Family Jewels (31 page)

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Authors: Rita Sable

BOOK: Family Jewels
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“I trust you and the lady slept well?” Wally asked conversationally. Not once did the butler’s eyes stray to the bed where Cynthia lay silently, hidden and no doubt—
—beneath the sheets.

“Yes, we did.”

Wally set the bamboo tray down and laid out plates, silverware, a coffee service and cloth napkins. Trevor plucked the neatly folded newspaper from the pile of correspondence beside the napkins and quickly scanned it for information from New York City. He was pleased when he found nothing new.

The city’s inhabitants had been shocked by the scandal of Police Captain Darren Hill’s conviction for hiring the thugs who’d attacked her. Together with Andrevsky, the two men had agreed to use Cynthia to obtain the numbers to the Swiss bank account because she worked alone. They had figured she would be eager for the little job of reading those numbers and not raise a ruckus when the diamond was never retrieved. Andrevsky had thought he would be doing her a favor by letting her have such a valuable rare gem for free.

When those numbers turned out to be wrong Hill had gone behind his childhood friend’s back to obtain the stone for himself. He’d hired the burglar known as Nut Cracker. When he failed Hill hired more men to hunt her down. Andrevsky had cooperated with investigators and helped convict Hill, who’d been sentenced to fifteen years in prison. In exchange for his confession Andrevsky avoided jail but earned two years of probation and community service.

After Wally finished setting up their breakfast, he tucked the empty tray beneath his arm and turned to face Trevor. “The letter your lady was expecting has also arrived,” he said, smiling. “I hope the news will be good.”

There was the slightest movement beneath the pile of sheets on the bed. A flicker of humor danced in Wally’s eyes. He’d taken an immediate liking to Cynthia, the new Lady St. James, and coddled her as much as Trevor allowed.

“Thank you, Wally. I’m sure she’ll be happy.”

“Do you need anything else?”

“Not now.”

Wally nodded. “Enjoy your breakfast.”

When the door closed again, Cynthia’s head popped up from beneath the sheets. “My letter! Open it. What does it say?”

Trevor dropped the newspaper on a chair and speared a juicy slice of papaya with a fork. “Don’t you want to eat first?”

“No, no.” She wiggled and tugged at her restraints. “Gimme the letter first. Please, I’ve only been waiting for this for two excruciating months.”

“Well, since you’re at my mercy,” he said and took a bite out of the sweet fruit. He chewed thoughtfully, drawing out the suspense for her. “I’ll indulge you with this one request before I ravish you with my teeth.”

“Anything, anything. Just open the letter. Please, Trevor? I’m dying to know!”

He picked up the FedEx Priority envelope addressed to her. Ripping the envelope open, he withdrew the letter and scanned it silently. Cynthia quivered with nervous anticipation.

“Hmm,” he murmured.

“What? Oh no, please tell me I placed? Please tell me I at least got a fourth place ribbon?”

He shook his head. “I’m so sorry, darling. You didn’t get fourth place.”

“Oh.” She swallowed loudly. “Honorable Mention again?”

“No, not Honorable Mention.”

Her eyes clouded. She turned her face away to look out the window. A sharp pang of guilt knocked on Trevor’s heart for teasing her with something that meant so much to her. “Would you like me to read the letter to you?”

“Sure,” she said, still looking out the window.

He stepped around the bed so that he could see her face.

“Dear Miss Lyons.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You need to let them know you’re married now.”

She smiled softly, bravely putting aside her disappointment. “I will. Read it.”

He cleared his throat. “The judging panel of the American Jewelry Designer’s Annual Contest is pleased to inform you that your ring design, titled ‘Freedom’, has won the category and received the first place ribbon—”

She gasped.

“And,” Trevor said firmly, “has also won the Best in Show award by unanimous vote of this panel.”

“Oh my God! Are you serious?”

He pointed at the letter. “That’s exactly what this says.”

Cynthia let out a joyous screech that was sure to wake up everyone on the island. “I won! You rat. You had me thinking I’d lost.” She started laughing. “And I got the Best in Show award too. I can’t believe it. Oh my God, oh God!”

“Congratulations, darling.” He sat beside her and put the letter down so she could read the rest for herself. “Now the whole world will know what a talented woman you are. You’ll have them knocking down the door to get to you.”

Cynthia turned her face up. Happy tears streaked her cheeks. “I’m the luckiest woman in the world, Trevor. Winning this contest means a lot to me because it will help launch my career. But that’s not the real reason.”

He wiped the wetness from her cheeks. “It’s not?”

“No, it’s not. You make me the luckiest, happiest woman alive. I love you so much.”

“Ah, my darling Cyn.” He pulled the sheets off her body, letting them slowly slide back down to the floor. The peacock feather still rested between her thighs. He picked it up and stroked the delicate plume down her spine. Despite the warm air, she closed her eyes and shivered. “You make me the luckiest, happiest man. My feelings for you run deep. Deeper than you’ll ever know.”

“Oh, really? Well, I can think of one way to find out.” Cynthia wiggled her butt against the feather he played on her skin.

“So can I.”

He tossed the feather aside and kissed her, savoring the hot, sweet taste of her lips. Her clever little tongue tangled with his and she strained upward, reaching for more. He tucked one hand under the elbow she braced upon and cuddled the soft weight of her breast in his palm. Gently he tugged and tweaked the pink tip until it swelled into a stiff nub. Her throaty groans made heat rush to his cock, so fast it hurt. This was the sort of pain a man could live for.

“I love you,” he said across her lips. Then he angled his head down for another long, slow kiss.


The End


About the Author


Rita welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at




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