with a snarl, directed at Dani. “You talk awfully big for a bitch who doesn’t have her gun with her anymore.” Dani laughs. She fucking laughs at him.

“You think I need a gun to kill you? You are one stupid motherfucker,” Dani says while she continues to laugh. Rick, having enough of it, rushes forward. Before I can stop him, he punches her in the face so hard that she falls to the side from the force of the hit. Rick instantly straightens up and kicks her in the stomach. God dammit, the baby! I’m going to kill him.

I jump up, hitting him with my fists anywhere I can connect on his body, but he easily pushes me away. I don’t back down though. I won’t let him touch Dani again. This is my fight, and it’s time I stand up for myself.

When he turns his back to me to face Dani again, I jump up and wrap my arms around his throat. Maybe if I can hold on long enough, I’ll be able to choke him close to the point he passes out, then I can grab Dani and we can get the fuck out of here.

He struggles against my hold, but I don’t let up. I wrap my legs around his waist and feel something poke the inside of my thigh.
The knife.
I try to maneuver him so I can reach down with one hand and grab it, but before I can get a strong enough hold on his neck to reach, I feel him move us backwards and my back hits the concrete wall. I’m stunned, but I’m able to tighten my hold around his neck. I’m afraid that if I let go, it will be the end of both Dani and I.

Rick takes a few, quick step forward before ramming us into the wall again. This time, the back of my head hits the wall so hard, I see black dots in my vision.

When he feels me loosen my hold a little, he takes full advantage by removing my arms and legs from around him. Once he’s out of my reach, he looks at me and says, “First I’ll take care of your friend, then you and I are gonna have some fun.” My eyes go to Dani, who’s awake, but clutching her stomach. She looks like she’s in pain, but more than that, she actually looks afraid. I’ve never seen her afraid, but after everything she’s told me about her past and everything she’s done, I know it’s not for herself. She’s afraid for her baby.

Fuck this.

Pushing off the wall, I charge Rick again, but this time, he expects it. He turns around before I can even reach him and slams me into the wall again. My head hits harder than last time, but I don’t allow myself time to think of the pain.

Rick pushes his forearm into my neck, blocking my airway. “You stupid fucking whore. When are you going to learn your place?” He screams in my face.

I use my left hand to try and distract him by clawing at the arm that’s holding me against the wall, but with my right hand, I reach down and pull the knife free from its spot. I spare a quick glance at Dani to satisfy myself that she’s okay, then I look Rick in the eyes. “As soon…as you…learn where yours…is,” I gasp out as my vision starts to fade out.

He laughs, “And where’s that?” I smile as much as my face will allow.

“Six feet in the ground.” Then I ram the knife into his side and twist, watching as shock takes over his face.

He releases me enough that I can push his arm off my neck and take a few quick breaths. “You stupid fucking bitch!” he yells as he holds his side and looks down to see blood soaking through his shirt and hands. Before he can regain any type of control, I rush forward and stab him in the chest.

I step back and watch in amazement while he struggles to remove the knife. He falls to his knees and looks up at me, right before he falls face first onto the ground.

I vaguely hear Dani saying my name, but I can’t remove my eyes from Rick’s now lifeless body. I killed him. I actually killed him. He will never be able to scare or hurt me again because I killed him.

I don’t know how long I stand there and stare, but it had to have been only a few seconds when the door is suddenly kicked in.

When I finally drag my eyes up, I see Toby standing in the doorway. I have to tell him that Dani needs him, but when I look over to her, I see Blaze crouching down to pick her up. She’s crying and clinging to him, but she’s looking at me.

“Look at my Doll,” Toby says quietly. I move my head slowly back to him. He’s standing so close to me now, but not close enough for me to touch him. I just need him to hold me. I feel so weak and wrong.

Lifting my leg to move towards him, the last thing I remember is falling as my world started to fade out.

“SARA!” The pain in my head goes away and the numbness takes over, right before it all goes black.


“SARA,” I yell out as I see her collapse. I rush forward and catch her before she can hit the ground. “Sara, wake up, Doll. Please.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Blaze holding Dani, engulfing her into his arms as she cries and holds her belly. I hear him ask if she’s alright, but I can’t hear her answer because I’m focusing all my attention on Sara.

Bringing a shaky finger up to her neck, I check for her pulse, praying that she’s still alive. When I finally find it, I let out a sigh of relief. Though it’s slow, it’s there.
Thank fuck!

I pick Sara up. “Let’s go. We need to get to the hospital.” Both of the girls need to be checked out. I just pray to God neither of them are seriously hurt and Dani’s baby is all right. I have no idea what happened to her or how her stomach was hurt, but I can guess. She’s still holding her belly, and that scares me as much as the fact of Sara being unconscious.

I follow Blaze out of the room and watch as he holds Dani under one arm and lifts his phone to his ear with the other. “Mack! We need the truck.”

Once we are outside, I put Sara down and watch as Dani looks over at her before she walks over to her slowly. “We’ve got the girls, but they need to get to the hospital.” I hear Blaze say.

Dani reaches down and runs her hand across Sara’s face. “She saved me, Toby. Rick was coming toward me, said he was going to kill me, but she stopped him,” Dani whispers to me, but she doesn’t look away from Sara.

“Do you know where she’s hurt or what could have happened to make her pass out like that?” I ask, running my hands over Sara to see if I can find the source of why she’s not waking up. Her eye is swollen and there’s a good gash, but I don’t think that’s the reason why she passed out.

“She jumped on his back and was choking him. He slammed them backwards into the wall and I saw her head bounce off the wall twice. He was choking her too,” Dani say on a cry. “She can’t die, Toby.”

Seconds later, I hear a truck pull up and slamming doors. Then I feel someone at my side. “Let’s get her to the hospital. She’s gonna be all right,” Mack says calmly, but I can tell by the tone of his voice that he’s not so sure.

Picking her up, I get into the backseat of the truck and lay her down across my lap. Mack jumps in the driver’s seat while Blaze and Dani get in the passenger side. “Let’s go.” I say. Stroking Sara’s face, I whisper, “It’s gonna be okay, Doll. You’re safe now.” I feel the truck speed off down the road, but the only thing I focus on is Sara.

It’s been five hours since we arrived at the hospital. Sara was taken in to surgery as soon as we got here. She had swelling on her brain and some fluid build-up, so they needed to relieve the pressure it was causing.

They gave her some medicine that will make her sleep for a while, and help her head heal faster, at least that’s what they said, but I just want her to wake up. I need to look into her eyes and know that she’s going to be fine.

“Any change?” I hear Blaze say as he quietly walks into the room. Rubbing my hands across my face, I shake my head.

“No. Doc said that it could be a few days before she wakes up…maybe more.” I say.

He sits on the other side of the bed, opposite of me and looks at Sara sleeping.

“How’s Dani doing?” I ask after a few minutes of silence. When we arrived, Dani just wanted to make sure that Sara was okay, but we finally got her to let a doctor check her out. She said that Trixie hit her upside the head with a gun and that she was fine, but when she stood up and grabbed her ribs, we knew it was more than that.

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