Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (52 page)

Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

BOOK: Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter
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felt a little shiver of fear.

rubbed his finger across it.

purple plate moved. It shifted beneath his skin. Smythe closed his eyes. His
knees trembled. He felt an intense burst of pleasure.

fear grew.

he should find out what was really in those pills.

* *
* *

Smythe questioned.

his lab manager, Gavin Guy, confirmed.

that all?” Smythe asked.

Guy said. “We ran a full analysis. “Common-or-garden sucrose all the way

confusion gave way to relief. He was no longer standing in the Twilight Zone.

Smythe, we think it’s an egg, of some unknown alien creature—

go right back to where it belonged: in bad science fiction movies and episodes
of Doctor Who.

was clear.

was a damn fool.

thought about that little ornate chest filled with translucent white pills,
remembered how much he’d paid for it. He winced.

seen him coming, he thought wryly.

* *
* *

didn’t get it. He’d heard of the placebo effect, of course, but could it really
produce a change as dramatic as this?

admired his cock in the mirror. What an impressive brute it was. There were
more of those strange purplish plates beneath the skin, but Smythe didn’t mind
them. They gave his cock a sort of rugged look, like a full set of rock-hard

stroked a hand up and down his shaft, letting his fingers brush over the hard lumps
embedded in his flesh. They twitched, filling Smythe with a warm buzz of
pleasure. He knew Xie-Mu had instructed him not to, but he was right near the
end of the course of pills—which were only sugar anyway, according to his
lab—and he’d be careful.

followed Lynch’s advice and stayed away from the escort agencies. It had left
him with a bad case of blue balls. His testicles felt so swollen it was getting
hard to concentrate at work. Time to let off some of that pressure.

stood over the sink and thought of Xie-Mu, the slender Oriental girl with the
gorgeous body turned into a work of art. What a glorious ass she’d possessed.

His nose picked up that same salty tang of the sea he’d smelt back in the hotel
room. Was it some kind of olfactory memory?

were other memories he was eager to re-experience. He moved his hand up and
down and recalled the sensation of pushing his cock up into Xie-Mu’s
deliciously tight cunt. He squeezed his shaft and his knees trembled as those
strange lumps squirmed beneath his palm. Odd how he didn’t feel anything from
them, almost like they were stones or some other similar foreign object.

time to dwell on that.


he was—


doubled up with the intensity of the approaching orgasm. Fuck, he’d left it far
too long. This was going to be huge. Enormous. He pumped his hand up and down
his throbbing cock and shuddered and moaned as pleasure overtook him.

couldn’t get it out. It felt like there was a blockage in there.

he left it so long his pipes had clogged up? Was that even possible?

was coming out. He felt something push up the inside of his dick. Oh fuck. It
felt huge. The pleasure grew as it moved up his shaft, like the relief of
emptying the bowels with a really large dump.

giving birth

was happening here?

felt big. It looked big. He could see it from the outside, like his dick was a
snake regurgitating its prey.

took his hand off his dick. There was a noticeable bulge moving up the shaft. He
felt it stretch him on the inside. Apprehension, weirdness and sheer
unadulterated pleasure jostled for dominance in his head.

was happening!

blockage reached the head of his dick and it swelled out like a juicy red
apple. Smythe swayed on his feet. His eyelids fluttered as he strained to
ejaculate it from his body.

claw, black and shiny, emerged from the opening to his urethra. It clicked open
and shut.

eyes bulged. He stared at it in terror.

was a claw.

was a fucking claw sticking out of his japseye!

didn’t have too long to contemplate that. A powerful spasm rocked through his
body. His eyes rolled upwards and he struggled to stay upright on knees that
felt as though they’d been replaced with jelly. The opening to his urethra
stretched wide, wide, wider.

it was out. He heard something clatter in the sink, something hard and
chitinous. It was followed by a blissful outpouring of semen. He moaned as his
cum gushed from his dick in a flood.

didn’t spend too long basking in the post-orgasmic afterglow. There was a thing
in the sink. A thing that had forced its way out of his body. Slowly, slowly,
dreading what he was about to see, Smythe looked down into the pristine white
bowl of the sink.

was a crab. Or at least the closest approximation his mind could manage was a
crab. It squatted in the sink—black, ugly and baleful. Smythe only got a
brief glance—not that it mattered, the thing was so alien his gaze seemed
to slide right off it—before the horror scuttled away into the black
depths of his plughole.

stomach heaved and churned.

thing had come from inside him. It had hatched, grown and gestated within his


wasn’t over. His orgasm hadn’t finished. His body shivered and convulsed and he
felt the pressure building up again.

no, no! Not again. He couldn’t bear to have another one of those things crawl
out of his cock.

looked down. His cock, his monstrous cock, was a seething mass of activity. Purple
lumps shivered and vibrated underneath his skin.

cock was alive with them. Infected. Infested. Gravid with their loathsome black

threw back his head and grunted loudly. Veins stood out on his neck. He was
coming. It was coming. A white spurt of cum dribbled from his japseye. It began
to open out and stretch wider and wider as another glistening black oval body
struggled to emerge.


reached out and picked up the nearest thing at hand. It was an alabaster
statuette of a buxom maiden reclining on a couch. It had the same approximate
size and weight as a house brick.


slammed it down hard on the end of his dick, trapping it between the sculpture
and the hard marble counter. The crab burst with a loud crunch. Purplish ichor
and his own red blood oozed from the mangled opening to his urethra. It wasn’t
enough. The rest of his cock still crawled with repugnant motion.

No! No!

brought the rectangular statuette down again and again and again. He felt the
parasites pop and crunch beneath his skin. His cock, swollen with blood, ruptured.
Blood stained the white base of the sculpture, sprayed across the mirror,
splashed into the pristine white sink. Smythe didn’t stop. He couldn’t. Not
until every last little scuttling abomination had been crushed.

Smash. Smash. Smash.

* *
* *

you’re telling me he laid his dick flat on the counter and hit it with a brick
until it was smashed to a pulp? For no reason?” DCS Lynch asked.

that way,” DI Myatt replied.

shook his head. What a sick sick world.





E. Hydra has been writing his own special brand of twisted horror erotica under
the pseudonyms manyeyedhydra and Many-Eyed Hydra for a number of websites since
2007. He has an unhealthy fascination with dark seductresses and other
mistresses of the night–fueled no doubt by the many horror movies he
watched during a misspent youth–and these feature heavily in his stories.
When it comes to writing about his exotic creations he's a firm believer that
the femme fatale should at least give their victim good sex before the bad
things start to happen. And bad things inevitably do happen...





By Wynter O’Reilly


glanced over at her nephew, Ranger, laying on the couch asleep. The three-year-old
had tired himself out playing. Standing, she walked upstairs to her niece,
Aimee’s, room. The nine-year-old was playing her Xbox 360, oblivious. Jamie
then walked down the hall to peek into the guest room where her twin sister,
Baylee, was also asleep. As she headed back downstairs to the living room, the
doorbell rang. She jumped the last two stairs so she could get the door before the
bell woke Ranger. They’d ordered Chinese for dinner, compliments of her brother,
Konner, of course.

up the money from the small stand next to the door, she unlocked and opened it.
As the door swung open, Jamie found a gun pointed in her face.

make a sound, back up slowly, and keep you hands where we can see them.” Jamie
swallowed as the guys got closer. They all wore black clothing. The one holding
her at gunpoint wore a Red Sox baseball hat over his dirty blond hair. He also
wore large black plastic sunglasses so she couldn’t see his eyes.

her hands, Jamie did as she was told.

girl.” Two other men followed them into the house.

guy holding the gun half turned and spoke to the two behind him. Jamie took this
opportunity to warn her sister. The twins were psychic and had always had a
special connection. It had gotten them out of a lot of scrapes. Jamie hoped it
would get them out of this one as well.

are the kids?” He grinned. “We’re going to have a little pow-wow.”

hesitated and he grabbed her arm, pulling her closer and pressing the barrel of
the gun against her cheek. Jamie fought to keep herself calm. She wouldn’t be any
good to the kids if she changed. It’d just make things worse, especially if
these guys went dirty hairy and there were silver bullets in those guns.

in her room upstairs and Ranger’s in the livingroom asleep on the couch.”

man with the gun gestured to his accomplices. “Okay, go get the kid and check
for anyone else.” The two goons headed for the stairs. As they did, the one
holding her dragged her into the livingroom.

worry. The cops are on their way.”
Baylee’s voice whispered through her

man holding her drew Jamie’s attention. “You know, if it wasn‘t against the
rules, I‘d waste a little time with you. What’s your name?”

she whispered, hoping they wouldn’t wake Ranger. “What do you want?”

guy pressed his lips to her ear. “We need to discuss your brother’s political

rolled her eyes and groaned. She should have known. Konner would‘ve managed to
get himself in deep with people that had goons. The other two thugs  returned,
one dragging Baylee and the other Aimee. To the little girl‘s credit—she
must have been scared to death—she was putting on a brave face. The guy
with the Red Sox hat let Jamie go as the other attackers pushed Aimee and
Baylee into the room.

Ranger?” Baylee whispered.

you.” Jamie turned to the Red Sox hat man. “What are you going to do with us?”

her, Baylee pulled Aimee closer, protectively putting her arms around the
little girl. Baylee reached forward and grabbed one of Jamie’s hands.
going to take us hostage.”

you contact Lucian? He’ll fuck these guys up good.”

chewed on her bottom lip and glanced toward the windows.
“I don’t know if
it’s dark enough yet.”

guy in the Red Sox hat was ignoring them, pacing back and forth. Jamie pleaded
with Baylee.
“Try… I don‘t want to lose it in front of the kids.”

watched Baylee close her eyes. They suddenly flew open as the atmosphere in the
room changed. She glanced at Jamie, who nodded and pushed Aimee toward the
couch. They then positioned themselves between the men and the kids.

* *
* *

heard the alarmed cry for help, via his brother Lucian. It rang in his head,
causing him to look at his brother. “Who was that?”

friend,” Lucian muttered, not giving further explanation as he stood and walked
over to the French doors leading out onto the terrace. Flinging them open, he
melted into a mist. Curiosity got the the better of him and Morgan followed.
Lucian led him through the city to a quiet suburban area. Well, it would have
been a quiet area if it hadn’t been for the police cars. Of course they were
headed right for the main attraction.

formed inside the large living room of the house, first placing himself between
two very attractive women and their assailants. Morgan formed at his brother’s
side. “So what’s the plan?”

kill them.” They both glanced back at the women. “We can’t explain that to the

knock them out,” Lucian grumbled, after a quick look at the one who’d called
them. The three other men in the room had gathered their wits and were now aiming
their guns at the room’s new occupants.

* *
* *

glanced at her sister as Lucian and his accomplice attacked the would-be hostag-
takers. Luc grabbed two by the neck and slammed their heads together, effectively
knocking them out. The other vampire upper cut the leader, knocking him into
the wall where he slumped to the floor. Lucian stepped over the fallen crooks
and moved toward Baylee.

are you all right?”


added, “What are we going to do about them?” She pointed out the window. “And
who’s this?”

is my brother, Morgan. We’ve spoken of him before. Just follow my lead.”

nodded, studying Morgan more intently now. They both had a trim build, but
Morgan was a little taller and had more muscle. Unlike Lucian, who was
dark-haired and eyed, Morgan had tawny colored hair and amber eyes.

touched her shoulder, pointing to Aimee. Jamie sighed. “Let’s talk to her.” Her
hands balled into fists at her side\ as she added in a low voice. “When this is
over I’m going to kill Konner.”

Chapter Two

are the children?”

okay. I still can’t believe Ranger slept through the whole thing.” Jamie sat
down on the couch in Lucian’s livingroom. “Thank you again, Luc. I don’t know
what we would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up.”

smiled and waved it away. “Do you know who sent them?” She shook her head and
Lucian sighed. “Then you and Bay have to move in here.” Jamie began to protest
but he cut her off. “I can’t chance you two getting hurt or kidnapped because
of your brother’s carelessness in choosing allies. We’ve discussed this before.
Morgan needs you, like I need Bay.”

frowned at him. Yes, they’d discussed this. Lucian believed she and Baylee had
been created just for him and his brother. Even though they were Lycans, he
still insisted they were his and Morgan’s soul mates. He claimed he’d known
ever sense the first time he’d laid eyes on the twins—back when he was
just an associate of their fathers. While Baylee seemed to believe everything
Luc said, Jamie was still skeptical.

she walked to the French doors and looked out into the night. Why them? Out of
all the neither worlder’s on the earth, why did it have to be them? “What does
Morgan think about all of this?”

does Morgan think about all of what?”

turned to find Morgan standing in the doorway to the livingroom. His amber eyes
studied her. She sighed. Of course. “You haven’t told him your little thesis
yet have you?”

* *
* *

slowly looked from the dark-haired temptress to his brother and then back again.
What was Lucian trying to pull now?

tell him, explain your crazy theory to him and see if he thinks it’s good idea,”
Jamie said, turning her well formed backside towards them.

going on, Luc?” When Lucian didn’t reply, Morgan turned his gaze back on Jamie.

thinks we’re made for each other.” She waved her hand in the air.

smile slipped across his face—ah, his brother, the romantic. Morgan’s
eyes fixed on Jamie’s backside. Jamie was tall, slender, had legs that went on
forever and dark hair hanging to her waist. He could see that hair wrapped
around his hand as he pulled her head back to reveal her creamy neck. Those
legs wrapped around his waist. Her dark eyes closed as he imagined sinking his
fangs into said neck. He stifled a groan. Unfortunately he couldn’t stifle the
erection in his jeans.

voice was a harsh whisper. “You’re projecting.”

chuckled, looking smug. “I’ve got things to do, so I’ll leave you. Jamie, let
me know what you decide.” She nodded, not turning. Lucian brushed past Morgan
as he left the room. Morgan tried to make his jeans not quite so tight as he
walked over and sat in one of the chairs.

you agree with Luc?” She finally turned to face him.

certainly attractive, but as far as my life mate?” He shrugged, not that he’d
actually thought about having a life mate. Currently, he was enjoying being a
swinging bachelor. Although she was appealing and he had to admit he felt a
certain magnetism toward her.

good.” She gave him a relieved look, then glanced at her watch. “I’ve got to go
to work. Could you please tell Luc…” She closed her eyes. “I don’t care what
you tell him. Just get him off my back.”

He watched as she bustled out of the room. After she was gone, the scent of
vanilla, strawberries and Jamie’s unique musk teased his nose. Maybe he wasn‘t
ready for a life mate, but he was always looking for a good fuck and he‘d bet
anything that Jamie would be one.

* *
* *

walked into Vixen’s, a nightclub in the seedier part of town. Baylee had
informed him that Jamie worked as a bartender here. He grinned as he walked
through the club. How surprised would she be to see him? As he approached the
bar, it was Jamie who surprised him. She wore tight red leather pants, a red
halter top, and when she turned, a fox tail was attached to her belt loop. He
noticed a fairy tattoo hovering just over her left hip. When she turned back,
he saw a crystal catch the strobe lights, sparkling in her navel.

dark ruby lipstick she wore accentuated the smile spreading over her sensuous
lips. She leaned on the bar toward him. “Hey, what can I get you?”

naked, under me.
He shook his head.

smile widened. “You’re projecting again.” She shrugged. “But I’ll forgive you
this time, given the outfit.”

Bloody Mary.”

winked. “I’ll give you the Nightmare Special.”

watched as she made the drink, then set it in front of him.


do you have a break?”

She slipped away to tend the other end of the bar.

that meant he had to occupy himself for an hour. He turned and surveyed the
dance floor. Several good-looking young ladies were already looking in his
direction, so that wasn’t going to be hard.

* *
* *

a small break in taking orders Jamie watched Morgan out on the dance floor.
Currently he was dancing sandwiched between a blonde bombshell and a wicked
looking raven-haired beauty. She had wondered why he’d followed her here and
asked about her break. Her first thought was that Luc had managed to change his
mind about the whole life mate thing. But now she wasn’t so sure.

usual the dance floor was a mass of writhing bodies. She didn’t monitor it as
well as she should have. More than likely there were people getting it on,
right there on the dance floor, but with most the of Nether World crowd using
her facilities, it’d be hard to monitor anyway. Glancing at the clock, she
decided to take her break a little early and satisfy her curiosity. Making her
way through the crowd, she stopped near Morgan.

taking my break now,” she yelled over the music.

said something to the ladies which seemed to dishearten them, then crossed the
floor toward her.

there somewhere we can talk?” he yelled over the music as he reached her. Jamie
nodded and gestured to a door behind the bar. He followed her inside, closing
the door behind them.

what’s the deal?” She leaned against her desk in the small backroom she used as
an office. “Change your mind?”

of answering her question, he leaned against the door, crossing his arms over
his chest, and stared at her. After a moment, he asked, “What’s with the tail?”

part of the uniform. I figured it’d be kinda cute and it went with the name.”
She shrugged. “It’s a theme thing.”

brow creased with confusion. “You figured?”

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