Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen) (9 page)

BOOK: Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen)
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Alex and Lisa approach, and the hostess looks up. Her black hair is pulled to the back of her head, her tight curls resembling a poof. Her dark brown eyes are
lined with black liner that extends outward, giving the appearance of Egyptian eye, and her lips are painted red. She smiles at them, welcoming them to the restaurant. “How many?”

“We’re actually meeting friends here,” Lisa says.

“Oh, then feel free to step inside and look around. There’s a couple over here,” the hostess points, “who said they were expecting two more. Maybe they’re who you’re looking for.” She smiles at Lisa, then Alex.

“Thank-you,” Lisa says as she steps further into the restaurant.

The walls are painted a lighter shade of gray; white tablecloths and black wrought iron chairs are set throughout; pictures, featuring different foods and desserts from around the world, are hanging along the walls. Seeing Jill and the back of a man she assumes is Tad, Lisa waves.

Jill smiles as she leaves her seat, while Tad turns around in his chair. She walks over to Lisa and hugs
her, then looks up at Alex. “Hi, I’m Jill,” she says, extending her hand.

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but good things,” Alex says. Tad stands up from his chair and smiles at Lisa.

“Hi, Tad, nice to see you again,” Lisa says. His hair is styled in a messy look and he’s wearing a black suit with a maroon button down shirt. He looks quite appealing tonight.

“Tad, I’m Alex. Nice to meet you.” The men shake hands.

Walking around the table, Alex pulls out the chair next to Jill for Lisa and she takes a seat. He sits across from Jill, placing his napkin in his lap. Jill looks between Lisa and Alex with a smile.

Leaning in she whispers, “He’s hot, Lisa.” Jill’s eyes trail over Alex.

Lisa hears Tad clear his throat, and she looks to him and smiles. She turns to whisper to Jill, “I know, but I think your date wants you to look at
like that.” Jill turns to look at Tad. She places her hand in his and squeezes. He smiles back at her and winks.

Jill fills Lisa and Alex in on their dating adventures. “He’s a CFO at a financial institution downtown. He’s taken me to the beach a few times, and it turns out we go to the same gym.” Jill smiles at Tad as he runs his thumb across her hand. “He said he’s seen me there before, that he was excited the night he saw us at Dance 52.”

Lisa’s mind goes back to that night and the memory of the red eyes in the corner of the club. Alex’s arm reaches around the back of her chair, his fingers rubbing gently on her shoulder. Leaning in, he whispers to her, “Are you okay?”

She turns to look at him and nods a few times. “Yes, I’m okay.” She smiles. “Thank-you for asking.”

“So, Lisa,” Tad speaks up, “Jill tells me you became a partner at your PR firm? Congratulations.”

Lisa turns to him. “Thank-you, Tad. Yes, just recently, as a matter of fact.” She smiles at Jill.

“May I take your drink order?” The group turns towards the waiter, who’s standing at their table and smiling. His uniform is a black pressed shirt and pants, white tie, and tag with “Damian” on it.

Lisa looks to Alex and raises her brows. “Get whatever you like.” He smiles.

Lisa turns back to the waiter. “Vodka tonic, please, and a glass of water.” The waiter writes it down, then looks to Alex.

“I’ll have a coke.” The waiter nods.

“You’re not drinking?” Lisa whispers to him.

He looks at her and smiles, shaking his head. “Not when I’m driving.” He winks at her, taking her hand in his. Jill and Tad both order Jack and coke.

“Have you decided what you’ll be having tonight?” The waiter flips his page over and looks around the table. One by one, everyone orders.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to visit the restroom.” Alex stands from his seat, leans down and kisses Lisa on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.” He smiles down at her, then turns and walks off. Lisa watches him go, then turns her gaze back to Jill.

“Well, that’s Alex.” Lisa grins, looking between Jill and Tad.

“Lisa, he seems really nice. The way he looks at you is very sweet.” Jill turns to Tad and says, “Like the way you look at me.” Tad winks at her. She looks back at Lisa, mouthing
Lisa laughs, her fingers covering her lips.

The waiter returns with the vodka tonic, water, coke, and two Jack and cokes. Sipping her drink, Lisa makes a soft sound of appreciation when the burning of the vodka touches her throat. “This is nice.”

Jill takes a drink of her Jack and coke, then makes a face and sputters. “Wow, I think it’s Jack and a splash of coke.” Picking up her napkin, she touches it to lips and Tad chuckles. “What’s funny?”

“Nothing,” Tad grins. “I’m just glad you think it’s strong, too. I didn’t want to look weak if I admitted how strong it was.”

Jill huffs playfully and rolls her eyes. “Thanks, honey.” Lisa smiles.

Alex makes his way back to the table. “I see I came back just in time.” Taking his seat, he leans over and kisses Lisa on the cheek. She smiles and Alex picks up his drink. “To new friends.”

He lifts his glass and everyone follows, repeating, “To new friends.”

The conversation went on about the dates Lisa and Alex have been on, what Jill and Tad have been doing, and what the plans are for the weekend.

“Beef Wellington?” The table runner approaches with a tray of food. Jill raises her hand with a smile, looking at her dinner. The food is handed out as the hands rise to the called dishes.

Alex looks at Jill’s plate and raises his brows. “Now that looks amazing.”

She nods as she picks up her knife and fork. “I intend to eat every bite of it, too.” Her eyes do not leave her plate as she begins to eat. Tad chuckles as he looks at his steak. Lisa’s looks over her Chicken Paillard with a smile, feeling her mouth salivate. Her gaze moves to Alex’s plate of Apricot Lamb Chops and Sweet Potatoes.

“I might let you try mine if you let me try yours.” Alex’s gaze lifts from Lisa’s food to her eyes.

Laughing, she nods her head. “You better. That looks amazing.”

The conversation flowed throughout the evening, as they enjoyed their meals and nursed their drinks. The music changed as the DJ sets up towards the back of the restaurant and people begin moving to the dance floor. Alex stands and reaches for Lisa’s hand, pulling her to her feet. “Come on beautiful. Opah!” He laughs and Lisa grins.

“Are you going to bring out your dancing shoes again tonight?” she asks.

Alex shrugs as his arm moves around her waist. “Only if you want me to.”

“I do. This music I can dance to. Greek-style? Not so much.”

“Then I look forward to this. Let’s go.” Alex pulls Lisa out onto the floor, while Jill and Tad remain behind.

The DJ plays popular music heard on the radio, some artists Lisa’s met through work. Alex pulls her close and leans close to her. “You look beautiful tonight. I want to dance with you right here, like this.” Lisa looks up to him as her breath catches from the intensity of his gaze.               Her hands move up his arms to his shoulders. Her body flush against his, he moves to the rhythm of the music. Their legs move between one another as he buries his face in the nape of her neck. His hands move up her back to her neck. Running his fingers into the nape of her hairline, he tilts her head back slightly and brushes his lips on her neck. She inhales sharply, her lips parting as sensations move through her body. He moves a hand down her back and Lisa pulls herself closer to him. He rests his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes. The blue of his irises captivates her. Her fingers grasp the back of his neck, and her heart beats against her chest as she tilts her head up to capture his lips.

The moment their lips touch, Lisa pulls back and looks up at Alex. She can see the pain in his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you.” The words leave her lips and she watches him. She can see something troubling him, but doesn’t want to push him into finding out.

“You won’t,” he tells her. “I won’t let you.” He kisses her, hard. Sweeping his tongue across her lips, she gasps, opening her mouth for him. His tongue, his lips, everything about this moment shuts out everything around them. There are no sounds, no people. It’s just Lisa and Alex. His fingers grip her harder, groaning against her lips. He pulls away from her. Lisa fights to regain her balance from the intensity of his kiss.

Lisa looks up at him as the sounds return and the dancers around them reappear. He’s panting and looking like he’s in real pain. “Alex?” Lisa takes his face in her hands and looks at him.

“I’m okay. Let’s go sit.” Alex takes her hands off his face. He brings her palm to his lips and kisses it. Looking into her eyes, he smiles, then leads her back to the table. Taking a seat, Lisa looks over at Jill. Tad has her in a lip lock, which makes Lisa snort.

Turning her attention back to Alex, she lifts her fingers to his cheek, gently running them across his jaw. “What happened? Will you be okay?”

Alex nods. “It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.” He looks over at Tad and Jill, and raises his brows. “Maybe we should go?”

Lisa looks over at them. Reaching out, she taps
Jill’s arm. Breaking their kiss, Jill turns her attention to Lisa. “Hey, we’re going to go. Will you be okay?” Lisa asks.

“Absolutely.” Jill grins. “I’m in good hands.”

“I can see that.” Lisa winks at her. “I’ll call you later, okay?”

Jill looks at Alex and smiles. “Alex, it was very nice to meet you. Be good to my girl.”

“You can count on it,” Alex replies. He shakes her hand, then Tad’s. “Tad, see you around.” Tad waves at Lisa and Alex, then captures Jill’s attention again.

Walking out of the restaurant, Alex puts his arm around Lisa’s waist and pulls her close. “Did you have a good time?”

“I did. I hope you did, too?” Lisa looks up, still concerned as to why he seems to be in pain when he kisses her.

He nods. “Yes, I did. Are you ready to head back, or is there anything else you’d like to do?”

“I suppose we can go home. Unless you want ice cream or something?” Lisa looks up at him.

Alex chuckles. “I’d love some ice cream. I found a nice place when I first moved that’s really good. My treat. What’s your favorite flavor?”

Lisa smiles and wraps her arm around his waist. “Perfect! Anything with brownies, hot fudge and lots of whipped cream. What about you?”

“I’m a pralines and cream kinda guy.”

Getting into his car, they take off for the ice cream shop. He reaches over and grabs Lisa’s hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing the backside of it.

“Alex?” She takes a deep breath, hoping this doesn’t cause an argument. “Why do you seem to be in pain when you kiss me? Please don’t tell me it’s because you have sensitive lips.”

Alex runs his thumb over Lisa’s hand. He lets out a long sigh and pulls up to a stoplight. Looking over at her, she sees the concern on his face. “It’s a long story. One that, in time, I promise I’ll tell you. I’m just not ready to go there yet.”

Appreciating the truth, she understands about having a broken heart. Lisa smiles at him. “Okay.” She lets it go as the light turns green.

“Okay?” He questions her and looks over, then looks back at the road.

“Okay, I won’t ask again. I understand complications. Just tell me when you’re ready.”

“I promise, it’s not you.” He looks over at her with an encouraging smile.

“I certainly hope not.” She grins at him. “Tonight on the dance floor, you sure seemed really into me. If you don’t like me, you have an odd way of showing it.” She nudges him playfully.

Alex chuckles, and she watches the relief wash over him. “Thank-you for understanding.”

“There’s nothing to understand, Alex. Like I said, tell me when you’re ready. No pressure. Remember, slow
is good.” Lisa begins to wonder when she started telling guys it's okay to take it slow.

“Yes, slow is very good.” He pulls into the ice cream shop parking lot. Putting the car into park, he looks over at her. “You’re an amazing woman, you know that?”

She grins and shrugs. “I try.”

The light of the ice cream shop illuminates Alex’s SUV. The white building with red trim stands out at the end of a shopping plaza. Out front, the florescent lights shine with a bright ice cream cone, the words
Ice Cream
on the sign.

He opens the door for her and Lisa walks inside. The air cools her skin, and the sweet smell of sugar and ice cream fills her nose. Walking to the glass counter, Alex and Lisa look at the different flavors. The young girl with braces and blemishes behind the counter greets them with a smile. “Welcome! What can I get for you?”

“My lady here will have a small brownie and hot fudge sundae, with extra whipped cream and two cherries.” The girl nods and writes it down.

“My gentleman here will have a small pralines and cream, with extra caramel.” Lisa looks up at Alex as he grins.

“Mmm, good call.”

Lisa giggles. “You’re welcome.”

After ringing up their order, Alex pays. The ice cream is prepared perfectly. Taking a seat at one of the booths, Lisa and Alex sit next to each other. She picks up a cherry, then turns to Alex, who opens his mouth. Pulling on the stem, the cherry breaks off and he chews. Picking up the other cherry, he feeds it to her. Lisa sees the girl behind the counter sigh and roll her eyes. “Seems we have an audience.” Lisa motions to her. Alex turns and glances at the girl behind the counter.

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