Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen) (10 page)

BOOK: Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen)
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Alex grins. “Seems she’s a romantic or she’s not liking the grown-ups playing with their food. Maybe both.”

Lisa grins then scoops her ice cream for a bite. “Maybe.”

After devouring their dessert, Alex drives Lisa back home. Opening the car door for her, he then walks her to the front door. He looks down at her, holding her hands. “Would you like to come inside?” Lisa bites her lip to keep from giggling. Normally, this is where the guy would tell her goodbye but, considering Alex lives here also, she appreciates him going through the motions of dropping her off.

“I think I would, but only if that’s okay.”

“Absolutely.” Lisa punches in her code to the building, unlocking the door. Alex pulls it open for her and they walk inside, making their way towards the elevator. Lisa reaches out and presses the up button, then turns back to Alex.

His fingers reach up and glide gently across her cheeks. Pushing a few stray hairs back from her face, he leans in to kiss her as the elevator doors open. Alex closes his eyes and drops his hands and head down, exhaling and Lisa giggles.

“Come on,” he tells her and they step inside. Pressing the button, the doors close. Lisa turns towards Alex and steps closer to him. She wants him to hold her, to kiss her, to press her body against the elevator. She wants to feel her hands on his bare chest, to feel him inside of her. She looks in his eyes and starts to lean into him as the door opens.

Sighing, they step out of the elevator, hoping to leave the sexual tension in the elevator. He walks her to her door, as she fishes her keys from her clutch. Unlocking it, she turns to look up at him, the unasked question on her face.

“I want to come inside…but I’m not sure it’s such a great idea.”

Lisa tries not to frown. “Why?”

“Honestly? Everything about you. I want to be with you. I want to call you mine. I want to cross that
threshold and claim you.” He closes his eyes as he looks down and shakes his head. “I’m just not ready yet. I…” He sighs, then looks at her. “I’m just not ready for that yet, and I don’t want to put you in that position.”

Taken aback by his confession, Lisa smiles. She can’t help herself. Hearing he feels the same way, she puts her arms around his shoulders and hugs him. “Thank-you.”

His arms move around her waist, pulling her close to him. He closes his eyes and breathes in the smell of her shampoo and perfume. “For what?”

Lisa pulls back and looks up at him. “For being honest with me, for waiting rather than rushing, for being…amazing.” Lisa kisses him on the cheek. “I don’t want to rush into anything, either.”

He sighs and grins at her. “I’m very happy to hear you say that.” He leans in and brushes his lips across hers. “Sleep well. If you’re up for it, maybe we can do lunch tomorrow.”

“You sleep well, too.” She brushes her fingers through his hair. “I’d love to do lunch tomorrow.” Standing on her toes, she kisses him. “Good night, my sweet Alex.” Smiling, she pushes her door open and walks inside.

Alex grins. “Good night, Lisa.” He turns and starts walking toward his condo.

Looking down at where he was standing, Lisa finds a single white feather about a foot long. Bending down, she picks it up and looks it over. Finding it odd to find a feather inside her building, a feather as white and clean as this one, she takes it inside and shuts the door. Locking it, she sets the feather on the table in her front entryway and takes her shoes off. She walks into her bedroom to get ready for bed.

Chapter 7



Lisa seldom had anything planned on Sunday’s, other than preparing herself for work later in the day. The last few nights have been rough to her sleeping pattern, though. Dozing through the morning, she’s awakened by her cell phone buzzing on her nightstand. Groaning she reaches over and grabs it, pressing the button on the side of it to light up the screen. Alex’s name comes up and she’s suddenly awake. Smiling, she sits up in bed and unlocks her phone.
I hope it’s not too early. I’d love to take you out for brunch. I know where you live! Let me know if I can pick you up around 10 AM.

Lisa begins to draft a reply, when another text from Alex comes through. Saving her draft, she opens the text.
Just so you know, this is Alex, in case you go to brunch with random guys.

She laughs and begins drafting a new reply.
I’ll need to clear my schedule because I was triple booked for brunch at 10 AM today. You know, because I go to brunch with random guys.
She smiles to herself.
I’ll see you at 10, Alex.
She presses SEND, then sets her phone down. Standing up, she makes her way to her bathroom. Any thoughts or fear of the man in the mirror completely out of her mind, she heads towards her shower.

Running a comb through her wet hair, she thinks of what to wear. Setting her comb down, she turns and walks into her closet. Pulling out a few sundresses, she settles on a yellow sleeveless dress that’s fitted around her bust and waist, then extends out, flowing around her knees. Matching it with tan sandals, she lays the garment across her bed and sets her shoes on the floor. Walking back into her bathroom, she pulls out her blow dryer and sets to styling her hair.

At 10 AM sharp, Alex knocks on her door. She finishes the final touches on her lip gloss, tucks it into her purse, and slips her feet into her sandals. Walking to the door, she looks through the peephole and sees Alex wearing a light yellow polo shirt. Unlocking her door, she pulls it open, smiling. His brows raise and his lips part. “You look beautiful.”

She smiles and stands aside to let him in. “Thank-you. You look handsome.” Alex leans in and kisses her on the cheek. Sunshine, musk, and cologne are left in his wake and she bites her lip.

“Your place looks identical to mine, but opposite layout.” He turns back to her with a grin. “You ready for brunch?” She nods, as she pulls her purse over her shoulder. “I’m glad you decided to peek in on me to see what I was wearing so you could match me.” He chuckles as he steps past her.

Lisa gasps and looks down. Her light yellow sundress is just a shade darker than his polo. “I most certainly did NOT spy on you! I’m not a peeping Tom, or
Tomette, or whatever!” She laughs and pulls the door closed, locking it. “If anyone peeked in on anyone, it would have been
, Alex.”

He smiles and takes her hand in his. “Yep, that’s exactly what I did. I peeked in on you, Lisa.” She shakes her head as they walk towards the stairs. Grasping the doorknob, Alex pulls the door open and holds it for her. He closes it behind him and they take the steps down to the lobby. Once they reach the lower level, they walk to the exit door. The red-and-brown brick walls surrounding them provide a comforting, home-like quality. The outer wall facing the street is made of glass and allows the morning and afternoon sunlight to illuminate the foyer with natural light. The sun shining through the windows touching Lisa’s skin provides a soothing warmth; there’s a fireplace set into the main wall; sunflowers in a pewter vase rest on the mantle; a pair of black leather armchairs, a tan suede couch with a few throw pillows on it, and a small round table in the
middle of the room provides a welcome, homey feel. A potted tree, about five feet tall, stands next to the front door. The hardwood floors appear to be freshly cleaned, and shine under the sun’s morning rays.

“No more peeking, mister!” Lisa grins at Alex as he chuckles.

He holds his hands up in the air, as if surrendering. “I promise, no more peeking.” Alex grins down at her and pushes the door open. Stepping outside, she pulls her sunglasses out of her purse. When she first tried them on, the round frames reminded her of the famous picture of Audrey Hepburn in the black frames with her hair set in a bun and tiara.

Located within walking distance of their building, they walk to the City Bakery restaurant. The front porch is surrounded by an iron gate, and has round tables with white tablecloths. Set in the center of each table is a slender glass of daisies. Lisa looks at the flowers and furrows her brows, recalling a dream about daisies.
Looking away from the flowers, she turns to Alex as he pulls the door open for her.

“Would you like to sit outside?” Alex asks.

Stepping inside, Lisa pushes the thoughts from her mind and nods.               “Yes, that would be nice. It’s a beautiful day.”

The hostess approaches the two of them, pulling out menus. “Outside, please, preferably in the shade,” Alex requests. The hostess nods and leads the two of them through the restaurant. The interior is painted light yellow, trimmed in eggshell white. The walls are adorned with portraits of daisies, lilies, and sunflowers. Wanting to get the images of daisies from her mind, Lisa doesn’t look at the pictures as they step through the back entrance and walk out onto the terrace, towards a table underneath the awning.

“Thank-you,” Lisa says, as Alex pulls the chair out for her. Taking the seat next to her, he picks up his menu as the hostess turns to leave them. “Oh, eggs benedict! I love eggs benedict!” She smiles as she looks at Alex.

He smiles and closes his menu. “I think I’ll have the Heuvos Rancheros.” As Alex is speaking, the waiter walks outside. His black apron is wrapped around his waist and hangs to his ankles. His button down dress shirt, tie, and slacks are all black. He smiles, scribbling on his pad. “Hello and good morning. My name is Tanner and I’ll be taking care of you today. Heuvos Rancheros for the gentleman, I heard?” Alex nods and they both turn to look at Lisa.

“Eggs benedict, please.”

“Excellent choice, madam. May I interest you in mimosas from our bar, or fresh squeezed juice?”

Lisa smiles. “I’ll try a mimosa and a glass of ice water, please.”

“I’ll have some grapefruit juice and some ice water, as well.”

“Excellent,” Tanner replies. “I’ll be back shortly.” Turning, he leaves the terrace.

Alex looks at her. “Have you eaten here before?”

Lisa shakes her head. “No, this is a first for me. It seems nice so far.”




After the two enjoy their brunch, Alex pulls out his wallet and pays. Lisa thanks him as they stand up. She picks up her napkin, wipes the corners of her mouth, and sets her napkin down. Alex turns to face her and she giggles. “Come here.” She picks up his napkin and wipes the corner of his mouth.

“Ahh, Lisa, I was saving that for later.” She smiles, then sets down the napkin. He winks at her. “Thank-you.” Taking her hand, he leads her to the terrace exit.




They spend the day walking through the village, then take a stroll through Central Park. The sunshine provides a perfect day for an afternoon of relaxing and being lazy. “Come on. There’s something I want to show you.” Lisa leads him towards the sidewalk. She loops her hand through Alex’s arm as they walk, side-by-side. The grass is a radiant green color, and the trees sway in the gentle breeze. Families running and laughing caused them to smile. “Here it is.”

Lisa steps up to the Alice in Wonderland sculpture. The bronze sculpture has Alice forever frozen atop the giant mushroom. The March Hare and Mad Hatter are on either side of Alice, as a small cat approaches her and the Cheshire Cat watches above them. “Have you ever seen Alice in Wonderland, Alex?” Lisa turns to face him.

He shakes his head. “Unfortunately, I have not.”

“Oh, you must! It’s one of my favorite books!” Turning back to the sculpture again, Lisa begins to explain the premise of the story…how Alice fell through the looking glass in hopes of escaping her own reality. Alex watches her and smiles, enjoying her storytelling. “Another favorite place of mine is the Bow Bridge.”

“That’s a beautiful spot.” He steps closer to her as children come running to jump on the sculpture. He chuckles as he watches the children run around the sculpture playing tag.

Lisa grasps the inside of his arm as they turn to leave the area. She notices the mothers in the park eyeing Alex. She finds herself smiling, a small laugh escaping. Alex looks down at her with a raised brow. “What do you find so humorous?”

“Oh, nothing, just the way the moms in the park are eyeing you. It’s like you’re a steak and they haven’t eaten for weeks.” She giggles again. Alex shakes his head and chuckles. She’s happy to see he’s humble
about the experience, rather than boosting his ego. She leans closer to him, and he pulls his arm from her grasp to wrap it around her.

Arriving at the Bow Bridge, the entrance is adorned with beautiful purple flowers and two large trees, one on either side. Looking across the bridge, trees stand on the other side of it…some with red leaves, others with green. The cast iron bridge levels up in the middle, similar to that of the bow for a violin. Stepping out onto the bridge, the circles and eight urns provide its character. Walking out towards the center of the bridge, Lisa and Alex look at the scenery. The view’s beautiful with the lush landscaping, quiet water that runs underneath it, and the sounds of nature surrounding them.

“I’ve seen this spot in many paintings and movies,” Alex tells her. “It’s pretty famous.” Lisa nods as she leans over the railing, looking down into the water. "Although the water’s depicted quite differently in the paintings compared to what we’re seeing here." Alex makes a disgusted face and turns back to Lisa.

"Many people have become engaged here,” she tells him.

He steps closer to her, his hands resting on the side of the bridge. “I can see why. It’s memorable.”

Turning to face him, she notices how the sun lightens the blue of his eyes, shines in the blond of his hair. He looks at her and smiles. Stepping closer to him, she pushes her sunglasses up on her head, her hair pushing back with them. Alex’s smile softens as he leans in and gently presses a kiss to her forehead. His arms hesitantly move round her body and pulls her closer to him. Leaning into his frame, Lisa turns her inside cheek to Alex’s body. Her nose glides gently against his neck and she closes her eyes, breathing in his scent. If sunshine could be bottled, this is what Alex would smell like. Her arms wrap around his toned waist and her hands interlace behind him. His arms wrap
around her shoulders. Alex's heart gently beats beneath where her ear lies. Lisa imagines lying in bed next to him, her head resting in the crook of his shoulder.
Maybe in due time,
she thinks. Right now, she’s just enjoying being with him.




Returning home later that evening, Lisa yawns and Alex unlocks her door. He stands behind her, his hands on her shoulders as he massages her lightly. Relaxing under his touch, she smiles softly and pushes her door open. “Do you want to come in for a while?” Alex pulls his hands down, then steps over the threshold.

“Sure.” He closes the door behind him, locking it. Lisa sets her purse down, glancing over at Alex and smiling. Looking back down, she slips her shoes off.
Following suit, Alex removes his and stands in his socks.

Thoughts are running through her mind.
They’re alone. Do they make out? Do they watch TV? Lisa looks over at him and wants nothing more than to run her fingers underneath his shirt to feel his abs and chest. Feeling a blush touch her cheeks, she quickly turns away and heads towards the den. Nervousness and excitement flutter through her. Alex moves close behind her and his hands move up to her shoulders. She feels him inhale close to her neck. Chills run through her body and she inhales sharply. Closing her eyes, she feels his nose touch her ear.               Shifting, she turns her face slightly towards him. “Let me go change. I’ll be right back.” Her voice is soft and Alex nods.

His hands move from her shoulders and she takes a few steps forward, creating a space between them. Inhaling deeply and letting it out, she continues walking towards her bedroom. Grasping her bedroom door, she
turns to look at him, making eye contact. His gaze is soft, but intense. His head tilts down just slightly. Looking into his eyes is like looking into his soul. She finds herself shaking slightly as the intensity of his gaze grows. Looking down, she closes the door, then turns and leans against it.

Closing her eyes, her heart beats against her chest and she smiles. She pulls her top off, pulls down her skirt, then removes her panties and bra. Tossing them into her dirty clothes hamper, she opens her dresser drawer and looks at her pajamas. She pulls out lingerie, and whispers, “If I wear this, I’ll look easy.” Setting it down, she pulls out a light green tank top and loose red boxer shorts. “This is better.” She takes out a white sports bra and pulls it on, then slips on the tank top and the boxer shorts. Grabbing a hair tie, she pulls her hair back in a loose ponytail. Approaching her door, she inhales, then lets it go, opening the door.

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