Erogenous Zones: Monica's Secret (6 page)

Read Erogenous Zones: Monica's Secret Online

Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Erogenous Zones: Monica's Secret
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Pulling up a chair, he sat down to study the procedure, but not without a quick glance at his watch. Three hours until lunch with Monica. Would they find out more about her then?

He hoped so. She had them both fascinated.


* * * *


Could she trust them? Monica sat at the desk in her office staring at her computer monitor with unseeing eyes. Thankfully the morning of regular duties had levelled her head and she’d been able to grab a few private moments before she met them for lunch. All morning she had been thinking it through, from the moment she stood under the shower in the staff changing rooms and let the warm water soothe her troubled thoughts. She’d come to the conclusion that if she wanted to continue the liaison, she was going to have to trust them with her secret—and she did want to continue the liaison. They were both attractive and attentive, and the opportunity to enjoy herself for a short time was too good to turn down.

Even the night before, while they had chatted and grazed on the aphrodisiac buffet, she’d felt the wild urge to throw caution to the wind and explain why touching was difficult for her. It had been hard to hold back on the urge, but that line of behaviour was deeply engrained.




The exchange they’d had that morning had forced her to face up to the fact that it was going to come out. If it did, she had to be in control of how. She arranged the lunch meet because she vowed to decide one way or the other in between. It was the practical thing to do. Either she put an end to it now and protected her secret, or she confided in them. There were risks on either side. They might laugh in her face if she confessed, or dismiss her as a freak. They didn’t seem that brash or inconsiderate though.

If she didn’t end it now it would have to end at some point, she knew that, but the night before had been astonishing. She’d been able to let go and enjoy sex completely, for the first time ever. It was because they hadn’t let her touch them. Bound and helpless under the power of their joint seduction, there was nothing she could do but enjoy.

Briefly, her sensitive hands had no longer been her number one enemy. Was it luck?

Because she’d had those diamante handcuffs on her person—had he assumed that she was into it because of that? Or was it them, something they always did when they seduced women? Monica didn’t know, but she wanted to find out. She wanted more of what she’d tasted.

However, it was dangerous and she could be hurt. She could be compromised about her job as well, and that alone should make her cautious. Her job was her lynchpin. She needed the order Cumbernauld’s brought into her world to cope with the less ordered part inflicted on her by her psychic ability. But when she tried to leave them that morning and saw them both standing there looking so goddamned gorgeous, she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn’t let herself have this moment, for as long as it lasted. It wouldn’t last long, she knew that. Attractive men like that, they would move on. This was a convenient thing for them because they were here and she doubled up as a confidante and a lover. Then she thought herself in that category—the easy lay—and it stimulated an inevitable ache in her chest, a longing for something that she would never be able to have, a proper relationship. But she wasn’t going to deny herself the physical pleasure that she’d been offered via this liaison.

She was jolted away from her reflections when her desk phone rang. It was Flynn.

“Good morning, Flynn. What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to apologise for sticking those two suits on you.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s all part of the job.” Monica covered her eyes with her hand.

What a sham.




“There wasn’t anything I could do about it. I wanted to put them with Sheila, who would have been much more appropriate, but they insisted on the housekeeping manager.”

It flashed through her mind that she could easily have missed out. That made her want to cling on to the chance she’d been offered and enjoy the moment.

“Like I said, no worries.” She hated to lie, but she had to say something. “I treated it like a regular agent tour duty.” She had done, up to a point.

“I’ll try to convince them to move on with someone else, you’re busy enough as it is.”

She pressed her lips together.
No, I don’t want that.

“In the meantime, I want you to let me know what they ask you about.”

She slumped onto her elbows. “They haven’t said a lot about their…end of things.”

She rolled her eyes. The conversation was farcical. If he didn’t hang up soon she’d end up laughing down the phone.

Flynn, however, seemed determined to quiz her. “What
they ask you?”

She nibbled on her lower lip then resorted to turning the tables. “Are you worried about something in particular, Flynn?”


“I mean, is there anything you’d like me to be aware of?”

Flipping it on him had done the trick. Eventually he replied. “I just want the place to come off looking good in front of the Board.”

“It will. Cumbernauld’s is the best. They are only here to see what could be improved.

They might not come up with anything, but I’ll keep you in touch with any comments they make…about the running of the hotel.”

Mercifully, he hung up soon after and Monica slumped back in her chair. As ludicrous as the conversation had been, it had stripped her of some of the tension she felt, which was a good thing. Her boss’s concerns were elsewhere, which made her feel as if hers should be too, but she was sure Cumbernauld’s couldn’t be improved upon, so that balanced it—kind of. She smiled to herself. All the chat had done was make her want to see them again, and be glad of the chance. When she stood up to go she still wasn’t sure if confiding in them was the right thing to do, but she was ready to take the next step.

She arrived at Shelley’s Corner a few minutes early to select a comfortable banquette in a quiet area. The two men walked in together a minute later. Alec was in the lead, like some kind of scout. She noticed how vibrant he was. There was a tense, coiled energy about



him and Alec was the one who was covering the place, checking out of the clientele as he cut a path through the restaurant and headed to the place where she stood. Owen had, of course, been here before and he knew the layout of the hotel.

Owen was much more focused on her and her alone, and there was such an air of concentration about him as he strolled over that she could only gaze at him in wonder. Had she really been to bed with these two gorgeous men? Had she let them do that to her, tying her up and taking control of her, making her have multiple orgasms?

Yes, and it had been the best sex she’d ever had. Her body heated as the memories flitted through her mind, and she had to remind herself where she was. She had asked for a public meet on purpose.

“Thank you for joining me.” She gestured at the opposite side of the banquette. She’d selected a banquette for six in order that they had plenty of space around them—a tactic she employed whenever she could—and stood by while the two men sat on that side, so that she faced them.

“Shelley’s Corner is the area we consider our businessman’s meeting place, by day. In the evening it has more of a pre-dinner bar atmosphere, but at lunchtime it’s popular with local businesses who bring their staff and guests here to continue a meeting and get good food and good service.”

It was one of her favourite places in the hotel, all dark wood and cherry red leather banquettes. It was a place where conversations could be private, and yet they were in public view. She felt safe—she felt as if she had a little bit of control in the situation. She needed that, if she was going to be direct with them.

After the waiter took their orders, however, Owen took charge.

Resting his elbows on the table he steepled his fingers under his chin and looked across at her. “You’re a beautiful woman.”

Monica’s pulse tripped. She was unused to this kind of attention, which meant she didn’t know how to react. She picked up her glass of iced mineral water. “You’re trying to embarrass me.”

“…especially when you come,” he added.

She met his gaze, and when she did it made her pussy clench. Her hand shook and the ice in the glass chinked. She forced herself to take a sip of the water before she put it back down and responded. “Are you always this provocative?”




“Only when I want something and I can’t help myself.” There was that wicked smile of his again. He turned to Alec, who had adopted a relaxed pose. “What do you think? Or were you too busy making her come to notice the way it made her look?”

A shiver of arousal went the entire length of her spine. What was it about these two?

They were so nonchalant about sex, and they seemed to be able to break down her natural reserve in seconds.

Alec nodded. “I feel deprived. I want to watch Monica’s face when she comes…although having my tongue inside her when she climaxed was pretty damn amazing too.”

When he said it, she felt him there again and her clit throbbed with longing. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, shifting in the seat as she tried to quell her body’s responses They both watched. They knew. Heat flooded her face.

Owen rested back against the studded leather upholstery of the banquette, and once again he had the look of a Roman Emperor surveying his debauched citizens with pride.

A moment later, Alec stood up and crossed to her side of the banquette. Easing in alongside her, he nudged her closer to the wall at her other side, and rested one hand on her thigh beneath the table, stroking it back and forth.

Control was slipping away from her.

How good that felt though, she couldn’t deny it.

“I want to see your face while I make you come.”

Monica’s head snapped round and she stared at him in disbelief. “Surely, you can’t mean to—”

Before she could get the question out, Alec answered it by pushing his hand beneath her skirt and embracing the sensitive inside of her thigh, where the skin responded instantly and needled with desire under his touch.

“Oh, yes, I do.” Alec’s eyes shone with mischief. “I figure I have time to see it for myself before the food arrives.”

Her thoughts filled with objections, but her body was screaming for more of his attention. Quickly, she scanned the room. She could see other people going about their business, laughing and chatting over their meals. In the far distance, by the entrance, people went in and out. They were all busy. Besides, his hands were under the table and right now



his free hand was lifting up her skirt at the front to give him better access. The pulse between her thighs beat faster. She could scarcely think straight.

“I asked you here because I wanted to talk.” She blurted that out when the original reason for requesting this meeting pressed on her conscience. It was because she had to request their discretion and talk to them about her psychometrics. Besides, this was work time to her, not private. They were blatantly ignoring that. “And we’re supposed to be working.”

“Everybody deserves a lunch break,” Alec whispered, “and there will be plenty of time to talk, after we enjoy the first course.” He leaned in and kissed her ear lobe. They had only ordered one course. He was talking about her. His hand was over the mound of her pussy and he squeezed it firmly through her underwear.

The expression on Owen’s face was brooding, his attractive lips pressed firmly together in a sensuous half-smile. His eyes flickered as he watched each movement Alec made, and each reaction she gave.

She squirmed and pressed her fingers to her collarbone as she tried to keep some sense of decorum. Her hands ached to touch him back, and she fisted them, fearful of losing control in a public place. Uneasy, she glanced around the room again. Some of faces she saw were familiar—they were businessmen who came in here every week—and some of them were staff. And yet her pulse raced at the thought of doing something as outrageous as letting a man bring her to orgasm under such circumstances. They had put her in this situation and she couldn’t seem to clamber her way out of it.

Torn between desire and decorum, she forced herself to look directly at them both.

Alec’s green eyes gleamed. Owen looked as if he was about to pounce across the table and take charge of the situation himself. They were arrogant, devious, and outrageously sexy.

There was no way they were going to let her deny this. “Someone might see,” she blurted. “I have a reputation to keep.”

Owen shook his head. “Right now it looks as if Alec is having a really earnest conversation with you, trust me.”

Trust him? Somehow that made her want to spar with him. “I don’t know you well enough to trust you.”

“I’d stake my reputation on this not being seen by anyone but us.”

How those twinkling brown eyes of his turned her on.




When she huffed a laugh, Owen inclined his head at her. “Do you want Alec to stop?”

Alec raked one finger along the line of her pussy, pushing the damp fabric of her underwear against the sensitive, aroused skin—pushing against the very spot where she wanted to be stroked until she came.

Cursing under her breath, she shook her head. “No. I don’t want him to stop.”

She could hear the sense of urgency in her own voice—she could hear how husky and low her response was. Over ten years of denial had made that happen. Ten years where she’d only had wild fantasies and stolen voyeuristic moments to get off on. Brushing against the embers of other people’s erotic experiences only offered her the heat, and not the total emotional and physical release she needed. That had created a tsunami of need over the years, a situation she’d kept a lid on by fastidiously avoiding contact with men and situations like this. Until now.

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