Erogenous Zones: Monica's Secret (5 page)

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

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“Open her legs,” Owen instructed.




The way he said it made her shudder. It was as if he knew she would find it hard, and Alec worked his magic instead.

First he inserted one finger between her thighs and stroked it up and down over the soft, sensitive skin there. Monica began to pant, her hips rolling against the bed covers. Still he stroked her. When the muscles in her thighs began to relax, he moved them apart. Then he lifted her feet wide apart at the ankle, exposing her pussy to Owen’s watchful eyes.

The sound of her blood rushing thundered in her ears. For several long moments that and the music from the room beyond were the only sounds in the room. The two men remained in silence at her feet, while she was so thoroughly debauched and displayed. She could barely stand to look at them, but she had to know what they were doing, and what they were thinking.

When she glanced their way, she found Owen darkly brooding. Alec smiled, but she noticed he looked to Owen, as if waiting for instruction. It was obvious who held all the power here. Owen nodded.

Alec moved on the silent instruction. The bond between them had to be deep she realised, because he knew what to do. He climbed between her legs, moving towards her on his hands and knees.

“I’m going to prepare you now,” he whispered, “then Owen will fuck you.”

The statement left her speechless, but she didn’t need to respond because he immediately ducked down and dipped his tongue into the damp groove of her pussy, easing back and forth over her swollen, sensitive clit.

The rush, the relief, the pleasure—for a moment Monica couldn’t catch her breath.

Then the lap of his tongue forced her to pant aloud.

With the fingers of one hand, he splayed open her folds, which made the contact more intense. Those fingers remained in place and rocked back and forth on either side of her clit, which made her core spasm and her hips roll, her body eager for more of his medicine.

Alec’s cologne and the scent of his body reached her. His hands were now wrapped around her buttocks as he moved his tongue up and down the length of her pussy. The muscles in his shoulders rippled. All the while she could see Owen watching from beyond.

Watching as his lover performed cunnilingus on the woman he intended to fuck. Her breasts lifted, the nipples needling with sensation. Her clit felt unbearably tight and hot, but Alec’s rapid tongue movements were pushing her ever closer.




Owen’s eyes were so dark they were almost black, and when she made eye contact, he unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it, then moved his hand over his erection. The action was like a promise. His smile had now become tight, his pent-up lust evident in his posture. It was almost as if he was jealous that Alec was there, but that did it for him—she could see it there in his expression. Even though he was controlled, he was barely holding back. He actually looked as if he was about to reach in and pull Alec off her. The thought of him coming at her with all that lust building, and soon, made her lips part with anticipation.

Then Alec sucked hard on her clit and thrust a finger into her sex, and she hit her peak. The sudden rush of release made her arch and twist in the bindings that held her wrists.

By the time she surfaced from the orgasm, Owen had stripped off his jeans and was rolling a condom onto an impressively long and hard erection. Alec had shifted, making way for him. He’d moved to the side of the bed, where he stood up and quickly unzipped his fly.

When his cock bounced free, he wrapped his fist around the shaft and began to ride it up and down.

Christ, she realised, he was going to stand there and watch, while he masturbated. It was so horny and so beyond anything she had ever experienced, that she pressed her head back into the pillows and stared at the ceiling for a moment to assure herself it was really happening.

Then Owen was between her legs. He kissed her below her naval, drawing her attention back.

“My turn.” He shifted and pushed his tongue into her sex, an action that made her feet lift from the bed.

She was still experiencing the aftermath of her first orgasm and the firm thrust of his tongue into her hole meant she was back there inside a heartbeat.

“Oh yes, you taste good.”

It was almost a relief when he withdrew his tongue. He licked her clit once, twice, three times, and each time her body jerked against the bedcovers, so sensitive was she from the last round. Then he climbed over her.

Resting on his elbows, he stared down at her, locking her gaze with his. Then he eased his cock inside, stretching her open and filling her.




The garbled cry of relief she gave was a sound she barely recognised as her own voice.

Sheer bliss rolled over her. Her centre throbbed wildly when the blunt head of his cock pressed deeper, then he drew back and thrust again. Panting for breath, she felt consumed by him, and when he put his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted her, manipulating her physically while he thrust in and out of her, a second orgasm built to fever pitch.

He nudged her thighs, encouraging her to wrap her legs round his hips. When she did so, his cock bowed inside her and stroked the front wall of her sex.

“Oh, oh,” she moaned.

“Yes, right there, huh?” He began to thrust faster, massaging her right there in that sweet spot.

His forehead gleamed, the depth and rhythm he maintained pushing her closer. She could hear the sounds of their bodies, the slippery, slick pull of her wet pussy as he worked his cock into her. When her head rolled she saw that Alec was fisting his cock faster and faster, his free hand locked around his balls. The head of his cock was dark and swollen, the slit oozing. The arm that pumped his shaft was roped with muscle.

Her entire groin was aflame. She was close, so close to coming that her back arched and her fingernails bit into her palms. Then she caught sight of Alec coming. The fist that had been locked around his balls moved, and he filled it with his semen. Deep in her core she spasmed in direct response to that sight, her groin flooding with sensation.

Owen cursed under his breath and thrust ever harder.

All that pent-up energy she’d seen in Owen was being worked out now. His hips moved like a well-oiled machine, pumping hard and fast. The muscles in his neck and shoulders were tight, his pupils dilated as he watched her and forbade her to look away as he probed her deepest places.

“Owen,” she managed to whisper, when she began to flood again.

He nodded. “Oh yes, I can feel you.” He paused as if to savour what her body was doing. He shook his head then thrust again, he kept his cock right there, grinding his hips against hers as she came.

The release was so great that she hung limp in her bindings, but the hard rod of his cock inside her and the pressure of his body against her clit kept her there. A second wave washed over her, her thighs shuddering against his hips as her every nerve ending was strung out with the raw pleasure of another heady orgasm.




“Owen,” she whispered again, and this time it was with gratitude.

“I knew you were no ice queen,” he said from between gritted teeth, then his cock jerked and his head lifted, his eyelids lowering as it jerked again, his body taut and arched as he pumped himself into her.























Chapter Five

Owen awoke to the sound of the shower running. A quick glance at the clock told him that it was Alec in the bathroom. His partner was always up and busy before six. Alec was wired that way because he needed little sleep.

When he glanced back, he smiled. Monica was still there, asleep in his bed. Her sleek blonde hair was loose on the pillows, her adorable lips slightly parted as she dozed. He thought she might have taken off in the night. When she’d arrived she was as a nervy as an untamed bird, wary of the cage and yet tempted by it. At other times she seemed supremely calm to the point where he could understand the label they’d given her. It did not suit the woman they’d made love to last night, however. There were two sides to Monica Evans, and he wanted to know them both, intimately.

He allowed himself the pleasure of admiring her naked form. At some point in the night she had unravelled the stockings and she now had them clutched between her hands.

She had allowed them to untie her from the bed, but requested they leave her wrists bound together.

“It makes me feels safe,” she had whispered from under lowered eyelids.

“You really are into bondage,” Alec had commented.

“I am now.” She had lifted her eyelids and stared at Owen in a way that made him want to keep tied up forever. Willing she was, no doubt about that. Yet she seemed somehow disarmed by the bondage. She also seemed innocent of the intense draw she had on him. He was already feeling possessive about her. That was unusual, and he struggled to come to terms with it.

She’d snuggled close against his shoulder. Alec had brought several of the food platters over to the bed and they took turns feeding her. She was a strange one though. She seemed most comfortable when discussing the hotel. That was not really a problem, because they were here to learn about it and discover the weak point. But she seemed devoted to the place. She described the design of the other suites and told them some anecdotes from when the place was refurbished. She even talked about the buffet menus as if she’d been the chef who designed them.



Surely her job couldn’t be her whole world, Owen wondered as he watched her sleeping. She was far too beautiful and far too sensuous to have that be the truth.

Just then she rolled over in her sleep and clutched the stockings tighter. It made her look adorably cute, as if she held a comforter. Her position also meant her breasts were squeezed gently together. Her nipples were tilted up and he had to resist the urge to lean in and run his tongue over them. His cock grew hard as he thought about it. She might like to be woken up that way. It was too soon for him to know, but he would endeavour to find out soon enough.

The arch of her waist and the curve of the hip made him long to stroke her. The sheet covered her from the hip down. When he looked back to her face her breathing altered, and her eyelids fluttered open.

Owen reached over and stroked the soft, warm, womanly curve of her abdomen. That made her smile.

“Good morning,” she said, and her cheeks flushed as she looked around the room and realised she was still naked on his bed.

He now had a full on erection. Ducking his head, he kissed her gently, brushing his lips over hers. When he drew back, he pulled the stockings from between her hands and dropped them on the bed. He went to stroke the palm of her hand, but when he did she snatched it away.

She bolted upright as if she’d been physically slapped, turning around and putting her feet quickly to the floor.

His thoughts focused, fast.
The personal space thing, of course.
When she’d been bound she’d acted differently, as if she didn’t mind the contact. He’d assumed they’d pushed her past it, but now he wondered if it was the bondage itself that had forced her through it.

Curious, he reached out and rested his hand on her shoulder.

She moved, gently shrugging it off.

“You’re a fascinating woman, Monica.”

She glanced over her shoulder. “Why, ‘cos I’m freaky about being touched?”

Something akin to resentment flared in those astute eyes of hers.

“That’s just one of many reasons.”

There was sadness in the set of her mouth, and it made him hanker to understand her.

It also made him want to kiss her again.



She stood up and scouted around as if looking for her clothing. Then she was getting dressed, super fast, as if readying herself to leave. Owen frowned. It was scarcely six. Once Alec was done with his shower he would order breakfast. He wanted her to stay. They could enjoy the meal together, and plan another rendezvous. For some reason he couldn’t bear the idea of her leaving, in case it was a one-off. Something about this woman had captured his attention, and he was pretty sure Alec wanted more too.

“You don’t have to go yet.”

“I do. I shouldn’t have done this.” She shot him a regretful glance.

As she dressed her lips remained tightly shut. She really believed it was wrong, even though she wanted it. Owen wondered if she really didn’t do this kind of thing. That would explain a few of her responses. He wondered too if she’d ever had a multiple orgasm before.

Something had made her stay the night before. Perhaps it was the bondage. Maybe she needed to be submissive. Perhaps having two guys did it for her and she hadn’t had that kind of opportunity very often before. Whatever it was, she wanted more. He could see it in the sidelong glances she gave him as she dressed, but she was still as wary as a bird about to take its first flight.

The sound of the shower had stopped.

She shoved her feet into her shoes and glanced at the bathroom. “I better go.”

Owen’s attention sharpened. She wanted to be gone before Alec appeared. Couldn’t trust herself to leave if they were both there. It was imperative he make her stay. He was on his feet a split second later.

“I don’t want you to go.” He grasped her shoulder, forced her to face him.

“Please, I have to.” She struggled and wrenched free.

“Jesus, Owen.” Alec stood there with his hands on his hips, watching. He had a towel around his waist and his hair and chest were both dripping wet from the shower. The look in his eyes was warning enough.

Owen was taken aback. Had he been too forceful? He walked the line, he knew that.

Monica took her chance and was at the door inside a heartbeat.

Owen strode after her. “We still have to work together.”

He tried hard to make that sound like a simple statement of fact, rather than a threat.

He didn’t want to get heavy-handed, but it came out sounding much more demanding than he meant it too.




Slowly, she lifted her gaze to meet his. “I know.”

There was desire in her eyes, and perhaps a plea for understanding.

Taking a risk he reached out to cup her cheek. Her lips parted, her eyelids lowering, and she moved her face within the cup of his palm.
She did like to be touched.

“I’m sorry if I came across as insensitive.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb, building on the tentative consent she exhibited now.

“You’ve been patient with me, thank you,” she responded. She was studying him, weighing him up. Alec wandered over and joined them. She glanced from one to the other of them and sighed. “Give me some time, it’s hard for me. I promise you it’s not what you think.”

Owen lifted an eyebrow. “What do I think it is?”

“Most people think that I’ve been abused or harmed in some way. It’s not that, I assure you. It’s something that makes me feel vulnerable, something I’ve kept secret for a long time.”

Owen’s curiosity was raging, but he didn’t want her to feel vulnerable. What he wanted was the exquisite willingness they’d witnessed last night, the joy she took in her submission and the pleasure she gained from the experience. It was hard to reel in the urge to pressure her, but he knew he had to try, or she would walk out that door and never return.

Removing his hand, he nodded. He didn’t know quite how patient he could be, but he would give her some space if that was what she wanted, because he could tell she would come back for more if he did so.

Alec shifted, resting one elbow on the door beside her. “We’re good listeners.”

She smiled. “I know.” She glanced from one to the other of them ”I had a great time last night, thank you.”

“Can we do it again?” Owen couldn’t hold back. When Alec threw him another warning glance, he shrugged. “I’m a pushy guy when I want something, so shoot me.”

“I like that about you,” she commented.

Owen felt sure it was significant. Did men only get close to her if they were pushy?

She straightened up. “You assured me that we would be able to remain professional, that you would both be discreet. Does that still stand?”

“On all fronts,” he replied.




She reached for the organiser that she kept clipped to the waistband of her skirt. “I have to supervise my staff this morning. I suggest we meet in-house at the Shelley’s Corner House Pub for lunch, and we can resume our official business then. Does one o’clock suit you both?”

Alec smiled. “Anything else can be cancelled, right Owen?”

“Too bloody true.”

“Good.” She made a note on her organiser and replaced it at her belt. “In that case I’ll see you then. Have a good morning.”

After she’d shut the door behind her, Owen shook his head. “The consummate professional. It’s like a mask she slides into place.”

“That’s it exactly.”

Owen looked at his partner and he could tell that Alec was as intrigued by her as he was.

“Do you think that she knew that we’re lovers, when she first met us?” Alec asked.

Owen nodded. “She knew.”

“I mentioned that we were both bi when I brought her up here last night, but some of the women we’ve been with just don’t think about what that means, they think it’s all about them.”

“Monica understands the implications.” Owen was sure of it. Something in her eyes assured him of that. That was part of what appealed to him about her. “Any idea what her secret is?”

Alec gave him a disbelieving stare. “What do you think I am, psychic?”


* * * *


Sheila Trent, the head accountant for the hotel, seemed delighted when Alec turned up in her office—or that’s the impression she gave. Monica had been wary, which was to be expected, but this woman was all about showing off her wonderful accounting system.

Sheila Trent beamed at Alec. She was a mature woman with a blatant, forthright manner—to the point of being pushy. The look she chose was designer clothing, eccentric earrings, and low cut tops. Her hair was dyed auburn and immaculately styled in a classic



bob. In short, she was a smart, attractive and efficient-looking older woman who may or may not be a cougar. He never would have guessed she was an accountant.

“Take a seat,” Sheila encouraged, pulling a chair close alongside her own. She patted it invitingly as she gave him a deliberate and approving once over.

As Alec sat down he found himself engulfed in a heavy floral scent. She launched into her introduction to the accounting system, flashing through pages at a rate of knots. Even though he listened closely and assessed the system for security while she described it, Alec couldn’t stop himself glancing at his watch occasionally, counting the hours until their lunch date with Monica.

“Weren’t there supposed to be two of you?” Sheila asked, at one point.

“My colleague was called away on an important matter.”

Owen had gone to buy some toys for Monica, bondage toys. They had discussed and agreed it wouldn’t take two of them to look into the accounts set up. Owen had plans to introduce himself to the restaurant management staff later that day. However, Alec’s growing concern was that Owen was losing sight of his goal, because he was focusing somewhere else instead. In fact they were both in danger of falling into that trap. It was something he was going keep an eye on, and mention, if necessary.

“As you can see,” Sheila informed him as she scrolled through the database, “we’ve made some minor adjustments to the system recommended by headquarters. Improvements, in my opinion.” She gave him a smug smirk.

Alec tried not to react too obviously to that statement, which immediately had his attention. With a nod of encouragement, he asked her to continue. On she went. Would the changes they had instigated allow for things to fall through the cracks? The only way to tell would be to spend some serious hours going through the system. The easiest way to do that would be to bring in a USB drive and copy the database, get it onto his laptop, and take it apart. It was just the sort of thing he liked to get his teeth into.

“Can you run a simple purchasing order through the system so that I can see it working? It’s a standard check we’re asked to do. A box I have to tick.” He gave her as most charming smile.

“Yes, of course. Let me take you next door and introduce my assistant. She deals with all the purchasing orders.”




Alec noticed that she seemed pleased that he was moving on. He definitely wanted to have a look into those ‘minor adjustments to the system’ of hers.

Sheila’s assistant turned out to be a woman in her mid-thirties with a pensive expression.

“This is Miss Mooney. Jane, can you run a purchasing entry through to show Mr Stroud the system in action?” When the assistant nodded, Sheila Trent went to take her leave.

“Anything else you need while you are in the accounts department, just ask Miss Mooney.”

One thing was for sure, he had successfully convinced her that this was a perfunctory visit. Alec smiled at Miss Mooney and hoped she was a little more accessible. The woman gave an unwilling half-smile and a nod in his direction. Alec quickly nicknamed her Miss Moody. He figured it was fair game, seeing as someone here had wrongfully nicknamed Monica the ice queen. She wore her hair scraped back in a ponytail. Unusually, she was dressed in what looked like professional cycle gear. It was either a fashion statement or she was one of the army of London cycle commuters.

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