Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (24 page)

Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

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Selena Kitt is a bestselling and award-winning
author of erotic fiction. She is one of the highest selling erotic writers in
the business. With half a million ebooks sold in 2011 alone, she is the
cream-at-the-top of erotica!

Her writing embodies everything from the
spicy to the scandalous, but watch out-this kitty also has sharp claws and her
stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new,
thought-provoking depths.

she’s not pawing away at her keyboard, Selena runs an innovative publishing
company (www.excessica.com) and in her spare time, she devotes herself to her
family—a husband and four children—and her growing organic garden.
She loves bellydancing and photography. She also loves four poster beds,
tattoos, voyeurism, blindfolds, velvet, baby oil, the smell of leather, and
playing kitty cat.

Her books
Real Mother Goose
(2010) and
Heidi and the Kaiser
(2011) were all
Epic Award Finalists. Her only gay male romance,
Second Chance
, won the
Epic Award in Erotica in 2011. Her story,
, was one of the
runners-up for the 2006 Rauxa Prize, given annually to an erotic short story of
“exceptional literary quality,” out of over 1,000 nominees, where awards are
judged by a select jury and all entries are read “blind” (without author’s name

She can be reached on her website at



Monster Inside

Roxanne Rhoads


you came along everyone treated me like a monster. You’ve treated me like a
man. You’ve always seen the human underneath the fangs, the man behind the
vampire…But that look on your face right now says something completely
different. You see the monster now don’t you?” Logan’s voice quivered, his eyes
were red rimmed and wet. The monster was gone once again replaced by the man I
loved. Yet the evidence remained, blood smeared across his face, covered his
clothes, and his eyes…his beautiful blue eyes still burned with that cold fire.

had killed to protect me, to save my life… but could I deal with what I had
seen? He had torn that wizard… apart. Sure I’ve seen his fangs and his glowing
eyes before, but always under the spell of passion and desire.

he had been every ounce the predator, a machine perfectly designed for killing.

touched me and I instantly pulled away.

can’t bear to look at me now can you? You can’t stand to have me touch you.”

looked up at him, “I am so sorry. I…can’t. It’s not…I… I think I’m in shock. I
just need to get away from this…mess.” I looked around the alley at what
remained of the wizard. It wasn’t much. “What will you do about this?”

call Adam. He’ll send a cleanup crew.”

I snapped.

you rather the police discover this? That would lead to situations neither one
of us want to be put in. Wouldn’t it?”

I sighed in agreement. I had left my old life behind me or so I thought. That
wizard had come for me, a remnant of my past. I couldn’t afford to get involved
with police anymore than my vampire boyfriend could. I wasn’t exactly an
innocent. I don’t know why seeing Logan vamp out shocked me so much, probably
because he had never been anything other than kind…or passionate with me.

grabbed his hand, drew it to my mouth and kissed it trying to avoid any dried
blood. “I love you Logan. I am sorry, this whole situation shocked me. I never
expected him, any of them, to come after me. I just wanted to put that life far
behind me. Then there he was and you…you became something I never expected…and
you took care of it. You protected me. I am grateful.”

let go of his hands. He reached for me not wanting to let go, “Shannon?” he
asked almost plaintively, the fire gone from his blue eyes.


never look at me the same, will you?”

didn’t know. I pulled out of his grip and away from him. “That’s not true,
Logan.” I wanted to kiss him, to take him in my arms and hold him but blood was
all over him. Instead I kept my distance and said, “Why don’t we get the hell
out of here and get cleaned up before someone decides to call the cops?”

sure,” He didn’t sound convinced.

made the call to Adam then he picked me up and vampire speed ran us out of
there. By the time we made it to my apartment I felt dizzy and slightly
nauseated. Some people were not meant to travel at warp speed.

clothes were going to have to be burned. I wanted nothing to remain that would
remind me of this night, of the wizard who wanted me dead or what Logan had
done to save me.

stripped as soon as I walked through the door and went straight for my shower.
When I finally emerged from the steam filled room Logan was sitting on the sofa
flipping through a book wearing only a pair of clean sweats pants. He must have
showered in the guest bathroom. Good thing he had left a bunch of clothes at my
place so he had something clean to put on.

looked around. No sign of mine or his bloody clothes. Maybe one of Adam’s
cleaning crew took care of those as well. I wondered how they fully disposed of
such things. Fire? Magic? I didn’t ask. Maybe I didn’t want to know.

looked back at Logan. He looked so much better now that he was himself…and not
covered in a dead man’s blood. I stared at the back of his beautifully half
naked body, at the tattoo that snaked up his well muscled back, across his
shoulders and down his arms wrapping around his bulging biceps. I had no idea
if the swirling tribal like designs meant anything but they were exquisite.
They fit and melted into his body, moved with his lines and curves as if he had
been born with them.

stood up and turned to me, muscles rippling as he moved. I wanted to touch him,
to feel him, to be with him and forget about the incident in the alley.

must have read my mind or else my desire was written all over my face because
he moved around the sofa, picked me up and carried me off to the bedroom before
I had time to protest. I expected him to toss me on the bed and tear off my
robe; instead he put me down gently and sat next me.

we stared at each other not sure of what to do next. I knew he hesitated because
of me, not sure of what I wanted. We’d never had this problem before. Of course
I’d never seen him kill someone before either.

pushed it out of my head. Logan looked like Logan now, not a crazed killer
hungry for blood. He was gorgeous, dark, sexy…and all mine. I knew without a
doubt he was in love with me and I with him.

undid my robe and tossed it to the floor. I lay down on the bed and crooked my
finger for Logan to follow.

started at my stomach and kissed a trail up between my breasts then ran his
tongue up the side of my throat. He sucked at the cords of my neck, moved lower
and kissed the hollow of my throat, then trailed over to my collarbone where I
felt fangs slightly graze flesh. They were hot, hard and throbbing.

reached into his sweats and grabbed his hard, rigid cock squeezing him gently.
He gasped and moaned against my neck, the tease of his fangs made me tingle
with excitement. I stroked him, teased him as he teased me. He played with me
danger while I played him with pleasure.

I wanted him inside me. All of him.

had teased me, taunted me, knicked me but never fully sank those sharp fangs of
his inside me. At that moment I wanted him to taste me, drink me, penetrate me.

stood up and removed his sweats then settled back onto the bed with his face
between my thighs.

tongue circled my folds, teasing, licking, flicking then he spread me open and
thrust his tongue inside me swirling it around and up. He found my clit and
licked and sucked at it until I started to tremble. Two fingers slid inside me
pushing, thrusting, circling within me while his mouth latched on hard, sucking
relentlessly until my body gave in, shuddered under him. Waves crashed and
flowed, my eyes rolled up into my head and I cried out unintelligibly. He
lapped at me forcefully his tongue buried deep within me until I came again.

didn’t get the chance to stop shaking before he was over me, his large body
looming, the fat head of his cock bumping against my tender clit. He slid it
across my lips then parted my body to slide deep inside. Slowly he slipped into
my wetness, filling me, stretching me. Savoring every inch I arched my back and
shifted my hips to let him in deeper.

wrapped my arms around him feeling the muscles of his back bunching and rippling
beneath my touch. I caressed the tattoo following its trail to where it wrapped
around his biceps. I held onto his arms and reveled in the raw power of the man
above me.

face was an erotic mask of elegantly carved features, beautiful yet masculine.
His full lips were pulled back to reveal fully descended, very sharp fangs. The
sweat beading on his skin made him glow in the dim light of the bedroom. When
he opened his eyes I gasped at the blue fire that burned within them.

this time the fire wasn’t cold it was filled with heat, longing, intense need.
He wanted to sink his teeth into me. I wanted him to do it.

turned my head and exposed my neck, slowly pulling my long hair across the pale
flesh until it was bare. The fire in his eyes blazed hotter.

started to move toward my neck then stopped and looked into my eyes. Whatever
he saw there must have reassured him because he continued on to my throat. He
kissed my neck passionately, licking and suckling at me until finally fang met

penetration was incredible. That first slip of sharp fang into soft flesh
started an orgasmic crescendo inside me. I fell into craziness, first flying
high in a purple night sky soaring among frothy midnight blue clouds then
descending into a starry oblivion so far away.

was drifting yet I could still feel myself in his arms, his hot lips on my
flesh as he drank me. I could feel the thrusts of his hips as he buried his
shaft deeper inside me with every stroke.

was heaven, a pure sensational, seductive, sensual heaven.

I was coming down from the high, my nerve endings alight with pleasure like
never before. My whole body tingled, electricity rippled across my skin, static
sensation soaring over my flesh.

was still inside me, everywhere so deep inside me, fangs, cock… all pushing,
sucking, pulling, thrusting.

gripped him tight within me; his cock was solid power that kept me grounded
though I felt like flying away. Moving in me, drinking me in, we were two as
one fully connected. More connected than two human beings could ever be.

felt his cock grow stiff and his body shudder. Liquid heat pulsed into me,
filling me with his fire as he continued to drink my blood. Orgasm ripped
through me once more ricocheting off his pleasure forcing aftershocks to rock
both of us until we finally settled into a heavy breathing yet otherwise still
mass of tangled limbs.

later I pushed him over and rolled out from underneath him.

are heavy,” I mumbled love drunk into the pillow.

he mumbled back. Then he rolled over onto his back. “Shannon, you taste

from my sex haze now I said dumbly, “What?”

blood is pure bliss. I’ve never tasted anything like it. I feel so energized,
so alive. I’ve never felt like this before.”

Is that good or bad?”

amazing…and your blood is delicious.”

be the magic.” I stupidly mumbled without thinking.

sat up straight in bed, “What magic?”

I sat up too. Shit. “I’m sorry Logan; you aren’t the only monster in the room.
That wizard guy. Tonight wasn’t random. I knew him. Sorta. He’s part of this
group…a group that collects magic people. Uses them like batteries to fuel
their needs. My family belongs to this group. I left as soon as I could.
Thought that was that. That my old life was history. But I guess I am important
to them. More important than I knew because they have followed me all over the
country. Trying to get me to come back. I have dodged them pretty well…until

you’re not human?” he asked quietly.

don’t know what I am Logan.” That wasn’t entirely true; I knew I just didn’t
know what it meant to be what I was. So I wasn’t ready to tell Logan or anyone
the whole truth. “I just know I’m not normal. I don’t belong with normal people
but I don’t belong with that nut job group of lunatics either. They used the
magic to hurt people, kill people, to weasel their way into public office. They
want to be in control of everything. I didn’t want them to control me.”

didn’t you tell me this before?”

figured you’d think I was a freak.”

laughed mirthlessly, “Hello? Vampire here.”

know, it’s just…that group was weird, way weirder than what I’m explaining
right now. Beyond vampires. Crazier than witches. The magic and…other
stuff…It’s hard to really explain. I mean The Society did everything from sex
magic to sacrificial rituals just to see what would work. I’ve seen…and done
some wild shit in my life and I don’t like to talk about it.” I felt stupid
saying that. Logan had told me so much about the hell he had been through in
his three hundred and five years of existence. My experiences seemed almost
trivial next to his. The truth was that I was afraid of what I was, afraid that
my family would find me and take me back there…or have me killed.

the wizard had come for me, they must have decided it was time to dispose of
me. I knew too much and I had been gone far too long.

don’t mean to sound harsh or insensitive right now, Shannon, but if you’ve been
through so much hell then why did tonight shock you so much?”

shook my head and started to cry, “All this time that we’ve been together you
seemed so normal, so beautiful, you’ve been so wonderful. I knew you were a
vampire but I’d never seen you vamp out. You’ve never so much as put a fang on
me let alone in me before. I guess I forgot exactly what you are. Then tonight…
the violence and the blood… and to see you like that. It totally freaked me

I scare you because of what I did? What I became? Or did the fear come from
your memories of the wizard and what had happened in your past?”

did my vampire have a psychology degree tucked into his personal history?

Dr. Freud
, that it was a combination of everything. The shock of
my past and the shock of seeing you as a killer, even if you were defending
me.” I smiled. He smiled. The fear, worry and doubt floated away.

was a pompous perverted ass who thought everything was about sex. Which in some
ways is true but he took it too far.”

knew him?” I asked incredulously.

yeah, I knew him. Didn’t care much for his thought about vampires. All about
sex- the blood, the intimacy, the penetration.”

he was kinda right wasn’t he? I mean, wow. The penetration is amazing.” I
giggled as he growled and reached for me.

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