Family Jewels (14 page)

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Authors: Rita Sable

BOOK: Family Jewels
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Trevor captured her face between his hands first. “How is it possible a woman as gorgeous as you are isn’t married already? The men in this city are fools.”

Cynthia stared at him with foggy eyesight. “Doesn’t matter now. Kiss me, Trevor. Kiss me everywhere.”

“Tell me what you like?”

“Anything. I’ll do almost anything. But if you wait much longer I’m going to get pissed off.”

“Adventurous, demanding little minx. You may have met your match tonight, darling.”

He took her mouth in a hard kiss, forcing her lips to part beneath his, thrusting his tongue deep inside. This was no plea, no slow seduction. He demanded this kiss, that she yield herself to him.

She arched into his body, wrapping her arms around his lean waist. He tasted of wine and spices and pure male sexuality. Their tongues danced together, slowly, faster, pulling out and plunging back inside in the timeless dance that humans everywhere had shared since Adam and Eve.

Trevor made her head swim and her bones melt like butter. Her juices flowed, making her slick and ready. Her hands found their way under his soft sweater and met the hard muscles beneath. She found smooth hot skin and let her eager fingers explore his chiseled torso. Her exploration dragged the sweater up his chest, tracing and defining each rippling bulge with her fingertips, twirling around his flat nipples and up until she reached his shoulders.

Trevor pulled away from her just long enough to whip his sweater off. He tossed it over his head without a care for where it landed on the floor. The look he gave her was hard and restless. The sight of his muscular chest and abdomen made her mouth water. She wanted to lick every inch of him and suck on his flat nipples until they pearled into tiny beads against her tongue. His skin was so tight, with a trail of dark hair that began at his breastbone, trailed down to his navel and disappeared into the top of his jeans. She reached for his zipper.

“Lean back,” he ordered, pushing her with his hands on her shoulders. “There’s something I’ve wanted to do since this morning. I’m not waiting any longer.”

She closed her eyes and bit her lip with expectation. When he cupped her breasts she let go of the moan she’d been holding back. His hands were warm, gentle. He plumped and squeezed her flesh softly, then dipped his head down and ran the tip of his tongue around her left nipple.

Cynthia felt herself come unglued. He slipped that sensitive bud between his lips and sucked, softly at first, then harder when she responded with more gasps and moans. When he let that nipple go suddenly, she whimpered her objection. But his lips soon closed over her right nipple and he plucked the slippery-wet left one with his thumb and finger. Bolts of electric pleasure zapped through her body and centered inside the aching spot between her legs.

Trevor used his mouth with great skill. He sucked gently but with enough pressure to make her arch for more. She wanted to cry when he let go of her nipples to place hot-mouthed, urgent kisses across her ribs.

He palmed her thighs, forcing her legs apart and then ran his hands up and down from knees to hips. His gaze fixed on her naked sex. He smiled a lazy smile that made her body throb with anticipation. Slowly, his hands inched closer to the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. When his fingertips brushed lightly over her smooth pussy lips, she shivered with delight.

“You surprise me, Cyn.”


“I hadn’t expected this.” Gently he ran his thumb over her parted, slick crease. “You shave. What a delicious, sweet treat for me. And to think you hid this treasure under that modest skirt and boxy sweater.”

She grinned. “I wasn’t dressing to impress this morning. Are you just going to tease me?”

“Darling, I intend to enjoy every last drop of you.” He slid his fingers between her wet folds and stroked her from top to bottom, flicking his thumb over her throbbing clit, making her shudder. “Mmm, juicy. Dessert has never been this good before. Now scoot your lovely bottom to the edge and prepare to be devoured. I want to feel you come all over my tongue.”

“Oooh. God,” Cynthia moaned. With his help she scooted and held her breath, anticipating the hot, first touch of his mouth on her flesh. She reached for his hair when he lowered his head and grabbed two handfuls of the silky darkness. He kissed her belly, dragging a wet trail from her quivering navel down to her hot center. Tenderly, he dipped his tongue inside. Pleasure darted up from her core and spread like wildfire through her entire body.

“Tre-Trevor,” she panted. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

“Hmm?” he mouthed against her flesh, the sound tingled inside her body.

“I, um, I don’t need much to come. Don’t take too long.” She bucked her hips, forcing his tongue on a deeper exploration inside her tender vaginal opening.

“I’ll see what I can do about that,” he murmured.

Slowly, first one and then two fingers penetrated her. Her inner muscles spasmed, squeezing his fingers, holding them deep inside her body. His tongue and lips settled over her clit while he pumped his fingers in and out, sending rhythmic, hot waves of incredible pleasure crashing down on her.

“Oh, so good.” Cynthia pulled her knees up, opening herself to his probing mouth and fingers even more. He responded by thrusting into her firmly, deepening the penetration into her vagina. He sucked on her clit, deliciously tormenting the bundle of nerves with the tip of his tongue. Her body exploded with the pleasure he brought forth, arching up with rhythmic humps. She let her head fall back and cried out her release.

He slid his fingers out gently, still stroking her with his tongue, lapping up the flowing juices like a dripping fruit.

Finally, when she settled down and her breathing returned to normal, she felt him gather her up in his arms and lift her from the chair in one swoop. Her eyes flew open.

His gaze was black as midnight, the lids heavy and sensuous. Dark hair fell over his forehead from the havoc her fingers had played in it. He looked devilishly handsome and still hungrier than a starving man.

“Bedtime,” he whispered.

Cynthia moaned with anticipation, weak as a kitten in his arms.

Chapter Thirteen


Trevor carried Cynthia to the bed and laid her on top of the comforter. Her knee still looked swollen under the golden light of the bedside lamp. The bruise was likely to take several days to fade from her tender pale skin. He hated the fact that he’d failed to protect her from injury.

That won

t happen again

Sexual gratification had glazed her silver eyes into pure dark pewter. He’d barely heard her murmured words in the heat of passion, didn’t really believe she’d come so quickly under his deeply probing fingers and tongue. But she had, quivering and spilling her sweet tangy juice into his mouth.

Ah hell
! She even tasted like crushed strawberries and cream.

Cynthia stretched out on the bed with a luxurious sigh. She pulled her long hair up and tucked the pillow higher against the headboard. Doing so lifted her succulent breasts. Both nipples were still peaked into hard, dark pink berries. He licked his lips at the thought of sucking them back into his mouth.

Her eyes raked him from head to toe. She patted the empty space at her side. “Don’t stand there all night, Agent. Lose the pants and come to bed.”

He didn’t know what he wanted to do to her first, spread her wide like a butterfly and plunge into her from above, turn her over and take her from behind or maybe he should let her straddle his hips and ride him to their mutual bliss? All sorts of possibilities for a long night of pleasures tumbled into his mind.

“Technically,” he reached for the button above his zipper and worked it free, “what we’re about to do could get me fired.”

Cynthia’s smoky gaze lingered on his hands and the zipper he inched down with agonizing slowness. His cock strained and jumped against the fabric of his skin-hugging Lycra briefs.

“Why?” Her silky pink tongue darted out to wet her lips. “I’m a consenting adult. I certainly don’t have a problem with it.”

“Because you’re my witness.” He slid his jeans down and stepped out of them. Reaching for his overnight bag, she watched him remove a small foil packet. “I’m supposed to protect and keep you safe.”

“I feel perfectly safe, Agent.” Cynthia eyed the condom with a tremulous smile and rolled onto her side. Then she braced her head on one hand and dragged her fingertips over the smooth curve of her hip. “Nice underwear. Take them off.”

Her eager words thrilled him. His cock stabbed upward, burning to take all she offered and more. Making love to a woman who knew what she wanted from him was infinitely sexy and arousing. Would she object to the many different ways he wanted to take her? Somehow, he doubted it.

Giving her a playful grin, Trevor ignored her plea and turned back to the small table that held the remains of their dinner. He poured the last splash of the Chardonnay into his glass and then carried it over to the bed. He held it out to her.

“Hold this.”

She took the wineglass from him without question. He peeled down his briefs and unleashed his erection. It bobbed against his abdomen, fully engorged and aching for her hot, silky wet depths. A breath of air gusted past her lips. He couldn’t remember ever having such a raging hard-on for his ex-fiancée, or the nameless, faceless, few-and-far-between liaisons he’d had since then. Miriam had been rather chaste and shy in her lovemaking. She’d only cared for the missionary position, almost never came with him inside her and never encouraged him to have his way with her. Cynthia’s bold, eager desire inspired him to test the harder edge he’d always felt inside himself.

Facing her, he settled his weight on the bed with his knees. She rolled from her side onto her back again, still balancing his wineglass by the stem. Her soft, full breasts swayed against the rapid, shallow breaths she took. A subtle blush stained the pale, soft skin across her chest and slender throat.

“Are you going to let me taste that luscious cock? Or just sit there staring at me all night long?”

“Darling, I could stare at you forever. You’re beautiful.”

Her eyes flickered for a second, the deep gray depths darkening when her pupils dilated. “Thanks. What do you want me to do with this?”

Trevor took the glass from her. He swirled the wine into a golden whirlpool. “I’m going to drink from your body. Every dip, hole and valley will be filled and I’m going to lick and suck it from you. Ready?”

Her breath hitched. She nodded. He touched one finger into the wine and anointed her bottom lip with it. Her tongue peeked out to follow the path of his finger. He shook his head.

“Leave it there,” he warned her softly. “And keep your hands at your sides.”

Her breath rushed past her parted lips. She clenched and unclenched her fingers in the bed coverings, like a sleek cat kneading her claws in pleasure.

He dipped three fingers into the glass and carefully brought the drops to the delicate hollow of her throat. She held her breath for a second and closed her eyes. He dipped his fingers back into the wine and dribbled the golden liquid over her slender collarbones and into the valley between her breasts. The tiny puddles on her skin vibrated with each beat of her heart. Using his pinky finger, he placed a single drop of wine on the rosy tip of each nipple. Cynthia’s eyes flew open. She almost arched off the bed.

“Careful, darling. Don’t spill. Hold very, very still for me.”

She bit her bottom lip and visibly struggled to remain quiet. Goose bumps dotted her skin. He dribbled wine into her navel. It overflowed and dripped down her side, leaving a glistening trail across her skin for his tongue to savor.

“Tickles,” she whispered on a strangled breath.

“Almost there. Just a bit more here.” He carefully trickled wine into the hollow beside each lovely hipbone. “And here,” he said, pouring the remaining liquid into her slit. He watched the cold wine sluice down between her already wet, plump pussy lips.

“Oh God, Trevor! That really tickles.” Cynthia’s body twitched in reaction but she managed to stay still.

“Don’t move, darling.” He set the empty wineglass on the nightstand. “Perfect. Let’s have a drink.”

Trevor straddled her hips, carefully keeping his tight balls and aching cock off the inviting heat of her pussy. Bracing his hands on either side of her shoulders, he lowered his mouth down to hers. The head of his cock bounced against the indentation of her navel. He gazed into her smoke-filled eyes for a moment, seeing her desire and curiosity. Without letting their lips touch, he stretched out his tongue and licked the glaze of wine from her lower lip. Her expelled breath sighed into his mouth, bringing with it the fruity bouquet of Chardonnay and the essence of her being.

Woman. Warm, sexy. He drank her in and savored.

“Delicious. So succulent and sweet.”

She ran her tongue across her bottom lip. “I’ll make you pay for this kind of torture, Agent. When do I get to touch you, taste you?”

“Soon. But not right now. Lie still while I drink my wine.”

He dipped his tongue into the hollow at her throat and licked. The wine had warmed to her body temperature and beneath it her skin tasted salty-sweet. Moving down, he sucked the quivering puddle from her collarbones and down into the valley between her soft breasts. Cynthia moaned, the sound vibrating from her chest onto his lips. He trailed his tongue up the swell of her left breast and delicately skimmed away the tiny, golden bead of liquid that crowned her hard nipple. She inhaled a sharp breath and held it. He moved to her right nipple and her breath rushed out. He captured the other tiny drop of wine, very carefully prolonging her anticipation of the pleasure his mouth could give her.

Cynthia twisted her fingers into his hair. He liked the way she held him close, as if she were afraid he’d try to stop and slip away before the sumptuous conclusion of their shared ecstasy. He caressed the feminine flare of her hips with both hands and dropped lower across her body. Like a thirsty animal he lapped up wine from each hollow beside her hipbones and then sucked from her navel. The soft swell of her belly jerked under this tiny penetration. She squirmed beneath him. He rimmed his tongue around her navel again, taking immense pleasure in her sensitivity and complete trust.

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