Falling Hard (Hidden Secrets Book 6) (8 page)

BOOK: Falling Hard (Hidden Secrets Book 6)
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Yup, I’m hopeless and helplessly falling for the man in front of me. I’m so fucking stupid. A man like him would never want an orphaned, homeless, jobless, loser like me. Yet my damn heart would not listen to my brain. Instead the damn thing sped on ahead as if there was no chance it’d get stepped on.

Stupid heart, you’re a part of me… You’re meant to be walked on, not cherished or loved.


Chapter Nine






Watching Kristy get worked up over the waitress’s poor attempt at flirting with me sent a jolt through my body. Maybe there was more going on between us than we can see right now. Knowing that my time with her is limited, I’m going to make the best of everything.

“So tell me about you? What’s your family like?”

I watched as she tensed up. “Oh, um, damn that was a lot faster than I thought. I, uh,” she struggled to answer.

“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to answer that. I understand if your family was shit and you don’t want to talk about them. My birth mother didn’t want me around. Most times it was like I was a burden and in her way. My biological father is a mystery to me. My mom ran him off and changed my last name so he couldn’t find me.

Thankfully, when I was thirteen, I met Jason. He became my best friend and brother. His parents took me in after I explained to them what my home life was like. I was rarely ever home and my mom rarely even noticed, until I started gaining weight. Then she’d stick her man of the evening on me and he’d beat me pretty good. She said I stole from her.

After that the Golds never let me leave their sight,” I said in hopes she might be more comfortable telling me about herself with me telling her this.

“I ran away when I was fourteen. My parents had two other kids; older brother and younger sister. I thought my brother and I were close, but when I was hurt and almost drowned one day while we played together, it changed. I was beaten because I persuaded my innocent, perfect brother to do something he wasn’t supposed to do and they had to spend money to get me taken care of. My brother and sister were perfect. I was the one they wished they could throw away,” she shrugged like what she was saying was no big deal. “After I ran away… Well, there are
a lot
of moments I find myself wishing I was back there again.”

Trying to ready myself for the answer to the question I’m about to ask. I take a deep breath. “What happened after you ran away?” My teeth almost grinding together at the thought of her being hurt.

“Raped in a shelter, beat for money when I was supposed to have a protective detail. Which I later found out
my protective detail that did it. Struggling to find a place to call my own rather shelters or the street,” she shrugged again. “The normal, I suppose.”

Reaching across the table, I grabbed her hand. After holding it for a moment, I scooted out of my side of the booth and took the seat next to her, wrapping my arms around her. There were no words that would take away her horror of a life, but I’m damn sure going to try and give her the best I can now.

“For as long as I’m here, we aren’t going to think about the past or the future. Let’s just think about the day and what we’re going to do with each other okay?”

She nodded her head against my side. Pulling back slightly, I lifted her head to look at me. When I saw the shimmer of tears in her eyes, I brought my lips to hers in a passionate, tender kiss. If it weren’t for a throat clearing behind me, I probably wouldn’t have pulled away from her.

Turning, the waitress is standing there glaring at Kristy. What the hell is it with flirty girls always getting pissed when the man shows affection to their
? When I’d go out with the guys back home, this happened all the time. My buddies, Caiden, Jace, Riley, would all have these same problems. At that time we all laughed about it because none of us were on the market or just weren’t searching, but this moment it’s beginning to grate on me.

Before I had the chance to say something, Kristy did. “Do you have a problem,” she narrows her eyes in on her name tag, “Greta?”

“Yeah, I do. I-” She started.

“Oh, funny I really don’t care. But I’d like you to leave our food on the table and back off. I’d like to enjoy some time alone with my man. Thanks so much,” she smiles sweetly at her, over sweetly.

It was unable to be helped. I started laughing. This had Greta blushing with embarrassment or in temper, I don’t know, but either way I still couldn’t stop myself. Kristy was a firecracker that was for sure.

God, I’m going to miss her when I leave.

We sat there and enjoyed our meal as we continued asking each other questions. I was glad to see she wasn’t clamming up over what to tell me. It meant that she trusted me and that meant a lot to me.

“What do you do for work back home? You must be someone pretty important if you're able to afford to vacation for as long as you want and stay at the most exclusive hotel in Sydney.”

I laughed. “No, sorry to let you down. If you were after my money, I’m only a detective. My buddy Jason wants me to join his Private Investigator business he just started up, but I’m just not sure I’m ready to do that yet.”

“You’re a cop?” She asked almost sounding nervous.

“Yes,” I answer hesitantly. “Is that a problem for you? Because I’ll quit if it is,” I tried to joke.

“How are you affording this vacation?”

“Do you know who Jacob Williams is?”

“Uh, yeah, who doesn’t? I have seen some of his interviews on the front covers of magazines when I’ve walked past the newspaper stands.”

“He’s the one paying for my trip. I’ve also been put on leave until I get my shit together. Like I said, I kind of lost it over Mary.”

“No shit! You know Jacob Williams! Wow! Mary Williams was the girl you fell in love with? Damn it,” she ended in a whisper.

“What?” I asked, confused.

She started mumbling. “You love a beautiful, talented woman. Why the hell are you with me?”

“First, I’m beginning to second guess the fact that I loved her or if it were more that she was interesting and comfortable. At the risk of sounding like a girl, I’ve been afraid to put myself in that position where I’m so vulnerable.”

But I’m already there and Kristy changed my view of my relationship with Mary. She showed me that the feelings I had for Mary were nothing compared to what I’ve got toward the woman sitting next to me right now. Now, I see what Mary was talking about when she said there weren’t sparks or a pull. It was never only us in the room when we saw each other. Damn, I had to have made her miserable. The thought made me frown.

“Hey?” Kristy asked, placing a gentle hand on my leg.

“I’m sorry were you saying something?”

“No, but you were thinking something. Not very happy either.”

“Oh, sorry, I just realized how miserable I must have made Mary’s life.”

“I don’t think that you made her life miserable, but she was probably sad for you. When you get a chance again, you should tell her how sorry you are. Make it up to her. Give her something.”

I smiled at her affectionately. “You are one hell of a woman, you know?”

“Yeah, I know just don’t forget that,” she winked at me.

“Okay,” I smirked. “What’s the plan for the rest of the day? Or can I take you back to the room and ravage you like I want to right now?” I leaned down and started nibbling her neck.

A soft moan escaped as her breath stutters out of her. “I’m going to give you a tour of Sydney. So stop and let’s get moving.”

“Okay, party pooper, but I get you when we get back for the night,” I give her my best seductive look.

“Oh shit,” she whispered and I laughed.

Once we were back out on the street, I laced our fingers together and walked in…

“Where are you going?”

“Well, at about one we have a tour to catch. That will finish out the day until then I thought we might see some sights away from the harbor and let you truly experience what life is like in Oz. Does that sound okay to you?”

“You’re the tour guide remember? I’m following you.”

She smiled at me with a wicked glint in her eyes. It caused me to swallow hard. Kristy, of course, laughed at my sudden fear of what today would have in store. We continued to walk hand and hand down the street.

Kristy pointed out various buildings, restaurants, and bars. I’ve lost count of how many different places she’s pulled me into with excitement of what I need to try or something I need to see. I tried these things called meat pies. I’m liking them to our pot pies back home, only better and with no vegetables. I never really cared for pot pies, but this meat pie was different though. They were hardier and better tasting. I dared not ask what was in it. Honestly, I was afraid she’d tell me it was kangaroo or some kind of other wild animal and I might lose my stomach on that.

We were back to walking the streets when I watched her stare inside a shop of some beautiful dresses. It was my turn to treat her for a change. Pulling her to a stop, I made her turn to me.

“I want to give you something, but I need you to trust me. Oh, and you can’t say no. Close your eyes.”


“Kristy…” I mocked. “Please let me do something for you. I really want to. Please.” I practically begged.

To me she was a princess and she deserved to be one. I wished she could be my queen, but I doubt – because I wanted it so damn bad – it’ll ever happen. So for right now, for these moments, I wanted to treat her as if she was.

Sighing, she closed her eyes, tightening her hand on mine. “Okay, but if I’m going to hate you for this… You will pay.” She threatened.

For one reason or another, it had my cock hard. Shaking my head, I pulled her into this clothing shop. When we entered, I caught the eye of a sales clerk and crooked my finger for her to come here, but put my finger over my lips so she didn’t ruin it.

“Keep your eyes shut Kristy until I tell you to open them.”

“I’m keeping them shut, but hurry up. If I keep my eyes closed any longer I might fall asleep,” she yawned.

The lady smiled at me. Letting go of Kristy’s hand, I took a couple steps away from her to talk to the sales clerk quietly.

“I’m surprising my girlfriend with a shopping spree. She can get whatever she wants. I’m from the US. Do you accept credit cards by chance?” I’d put myself in major debt to make her smile.

“This is so romantic. We accept either. Which would you like to use?”

Pulling my wallet from my back pocket, I pulled out my credit card. “Use this. That way I know she’ll get everything she needs. I’m going to tell her that I’ve already paid you. You need to tell her you can’t refund the money when she starts to protest. And believe me she will,” I smirked.

I had another plan in mind as to why I was doing this shopping spree for her, but she won’t find out about the end of my plan until I’m gone. That way she can’t yell at me.

“Yes, of course.”

I turned to Kristy. “Okay Kristy, you can open your eyes.”

She opened her eyes and they widened as she took in her surroundings. I smiled at the shock on her face.

“Nate,” she breathed and again it went straight to my groin.

Stepping closer, I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her. Pulling back, I smiled down into her beautiful blue eyes. “I want to buy you a new wardrobe. You were just saying how you don’t have much anymore and I want you to have all that you need and even some you want.”

“Nate… I can’t… This is too much… I can’t let you do this for me,” she stuttered, tears filling her eyes.

“I’m doing this for you, Kristy. You deserve to be pampered and shown that you matter to someone. You matter to me, far more than you know. I’m doing this for you. You can’t say no. I’ve already paid for a shopping spree,” I smiled, stepping aside so she could see the sales clerk.

Kristy stepped toward the woman. “Give him the money back, I can’t accept this.”

“I’m sorry, but there is a no refund policy in this store.” The woman smiled politely. “Do you need my help in finding things for your size?”

She turned around to me. “Nate,” she started to cry.

The first tear fell from her eye. Moving quickly toward her, I wrapped her in my arms just as she burst into tears. Kissing the top of her head rapidly, my eyes looked up and met the sales clerk that had tears in her eyes as well.

“Please don’t cry, Dove. Please. I would really like to do this for you. You deserve far better than what you’ve gotten over the years. Let me think about you for a change. Please, Dove, let me spoil you like a princess deserves.”

After a moment she pulled herself together and stepped back. Wiping her eyes, “Fine, I’ll do this, but because you really seem to want to do this, not because I do.” She turned to the sales clerk. “I don’t need help right now, but I’ll definitely look for you when I do.”

Kristy wandered off and I hung back talking to the sales clerk about my second half of the surprise. The woman was in tears with the whole story and even wished there was a way we could be together.

“Since this is a limited time thing, I want to make sure she’s taken care of when I’m gone,” I said sadly.

“This is so romantic and so heartbreaking at the same time. You are one of a kind Mr. Lane.”

“Thanks. I’m going to check on my girl. Am I allowed in the changing area?”

The woman blushed. “You’re not supposed to, but I’ll allow you to. We’re pretty dead.”

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