Enslaved in Shadows (16 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

BOOK: Enslaved in Shadows
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With an easy gait, he held his hand out
and she took it.
He gave her a warm smile that was friendly and calm. Warm gloved hands wrapped around her smaller ones.
And b
efore she knew it the two of them had begun a two-step.
Not that she could two-step to save her lif
e, but he was a very good lead
He wasn’t too close either, just a guy who enjoyed her company. He danced her in the little space they had in front of the juke box until the song ended.
It was nice to escape even if it was only temporary.

She’d completely forgotten about Draven and Royce until the gentlemen air kissed her politely and thanked her for the dance.
Draven stood directly behind him, eyed the stranger with a murderous glare.
The stranger with animated electric blue eyes smiled another smile before he went back to his stool at the bar, completely ignoring her barbaric escort.
Draven grunted something low she
wasn’t able to hear and took
her back to the table where their drinks where waiting for them. She scooted into the booth
next to Royce, and again he
made a sound in the back of his throat.
The sound rolled over her skin and settled in the pit of her pelvis and vibrated between her legs.
She was annoying him on purpose, and loved every minute of it.
Including her body’s reaction.

Royce sat at the table sipping his drink. He ignored them both. He seemed very into his drink.
At least she thought he was.

“You know, you’re driving him crazy right?” Royce whispered into her ear.
Draven folded his arms across his chest, unflinching in his gaze. You’d think he had x-ray vision or could read minds.

“I didn’t do anything to him.” Jes protested.

“You’re aroused, you know by the sound, “Royce pointed at finger at his head and arched an eyebrow as if to say, “remember I can read minds.”

“Royce, I’m right here.” Draven grunted.

“Your point is?”

is I can hear you, both of you,” he looked pointedly at J
esminda and took a deep breath, t
hen took a sip of his drink. “I also can smell you, he’s right. You should try and control yourself, just a bit. I know I’m sexy.
But as you have already stated,
I’m taken.”
Draven smiled with a beckoning stare. He was trying to get a rise out of her!
She wanted to dump her drink on him. Anything to prove she didn’t want him
er mind was her own. However
indecisive it

“Is that your attempt at comedy?” She asked.

“No. It’s a fact.”

“Hardly.” Jesminda took a sip of her drink and Royce took that moment to excuse himself. She simply continued to sip her drink. The air between them thickened.
Coalesced into their compacted space and hung heavy between them. She could feel its weight settle on her shoulders. He made her anxious and uneasy.

“Apologies about the way I handled the phone call.” He whispered.

“You should be. Who did you think it was anyway?”
It wasn’t like she really cared but
making friendly conversation
was better than just staring at her glass.

“To be honest, I didn’t care. My only concern was someone has your number. Which you need to take care of
Marcus could have your cell tapped, or even your friends.”

This cell was given to me by my friends father, she happens to be an immortal as well, Marcus doesn’t have this number.”
She couldn’t fault him, he had a point. It wasn’t like she told him the phone wasn’t traceable.
Information should be more forthcoming, and that was her fault.
That still didn’t give him
to snatch the phone from her.

“Well, regardless I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to upset the child in doing so either.”

“My daughter is a lot tougher than you think.”
She should tell him about Faith. He had a right to know. So what if he had a girlfriend?
Faith deserved to know her real father. That was the right thing to do, but how would she tell him?

“My daughter is special.” Jesminda said.

“All parents think their kids are special.” He answered dryly.

“I know but she was different when she was born. The doctors could
tell right away. She’s unique
Sorry at
tempt at a hint Zealand.

Draven didn’t look her way.

“I’m sure she’s a gem.
It’s a great responsibility to care for children.”

“It is.” She agreed.
The waitress returned with their food along with Royce.

“So what were you two discussing?” Royce asked.

“She was talking about her kid.”

“Oh,” Royce sat up straighter and looked at her and then at Draven.

“Yeah, I was just t
elling him how special Faith is
Jesminda took her fork and began cutting into her pancakes. She loved breakfast food for dinner.

“Draven, how do you feel about kids?” Royce asked.

“You know how I feel.
They’re okay as long as I can give them back.
I keep my sisters kids. Even help my mom out at the center.
But I can’t have children you know that.”

He was still going with the whole sterile thing.
Impossible. Faith’s proof.

He obviously didn’t like children enough to have his own.
She wondered what he would think when he found out he had a five year old daughter.

“He’s going to have a set of pups on his own.” Royce answered.
She dropped her fork and laughed. Draven finding out he had a daughter would definitely have him going into labor with multiple births.
Royce patte
d her back to stop her from cho
king on her food. When he’d slapped her so hard she caught her breath, he quickly backed off. He thought she was about to go into a meltdown. She could tell by the rapid eye movement. Was she really that skittish? Jes knew he wasn’t going to hit her.
She was safe with them.
Damn, they both must’ve been on pins and needles this entire time.

“I’m sorry guys.”

She took a deep breath and continued.
“I’ll be okay around you two, promise. I’ll try my best not to go fragile. Okay?”

Both men look to one another and the tension eased from their shoulders. She could do this and not fall apart.

When they were ready to get back on the road she excused herself from the table to go to the restroom.
She passed by the bar again and noticed the handsome stranger she’d dance with was still there.
Still staring
She didn’t get an uneasy feeling around him but then she wasn’t i
mmortal and her senses weren’t
as acute as Draven’s and Royce’s were.
Maybe he just looked because she’d walked by.

After her restroom break she was ready to get back on the road and closer to her daughter.
Draven was waiting for her by the door. He really was gorgeous. And that word didn’t really suit him. There was something about his raw energy that appealed to her on a static level. He never held back. Stood firm on his every action, his every move.
It was an attractive combination sure to set any woman on fire.
Just not her
Draven walked with her out to the car when she noticed Royce took the back seat. Fine, two could play that game.

“Don’t do it.” he growled.
“Don’t you dare get in the back

“And if I did, what’s it to you? Huh?”
She put both hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side.
Be aggressive.
Was he really trying to control her? Royce stuck his head out the back seat window.

“Guys, time is of the essence. Get in the fucking car, and hey beautiful. Do me a solid and get in the front seat.
I like my balls where they are, and Draven there has already mentally decided that should you get in the back seat, it would be the end of our friendship and the end of my life.”
He stuck his head back in and sat back in the seat.

Guess she was sitting in the front after all. Besides there was a huge ass arm rest in the middle she could
She got in the car
and fastened her seat belt. She made sure she sat closer to the passenger window.
Royce took out another of his red cigarettes and lit up.

“Understand Jes, you may think he’s taken, but he’s not. If you know what I mean, and in a fair fight I could take his ass anytime wolf or human. What Draven here doesn’t understand is, if we have to fight, I’d make him my bitch. Isn’t that right juice box boy.”

The fist that flew and hit Royce in the face was fast and almost un-seeable. She felt the air shift before she saw it.
Royce’s head snapped back and then righted seconds later.
eyes darkened to black.

“Stupid fuck, now I need to light a new smoke.” Royce reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out another red cigarette and lit up. “This is by far the first time I can really say, I enjoy reading your mind.” The smoke drifted up and around the back of the car in lazy waves.
“By the way Jesminda. Draven’s already decided he’s going to fuck you. And to be exact he says he’s gonna fuck you good.

Red tendrils danced in the air with its spicy aroma, Royce closed his eyes and laid his head on the back head rest of the car and sighed.

The car was eerily silent as they got back on the highway.
Draven didn’t acknowledge or deny, just continued to drive.


* * * *


Royce and his fucking mouth were digging a hole six feet deep. A hole, Draven would gladly bury him in.
Sure, he’d thought about fucking her, but thinking and actually doing were two different things.

“Dude, your intentions were spot on. You want it and you’ve already made up your mind that you’re going to have it. Why fight the inevitable?
She’ll respect you more in the morning if you just come clean with
shit and stop hiding behind this façade of stupidity. For fuck sake’s you’re a werewolf,” Royce made a sound of disgust in the back of his throat and continued to throw up all over the car with his words.

“You’re leader of the pack, maker of your own destiny. Grow a pair. I know you hate me right now, but I promise you’ll both be thanking me by the end of this.”

Royce sat back in the seat folded his arms and closed his eyes. More smoke rose from his nose.
The silence from Jesminda was telling and for the life of him, Draven didn’t know what to say. He always knew what to say, no matter what.

What did you say to a woman you fucked in the jungle? No names, no number, not even a fuck you very much, just disappeared.
He’d even promised they’d never meet again. She’d showed up at Odessa’s well sexed from the previous night, still glowed and his scent was all over her. Instead of going for round two, he was hooking up with a vampire for information. When their eyes collided in the dark carven of the club he’d seen the hurt and humiliation in her eyes.
He h
adn’t even gone after her. She’d barely made it out of the club.
er body was shaking from the pain. He was sure if Bells wasn’t with her the entire ordeal would have been adversely negative on all fronts.

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