Enslaved in Shadows (39 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

BOOK: Enslaved in Shadows
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“Honey, we can’t find him, Draven never made it out of the warehouse.”

What? No! No! No!

searched everywhere for him, and it’s been six weeks honey.” Royce bowed his head and tried to offer her what comfort he could. She didn’t want his comfort. Her insides tightened. Draven wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be dead. No fucking way!

Her body refused to mourn him. They needed to search again.
She would help, they were connected she could feel him. If she could still feel him then he wasn’t dead. Right? She lifted pleading eyes and begged him to tell her it was true.

“Honey, he’s gone. I’m sorry.”

“No, you need to look again.” Jes said defensively.

“We did, Dravaggio called off the search this morning. I’m sorry.” Royce bowed his head while Dravaggio stood there, his sex meter turned down low. She could still feel the buzz at the back of her head. She glared daggers at him expressing her dislike of his decision to stop looking.

“Bring me my baby, Royce.”

“We can’t, not yet, there is something the Captain wants to speak with you about first, it’s important.”
Royce stepped back towards the foot of her bed. There was more? What now?

Dravaggio stepped forward and again like Royce tried to offer his comfort. She wouldn’t take it. He explained they’d found the surviving vampires, Theresa included.
They even found Marcus and had him in lock up with Solon.
The entire operation was over
and as far as their department was concerned
Draven was considered dead.
She wouldn’t believe it, couldn’t.
The Captain also explained Draven’s parents had been here with her day and night.
all werewolf families had strong physic ties to one another. But his mother and father could no longer feel his presence.
Jes thought to herself.

The tears never came, she wouldn’t allow it. In her heart of hearts she knew he was alive, could feel it.
She didn’t know how she knew but she knew. She wasn’t going to let this rest, and if she was the only one that continued to search for
she would.
She hadn’t had the chance to tell him how much she loved him, that she was ready to take the next step.
She was his mate.

“There’s more,” the Captain explained.
Her head swung in his direction and she swore she’d destroy him. His voice was calm and monotone. She didn’t like him; he needed to shut the fuck up now! The bed shook. Her bed was shaking in match to her anger. Fucking lies! All lies!
Royce stepped back, eyes wide. Dravaggio continued talking in a soothing tone.

“When Dietrich brought you out of the warehouse, something was wrong. We don’t know if it was the ball worms or something else, but you’re not human anymore Jesminda.”

She didn’t even react to what the man had said. She stared straight ahead and listened as he continued to explain she was something else, not human.
Her eye colored had changed. They were no longer the color of warm honey but a fiery red. The captain said her eyes changed with her moods. Right
they were red.
Pissed off red.
Hell, even her muscle mass was different.
They didn’t know what she was; only that something happened to her inside the warehouse and they weren’t sure what it meant. He’d experimented on her, turned her into a freak.
Her blood had come back un-identifiable in their immortal databases. She snorted at that and looked him and Royce over once. She couldn’t be all that mysterious Royce could still read her thoughts.

“Yes, because of the blood I gave you sweet, but Ronin’s tried and he can’t get anything.”
Oh the hell well!
Jes thought.

“Bells and Faith are ready to see you now if you’re ready?” Dravaggio said. He watched her carefully waited for signs of a breakdown, maybe.

Jes gave a curt nod and tried to put on her best face as the curtain was moved and the door opened. Bells and Faith were on the other side, Bells hugging her daughter in a protective grasp as she approached the bed.

“Hey you,” Jesminda said to her daughter.

“Mama, you’re going to be okay right?”
Faith’s voice shook and it broke Jesminda’s heart.

“Yes, baby I am. Now come over here and give your mama a hug.” She reached out her arms and Faith willingly hopped from Bells arms and bounded up on the bed. She grabbed her in a bear hug and it was the best thing about waking up in a strange place. She looked over the top of her daughter’s head at Bells who tried her best to put on her “I’m here for you face
They both knew each other well enough to be twins, and she knew Bells could read the determination all over her face.
She was going after her wolf. Case closed.

“Mama you have pretty eyes. They’re gold today.” She wouldn’t lose it in front of Faith. Her eyes must have changed back.

This thing about Draven being dead was bullshit, she didn’t know how she
but she was going to fucking find out if it was the last thing she did. He’d said it best himself. Things between them would never be over. Never. Faith brought her back her peace for now.


Chapter 26


“Do you think he’s going to remember?” A man clad in black said as they examined the wolf lying on top of the exam table, from the other side of the observer’s window.

“No, it’s not possible. He should be dead, but since the master poisoned him and he somehow survived, he took it as an omen.”

They watched as the wolf twitched a bit and then, he was a man again sitting on the table and buttoning his shirt.
He nodded at the two men and pulled his expensive Rolex back onto his wrist and headed towards the side door.
The equipment in the room beeped and went silent as he detached himself.
It was his last dose.
The man would never remember anything about his past.
He would only know what orders he needed to carry out.
eyes, which were once forest green,
were now void and black.
There was no soul behind those eyes, only death.

The wolf could see both men, but he couldn’t hear them through the glass, even with his advanced hearing.
It had been seven weeks since he was brought to the center, and at
they thought he was a lost cause. Something buried deep in his mind wouldn’t let him forget
then two weeks
that had all changed.
He’d finally succumbed to the treatments and now he was the machine their master had planned him to be.
He was no longer Agent Draven Stone; he was now what the master like to call him, Mr. Black.
He was ruthless and just as devoid of emotion as the master was. Mr. Black was the right hand man to the leader of The Red Sun.


* * * *


The man known as Mr. Black walked down the black halls of the building that was now his home. He didn’t know how he got there or the why of it. He only knew what he was good at and that was killing.
Men with black ice souls would have smiled, but not him.
He didn’t have a soul. Not even a sliver of the bright light had been left to him.
The leader of the Red Sun had seen to that. He knew his purpose and he now had his orders.
Yesterday’s assignment had been child’s play, a kidnapping of some bad ass who thought to flee the organization, and hide out in some agency’s facility under lock and key.

He knew the building’s specs inside and out, and getting past security had been a breeze. It was like he knew the building from a past long before the life he had now, but no matter.
He’d grabbed the bastard and brought him back where he belonged where even now he was being introduced to a special audience with his master.

Mr. Black rounded the corner and bumped into the curvy blond Melissa.
She smelled like him still, the bitch never took the time to shower after their meetings between the sheets and he could care less.

“Nice to see you Black,” she purred.

“If you say so.”

“Will I see you later tonight?” she asked.

He grabbed her by her elbow and spun her around so she was facing the wall.

“I don’t need the distraction and as I stated before it’s a release, nothing more. I don’t want you. You mean nothing to me, so stop fantasizing about us having a life together, because it will never happen.”

He spun her back around and then pushed her in the opposite direction he was going.
Females, they all wanted a piece of him here at the facility.
He wasn’t going to let that bother him. The other guys laughed and razzed him. He would kill them to if he
What he needed was to go back to the room where the human Marcus was being held and find out everything he could about what was said to him and what information the low life gave to their enemies


They’re your people too asshole.”

That’s what the bastard had said to him right before he’d taken a pinky finger.
No one was his people; the only person he could rely on was himself.
There is no I in team but there is in him.
He stopped in front of the door to where the human was being held, and promptly walked in. The master had just finished his rounds.

Marcus would talk, he’d make him.
The master’s brand of punishment was bad. His was worse, especially if he let his wolf at him. Just this once he allowed a smile to touch his lips. Another’s agony was his pleasure.




y name is Katina Jewel
pen name Tigris Eden. I am eternally 29 years old. I love to write, read, listen to music, watch movies, and travel. My biggest goal right now is to be waited on hand and foot. Possibly a group of hot cabana boys, maybe two or three door men, a butler and personal chef and driver, for now. I adore oatmeal crème cookies and long walks to my pillow. I’m pretty laid back and I love to laugh.


I’m an ex-military brat, and have been to a number of wonderful places. I’ve been writing for as long as I was able to put pen to paper. I use to write music and play flute. So if it wasn’t music notes jumping at me to be put on paper it was words. True story: When I was growing up in Germany my father and I watched a lot of musical. Sound of Music, Annie…. You name it I’ve watched and probably know the words by heart. Anyway, I thought life was a musical and my first day of school I sang the entire day. Whether it was hello, my name is Katina or can I go to the restroom. Two years later I was asked to write about my very first day of school. When I wrote my story the teacher didn’t believe me, told me I was a big story teller. So I’ve been telling stories ever since, whether it was with music or words.


I live in Cypress with my Husband LL and my boys Darryl Joseph and Andrew and a newly acquired puppy name Kastor. When I’m not writing, I’m balancing payroll taxes, moving state wages, or answering that age old question. “Why don’t my wages in box 1 equal what’s on my pay stub.

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