Exorcism - A Christian Manual (16 page)

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Authors: Carson Michael

Tags: #Demon possession, #Exorcism, #Deliverance, #Demonology, #Christian

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We also need to ask the residents if they have contributed to the demonic activity.  We need to ask if they have been involved with any occult activity that could attract evil.  Also, are there any sins that could be related to the history of the house?  For example, if there is a spirit of bondage present, you should inquire if anyone in the family is currently using alcohol or drugs.  This demon will be dangerous to one that already has the same problem.  Or, if there is a spirit of violence, you have to ask if there is anyone in the family tree that has been violent or committed suicide.  Familiar spirits can draw people to homes that have demons that will trigger the weaknesses in the family.

When walking through the house, look for any objects or animals that could be inhabited with demons.  It may be benign objects that have no occult symbols on them.  For example, in one home, a family asked me to come in and pray because visitors kept saying that they felt something grab them by the neck in the living room.  They felt cold pockets in the house and believed that a malevolent force was in the house.  I walked through the house and when I went to the living room, I felt really uncomfortable standing on the beautiful living room rug.  It was very ornate, but something didn’t feel right about it.  I asked the owner where he got it and he said it was hand-woven in Iran.  I asked a friend of mine from Pakistan about the rug and he said that the people that made the rugs cursed them if they were to go to Americans.  They would pray for harm to come to anyone that was considered infidels.  When I told that family about this they immediately took it outside.  We prayed over it and broke the curse.  They later set the rug on fire and they told me that it sounded as if a deep growl was coming from within the fire.  The family never had a problem after the rug was gone.


First, we need to ask the current residents if they have renounced their personal sins, especially occult activity.  Then, ask them to renounce all occult activity and sins of their family and their ancestors.  After this, bind all generational demons and territorial demons in the Name of Jesus, and then cast them out.  In some homes you must do this from room to room, but in other homes you need to only go to a specific room where there is demonic activity.  Then, dedicate the house to Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to fill every square inch of the property.  You may want to go to the 4 corners of the property and dedicate the land to the Lord and use anointing oil to bless the land. 

Recognizing Witchcraft In Your City

Some people feel called to pray over entire cities or states to help rid the territory of demonic activity (Dawson, 2002; Wagner & Dawson, 2012).  They walk through the city and do the same procedures that you would use for a house cleansing, but transfer them to a larger territory.  This is a good ministry and has great value because there are witch covens, satanists, and those that gather to do evil, that meet in many places in the territory you are in to encourage demonic activity. 

I have talked to several pastors that have been harassed by local covens.  They show up and sacrifice animals on their church property, dedicate the property to satan, and pray for the pastors to fail every day.  In many cases they will leave markings as to who they are and where they meet.

It is useful to know where these people meet for several reasons.  First, you may want to go to these areas to pray against the evil that they do.  Second, you may want to stay away from these places as they may be dangerous.  Finally, you may want to inform local law enforcement agencies if you do find satanic activities.  If there are violent demon worshippers they may try to harm anyone that gets near because they can be doing illegal practices (child sacrifice, rape, molestations).  You must pray to know what God wants you to do with this information.

Frequently, you will see satanic markings in the city that will let you know who they are and where they meet.  You may see graffiti on the side of buildings or on street signs that they use to communicate what they are doing.  They either mark their territory or give coded directions as to where the next meeting will be.  Here are some symbols that they use to help you identify the workings of the enemy.  You must choose wisely what to do with them and do nothing without extensive prayer and guidance from the Lord.    





Chapter 8
Other Demons

There are demons listed in other non-Biblical works.  In these books they are either describing their power and place in hell, or they are describing how to contact these demons.  Some of these works are very old.
The Testament of Solomon
has been dated around the time of Christ, but the date estimation spans hundreds of years.  The
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
was written by Johann Weyer in the 16
century and it is a book that teaches about demons and ways to conjure them.  A hundred years later, a book entitled,
The Lesser Key of Solomon
, was published but it was almost identical to the
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum

There are demons mentioned in the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha, which are books that are considered by some to not be worthy of inclusion in the Bible, but not all share this opinion. In some Bibles they are placed between the Old and New Testaments.  The books of Enoch have not been accepted by most as Biblical, but in them there is an essay of the time before the Flood that describes how angels (watchers) lusted after humans and encouraged their downfall by marrying them and producing a race of giants (Nephilim).  These angels also taught witchcraft and the secrets of creation to humans and God judged them and banished them from heaven as they failed in watching over and protecting humankind.   In Jubilees (another book not in most Bibles), God allowed one-tenth of the fallen angels to remain on earth until the judgment.

Demons are also mentioned in Jewish writings, such as the Talmud, Mishnah, and the Zohar. These writings are commentaries on the Bible and they have beliefs mentioned about demons and their functions that are not mentioned in the Bible.  The following documents will be used in the list of demons:
The Lesser Key Of Solomon
the Book of 1 Enoch
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
the Testament of Solomon
Arbatel: Of the Magic of the
(Arb) and Jewish Commentaries (JC).

Finding a coherent understanding of demons is an interesting challenge. In many ancient texts demons are not always described as evil. If they are, there are magic incantations and symbols that can control the evil spirit.  In the
Arbatel (Of the Magic of the Ancients)
, there are listed the Olympick spirits that rule over different sections of the universe.  They are not mentioned as good or bad.  In fact, the magician is encouraged to follow the Christian way and be the most honorable magician possible.  There is no clear designation of evil in the text.   

This blurring of good and evil has led some to use these texts to communicate with these evil spirits and have subsequently opened themselves up for demon possession.  Do not read these texts for any reason other than doing research on a particular demon you may encounter.  Always be clear that the Christian way has a clear line: demons are evil and there is no good reason to conjure them, communicate with them, or have them do your bidding.   All pictures are taken from the
Dictionnaire Infernal
, by De Plancy, and the illustrations were by M. L. Breton (1863).

(TS): Demon that works on the heart to harden or incite.
(JC): Some see him the supreme god, others as a term for a magical power. See picture below.

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