Exile of Lucifer (10 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Exile of Lucifer
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72           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile            of Lucifer
"I know very little about Serus," said Michael. "I know he
didn't do well at the Academy. But he found a choice position for
himself, that is if you don't mind working for...hmm...how do I
say this?...a potentially difficult taskmaster."
"Well done, Michael!" said Sangius. "I was thinking along less
cordial lines!" They both laughed, and Sangius excused himself for
the indiscreet remark. "I am sorry, but after serving on the Council
I feel I am owed some satisfaction! Truly, Michael, that Council
bears watching."
Michael wanted to know more about the Council and decided
to tell Sangius about his conversation with Crispin. He went over
the details about the prevailing sense of change at the Academy
and cited his witness of Berenius' behavior in Crispin's class.
Sangius nodded from time to time as if he saw a puzzle coming
together in his mind.
"What you tell me makes perfect sense," said Sangius.
"Though I haven't been privileged of late to many of the discus-
sions. `Closed room,' Lucifer called them. I know that the Academy
plays a significant role in their talks, mostly receiving negative crit-
icism. Of course Pellecus has no love for the school anyway. I sup-
pose with me off the team Lucifer has a completely free hand with
the Council. I was the only one who ever questioned him on some
of the discussions, and rather weakly, I must admit. From time to
time Tinius will raise a question but a rather intimidating look from
Rugio will usually set him down. I suppose any opposition, how-
ever weak, cannot be tolerated by Lucifer." Sangius then added
with humor, "No need for closed-room conferences now!"
Michael looked at the angel with compassion. "Sangius, are
all of the angels on that Council with him? I mean, are their loyal-
ty and obedience unquestioned?"
Sangius continued, "Lucifer is definitely in charge, I can tell
you that much. Even though the learned Pellecus and a number of
other angels who command great authority in the Kingdom sit on
the Council, they all pay homage to Lucifer. I personally found
their loyalty to him solid and unswerving, while their disposition
to the Most High was disturbingly close to disdain. I believe they
"What are they searching for that they must go to Lucifer to find?"   73
would follow Lucifer anywhere." His eyes shifted to Michael omi-
nously. "Perhaps they shall."
"But why?" asked Michael. "What hold does he have on
"The same hold he had on me, I suppose," said Sangius. "Luci-
fer has a way about him that makes you feel...important, needed, and
that you're going to miss a tremendous opportunity if you don't join
him. He makes you feel like you're on a great journey--part of
some great plan. He inspires confidence in an angel--particularly if
that angel is searching, or hurting, or discontented."
"About what?" Michael retorted. "What are these angels
searching for that they must go to Lucifer to find?" Michael's pas-
sion was rising within him. "What could they be hurting about...or
discontent with? These are some of the most exalted angels in
Heaven! Apart from Pellecus, who has brought disgrace upon him-
self for teaching questionable doctrine, I see no reason that any
angel should have such an attitude. Why don't they speak with an
Elder...or bring it to the Temple if they have a problem?"
"I can only speak for myself, Michael," said Sangius. "I joined
the Council because I felt it would serve the worship ministry to
the Kingdom. But the more time I spent with Lucifer, the more
unsure I felt about...everything. The changes in my attitude were
all very subtle...very quiet. But within a short time I didn't
approach my places of service with the same passion I once did,
and I felt my closeness to the Lord slowly slipping away.
"Meanwhile the Worship Council became more and more
important to me even as it became more and more antagonistic
towards the Kingdom. I also noticed the agenda becoming increas-
ingly hostile. Rather than promote worship Lucifer began promot-
ing himself. Again, Michael, it was all very subtle. And whereas in
these new discussions centered on the Lord's ability to reign, now
they centered on His authority to reign!"
Michael bristled at this statement.
Sangius looked at Michael with tears in his eyes. "I finally
came to a point where I had to choose to believe Lucifer or to
believe the holy teachings. I began searching. I immersed myself in
74           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
the truth. I began to differ with the group in meetings. I voiced
favorable opinions of the Lord. I took up His cause. In doing so I
found myself increasingly isolated from the others. In my final two
encounters they started the closed-door meetings in which I sat
outside the conference room with Serus to `see to my comfort.' "
Sangius smirked and added, "It wasn't long after that I was asked
to step down. By then I wanted to stay on if only to upset the agen-
da. But I'm glad I left. If I had given myself over completely to
Lucifer as some of these others have, I might never have been able
to worship the Most High again."
"What now, Sangius?" asked Michael. "Where are they taking
"I don't know for sure. The last meeting I attended they were
very excited about the Creation. It seemed to hold great possibili-
ties for them."
"So they discussed the Creation in Council?" Michael asked.
"By then I was not in the same room, you understand. But
they have previously discussed what they would do if and when
another world was ever made available. Lucifer would of course be
archon--ruler. And this lovely Council would govern with him. It
was all such a horrendous and prideful fantasy. I did happen to
overhear a few things as I waited outside. Of course one can hear
much when one is listening outside a door." (Michael smiled at
this.) "It seems the coming Creation is very much on Lucifer's mind
right now--and not just because he's writing music for it. Believe
me, music for Lucifer has become merely a bridge to greater things.
He actually believes that if he was made ruler of the new world, a
great many of the angels would join him there! What disturbs me,
Michael, is that I believe he is quite correct in that assertion."
"Sangius, would you be willing to say these things to some
other angels?" asked Michael. "I don't mean reckless, talkative
angels. I mean friends to both of us?"
"Of course," said Sangius. "If you think it will help end this
nonsense." His eyes slowly shifted toward the direction of
Lucifer's house; the direction Serus had walked. "But we must be
careful. Lucifer has ears all over Heaven."
"What are they searching for that they must go to Lucifer to find?"   75
They stood up to leave and he and Michael began walking
together. As they exited the massive gate on the south end of the
square Michael stopped walking. Sangius turned to see what was
happening. Michael, clearly troubled by the unfolding sinister
story, looked deeply into Sangius' eyes, and asked, whispering,
"Sangius...what do you believe they really want?"
"That's easy," said Sangius. "Whatever he really wants."
On the opposite side of the very wall where Michael and
Sangius had been talking, a figure stealthily peeked out of the flow-
ery shrubs. He made sure that he was quite alone, then stepped
onto the stone path. He was almost giddy, armed with the knowl-
edge of a conversation that would prove profitable to his future.
Serus intended to tell Lucifer exactly what he had heard--when the
time was right. This should prove his worth to his master once and
for all.
Chronicles of the Host
Heaven's Anticipation
The time for the Creation was fast approaching. All of Heaven
was in a state of joyous anticipation, and waited anxiously to
see their God in creative action. The scribes were preparing
their scrolls to ensure that every detail would be recorded for
the archives. The Elders announced that the angels would have
a gallery from which they could watch the entire proceedings.
But the questions that loomed on every mind, whether spoken
or held in reserve, were these: What will the Most High do
with the new world? Who will serve there? Who will rule in
the Lord's name?
Chapter 6
"All I need is a show of strength--
something impressive!"
Lucifer fulfilled his promise to Kara. He began work immedi-
ately on his Creation music and the only angel who saw him was
Serus--even the meetings were dispensed after a short time. Occa-
sionally angels walking down the street would see glimpses of
their worship minister at the window, or catch a brief glance at him
on the balcony, but for the most part he stayed in his study and
As time went on, Serus continued his errands to and from the
Temple, conferring with the Elders on the progress of the music.
Angels would stop him in the streets and inquire about Lucifer, who
had seemingly disappeared. He gave reports on how brilliantly
"their" music was coming together and hurried on his way. The only
other visitors who were admitted to the house were Pellecus and
Rugio, who always arrived together, and only after being summoned.
Soon, the Chief Elder felt that they needed a more direct com-
munication with the minister of worship, so Kara suggested that a
liaison be appointed to act on the Elders' behalf and volunteered to
serve in that capacity. He was instructed to visit with Lucifer immedi-
ately. Serus, who happened to be with the Elders when the liaison
78          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
was established, raced ahead of Kara to prepare his master for the
visit. When he arrived and explained the situation, he was sur-
prised to find that Lucifer was delighted to receive Kara, as if he
was expecting him. Shortly thereafter Serus was ushering Kara into
Lucifer's presence. He excused himself from the study and left
Kara alone with Lucifer.
"Good Kara," said Lucifer, "I'm glad you have come." They
embraced each other. "I've been needing to talk with you. I trust
the Chief Elder thought well of the idea of an embassy to me." He
smiled and added, "The music I have created is stunning!"
"I had hoped as much," said Kara. "The Elders are thrilled
with what they have seen thus far." They sat down on two golden
chairs with dark crimson cushions. Kara noticed a strong odor in
the room. "Your idea to get myself made a liaison was brilliant.
What is that fragrance?" he asked.
"Surely you've heard of my love for lilacs," said Lucifer.
"They're my only weakness, you might say. I keep them around me
always. I plan to speak to the Lord about these beautiful flowers
and make sure that He fills the earth with them." Lucifer looked at
Kara, folding his hands in front of him. "Which brings up what I
wanted to discuss with you. How go the plans for the Creation?
Any mention of when this will actually happen?"
"Nothing specific is known to any of us," said Kara. "Only the
Lord knows the hour. But I understand that the Three-in-One will
coordinate this effort together--Father, Son and Spirit are in com-
plete accord on this."
"Of course They are," said Lucifer. "They wouldn't have it
any other way. As to the other matter...the question of stewardship.
Any indication from the Elders on that?"
"I have been discreetly but firmly urging your name to vari-
ous members of the body. Some of them, Pratia and Belron for
example, were talking about you before I ever even mentioned the
possibility. I'd say you have fairly wide support among the group."
"I need overwhelming support," said Lucifer. "You know the
Lord will not select anyone to an office without agreement within
the body. They must all be won over if possible."
"All I need is a show of strength--something impressive!"       79
"Your music will take care of that," said Kara. "There is one
rather awkward development. You know Rega, the assistant to the
Chief Elder?"
"Oh yes," said Lucifer. "He and I have had some interesting
talks from time to time."
"Well, he remembers some of those `talks.' He told me that he
will only support you if you pledge to appoint him to some office
after you begin governing."
"Rega always has had an appetite," said Lucifer. "But I need
his support. Tell him that I will do what I can, but that I can do
nothing until the appointment becomes official."
"Very well. I will report back to the Elders that you are work-
ing devotedly on the music and that you will have it completed
within...how long shall I say?"
"Actually I have been finished with the project for some
time," said Lucifer.
Kara looked at him in shock.
"It's quite true," said Lucifer. "I have needed this time of iso-
lation to garner support in other areas which may play an impor-
tant part in the future of the Kingdom. You see, Kara, there are
larger issues at risk than the appointment of earth's steward--
much larger. I will tell you everything when the time is right. I
wrote the music quite rapidly and have sent Serus out with bits and
pieces to whet the Elders' appetite--you know, keep them interest-
ed. Your appointment as liaison was critical at this point, though
poor Serus was enjoying himself as go-between."
"But what are these other issues?" asked Kara. "You can trust me."
"I do trust you," said Lucifer, placing his hand upon Kara's
shoulder. "And you are doing a splendid job. Keep up the excellent
work and I promise you that your efforts will be rewarded. I am
simply not at liberty to disclose these things right now. It is enough
for you to know that as always I have the Kingdom's best interest
at heart."
Kara left Lucifer's house feeling encouraged. For the very first
time he was beginning to believe that Lucifer would be appointed
80           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
steward and that together they would lead the new world. As he
walked down the street he saw two angels coming toward him: Pel-
lecus and Rugio.
"Greetings, brothers," said Kara.
"Greetings, Kara," said Pellecus, who had seen Kara just
depart from Lucifer's house. "What takes you away from the
"Some rather urgent business with Lucifer," said Kara proud-
ly. "We meet together occasionally. As do you."
"Really?" said Pellecus. "That's quite interesting."
"Yes," said Kara. "We're really quite close. I am the liaison
between the Elders and Lucifer on the matter of the Creation music.
Exciting times ahead, hmm?"
"I'd say revolutionary," said Rugio.
"I suppose they are," said Kara. "And where are you two hon-
orable angels headed?"
Rugio began to answer, "We're meeting with..."
"Gabriel!" interrupted Pellecus. "And I believe we best be on our
way. Never good to keep an archangel waiting. Farewell, brother."
"My regards to Gabriel," said Kara as they parted company.
Kara watched as the two continued down the street and slowed in
front of Lucifer's house. He stood behind a large tree and watched
them enter Lucifer's house, wondering why they had lied to him.
Or perhaps they thought of some urgent business that they needed
to conduct with Lucifer. It didn't really matter to Kara. He was on
a mission for the greatest angel in the Kingdom and was now more
determined than ever to win the Council of Elders over in the mat-
ter of the recommendation of Lucifer as steward.
Pellecus and Rugio were ushered into the council room where
Lucifer was waiting for them. "What were you and Kara talking
about?" asked Lucifer.
"Nothing of substance, my lord," said Pellecus. (He had been
addressing Lucifer as lord ever since Lucifer insisted that it was
necessary for the unity of the group as well as the sake of decorum.)

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