Exorcism - A Christian Manual (11 page)

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Authors: Carson Michael

Tags: #Demon possession, #Exorcism, #Deliverance, #Demonology, #Christian

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It is a strong territorial spirit.  It will do everything it can to stop a move of God.
It is always wrapped in false financial gain.  Python will work against the finances of the church and seeks to either dry up the finances or set up finances as an idol (Acts 16:19). The owners of the slave girl were mad when Paul cast the demon out of her because they were going to lose money.
It will attack any church that is anointed and growing. It will go straight for the leadership and seek to destroy them (Acts 16:17).  The slave girl with the demon went right to Paul who was the spiritual leader in the area.
It will use lies and mix them with the truth in order to create confusion.  The slave girl followed Paul around and said good things, but it was seeking to gain credibility and acceptance by being with Paul. Then when Paul left it would seek to draw others to itself and teach perverted doctrine.  Spirits of lying, confusion, and deception work with python (Acts 16:17).
It will appear religious and work with a religious spirit (Acts 16:17). That is why the woman followed Paul-it appeared religious outwardly but had evil intentions.
Python will set up diversions to hide itself (Acts 16:19-21).  It will create emergencies and then slip in while your attention is directed elsewhere and you are exhausted.
Python tries to take the focus off of God and on to humans. It will try to set up a church by glorifying the pastor. Then, when the human fails, the church will get discouraged and the people will leave the church and the faith.
There is no peace when python is around. It brings agitation, confusion, and destroys peace (Acts 16:20).
Python will use people in the church to lie and bring false accusations against the church leadership. It will use the Jezebel spirit and those that are hungry for power or money to manipulate and bring false allegations (Acts 16:20).
The python spirit will try to drain you of your energy and get you to give up on your vision.  It brings discouragement and persecution with it (Acts 16:22-24).
: Revelation 2:20: “Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of foods sacrificed to idols.”
Jezebel will try to wrap witchcraft around you (works with python).  Jezebel was a follower of Baal even though her husband Ahab, was the king of Israel.  It will bring confusion and a spiritual draining may take effect (1 Kings 18: 4, 18).
Jezebel uses threats and intimidation to destroy people and their ministries. The demon tries to make you feel helpless and will attack you at your weakest (1 Kings 19:1-2).
The spirit of fear works with Jezebel (1 Kings 19:3). Even though Elijah just had a major miracle where he called fire down from the sky to burn up the sacrifices and defeated the prophets of Baal, when Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah, he ran.
After Elijah ran in fear he went to a solitary place (1 Kings 19:3).  The demon will try to get a person alone an isolated to increase the deception and the depression. “When he (Elijah) came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the desert.  He came to broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die,” (1 Kings 19:3-4).
Lying spirits told Elijah that he was the only prophet left and Elijah believed them, even though Obadiah told him earlier that he had hidden 100 prophets in 2 caves (1 Kings 18: 9-15; 1 Kings 19: 10).
Jezebel also tries to block you from hearing God (1 Kings 19:10).
Jezebel hates prophets and those that move in intercessory prayer (1 Kings 18:4).  It will try to get into a church to control the pastor and block the prophetic gifts.
Jezebel will use lies and manipulations to get its way.  When Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard, Jezebel wrote letters and signed Ahab’s (the king’s) name.  She also incited others to lie about Naboth and she had this innocent man murdered (1 Kings 21: 1-16).
The religious spirit works with Jezebel; the person acts holy but they are quick to condemn and judge others (1 Kings 18:19).  Also, this demon teaches false doctrine to entice people to sin and then gets people to believe that God approves (Revelation 2:20-23).
Jezebel will use false dreams and visions to manipulate people. Some words may come true as familiar spirits will feed them true information to entrap the weak minded.
Jezebel will use seduction and manipulations to pull you away from God (Revelation 2:20-23).
Jezebel hates authority and tries to destroy authority wherever it goes, as Jezebel was the real ruler and her husband let her take over.  She let the king appear as if he was the authority but in reality she was.
Jezebel has to be in control of everything.  This demon will stop at nothing to dominate, manipulate, and deceive anyone to get its way.  This can be a spouse, a boss, or a pastor.
Jezebel will surround herself with weak ‘yes’ men who will not question anything.  She will use threats and bribes to keep them silent.


: 2 Timothy 3:5: “Holding to a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.” The spirits underneath the religious spirit are:


The religious spirits seeks to choke the spiritual life out of people.  With the religious spirit everything is about the external.  Someone could be spiritually dying on the inside but all that religious people care about is what behaviors they are doing on the outside.  They are arrogant and unsympathetic.  When Judas sinned by betraying Jesus he went to the leadership to confess that he shed innocent blood, but they cared nothing about Judas and his salvation…”What is that to us?’ they replied. ‘That’s your responsibility,’” (Matthew 27:4).  These people think they are better than everyone else and they love to show off how spiritual they are.  Yet, they are hypocrites and full of sin.  They will attack you for your sin but excuse their own…”Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven…And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.  I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full…When you fast do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting.” (Matthew 6: 1, 5, 16).  Jesus summed up what a religious spirit looks like when He addressed the spiritual leaders of Israel…”Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!  You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean,” (Matthew 23:27).


: 1 John 4:6: “We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”  The demons beneath the spirit of error are:

Mind-binding spirit
Lying/Seducing spirits

Demons know the Bible.  The devil used Psalm 91:11-12, to try and tempt Jesus in the desert.  The devil misused the Scriptures to try and prove a point and that is what the demon of error will do.  For example, New Age people believe that since the Magi saw the star of Jesus and interpreted that the king of the Jews was born, they believe that the Bible supports astrology. 

This demon works on those that know little or nothing about the Scriptures. The demon will get you to focus on one verse and then develop a warped theology based on that verse.  For one person, this demon loves to get him to feel judged and condemned by God because there are Scriptures that reveal God’s wrath on sin.  For another person, this demon will point to the fact that God is love and He will love you no matter what you do, so go ahead and do whatever you want.  The spirit of error wants people to go extremes and not see the balance of the Bible.  This is easy to do with people that do not know the Bible well enough to challenge the lies of the demon.

This demon will bind the mind and block out all contradictory information.  The lie gets more powerful as the person dwells on it.  If someone commits a sin, this demon will bind the mind with lies that God hates them and will try to get the person to give up on their faith or even their life.  On the other hand there are some that commit horrendous sins and still believe that God will let them do whatever they want.

I saw one woman in the prison system that was in prison for the 4
time for cocaine possession.  She went to all the church services and Bible studies in prison, but when she got out she went right back to prostitution and cocaine.  She firmly believed that God loved her but made no attempt to live a Christian life.  She believed that God would forgive her so why not have fun?


: Proverbs 30:14-15: “Those whose teeth are swords and whose jaws are set with knives to devour the poor from the earth, the needy from among mankind. The leech has two daughters. ‘Give! Give! They cry.”  The word leech is translated as bloodsucker, or vampire.     



Chapter 5

The Exorcism

On the day of the exorcism it is best to contact the client to make sure they are ready.  It is normal to have clients feel nervous and even frightened because of negative preconceived notions that they might have developed through watching movies and television shows.   Some will try to back out or say that they need more time and this must be addressed.  This is a time when fear can stop everything.  It must be explained that fear is normal for such an unusual experience.  However, it should be also stressed that the exorcists know what they are doing as they have seen these things before, and the client needs to trust God that everything will work out. 

Some may not show up at all or will show up late and say that they have to leave early because of some previous commitment.  If these things happen, a reassessment of the exorcism should take place.  If the client is so fearful that they sabotage the process then they may need more counseling to prepare.


Step 1
: The team should assemble about an hour before the exorcism to get the room ready and to pray for one another.  Pray that the Blood of Jesus will cover the area and pray that angels will help you.  Another important area is to bind all of the principalities in the area and cut their influence off from the exorcism.  There are demonic spirits that rule over many areas and their influence in the exorcism must be cut off because they may send soldiers to empower the demons in the client.  Also, pray for the protection of the exorcism team family members.  There have been times when demons have been sent to harass the families of the exorcism team.  They will try to punish the family by inflicting illnesses in children or cause fear by having strange manifestations in the house (turning electricity on and off, breaking furniture, blood coming down the walls). 

Finally, make sure that the room is safe and that there are no objects that can be used as weapons.  A preference is to minister in a church, but sometimes you must do this in a clients’ home.  Make sure everything is secure and that there is accountability.  Never use all males if there is a female client, but you can use all males for a male client.

In 2007, police burst into a house in Phoenix and saw a man choking his 3 year old granddaughter during an exorcism, while his 19 year old daughter stood there naked. The police used a stun gun on him and he later died.  In 2011, a Virginia man choked and beat his 2 year old daughter to death during an exorcism.  In 2005, in Romania, a nun was bound to a cross with a towel in her mouth for 3 days as part of an exorcism and she suffocated to death.

Exorcisms can end in tragedy and we must always be aware of the dangerousness of the ministry.  I cannot stress enough that you must have stable people in the ministry and have accountability to a local church.  People that are untrained and not very stable can destroy peoples’ lives.  Have as many as you in the room for protection and never hit, harm, mock, or do anything to harm a client!

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