Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (67 page)

Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

BOOK: Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter
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vision went red while my heart grew cold. Yet for some reason my pussy was
tingling and moist. Why was the sight of them turning me on?

can smell your arousal, luv. Why don’t you come over here and join me? We can
both take pleasure from this beautiful creature.”

eyes glowed green and a drop of blood hung from his right fang as I stared at
him like a deer caught in headlights. What the hell was I supposed to do? I
felt betrayed. He said he didn’t take pleasure or give pleasure like
I found him caressing her breast. And what about me? The freakin’ sight of it
turned me on! Maybe I was just as sick and perverse as he was.
sick and perverse? I was confused. So damn confused. And aroused.

over here, Vanessa,” he encouraged me as he pushed the brunette’s skimpy little
top down, exposing her other breast. He pulled up her skirt, showing me she
didn’t have on any underwear. He spread her bare shaven pussy lips with his
fingers, showing me how pink, plump and wet she was inside. “Come on, Nessa;
let’s give this one something to really talk about.” The woman stared at me
with thick-lidded pleasure-glazed eyes that invited me to come and play.

voice was so soothing and encouraging—I wanted this, I wanted to
experience his world, his pleasure. I walked over to them. He threw his long
leather coat onto the cold ground. “Taste her while I drink her,” he said

knelt onto his coat and spread her open. She threw one leg over my shoulder
giving me a better angle to see her. I had never been this close to another
woman before. I was curious and willing, but I had never acted on my fantasies.
Until now.

was beautiful. Her lips were plump, pink and wet with desire. I slid a finger
inside her, delighting at the feel of her slick sheath. So hot and wet. I was
amazed at how different it felt plunging into another woman. It was nothing
like touching myself. I was so aroused I thought I was going to come just from
touching her. I wanted to taste her.

stuck out my tongue and gently licked between her folds. Heaven. Now I
understood why men went mad trying to get between a woman’s thighs.

I fingered her and sucked at her clit she moaned and quivered around me, coming
over and over as Simon drank from her and I played with her beautiful pussy.

was so aroused I could feel my body actually tingling with the need. My body
hummed and thrummed with the excitement of doing something so wrong.

finished drinking from her and laid her on the coat. “Get on your hands and
knees above her,” he ordered.

didn’t bother to ask why, I knew. I bent over and hiked my skirt up. He pushed
my thong to the side and plunged inside me. So hard, so hot. I came. Then I
came again. I shuddered anew with each long, hard, pounding thrust of his shaft
into me.

looked at the woman underneath me, half asleep and pleasure-drunk. She was
still exposed. I put my head down and suckled at her breast. She moaned and
spread her legs. I slid a finger into her while Simon kept pumping into me.

put my ass high into the air taking Simon deep inside me while I half lay on
top of the curvy brunette. She was so soft and so warm. I didn’t even feel the
cold, hadn’t felt the cold this whole time. It was like a dream, a deliciously
sinful dream.

heard Simon cry out, thrust hard against me then still as he spilled into me.

long body fell across mine. “Ah Nessa, I knew you would be a willing partner.
This was exquisite. Combining you and feeding is perfection beyond belief.”

then stood up and put himself together. “Come now, we should get her back
inside before she is missed. You too, though I am sure your mates are quite
busy looking for their own sex partners for the evening.”

laughed. “Yes, they were on the prowl tonight. So you knew I would be here?”

luv,” he replied while gently waking up the dozing brunette.

what?” she asked, dazed.

darling, we had a nice romp, time to get back inside before you catch your
death out here.” He smiled, sans fang.

grabbed her neck where he had pierced her but of course the wound was erased
with the flick of his tongue. Wouldn’t do any good to have people walking
around with bite marks on them would it?

stumbled around for a moment before catching her footing. As she walked by me,
she squeezed my boob. “Next time I get to taste you—bet you taste good,”
she giggled as she stumbled drunkenly into the club.

looked at Simon. “So you orchestrated this whole scene, knew I would come out
and find you fondling her? Or do you always fondle them? Maybe you normally
fuck them too when I’m not around to bang?” I could feel the fire start to burn
inside me.

calm down. You’re getting all worked up again. I wanted you to share the
feeding with me in a way you could enjoy. I didn’t think I could just ask you
to do it. I figured you might freak out. I wanted to pull you into it, and no I
don’t normally fuck them. I usually don’t fondle them…much…either.”

Much!” I yelled.

it’s required to get them…ah…in the mood, I guess you could say, when the
pheromones don’t do the trick. It’s seduction, luv, just seduction.”

pulled a stake out of my boot—a girl has to be prepared—and before
he realized I was coming at him, I plunged the stake into his chest. Just above
his heart.

smiled with satisfaction as he crumpled to the ground, gripping the stake,
blood spurting out around the wood.

I thought we were beyond this,” he moaned while trying to pull the stake out of
his semi-paralyzed body.

thought we were past you fucking around with other women,” I snarled and
stomped away in a jealous fit.

* *
* *

didn’t see Simon for three weeks. I sat around and stewed in my anger until I
was afraid I had really killed him for good and was almost ready to go looking
for him when he showed up at my house looking paler than normal.

see you’re not dead.”

thanks to you, Vanessa,” he growled. “You know you nicked my heart with that
damn thing. If I hadn’t have been able to pull it out before getting up, I
probably would have ashed myself. That was completely uncalled for. You really
need to do something about that temper of yours.”

fucking tricked me, you cheating bastard.”

immortal, Vanessa. Cheating standards, survival and sex are all looked at very
differently in my world. Your human ways are small minded and very narrow. If
you want to be with a vampire? Then you need to be a little more open minded
and less inhibited.”

Open minded? Uninhibited? I think it’s more than that. I fucked a girl in an
alley while you drank her blood. I think that’s pretty open minded and really
uninhibited. Especially considering you tricked me into the whole thing.”

did not trick you. I just…arranged the situation. I thought you would enjoy it.
And you did until your humanity kicked in and told you it was

should stake you again right now.” I sneered at him. Why did this man get under
my skin so bad?

on now, Vanessa, you don’t really want to do that. Do you, luv?” he purred
softly. Damn, he was going into seduction mode. “Why don’t you come hunting
with me tonight? I’ll even let you pick the donor. Someone pretty we can both
enjoy playing with.”

So are you horny or hungry?”

luv, both.” His eyes glowed green, a sign he was either highly aroused or
really hungry, or in this case, both. I couldn’t help myself and quivered with
anticipation. The past three weeks had really made me think about things and I
wasn’t really that mad anymore. At least not at him. I was mad at myself for
enjoying it so much and for wanting it again.
wanting it again.

right. Let’s go.” I reached for my coat.

blinked and surprise made his eyes stop glowing. “Really?” he asked, sounding

let’s go. I’m horny as hell and ready to see your fangs buried inside some
slutty little bitch. This time, let’s skip the alley and go some place a little
more comfortable.”

okay,” he stammered, still sounding shocked. “Why the change of heart?”

life is too short, or in your case, too long, to follow the strict and boring
rules of society. The past three weeks I’ve thought long and hard about the
whole situation. I’ve decided I want to have fun and experience pleasure like
no other. With you, I can do that. So let’s go.” I stood in the doorway waiting
for him. It was his turn to look like a deer caught in headlights. I guess he
hadn’t been expecting me to acquiesce so easily.

luv?” he whispered. “This isn’t some kind of trick is it? I am really sick of
getting staked. For over three hundred years I have avoided getting staked then
you come along and stake me not once but now six damn times.”

smiled. “I promise I won’t stake you tonight.” With that, he finally followed
me out the door.

* *
* *

I chose a sexy redhead to be our “companion” for the evening, I suggested she
take us back to her place, which she willingly did. See no mind control needed.
Good old fashioned seduction works, too. Of course, due to his excitement,
Simon was pumping out so much vampire pheromones we could have probably seduced
the whole damn bar, or maybe a herd of hippos.

her place our hostess was in the kitchen getting drinks while we got
comfortable in her living room.

might want to keep it in your pants for a while longer there big boy or you’re
going to put someone’s eye out with that thing,” I teasingly whispered into his
ear as I patted the rock hard erection that had been threatening to rip through
his jeans all night. “Every damn woman in the bar was staring at the bulge in
your pants. I bet that whole damn place is currently one big orgy thanks to
your vamp pheromones and the rocket in your pants. Women were taking their
clothes off on the dance floor as we were leaving.”

Maybe we should have stayed.”

smacked him. “I promised I wouldn’t stake you—
. You should
still watch yourself.”

paled and rubbed his chest.

lovely hostess, Heather, came out of the kitchen wearing a sinfully sexy black
lace negligee and carrying a tray of drinks and dildos. Hmm, she must have made
a detour to her bedroom. I was wondering what had been taking her so long. I
stood as she walked in.

look delightful,” I said to her as I grabbed a glass of red wine from the tray.

enough to eat,” Simon responded as he grabbed a beer. He stayed seated on the

now it looks like you two are over dressed. Why don’t I help you with that
problem?” She put down the tray then sidled up to me, swaying her hips and
pushing out her tits. She stood behind me and slightly to the side. I glanced
at Simon who was licking his lips as he watched us. Heather’s hands circled my
tiny waist then crept up under my tight little sweater. Her hands cupped my
breasts and her fingers went to work teasing my nipples to hard little points.
Then she moved her hands down and grabbed my sweater and pulled it over my
head. In seconds, she had my bra unclasped and my full breasts free, her mouth
eagerly sucking at them.

sure wasn’t her first time bringing a couple home to play—this girl knew
what she was doing. She pushed down my skirt and panties, leaving me naked
except for my knee-high black high-heeled boots. She looked me up and down and
sighed with desire.

are so gorgeous. I am so glad you choose me. This is going to be one hell of a
night, I promise.” She smiled and dropped her sexy negligee. Her breasts were
huge white globes that hung heavy on her chest. They were topped with large
brownish-pink areolas the size of old half dollars. Her skin was a perfect
alabaster that rivaled Simon’s pale vampire flesh. Her deep auburn hair flared
crimson in the soft lighting, making her look even more exquisite than she had
in the bar.

if Simon preferred her over me? I glanced at him. His eyes were glowing green,
his pants were undone and he was already fisting his rigid cock as he stared at
Heather and I.

looked at Simon then back at me, “Look’s like your man is ready to go. What
about you, gorgeous? Are you ready to play?” She didn’t seem to notice Simon’s
eyes and slid her hands between my thighs. Her finger easily slid inside me.
“Oh yeah, baby. I’d say you are more than ready to play.” She fell to her knees
and pushed another finger inside me. I moaned with pleasure and spread my legs,
letting her in. Her tongue darted out and expertly found my hard clit, flicking
it over and over with her tongue until my knees threatened to give out.

don’t you sit down here across from your man so he can get a good view of what
we’re doing?” She pushed me toward the chair across from Simon. I sank into it
and she pulled my legs up on the arms of the chair. “Spread wide open so he can
see, okay sweetie?”

had a good view of Simon and he had a good view of us. Heather put her head
between my legs and began sucking at my clit while thrusting one of the dildos
from her tray deep inside me. I was in a pleasure haze. What was going on? We
were supposed to be seducing her but instead she was seducing us.

looked at Simon. He had removed his clothes and now sat on the sofa naked and
watching us intently as he stroked his cock. His cock was bigger and harder
than I had ever seen it before and his eyes were so brightly glowing they cast
a green light about the room. I suddenly wanted to see his cock wet and slick.

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