Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen) (16 page)

BOOK: Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen)
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Alex recalls the tales of when Samuel was cast into Hell. The sex, temptation, seduction, everything the incubus is now pulses through Alex’s veins. Fighting against his dark side is the goodness, love, patience, and kindness of the angel. “I think this may cause me many a headache, Michael.”

Michael looks over at him and chuckles. “Some days I’m positive you’ll experience that.” Coming to the end of the sidewalk, they look out over the grass-covered hill that leads to the reservoir. “You need to be prepared for what might come your way.”

Alex nods, then looks at him. “I’ll figure out something.”

Michael nods, then crosses his arms over his chest. Glancing over at Alex, he says, “Go ahead and ask.”

He sighs in relief, then gathers his thoughts. “Is she okay? Did she make it out?”

Michael turns back towards the water. He watches a few people play, while the sounds of children's laughter fill his ears. “She will make it through, Alex. Lisa’s a lot stronger than she thinks.”

Alex feels relief wash through him. “Is there anything I need to know before seeing her again?”

Michael turns to Alex. “What do you mean?”

“Will she have memories of Hell? Will she remember what happened between her and Samuel? Will she remember me?”

Michael looks over at Alex, considering his words. “I’ll be honest with you.” Michael looks back out over the water, taking a long breath. “She will wake up having no memory of Hell. The time she spent with
Samuel will only be a dream.” Michael looks at Alex. “None of it has come to pass now. You changed her fate by accepting her punishment.”

Panic slowly starts to build inside of Alex’s chest. Running a hand through his hair, he rubs the back of his neck. “She won’t remember me, will she?”

“Not exactly.” Michael turns to look at Alex. “She’ll remember you as the man she met in her mailroom that day and the dates you’ve had, but that is it.” Pausing Michael places a firm hand on Alex’s shoulder. “You can give her memories back to her, if that’s what you choose. Just be sure this is the path Lisa wishes to choose for herself. Being selfish can be sinful.”

Michael grins, then continues. “The only ones I cannot allow are the memories of Hell.”

Understanding, the panic subsides slightly in his chest. “Thank-you, Michael, for everything, for coming down to speak with me.”

“We’ve been friends far longer than I can recall.” Michael pulls his friend in and hugs him. “Selaphiel will be greatly missed in Heaven.”

Alex closes his eyes, feeling the angelic power that comes from Archangel Michael pour through him. His heart swells and tears stream down his cheeks. Alex lets him go. Looking at his lifelong friend, Michael turns and begins walking away. His figure fades and Alex is left standing alone.

Pain and emptiness take the place of Michael’s absence. Turning away, Alex hangs his head and pushes his hands into his pockets. Walking back through the park, his thoughts run over the conversation he just had.

He’s a hybrid. Lisa will only remember the human version of him. Everything with Samuel never took place. If he gave her memories back to her, that’s all it’ll be…a memory. He can never go back to Heaven, and Hell doesn’t want him.

Hearing thunder in the distance, Alex watches the skyline change. Hues of reddish gray and dark green cover the sky, and the wind blows. Raindrops fall to the ground, while people open their umbrellas. The wind becomes stronger, the humidity rises, and the air's current grows thicker. Recognizing the signs, he rushes towards the sidewalk and grabs a cab. Pea-size hail begins to fall, then it grows larger…from pea, to golf, to baseball size.

Hurrying inside a taxi, he gives his condo address to the cabbie. A short while later, he arrives in front of the building. Walking to the main entrance door, he pulls out his keys and unlocks it. Stepping inside, the woman behind the desk greets him with ‘good evening’. Alex nods at her and walks towards the staircase that leads to the second floor.

Opening the door, he walks down the hallway. Feeling like he’s walking The Green Mile, he finds his way to Lisa’s door. He hears the sound of thunder and
feels the lightning strikes. Closing his eyes, he rips through the air, colors of white and tan blur his vision. The colors rapidly shift to black, purple and red…the colors of Lisa’s living room. Opening his eyes, he finds himself standing next to her couch.

Taking a deep breath, he picks up the scent of sulfur. Taking slow steps, his eyes sweep the area. The black sludge left over from Samuel is now gone. Everything is in its place, but he doesn’t understand why the sulfur smell still exits.

“Lilith.” The female succubus may still be here, may be inside Lisa’s mind. Slowly walking toward her bedroom, he grabs the doorknob, turns it, and pushes the door open. Looking inside, he finds Lisa asleep on her bed.

Stepping to her side, Alex sits on the edge of her bed. Lightning strikes outside and illuminates her bedroom. Leaning over her body, putting an arm around her, he leans down and places a soft kiss on her
forehead. “Come back to me,” he whispers. Pressing his forehead gently against hers, he listens to the sound of her breathing.

Getting up, he crosses the room, looking for a pen and something to write on. Locating a pen and some stationary on her dresser, he writes her a note. Folding it in half, he writes LISA on the front of it and places it on her dresser.

Setting the pen down, he walks back over to the bed. Leaning over her, closing his eyes, he brushes his lips softly against hers. Her scent of vanilla, lilies, and the air right after a rain flood his senses. Memorizing it, he lingers for a moment longer before pulling himself away.

The rain outside becomes heavier and the thunder claps again. Stepping out of her room, he closes the door behind him. Walking into the living room, Alex looks over at her couch and the memories of their pillow fight come back to him. Making his way to the door, he
unlocks it. Looking around one more time before he leaves, he locks the door, pulling it closed behind him.

Chapter 12



Just as the thunder claps, Lisa suddenly awakens, gasping as if she couldn’t breathe. She sits up and grasps her chest. Her eyes adjust to the room and she looks around, the familiarity of the environment coming back to her. She turns her head and looks out her bedroom window. Lightening flashes, the brightness of it casting shadows across her floor. It feels like the thunder shakes the whole building.

Getting out of bed, she moves to her window. Her fingers press against the wall around the frame, her forehead against the cool glass. Looking outside and taking in the scene around her, she looks at the clouds as they move quickly across the sky. Occasionally, a break in the clouds allows streaks of sunshine to break through. Hearing the wind blow, she looks down at the
street. Watching a couple try to control their umbrella, she sees another holding up a clear poncho over his wife’s head. Crossing her arms over her chest, she wonders what brought on this weather.

Walking towards her dresser, she finds a note lying on top of it. She opens it, finding Alex’s handwriting inside it.

When you awaken and when you’re ready, I’ll be here. There’s a lot to discuss about us.

My love always,


Folding the note, she’s curious as to when Alex made it inside her condo to leave this note. She looks at herself in her dresser mirror and flinches. She finds her hair completely tousled. Setting down the note, she laughs softly at herself and tries to pat down her tangled hair. Pushing the thoughts of the note from her mind, she tries to think about the events that took place light
night, but her mind feels clouded. She had lunch with Alex, then Samuel called. She was to meet him, but she turned him down.

turn him down, didn’t I?” She questions herself, looking into the mirror again. Shaking her head, she turns and walks away from the mirror and heads towards her bathroom. She runs over the words of Alex’s letter again…
there’s a lot to discuss about us
. Curious what the “us” means, she walks into her bathroom and brushes her teeth. Setting her toothbrush back on the counter, she turns toward the shower and turns on the faucet.

Leaning against the wall, she recalls the conversation with Samuel where he asked her to meet him at Dance 52. When she declined his invitation to meet him, he accepted it gracefully. Recalling the times Samuel would stare, she wonders if he had been crushing on her. Reaching in to test the temperature of the water, Lisa steps into the shower and the warm
water runs down her body. After washing her hair and body, she reaches down and turns off the water. Grasping her towel, she dries off. Wrapping the towel around her head, she walks into her closet to find something to wear.

Pulling out a sleeveless button down lavender top, she pairs it with white capris and tan sandals. Pulling her clothes on, she takes a seat at her vanity to comb out her hair. After applying her makeup and blow drying her hair, she makes her way towards the kitchen to make some coffee. Pouring some into her tumbler, she adds her cream and sugar.

Walking towards her door, she grabs her keys and purse. Having the intention of walking down to Alex’s condo, she opens the door and is startled when Alex stands on the other side. He’s wearing a fitted black t-shirt, denim jeans and black boots, giving him a dark, seductive look.

“Alex?” Lisa smiles and opens the door wider to allow him inside.

Alex steps through, immediately pulling Lisa into his arms, hugging her tight. “You’re here; you’re really here.”

Lisa laughs, then looks at him. “Of course I’m here. Where else would I be?”

The look on Alex’s face tells Lisa that she’s his only reason for living. His fingers brush gently against her cheeks. Her knees feel weak under his touch and her heart flutters. “There’s so much I need to say. So much I need you to know. I have no idea where to start, or even how.” He sighs, looking defeated.

Tilting her head slightly, she smiles. “Okay, well, let’s start at the beginning. I’m free all day. Take all the time you need.” Taking his hand, she leads him into her living room, taking a seat on the couch. Looking towards the window, she asks, “What is up with this weather? The meteorologist predicted clear skies.”

Alex looks out the window, then back at Lisa. “I can probably explain the weather in a moment but, first, there’s so much you need to know.”

His hands cup her face. Maybe he’s being selfish, but he wants her to know what’s happened. He wants her to understand who he is and what she means to him. Tilting her head up, he leans in, then presses his fingertips lightly to her temples. Resting his forehead against hers, he whispers, “I hope you will, somehow, understand what I’m about to do.” Taking a deep breath, he opens his mind to hers, allowing the demonic barrier surrounding him to lower.

Suddenly, an explosion goes off inside her mind. She gasps, but Alex holds her to him. Her eyes open wide, the irises completely white, and her mouth is agape. No sound comes from her and she appears to be in shock.

She’s looking at the events of her life. She watches herself sign a contract with Samuel looking over her
shoulder, the color of his eyes red. Then everything shifts. She’s kissing Samuel at Dance 52. She watches him and his eyes glow red again. She watches as veil drops around them, keeping passersby from seeing them.

Then the vision shifts again. She’s standing in her office bathroom and the faucet pours out blood. Jan, from accounting, is talking to her, but Lisa cannot hear what she’s saying. Stepping out the door, she finds Samuel watching her with his red eyes.

The vision changes again and Lisa is looking at herself in the mirror, a hooded man appearing with her in the reflection. He lowers his hood and reveals himself…Samuel. Images of Lisa and Samuel having sex flash so quickly in her mind, she wonders if it really happened. Samuel’s face begins to contort and shift. His nose draws in, leaving a hole in his face, and his skin shifts in color. His serpent tongue flicks across her skin.

Lisa gasps, then everything changes again. She’s standing in a black room with no walls or ceiling. Alex appears next to Lisa and she turns to him. His white wings erupt into a dark blue flame. She screams and they extinguish, becoming a leathered texture. He lowers his head and a few tears stream down his cheeks. Looking up at her again, his eyes are completely black. Lisa’s eyes widen as he pushes his blackened wings out, black feathers growing across them. His arms rise in the air in some sort of triumph.

Screaming out, Lisa stumbles back and finds herself in a green pasture. Looking around, she finds a mirror. She looks upon it and sees her reflection, but she immediately realizes that it’s not her. She knows what’s coming, she can feel it. Lilith pulls out of the mirror, walking towards Lisa, and their bodies explode.

With a sudden gasp, Lisa pulls back from Alex. Her chest heaving, she looks at him and, for the first time, truly sees him for what he is. Her hands move to
her temples, pressing against them. Feeling the pressure letting up and her mind clearing, she shakes her head, the images still fresh.

“What did you do to me?” She backs away from him. “You’re an angel?” Gasping, almost screaming, she looks at him with alarm and uncertainty. Swallowing, she replays the images over and over in her mind, her hands moving to her stomach. “I think I might be sick.”

Alex watches her, giving her a moment to come to terms with everything she just learned. He hesitantly reaches over to her, then pulls his hand back. “Lisa, just breathe, okay? Breathe.”

Slowly, her gaze turns to Alex. She stares at him for a few moments. “Are…are you an angel? Or a demon?” Panic setting in her chest, she turns away from him. “This can’t be real. This cannot be fucking real!” Her hands move up into her hair and her elbows rest on her knees. The images running over and over in her
mind force her to close her eyes. Counting to five, she inhales deeply, then lets it out.

Alex clears his throat to speak, but she holds up her hand. “I need a few minutes to really let this sink in. Don’t talk yet.” Opening her eyes, her hands drop from her head and she looks across the room. Sighing, she turns her gaze towards Alex. Her eyes trail over him and he appears to be the same Alex she’s known all the time, the same man who she took to the Statue of Liberty, who she danced with, who she’s kissed.

Alex slowly moves closer to her on the couch. “To answer your question, I’m a little of both…now.” He folds his hands on his lap and looks at Lisa. “Everything you saw in your mind was intended to take place. They are your memories, but your fate has changed.”

With her heart still beating hard, she says, “I don’t understand what you mean. What do you mean by ‘intended to take place’? What changed?”

Alex inhales deeply, then lets it out. “Samuel was a demon, Lisa. He was an incubus. He targeted your soul a long time ago. Strategically, he set plans in motion to put you at the right place and the right time. When you agreed to work for him, you agreed to sign away your soul. It was only recently that he decided to collect.

“You never knew me previously, but when your soul came up for collection, that is when I manifested into my human form. It was my duty to protect you. I’ve always been with you Lisa, you just never knew I was there.” Alex smiles softly, hoping Lisa believes what he’s telling her.

“Oh, god, this is a lot to take in.” She looks down, feeling like her world is falling apart around her. “None of this sounds real.” She looks at him and shakes her head. Leaning forward, she challenges him, needing more. “Can you prove to me that what you say you are is real? The memories, or whatever it is you did, that's…hell, I don't know what that was. Please, just humor me. Prove it.”

“Okay, as you wish."

Sighing, he stands up and untucks his t-shirt. Pulling it over his head, he tosses it to the couch. Lisa’s eyes widen as he stands bare chested in her living room. For a moment, she's distracted by his naked torso. As Alex lowers his arms to his sides, she watches his chest expand, then contact with his breaths. Her imagination paled in comparison to what she's seeing in front of her. “What are you doing?”

“Proving that I’m not lying.”

Alex walks into the center of her room and faces her. Lowering his head, he closes his eyes. Nothing could prepare her for what was coming next. The air surrounding Alex's body begins to shift and wave, similar to a heat wave over a desert. As the air settles, Alex lets out a breath, then black-feathered wings immediately push out from his back, expanding behind him. Opening his eyes, he lifts his gaze to Lisa. The pupils begin to expand outwards, covering the blue of his iris until it bleeds through the white of his eyes.

Stretching the length of the wings out, Lisa's eyes widen. She covers her mouth to hold in a scream. Standing up quickly, she yells out, “Holy shit!”

Slowly, she steps towards him. He turns his eyes to her, watching her. She looks into his searing black eyes then, tentatively, reaches her fingers towards his wings. Just before she touches them, he brushes them against her. She screams and jumps backwards, tripping and landing on her ass.

“Oh, damn, I’m sorry. I promise, I’m not going to hurt you. Let me help you up.” Alex extends his hand out for Lisa’s, while his wings pull into his back before knocking anything over.

Slowly, she lifts her hand, grasping his. After pulling her to her feet, she looks up into his eyes. The black pools begin retreating until the white appears, then his blue irises. “You didn’t have to do that.” She runs her hands across her backside.

Considering what has just come to light, her mind wanders to the night at the club…the night when she ended up outside. “You were the one who took me out of the bathroom that night in the club.” She tilts her head slightly. “Was he there that night? Is that why you did it?”

Alex keeps his gaze on Lisa and nods. “Yes.” The thunder claps outside, causing Lisa to jump. "The weather, right? When an angel falls, the weather changes to mourn the loss." His gaze moves to the window. "When the sky turns red and it hails, a demon has died and a new one has taken its place." Alex looks back at Lisa and offers a soft smile.

“Oh, umm, alright." She considers this, then continues, "When did you…umm, manifest yourself?” she questions.

“I've been with you since your birth. You were my charge to keep safe. I was your guardian angel. The day you signed the contract, I manifested myself into human form.

“I moved myself into your building to keep close to you, then I came down to the mailroom that day, purposely, to meet you.” He sighs and his gaze drops. “Somewhere along the way, I allowed myself to fall in love with you.”

Lisa closes her eyes, taking in everything that he’s telling her. Feeling the truth in his words, she crosses her arms over her chest. “Go on.”

“When your soul was taken,” he takes a small step towards her, “that was the worst day of my entire existence. I had lost you. I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing you, not touching you, not having you in my life." Sighing, he continues, "That day, I chose you instead of remaining an angel. The results forced me to become a Fallen.”

Furrowing her brows, she raises her head and looks at him. “You chose me and became a Fallen? What does that mean?” She’s pretty sure she knows exactly what it means, but she needs to hear it from him.

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