Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (66 page)

Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

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she agreed, seeming pleased.

there was a foulup in the schedule, unsurprising considering the complications
of the evacuation, and the guard for the next shift did not appear. Such things

one was watching the ward.

got a wicked idea. “Medusa, I want to take you out now. Not off-post; I mean to
mix and meet people, to be sure you can pass when it counts. Can you handle


got her properly garbed and in the wheelchair. Then he wheeled her out of the
cell and out of the ward. No one challenged them. Soon they were traveling into
the residential section.

commissary,” he said. “Everyone goes there, and no one pays attention to
others. It's the perfect place to mix. We'll go buy some food.”

commissary was like a huge department store, with sections for clothing, tools,
food, and anything else the post personnel might need to buy. It was like a
piece of Earth, making him feel vaguely homesick.

looked around, plainly impressed. She had of course never been exposed to this
type of facility.

me buy you something,” he said. “What would you like to eat? You must not eat
it here, but we can take it back to the cell.”

were entering the produce section. There was an array of apples of many colors,
imports from Earth. She pointed to a bag of red ones.

it,” he said, picking up the bag. He held it up to the purchase sensor, which
clicked as it entered the sale on his credit report. “We now own these apples,”
he said. “Anything else?

got into the spirit of shopping. In fact she evinced the delight of a child in
a candy store. They wound up with a turnip, a squash, and a hand of bananas.

at the cell, he watched her consume them all. Evidently they had nutrients she
had been missing.

sorry I don't have the chance to teach you to read,” he said while he watched.
“So you could have your own credit account and do your own shopping, back on
Earth. Because I really would take you to Earth if I could, to show you to HETA,
and—” He shrugged, not wanting to say openly that he longed for the kind
of sex she could provide him with, that no human woman was likely to match.

broke off and approached him, lifting her skirt. They had ardent sex. He could
have sworn she enjoyed it as much as he did, had he not known better. Certainly
she understood his desire for it, and catered shamelessly to that lust. She was
a marvelous actress, emulating human mannerisms much as she did the human form.

of course I can't,” he said. “I must free you to rejoin your kind, and help
them save themselves if they can. I'll miss you, Medusa, but I want you to be

any rate, Medusa had passed her human-mixing test; no one had even noticed her,
other than passing men whose eyes had lingered a bit too long on her blouse and
legs. She had that kind of form. Erik was almost jealous of their attention.

day was the day. “Make or break,” he murmured. She offered him sex, but he
declined with regret. “Have to get you out of here efficiently,” he explained.
“Can't risk any delay.”

wheeled her out and across the base to the checkout point. He gave his ID. “Got
to take her to the spaceport,” he said. “Private officer order, you know.”
Medusa inhaled and let her knees spread slightly, on his cue. Officers did have
special privileges, and woe betide the enlisted man who messed with them,
regardless of regulations. They did not pause to question why a whore was being
let out instead of in, perhaps because of those evocative breasts and legs. Medusa
was truly a sight to behold, by no coincidence.

like that, they were thorough. All the things that could have gone wrong had
not, thanks to the distraction of the ongoing evacuation. Lots of people were
going to the spaceport.

wheeled her off the main trail onto a winding forest path. No one was using it
today, so it was private. He stopped in a rocky glade. “I guess this is
goodbye, Medusa,” he said. “I love you. I hope you think of me occasionally. I
know I'll be thinking of you, back on Earth. I'll do my best to get HETA to
support your cause.”

got out of the chair, and removed her clothing. She would have no need of it
hereafter. She stood braced against the chair. “Mmmm,” she said, presenting her
luscious bare body.

don't wait,” he said. “Someone could come at any time. Get away, disappear, and
never look back. I'll go on to the spaceport and board for Earth. Someone else
will use the second ticket. So—”

cut him off by stepping into him. She kissed him ardently, holding him close.
Then her hand snaked down to find his fly. In a moment she had hold of his
rapidly stiffening member. She intended to have sex.

you need to rejoin your people,” he protested.

drew her face back. “Mmmm.” This time there was a different tone.

boulder behind her opened three eyes. A tree trunk beyond it opened another
triad. So did a nearby bush. Even a mossy patch on the ground did.

people!” he exclaimed, amazed. “They're here! Emulating plants and rocks along
the way. I had no idea!” There were surely others along the path, who would
warn them of the approach of any other humans. They had privacy of a sort. But

loosened his belt and drew down his trousers. In a moment he was naked below
the waist. She removed his shirt. Soon he was completely bare, with an urgently
standing erection. She meant to have sex while her kind was watching.

they know how to do it,” he said, catching on. “So they too can emulate human
women, and be with men. So that when the colonists come, your people will be
able to hide among them, undiscovered.”

she agreed. She got down before him and put her face to his groin. She took the
tip of his rigid member into her mouth.

you don't have the—” he protested, afraid for the moment that she might
grind his member off.

took him in the rest of the way. There was no grinder; it felt just like
another vagina. She had rearranged that aspect of her anatomy too, at least for
this occasion. She massaged him, and in moments the urgency rose and his orgasm
was upon him.

before the climax, she removed her mouth and let him spurt into the air. That
was the first time she had teased him like that.

she wasn't finished. Now she brought him down on an eyeless patch of moss and
hugged and kissed him, making him respond. She put his hands on her breasts and
buttocks, then had him lick her vulva, turning him on. She was going to make
him perform again, for the eyes of her people, so they could know the whole
route. From foreplay through finish, from penetration through ejaculation. That
bothered him on one level, but she was so ardent that he couldn't help but

was doing this so her kind would know exactly how to handle a human man
sexually, yes. But once she had done so, what further need would she have for
him? Would her folk release him, knowing what he did about their potentials? He
had never been sure of her feelings, but had been prepared to let her go,
having done his best for her. Now he had to wonder: would she let

evoked his full erection, and turned her back, guiding it to her anus. He
pushed in, but was not able to climax yet; it was too soon, and he was too
uncertain of her motive. In a moment she drew off him, whether satisfied or
disappointed he could not tell. She changed position and put her breasts to his
face, letting him fondle them and kiss the nipples. She was still charging him
up, playing him for the second orgasm. It was working despite his misgivings.
If he had to die, this was the way he wanted to do it, in a minor orgy of
fulfillment with this goddess of ecstasy. Then she embraced him full-length,
putting his member to her vagina but not inside it, teasingly. She had him lie
on his back, and straddled him, setting the tip of his member at her cleft, taking
it in a little, then out, then in a bit deeper. Oh, the others were getting
their triple eyes full, seeing every detail of the staged penetration. But now
at last he was working up to his orgasm.

felt it, being marvelously sensitive to his condition. She lay on her back and
had him mount her from above. He thrust deeply into her, repeatedly, as she
wrapped her arms and legs about him. He climaxed, figuratively spewing his guts
out of him and into her. She kissed him while taking it all in, every last

last he faded, sexually exhausted. The watchers had seen it all. What was next?
All the eyes were closed, and there was no indication of anything other than
nature. They were so good at hiding that he hardly believed he had ever seen
the eyes. They must have been closely observing the passing humans all along,
and never giving themselves away. Until they had shown him.

disengaged. She wiped herself up and put on her clothing, while he donned his.
So this was not the end, yet.

got back into the wheelchair. “But you don't need this,” he said. “In your
natural form, whatever it is, you don't need any human artifacts.”

she said, putting her hands to the wheels and starting to move forward.

quickly took hold of the handles in back and began pushing her along. “But
Medusa, where do you want to go?” he asked, bemused. “This is the way to the


it be? That not only were they freeing him, in the manner he had sought to free
her, but that she was coming with him? To Earth?

want to make the case to HETA!” he exclaimed. “Demonstrating the truth of my
statement. That you are sapient!”

she agreed as they came in sight of the spaceport.

was almost too good to be true. “But what of me? Of us? You would have to live
with me, to hide effectively on Earth. Because there's so much more there that
you've never seen. It's like the commissary, only the size of a planet.” He
remembered how much she had liked the commissary. “It would take years before
you could even hope to live independently, even if you don't want to return to
your home. I'd have to fake the ID and marry you, to give us cover.”


you know I would want sex and more sex, all the time. Because you're simply the
best sexual partner I could ever dream of. In fact the best woman I could ever
get to romance. I love you! I'd be telling you that all the time, between
sexual efforts. Could you stand that?”

reached up behind her with one hand, caught his head, and drew his face down to
hers. She kissed him. He felt the passion. He knew she didn't have to show it,
because he was already emotionally captive and she knew it. Did she really mean

actually like it?” he asked, pleasantly astonished. “The sex?”

And it sounded like, “That, too.”



Piers Anthony

Piers Anthony, whose web site is
, has been writing and publishing since 1963,
with 139 books and counting. He was on the New York Times bestseller list in
the 1980s with 21 titles. He and his wife of 52 years live on their small tree
farm in central Florida, which resemble his fantasy land of Xanth.




By Roxanne Rhoads

many times do I have to kill you before you get it through that thick vampire
skull of yours that I don’t want to be your girlfriend anymore?” I asked Simon
as he stood nonchalantly on my porch while the cold winter wind blew a blizzard
of snowflakes all around him, yet he still managed to look hot and sexy as


breaking up with the undead was murder. Literally. I had killed Simon five
times already. Ok, obviously I hadn’t
him since he was
currently standing on my porch looking somehow sexy and slightly forlorn at the
same time. Damn. I never could resist his charm. That’s why I had killed him
five times already- I always took him back then he did something else to set me
off and I had to stake him all over again.

last time…I hoped it really fucking hurt when I shoved that damn stake into his
chest. After listening to that blonde go on and on, through a three hour
lecture, about what a fabulous lover
my boyfriend
was the night before,
I just had to drive a stake into him. Sure she didn’t
he was my
boyfriend, she was actually chatting with her friends behind me, and I was
pretty sure he didn’t actually do her—it was just part of the vampire
thrall that made her experience such pleasure and then her mind recalled
whatever it wanted to fill in the blanks to account for that pleasure—
sitting there knowing she was talking about
my man
. Oh. My.
God. By the end of the lecture, I was ready to stake

hell, Vanessa, you going to let me in or what? I am freezing my bollocks off
out here,” he said gruffly still standing in the cold night air while I stood
in the warmth of my house.

all right.” I stood aside so he could come in. Not that he really needed an
invitation; he’d been there a million times. He was just being polite.

tell me luv, why are you so damn brassed off at me this time? You know one more
inch to the left and I’d be dead for real. Ashes. How would you feel then?” he
asked as he shrugged off his long leather coat. The warm air and swish of his
leather being tossed onto the sofa brought his delicious scent my way. Why did he
always smell so damn irresistible?

I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that every time I so much as turn my back,
you’re sinking your fangs—or other body parts—into whatever buxom
blonde comes along.” I huffed and turned away from him.

hands grasped my shoulders and I felt his breath on my neck, “Come now poppet,
you know I have to eat to survive and these women are just food. You know I’m
faithful to you. It’s only my fangs that penetrate anyone else.”

it’s so intimate.” I pouted. God, I hated being such a jealous freak but this
man—this vampire—drove me insane. I hated the thought of any piece
of him inside anyone else. “Why can’t you be like Donatello and get blood from
the blood banks?”

made a sound of disgust, “You know that stuff is awful. I hate it. I’ve been
drinking from the vein for over three hundred years. Taking it from a plastic
bag is quite disgusting. I’m sorry luv, not even for you can I survive off that
vile, cold blood.”

but do you always have to pick such beautiful blood donors? And give them such
pleasure? If I have to listen to one more little campus coed going on and on
about you I am going to stake
I was getting quite worked up,
but not just upset. Shit. Being near Simon drove me wild.

bite is orgasmic and the pleasure is in the pheromones and the little bit of
mind control I exert on them. It’s better than having fearful people running
amok babbling about being bitten by vampires. You know it’s all about survival.
I can’t control how humans perceive their experience with me. As for my
choices, I’m sorry luv but I’d rather drink from someone young and beautiful
than old and bitter and I do prefer women—men will do in a pinch but
really not my choice at all. If I’m going to give ecstatic orgasmic pleasure to
someone, I much prefer it to be a beautiful woman. Call me a shallow pig if you
must but…” He trailed off as his hands caressed my shoulders then traced down
and rubbed my arms while his lips nuzzled at the back of my neck, sending
delicious little shivers through me.

sighed and leaned into him. I knew all this. It was all a part of what I had to
deal with being a vampire’s girlfriend. Talk about complicated relationships.

I know…
but damn
it drives me crazy thinking about you touching and
biting other women. I want to be the only woman in your life.” He held me tight
from behind and I enjoyed feeling the strength of him behind me, around me.

I can’t feed from you every day, so I have to go elsewhere. I’m sorry; it’s the
nature of who and what I am. I need for you to accept that. Vanessa, I love
you. I love you like I’ve not loved anyone else in these three hundred and some
odd years I’ve walked this planet, but to make this work you have to accept I
need to drink blood—from other people. I need you to be a bit more open
and less…uh…prudish about our situation.”

turned around to look at him. “I do understand it and I guess I accept it, I
just hate having it so blatantly shoved in my face. Couldn’t you at least go a
little farther away to feed, like off campus at least, so I don’t have to
listen to any more of these breasty blondes babbling about you?”

can do that. Would it help if they were brunettes and not blondes?” He smirked.

are so lucky I don’t have a stake right now,” I screeched at him as I punched
him in the shoulder.

grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms. “Is that all you got right now,
poppet? The fire isn’t in you like it was last night. Maybe we can change that.
Shall I get you hot, luv?”

god yes, get me hot!
I thought to myself. Simon was so damn good at that.
He knew how to push all my buttons.

lips met mine with a gentle graze that turned into a more intimate connection
as the kiss deepened. He became forceful, pushing his lips against mine, thrusting
his tongue inside me, taunting me, making me hot…and wet. So very wet.

a kiss had me melting—it was no wonder all these women went on and on
about his bite. I knew just how intense that could be, but I also knew it was
nothing compared to being bitten while being in the throes of real sexual
ecstasy with him. Which is where I was headed now. I hoped.

hands worked at unbuttoning and unzipping me, removing my clothes smoothly,
quickly, vampire prowess and speed at its best I suppose. His clothes soon
followed mine into the pile on the floor as we fell into a sexually heated heap
half on and half off the sofa.

do you know you make me just as crazy as I make you?” he breathed onto my neck
as his fangs gently grazed my tender flesh. I sat on the sofa while he was on
his knees in front of me on the floor.

Simon, how do I make you so crazy? I don’t play games, I don’t make out with
other guys.” I threw my head back exposing my flesh to him. He suckled and
nipped at my throat while his hands cupped my breasts. His thumbs circled my
nipples teasing them into hard little nubs awaiting the pleasure of his mouth.

Your scent, your look, your adorable temper, the way you’re so
jealous and temperamental. You’d think after over three hundred years such
things would be annoying but honestly women have grown bored and cold in my
world. No one cares anymore. You care. You are so alive and full of heat and
warmth. I know there is a wild cat under that uptight exterior of yours. It drives
me wild. I have to control myself so I don’t ravage you every time I lay eyes
on you. I want you as I’ve never wanted anyone before. God, Vanessa you’re so
tempting, so enticing, so…mine. You are mine.”

lips met mine with a little growl then he dipped lower, sucking my budding
flesh into his mouth, the nipple practically sighing with pleasure as his
sinfully full lips wrapped around it. He played with and pleasured first one
tight little bud then worked his way over to the other, leaving a trail of wet
kisses and licks between my breasts. Then he moved lower, pulling my hips out
to the edge of the sofa as he made his way down my body until he dipped his
head between my thighs where my need-slick lips awaited him.

flesh is so ripe and plump, your aroma rich, your pleasure mine to give and
mine to take. Vanessa, you are so beautiful,” he mumbled into my thighs as he
pressed kisses all the way up my leg until he touched his lips lovingly to my

tongue slid into me gently then his finger parted my folds and pushed into me.
“So wet, so hot,” he murmured as he licked and suckled at my body. Watching him
was so arousing yet it was the physical pleasure that was really taking over. I
threw my head back against the sofa and parted my legs as far as they would go.

first flick of his tongue against my clit sent shivers of need through me.
More, I ached for more and he responded, flicking his lush tongue against my
hardening, swelling bud as I moaned and rolled my hips towards him. His finger
moved in and out of me while his tongue lashed at my fully aroused clit, his
other hand was flat across my stomach holding me in place as I began to quiver
and buck against him.

Simon, don’t stop, I’m coming,” I cried out as the wave crashed over me, flowed
through me. I bucked up and off the sofa, my legs wrapping around his neck,
knees crushing around his head, my heels digging into his shoulders. He just
held onto me as I rode the orgasm out, kept holding me as the shivers and
quivers lessened.

unwrapped my legs from around him. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” I asked.

luv, good thing I have super human strength though, a mortal man you would have
probably been crushed with the way you clenched and twisted those powerful legs
of yours, but no worries. I held tight and made it through with barely a
scratch. Now come here pet. I have something for you,” he said, sliding his
body onto the sofa next to me.

present? A very thick, long and hard cock waiting for me. It jutted out from
his body and stood at attention. Damn, I wanted to ride it.

my legs had been Jell-O mere seconds ago, suddenly they were strong and ready
to go. I crawled out of my spot and climbed onto his lap, positioning myself on
top of his beautiful cock.

kissed him as I teasingly rubbed my wet sheath along the length of him,
caressing his shaft as I teased my clit into an aroused state once again. His
large hands palmed my ass, spreading me open as he tried to delve into my
wetness pushing me against him, forcing my hips to grind on him.

Nessa, I love it when you tease me, you little minx.” One large hand let go of
my left cheek then came down with a loud thwack against it.

jumped, startled at the smack and thrilled at the tingling sensation it left

I murmured into his lips.

that did you?” he asked as he did it again.

jumped, bucking against him and landing right at the tip of his shaft. He
pressed it into me, teasing as his cock breached my opening and threatened to
slide all the way in. I pulled back, keeping him just inside me as I swirled my
hips around, teasing us both to madness.

stilled me as he pressed his body closer to mine by pulling my ass cheeks wide
open then holding them with one hand while the other came down with a stinging
slap that landed across my anus and at the bottom part of the opening of my
vagina. Pain filled pleasure tingles traveled through my core as his cock
slipped inside me all the way. The mingling of all the sensations pushed me
over the edge as my body exploded with orgasmic shivers. I felt my pussy clench
around his cock, pulling him deeper inside me as it pulsed around his thrusts.

I could do was hold on for the ride as he pumped into me fast and furious,
driving his hard shaft so deep inside me I saw stars sighing in the sky of my
mind. They quivered as they called out his name. And so did I.

Simon,” I cried out as he slipped a moistened finger tip into my tight little
asshole. When I started coming, he slid another one inside me so I had two
fingers thrusting into my tight little hole while his cock stuffed my pussy. I
was all nerve endings and need as I quivered and shivered in a constant state
of orgasm as I came over and over, drenching his cock with my pleasure.

I need to taste you now,” he cried. I knew his fangs had descended and were
ready to plunge into me.

Simon, yes!”

felt his hot breath tickle my neck as his lips wrapped around my skin. First
the slight graze of his sharp fangs tickled and taunted, then…finally they slid
into me.

feeling was exquisite. My body rocked as fireworks went off in my brain,
pleasure overrode every other sense of feeling as a powerful orgasm ripped
through my body. He held tight to me, penetrating me, sucking my blood,
drinking me in as I felt his hot seed spill into me. We were completely

are as one, Vanessa.”

couldn’t even respond my mind was in such a euphoric state.

* *
* *

couple weeks later I was on the other side of town hanging out with some
friends when I thought I saw Simon heading towards the back of the night club.

walked to the back of the building behind the bar area and past the restrooms.
When I didn’t see him anywhere I went out the back door into the alley and
found him with his fangs sunk deep into a scantily clad brunette. Her left
breast was exposed, his hand was caressing the swollen flesh and teasing the
puckered nipple as she moaned and sagged against his body. I could see the heat
of their bodies steaming up the cold night air.

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